Spectacles REST (moved)
A REST router and ratelimiter for the Discord API. Supports local and distributed ratelimit handling; as such, requests are not sent in order.
const { Rest } = require('@spectacles/rest');
const rest = new Rest('token here');
The rest instance has the following methods:
PATCH, PUT, and POST take the request body as the second parameter. All methods take options as the last parameter: options are just an extension of the Fetch API init
interface File {
name: string;
file: string | Buffer | NodeJS.ReadableStream;
interface Request extends RequestInit {
files?: File | File[];
reason?: string;
endpoint?: string;
For example, you could create a guild ban like so:
rest.put(`/guilds/${guildID}/bans/${userID}`, {}, { reason: 'bad memes' });
All REST calls resolve with the JSON parsed response from the Discord API or a Buffer if the Discord API did not send JSON. The library will attempt to retry all ratelimited or 5xx errors up to the retryLimit
specified in the Rest constructor options.
enum TokenType {
BOT = 'Bot',
BEARER = 'Bearer',
interface Options {
tokenType: TokenType,
base: string,
version: number,
agent: https.Agent,
ua: string,
mutex: RatelimitMutex,
retryLimit: number,
By default, the library uses a built-in local ratelimiter. To use the built-in Redis ratelimiter:
const { RedisMutex, Rest } = require('@spectacles/rest');
const Redis = require('ioredis');
const redis = new Redis();
const rest = new Rest('token', {
mutex: new RedisMutex(redis, 'optional key prefix'),
// use rest normally
You can use anything as a mutex that fulfills the RatelimitMutex