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61 lines (39 loc) · 2.28 KB

File metadata and controls

61 lines (39 loc) · 2.28 KB
                  ___           ___           ___           ___           ___     
      ___        /\__\         /\  \         /\  \         /\__\         /\  \    
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Start by running:

grunt serve 

This will start the app development version and mongod. you can supply --no-mongo option to avoid starting mongo.

In this mode all files are watched. This means tests will run if a file that is part of the testsuite is changed.

Running the prod version locally

To run the production version of the app do:

grunt serve --target=dist

This will start mongo then build and start the app. If you already have mongo running you can skip starting mongo by supplying the --no-mongo option.


The default task is to perform the build. So:


Will run all tests, and build the app to the 'dist' folder. Once this is done, proceed with deployment to heroku.

Deploying to heroku

There is a grunt task that will deploy to heroku.

grunt heroku

For this task to work you need to have set up the dist directory as a git repo with heroku as the remote:

cd dist
git init
git remote add heroku
git pull heroku master
git branch -u heroku/master

Other grunt tasks worth mentioning


this task will clean bower and node_modules and run bower install and npm install. This will effectively ensure everything is as it is defined to be in package.json and bower.json