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BDD Test

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187 lines (163 loc) · 6.79 KB

Test Cases for Log in Functionality

Feature: Log in functionality

Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) & Equivalence Class Partitioning (ECP) for User Name
BVA:- Min chars = 1 & Max value = 64 characters ECP:- Valid = [(a-z) (A-Z) (0-9)]+ & Invalid = Special chars, Blank Space, Blank Field

Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) & Equivalence Class Partitioning (ECP) for Password
BVA:- Min chars = 4 & Max value = 6 characters ECP:- Valid = [(a-z) (A-Z) (0-9)]+ & Invalid = Special chars, Blank Space, Blank Field

Scenario: New Customer log in

Given a new customer navigates to Signin page
When the customer click on "Create Account" link
Then customer is presented with "Create Account" page

Given a new customer navigates to Create Account page
When the customer enter the following invalid details
		|	username	| password	|
		| min-1@domain		| min value	|
		| max+1@domain		| min value	|
		| min@domain		| min-1 value	|
		| min@domain		| max+1 value	|
		| min-1@domain		| max+1 value	|
		| max+1@domain		| max+1 value	|
		| min-1@domain		| min-1 value	|
		| max+1@domain		| min-1 value	|
		| max@			| min value	|
		| min			| max value	|
		| 			| max value	|
		| min@domain		| 		|
		| 			| 		|
		| max#$%^&@domain	| min value	|
And click on "Create Account" button
Then the customer gets error message

Given a new customer navigates to Create Account page
When the customer enter the following valid details
		|username	| password	|
		| min@domain	| min value	|
		| min+1@domain	| min+1 value	|
		| max@domain	| max value	|
		| Max-1@domain	| max-1 value	|
And click on "Create Account" button
Then the customer is presented with home page

Given a new customer navigates to Signin page
When the customer click on "Continue with Google" button
And enter the credentials on Google log in page
And click on continue
Then customer is presented with home page

Given a new customer navigates to Signin page
When the customer click on "Continue with Facebook" button
And enter the credentials on Facebook log in page
And click on continue
Then customer is presented with home page

Given a new customer navigates to Signin page
When the customer click on "Continue with Apple" button
And enter the credentials on Apple log in page
And click on continue
Then customer is presented with home page

Scenario: Existing Customer log in

Given an existing customer navigates to Sign in page
When the customer enter the following invalid details
		|	username	| password	|
		| min-1@domain		| min value	|
		| max+1@domain		| min value	|
		| min@domain		| min-1 value	|
		| min@domain		| max+1 value	|
		| min-1@domain		| max+1 value	|
		| max+1@domain		| max+1 value	|
		| min-1@domain		| min-1 value	|
		| max+1@domain		| min-1 value	|
		| max@			| min value	|
		| min			| max value	|
		| 			| max value	|
		| min@domain		| 		|
		| 			| 		|
		| max#$%^&@domain	| min value	|
And click on "Sign in" button
Then the customer gets error message

Given a new customer navigates to Sign in page
When the customer enter the following valid details
		|username	| password	|
		| min@domain	| min value	|
		| min+1@domain	| min+1 value	|
		| max@domain	| max value	|
		| Max-1@domain	| max-1 value	|
And click on "Sign in" button
Then the customer is presented with home page

Given a new customer navigates to Sign in page
When the customer enter the valid username
And enter wrong password 3 times
And click on "Sign in" button
Then the customer is presented with 'Account locked' error message

Given a new customer navigates to Sign in page
When the customer enter the valid username
And enter password
And click on "show" link
Then the customer is able to see the typed in password

Scenario: Comeback Customer log in

Given an existing customer(comeback) navigates to Sign in page
When the customer clicks on 'Forgot your password?' link
Then the customer is presented with Forgot password screen
And the customer see the 'Go back to Sign in' link
And upon click on it takes the user to sign page

Given an existing customer(comeback) is in Forgot password screen  
When the customer enter following invalid email address  
        		|  Email adress		|  
		| min-1@domain		|  
		| max+1@domain		|  
		| min@domain		|  
		| min@domain		|  
		| min-1@domain		|  
		| max+1@domain		|  
		| min-1@domain		|  
		| max+1@domain		|  
		| max@			|  
		| min			|  
		| 			|
		| min@domain		|  
		|                   	|  
		| max#$%^&@domain	|   
and click on 'Reset my password' button  
Then the customer is presented with Error message  

Given an existing customer(comeback) is in Forgot password screen
When the customer enter following invalid email address   
		|	Email adress    |   
		| min@domain		|   
		| max@domain		|   
		| min+1@domain		|   
		| max-1@domain		|   
And click on 'Reset my password' button     
Then the customer is presented with 'Update your password'      
And email is sent to the customer's email address

Given an existing(comeback) customer is in 'Update your password'   
And the customer is ready with the password code(from email)    
When the customer enters invalid/expired code, new password and confirm password    
And click on 'Change password'      
Then the customer is presented with the error message   

Given an existing(comeback) customer is in 'Update your password'   
And the customer is ready with the password code(from email)    
When the customer enters valid code, new password and confirm password  
And click on 'Change password'  
Then the customer is presented with the sign in page    
And upon entering valid email address and new password  
And click on 'Sign in' button takes the customer to home page  

Scenario: Non-Functional scenarios

Given an existing/new/comeback customer is in sign in/forgot password/create account page
When the customer examine for all the static text, logo, font and font sizes
Then the customer will see all of them are aligned properly with UX

Given an existing/new/comeback opens the sign in page with the following browsers
		|	Browsers  	|   
		|      Chrome		|   
		|      Firefox		|   
		|      Safari		|   
When the customer navigates through sign in/forgot password/create account pages
Then the customer will see the same functionality across all browsers

Given an existing/new/comeback opens the sign in page with the following mobile browsers
		|	Browsers  	|   Device		|
		|      Chrome		|   ios, android	|
		|      Firefox		|   ios, android	|  
		|      Safari		|   ios			| 
		|      Native		|   android		|
When the customer navigates through sign in/forgot password/create account pages
Then the customer will see the same functionality across all browsers