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AWS SDK for Ruby - Version 3

Gitter Build Status Code Climate Coverage Status Dependency Status

This is version 3 of the aws-sdk gem. Version 2 can be found at branch:

Links of Interest

Change Log

Change Log now can be found at each gem root path, e.g. change log for aws-sdk-s3 gem can be found at /gems/aws-sdk-s3/ here. The change log is also accessible via page under "LINKS" section for changelog.


The AWS SDK for Ruby is available from RubyGems. aws-sdk gem contains every available AWS service gem support. Please use a major version when expressing a dependency on aws-sdk.

gem 'aws-sdk', '~> 3'

With version 3 modularization, you can also pick the specific AWS service gem to install. Please use a major version when expressing a dependency on service gems.

gem 'aws-sdk-s3', '~> 1'
gem 'aws-sdk-ec2', '~> 1'

Upgrading Guide

Version 3 modularizes the monolithic SDK into service specific gems. Aside from gem packaging differences, version 3 interfaces are backwards compatible with version 2. Following guide contains instructions for both version 1 and version 2 SDK.

Upgrade from version 2

  1. If you depend on aws-sdk or aws-sdk-resources, you don't need to change anything. Meanwhile we recommend you to revisit following options to explore modularization benefits.

  2. If you depend on aws-sdk-core, you must replace this dependency with one of following options. This is because aws-sdk-core now only contains shared utilities.


  1. If you want to keep every AWS service gems in your project, simply keep/switch to aws-sdk
# Gemfile
gem 'aws-sdk', '~> 3'

# or in code
require 'aws-sdk'
  1. If you want to choose several AWS service gems in your project specifically, try following:
# Gemfile
gem 'aws-sdk-s3', '~> 1'
gem 'aws-sdk-ec2', '~> 1'

# or in code
require 'aws-sdk-s3'
require 'aws-sdk-ec2'

Upgrade from version 1

If you are using SDK version 1 and version 2 together in your application guided by our official blog post, then you might have either aws-sdk ~> 2 or aws-sdk-resources ~> 2 exists in your project, you can simply update it to ~> 3 or using separate service gems as described in version 2 upgrade options.

For additional information of migrating from Version 1 to Version 2, please follow V1 to V2 migration guide.

Additional Information

Getting Help

Please use these community resources for getting help. We use the GitHub issues for tracking bugs and feature requests and have limited bandwidth to address them.

  • Ask a question on StackOverflow and tag it with aws-sdk-ruby
  • Come join the AWS SDK for Ruby Gitter Channel
  • Open a support ticket with AWS Support, if it turns out that you may have found a bug, please open an issue
  • If in doubt as to whether your issue is a question about how to use AWS or a potential SDK issue, feel free to open a GitHub issue on this repo.

Opening Issues

If you encounter a bug with aws-sdk-ruby we would like to hear about it. Search the existing issues and try to make sure your problem doesn’t already exist before opening a new issue. It’s helpful if you include the version of aws-sdk-ruby, ruby version and OS you’re using. Please include a stack trace and reduced repro case when appropriate, too.

The GitHub issues are intended for bug reports and feature requests. For help and questions with using aws-sdk-ruby please make use of the resources listed in the Getting Help section. in particular is a good way to signal your interest in a feature or issue. There are limited resources available for handling issues and by keeping the list of open issues lean we can respond in a timely manner.


You will need to configure credentials and a region, either in configuration files or environment variables, to make API calls. It is recommended that you provide these via your environment. This makes it easier to rotate credentials and it keeps your secrets out of source control.

The SDK searches the following locations for credentials:

  • Unless ENV['AWS_SDK_CONFIG_OPT_OUT'] is set, the shared configuration files (~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config) will be checked for a role_arn and source_profile, which if present will be used to attempt to assume a role.
  • The shared credentials ini file at ~/.aws/credentials (more information)
    • Unless ENV['AWS_SDK_CONFIG_OPT_OUT'] is set, the shared configuration ini file at ~/.aws/config will also be parsed for credentials.
  • From an instance profile when running on EC2, or from the ECS credential provider when running in an ECS container with that feature enabled.
  • If using ~/.aws/config or ~/.aws/credentials a :profile option can be used to choose the proper credentials.

Shared configuration is loaded only a single time, and credentials are provided statically at client creation time. Shared credentials do not refresh.

The SDK searches the following locations for a region:

  • Unless ENV['AWS_SDK_CONFIG_OPT_OUT'] is set, the shared configuration files (~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config) will also be checked for a region selection.

The region is used to construct an SSL endpoint. If you need to connect to a non-standard endpoint, you may specify the :endpoint option.

Configuration Options

You can also configure default credentials and region via Aws.config. In version 2, Aws.config is a vanilla Ruby hash, not a method like it was in version 1. The Aws.config hash takes precedence over environment variables.

require 'aws-sdk'

  region: 'us-west-2',
  credentials:'akid', 'secret')

Valid region and credentials options are:

You may also pass configuration options directly to resource and client constructors. These options take precedence over the environment and Aws.config defaults.

# resource constructors
ec2 ='us-west-2', credentials: credentials)

# client constructors
ec2 ='us-west-2', credentials: credentials)

Please take care to never commit credentials to source control. We strongly recommended loading credentials from an external source.

require 'aws-sdk'
require 'json'
creds = JSON.load('secrets.json'))
Aws.config[:credentials] =['AccessKeyId'], creds['SecretAccessKey'])

API Clients

Construct a service client to make API calls. Each client provides a 1-to-1 mapping of methods to API operations. Refer to the API documentation for a complete list of available methods.

# list buckets in Amazon S3
s3 =
resp = s3.list_buckets
#=> ["bucket-1", "bucket-2", ...]

API methods accept a hash of additional request parameters and return structured response data.

# list the first two objects in a bucket
resp = s3.list_objects(bucket: 'aws-sdk-core', max_keys: 2)
resp.contents.each do |object|
  puts "#{object.key} => #{object.etag}"

Paging Responses

Many AWS operations limit the number of results returned with each response. To make it easy to get the next page of results, every AWS response object is enumerable:

# yields one response object per API call made, this will enumerate
# EVERY object in the named bucket
s3.list_objects(bucket:'aws-sdk').each do |response|

If you prefer to control paging yourself, response objects have helper methods that control paging:

# make a request that returns a truncated response
resp = s3.list_objects(bucket:'aws-sdk')

resp.last_page? #=> false
resp.next_page? #=> true
resp = resp.next_page # send a request for the next response page
resp = resp.next_page until resp.last_page?


Waiters are utility methods that poll for a particular state. To invoke a waiter, call #wait_until on a client:

  ec2.wait_until(:instance_running, instance_ids:['i-12345678'])
  puts "instance running"
rescue Aws::Waiters::Errors::WaiterFailed => error
  puts "failed waiting for instance running: #{error.message}"

Waiters have sensible default polling intervals and maximum attempts. You can configure these per call to #wait_until. You can also register callbacks that are triggered before each polling attempt and before waiting. See the API documentation for more examples and for a list of supported waiters per service.

Resource Interfaces

Resource interfaces are object oriented classes that represent actual resources in AWS. Resource interfaces built on top of API clients and provide additional functionality. Each service gem contains its own resource interface.

s3 =

# reference an existing bucket by name
bucket = s3.bucket('aws-sdk')

# enumerate every object in a bucket
bucket.objects.each do |obj|
  puts "#{obj.key} => #{obj.etag}"

# batch operations, delete objects in batches of 1k
bucket.objects(prefix: '/tmp-files/').delete

# single object operations
obj = bucket.object('hello')
obj.put(body:'Hello World!')

REPL - AWS Interactive Console

The aws-sdk gem ships with a REPL that provides a simple way to test the Ruby SDK. You can access the REPL by running aws-v3.rb from the command line.

$ aws-v3.rb
Aws> ec2.describe_instances.reservations.first.instances.first
[Aws::EC2::Client 200 0.216615 0 retries] describe_instances()
 state=<struct  code=16, name="running">,

You can enable HTTP wire logging by setting the verbose flag:

$ aws-v3.rb -v

In the REPL, every service class has a helper that returns a new client object. Simply downcase the service module name for the helper:

  • Aws::S3 => s3
  • Aws::EC2 => ec2
  • etc


This project uses semantic versioning. You can safely express a dependency on a major version and expect all minor and patch versions to be backwards compatible.

Supported Services

Service Name Service Module gem_name API Version
AWS Amplify Aws::Amplify aws-sdk-amplify 2017-07-25
AWS App Mesh Aws::AppMesh aws-sdk-appmesh 2019-01-25
AWS AppSync Aws::AppSync aws-sdk-appsync 2017-07-25
AWS Application Discovery Service Aws::ApplicationDiscoveryService aws-sdk-applicationdiscoveryservice 2015-11-01
AWS Auto Scaling Plans Aws::AutoScalingPlans aws-sdk-autoscalingplans 2018-01-06
AWS Backup Aws::Backup aws-sdk-backup 2018-11-15
AWS Batch Aws::Batch aws-sdk-batch 2016-08-10
AWS Budgets Aws::Budgets aws-sdk-budgets 2016-10-20
AWS Certificate Manager Aws::ACM aws-sdk-acm 2015-12-08
AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority Aws::ACMPCA aws-sdk-acmpca 2017-08-22
AWS Cloud Map Aws::ServiceDiscovery aws-sdk-servicediscovery 2017-03-14
AWS Cloud9 Aws::Cloud9 aws-sdk-cloud9 2017-09-23
AWS CloudFormation Aws::CloudFormation aws-sdk-cloudformation 2010-05-15
AWS CloudHSM V2 Aws::CloudHSMV2 aws-sdk-cloudhsmv2 2017-04-28
AWS CloudTrail Aws::CloudTrail aws-sdk-cloudtrail 2013-11-01
AWS CodeBuild Aws::CodeBuild aws-sdk-codebuild 2016-10-06
AWS CodeCommit Aws::CodeCommit aws-sdk-codecommit 2015-04-13
AWS CodeDeploy Aws::CodeDeploy aws-sdk-codedeploy 2014-10-06
AWS CodePipeline Aws::CodePipeline aws-sdk-codepipeline 2015-07-09
AWS CodeStar Aws::CodeStar aws-sdk-codestar 2017-04-19
AWS CodeStar Notifications Aws::CodeStarNotifications aws-sdk-codestarnotifications 2019-10-15
AWS CodeStar connections Aws::CodeStarconnections aws-sdk-codestarconnections 2019-12-01
AWS Comprehend Medical Aws::ComprehendMedical aws-sdk-comprehendmedical 2018-10-30
AWS Compute Optimizer Aws::ComputeOptimizer aws-sdk-computeoptimizer 2019-11-01
AWS Config Aws::ConfigService aws-sdk-configservice 2014-11-12
AWS Cost Explorer Service Aws::CostExplorer aws-sdk-costexplorer 2017-10-25
AWS Cost and Usage Report Service Aws::CostandUsageReportService aws-sdk-costandusagereportservice 2017-01-06
AWS Data Exchange Aws::DataExchange aws-sdk-dataexchange 2017-07-25
AWS Data Pipeline Aws::DataPipeline aws-sdk-datapipeline 2012-10-29
AWS DataSync Aws::DataSync aws-sdk-datasync 2018-11-09
AWS Database Migration Service Aws::DatabaseMigrationService aws-sdk-databasemigrationservice 2016-01-01
AWS Device Farm Aws::DeviceFarm aws-sdk-devicefarm 2015-06-23
AWS Direct Connect Aws::DirectConnect aws-sdk-directconnect 2012-10-25
AWS Directory Service Aws::DirectoryService aws-sdk-directoryservice 2015-04-16
AWS EC2 Instance Connect Aws::EC2InstanceConnect aws-sdk-ec2instanceconnect 2018-04-02
AWS Elastic Beanstalk Aws::ElasticBeanstalk aws-sdk-elasticbeanstalk 2010-12-01
AWS Elemental MediaConvert Aws::MediaConvert aws-sdk-mediaconvert 2017-08-29
AWS Elemental MediaLive Aws::MediaLive aws-sdk-medialive 2017-10-14
AWS Elemental MediaPackage Aws::MediaPackage aws-sdk-mediapackage 2017-10-12
AWS Elemental MediaPackage VOD Aws::MediaPackageVod aws-sdk-mediapackagevod 2018-11-07
AWS Elemental MediaStore Aws::MediaStore aws-sdk-mediastore 2017-09-01
AWS Elemental MediaStore Data Plane Aws::MediaStoreData aws-sdk-mediastoredata 2017-09-01
AWS Global Accelerator Aws::GlobalAccelerator aws-sdk-globalaccelerator 2018-08-08
AWS Glue Aws::Glue aws-sdk-glue 2017-03-31
AWS Greengrass Aws::Greengrass aws-sdk-greengrass 2017-06-07
AWS Ground Station Aws::GroundStation aws-sdk-groundstation 2019-05-23
AWS Health APIs and Notifications Aws::Health aws-sdk-health 2016-08-04
AWS Identity and Access Management Aws::IAM aws-sdk-iam 2010-05-08
AWS Import/Export Aws::ImportExport aws-sdk-importexport 2010-06-01
AWS IoT Aws::IoT aws-sdk-iot 2015-05-28
AWS IoT 1-Click Devices Service Aws::IoT1ClickDevicesService aws-sdk-iot1clickdevicesservice 2018-05-14
AWS IoT 1-Click Projects Service Aws::IoT1ClickProjects aws-sdk-iot1clickprojects 2018-05-14
AWS IoT Analytics Aws::IoTAnalytics aws-sdk-iotanalytics 2017-11-27
AWS IoT Data Plane Aws::IoTDataPlane aws-sdk-iotdataplane 2015-05-28
AWS IoT Events Aws::IoTEvents aws-sdk-iotevents 2018-07-27
AWS IoT Events Data Aws::IoTEventsData aws-sdk-ioteventsdata 2018-10-23
AWS IoT Jobs Data Plane Aws::IoTJobsDataPlane aws-sdk-iotjobsdataplane 2017-09-29
AWS IoT Secure Tunneling Aws::IoTSecureTunneling aws-sdk-iotsecuretunneling 2018-10-05
AWS IoT Things Graph Aws::IoTThingsGraph aws-sdk-iotthingsgraph 2018-09-06
AWS Key Management Service Aws::KMS aws-sdk-kms 2014-11-01
AWS Lake Formation Aws::LakeFormation aws-sdk-lakeformation 2017-03-31
AWS Lambda Aws::LambdaPreview aws-sdk-lambdapreview 2014-11-11
AWS Lambda Aws::Lambda aws-sdk-lambda 2015-03-31
AWS License Manager Aws::LicenseManager aws-sdk-licensemanager 2018-08-01
AWS Marketplace Catalog Service Aws::MarketplaceCatalog aws-sdk-marketplacecatalog 2018-09-17
AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics Aws::MarketplaceCommerceAnalytics aws-sdk-marketplacecommerceanalytics 2015-07-01
AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service Aws::MarketplaceEntitlementService aws-sdk-marketplaceentitlementservice 2017-01-11
AWS MediaConnect Aws::MediaConnect aws-sdk-mediaconnect 2018-11-14
AWS MediaTailor Aws::MediaTailor aws-sdk-mediatailor 2018-04-23
AWS Migration Hub Aws::MigrationHub aws-sdk-migrationhub 2017-05-31
AWS Migration Hub Config Aws::MigrationHubConfig aws-sdk-migrationhubconfig 2019-06-30
AWS Mobile Aws::Mobile aws-sdk-mobile 2017-07-01
AWS Network Manager Aws::NetworkManager aws-sdk-networkmanager 2019-07-05
AWS OpsWorks Aws::OpsWorks aws-sdk-opsworks 2013-02-18
AWS OpsWorks CM Aws::OpsWorksCM aws-sdk-opsworkscm 2016-11-01
AWS Organizations Aws::Organizations aws-sdk-organizations 2016-11-28
AWS Outposts Aws::Outposts aws-sdk-outposts 2019-12-03
AWS Performance Insights Aws::PI aws-sdk-pi 2018-02-27
AWS Price List Service Aws::Pricing aws-sdk-pricing 2017-10-15
AWS RDS DataService Aws::RDSDataService aws-sdk-rdsdataservice 2018-08-01
AWS Resource Access Manager Aws::RAM aws-sdk-ram 2018-01-04
AWS Resource Groups Aws::ResourceGroups aws-sdk-resourcegroups 2017-11-27
AWS Resource Groups Tagging API Aws::ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI aws-sdk-resourcegroupstaggingapi 2017-01-26
AWS RoboMaker Aws::RoboMaker aws-sdk-robomaker 2018-06-29
AWS S3 Control Aws::S3Control aws-sdk-s3control 2018-08-20
AWS SSO OIDC Aws::SSOOIDC aws-sdk-ssooidc 2019-06-10
AWS Savings Plans Aws::SavingsPlans aws-sdk-savingsplans 2019-06-28
AWS Secrets Manager Aws::SecretsManager aws-sdk-secretsmanager 2017-10-17
AWS Security Token Service Aws::STS aws-sdk-core 2011-06-15
AWS SecurityHub Aws::SecurityHub aws-sdk-securityhub 2018-10-26
AWS Server Migration Service Aws::SMS aws-sdk-sms 2016-10-24
AWS Service Catalog Aws::ServiceCatalog aws-sdk-servicecatalog 2015-12-10
AWS Shield Aws::Shield aws-sdk-shield 2016-06-02
AWS Signer Aws::Signer aws-sdk-signer 2017-08-25
AWS Single Sign-On Aws::SSO aws-sdk-sso 2019-06-10
AWS Step Functions Aws::States aws-sdk-states 2016-11-23
AWS Storage Gateway Aws::StorageGateway aws-sdk-storagegateway 2013-06-30
AWS Support Aws::Support aws-sdk-support 2013-04-15
AWS Transfer for SFTP Aws::Transfer aws-sdk-transfer 2018-11-05
AWS WAF Aws::WAF aws-sdk-waf 2015-08-24
AWS WAF Regional Aws::WAFRegional aws-sdk-wafregional 2016-11-28
AWS WAFV2 Aws::WAFV2 aws-sdk-wafv2 2019-07-29
AWS X-Ray Aws::XRay aws-sdk-xray 2016-04-12
AWSKendraFrontendService Aws::Kendra aws-sdk-kendra 2019-02-03
AWSMarketplace Metering Aws::MarketplaceMetering aws-sdk-marketplacemetering 2016-01-14
AWSServerlessApplicationRepository Aws::ServerlessApplicationRepository aws-sdk-serverlessapplicationrepository 2017-09-08
Access Analyzer Aws::AccessAnalyzer aws-sdk-accessanalyzer 2019-11-01
Alexa For Business Aws::AlexaForBusiness aws-sdk-alexaforbusiness 2017-11-09
Amazon API Gateway Aws::APIGateway aws-sdk-apigateway 2015-07-09
Amazon AppConfig Aws::AppConfig aws-sdk-appconfig 2019-10-09
Amazon AppStream Aws::AppStream aws-sdk-appstream 2016-12-01
Amazon Athena Aws::Athena aws-sdk-athena 2017-05-18
Amazon Augmented AI Runtime Aws::AugmentedAIRuntime aws-sdk-augmentedairuntime 2019-11-07
Amazon Chime Aws::Chime aws-sdk-chime 2018-05-01
Amazon CloudDirectory Aws::CloudDirectory aws-sdk-clouddirectory 2017-01-11
Amazon CloudFront Aws::CloudFront aws-sdk-cloudfront 2019-03-26
Amazon CloudHSM Aws::CloudHSM aws-sdk-cloudhsm 2014-05-30
Amazon CloudSearch Aws::CloudSearch aws-sdk-cloudsearch 2013-01-01
Amazon CloudSearch Domain Aws::CloudSearchDomain aws-sdk-cloudsearchdomain 2013-01-01
Amazon CloudWatch Aws::CloudWatch aws-sdk-cloudwatch 2010-08-01
Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights Aws::ApplicationInsights aws-sdk-applicationinsights 2018-11-25
Amazon CloudWatch Events Aws::CloudWatchEvents aws-sdk-cloudwatchevents 2015-10-07
Amazon CloudWatch Logs Aws::CloudWatchLogs aws-sdk-cloudwatchlogs 2014-03-28
Amazon CodeGuru Profiler Aws::CodeGuruProfiler aws-sdk-codeguruprofiler 2019-07-18
Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer Aws::CodeGuruReviewer aws-sdk-codegurureviewer 2019-09-19
Amazon Cognito Identity Aws::CognitoIdentity aws-sdk-cognitoidentity 2014-06-30
Amazon Cognito Identity Provider Aws::CognitoIdentityProvider aws-sdk-cognitoidentityprovider 2016-04-18
Amazon Cognito Sync Aws::CognitoSync aws-sdk-cognitosync 2014-06-30
Amazon Comprehend Aws::Comprehend aws-sdk-comprehend 2017-11-27
Amazon Connect Participant Service Aws::ConnectParticipant aws-sdk-connectparticipant 2018-09-07
Amazon Connect Service Aws::Connect aws-sdk-connect 2017-08-08
Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager Aws::DLM aws-sdk-dlm 2018-01-12
Amazon Detective Aws::Detective aws-sdk-detective 2018-10-26
Amazon DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibility Aws::DocDB aws-sdk-docdb 2014-10-31
Amazon DynamoDB Aws::DynamoDB aws-sdk-dynamodb 2012-08-10
Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) Aws::DAX aws-sdk-dax 2017-04-19
Amazon DynamoDB Streams Aws::DynamoDBStreams aws-sdk-dynamodbstreams 2012-08-10
Amazon EC2 Container Registry Aws::ECR aws-sdk-ecr 2015-09-21
Amazon EC2 Container Service Aws::ECS aws-sdk-ecs 2014-11-13
Amazon ElastiCache Aws::ElastiCache aws-sdk-elasticache 2015-02-02
Amazon Elastic Inference Aws::ElasticInference aws-sdk-elasticinference 2017-07-25
Amazon Elastic Block Store Aws::EBS aws-sdk-ebs 2019-11-02
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Aws::EC2 aws-sdk-ec2 2016-11-15
Amazon Elastic File System Aws::EFS aws-sdk-efs 2015-02-01
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Aws::EKS aws-sdk-eks 2017-11-01
Amazon Elastic MapReduce Aws::EMR aws-sdk-emr 2009-03-31
Amazon Elastic Transcoder Aws::ElasticTranscoder aws-sdk-elastictranscoder 2012-09-25
Amazon Elasticsearch Service Aws::ElasticsearchService aws-sdk-elasticsearchservice 2015-01-01
Amazon EventBridge Aws::EventBridge aws-sdk-eventbridge 2015-10-07
Amazon FSx Aws::FSx aws-sdk-fsx 2018-03-01
Amazon Forecast Query Service Aws::ForecastQueryService aws-sdk-forecastqueryservice 2018-06-26
Amazon Forecast Service Aws::ForecastService aws-sdk-forecastservice 2018-06-26
Amazon Fraud Detector Aws::FraudDetector aws-sdk-frauddetector 2019-11-15
Amazon GameLift Aws::GameLift aws-sdk-gamelift 2015-10-01
Amazon Glacier Aws::Glacier aws-sdk-glacier 2012-06-01
Amazon GuardDuty Aws::GuardDuty aws-sdk-guardduty 2017-11-28
Amazon Import/Export Snowball Aws::Snowball aws-sdk-snowball 2016-06-30
Amazon Inspector Aws::Inspector aws-sdk-inspector 2016-02-16
Amazon Kinesis Aws::Kinesis aws-sdk-kinesis 2013-12-02
Amazon Kinesis Analytics Aws::KinesisAnalyticsV2 aws-sdk-kinesisanalyticsv2 2018-05-23
Amazon Kinesis Analytics Aws::KinesisAnalytics aws-sdk-kinesisanalytics 2015-08-14
Amazon Kinesis Firehose Aws::Firehose aws-sdk-firehose 2015-08-04
Amazon Kinesis Video Signaling Channels Aws::KinesisVideoSignalingChannels aws-sdk-kinesisvideosignalingchannels 2019-12-04
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Aws::KinesisVideo aws-sdk-kinesisvideo 2017-09-30
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Archived Media Aws::KinesisVideoArchivedMedia aws-sdk-kinesisvideoarchivedmedia 2017-09-30
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Media Aws::KinesisVideoMedia aws-sdk-kinesisvideomedia 2017-09-30
Amazon Lex Model Building Service Aws::LexModelBuildingService aws-sdk-lexmodelbuildingservice 2017-04-19
Amazon Lex Runtime Service Aws::Lex aws-sdk-lex 2016-11-28
Amazon Lightsail Aws::Lightsail aws-sdk-lightsail 2016-11-28
Amazon Machine Learning Aws::MachineLearning aws-sdk-machinelearning 2014-12-12
Amazon Macie Aws::Macie aws-sdk-macie 2017-12-19
Amazon Managed Blockchain Aws::ManagedBlockchain aws-sdk-managedblockchain 2018-09-24
Amazon Mechanical Turk Aws::MTurk aws-sdk-mturk 2017-01-17
Amazon Neptune Aws::Neptune aws-sdk-neptune 2014-10-31
Amazon Personalize Aws::Personalize aws-sdk-personalize 2018-05-22
Amazon Personalize Events Aws::PersonalizeEvents aws-sdk-personalizeevents 2018-03-22
Amazon Personalize Runtime Aws::PersonalizeRuntime aws-sdk-personalizeruntime 2018-05-22
Amazon Pinpoint Aws::Pinpoint aws-sdk-pinpoint 2016-12-01
Amazon Pinpoint Email Service Aws::PinpointEmail aws-sdk-pinpointemail 2018-07-26
Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice Service Aws::PinpointSMSVoice aws-sdk-pinpointsmsvoice 2018-09-05
Amazon Polly Aws::Polly aws-sdk-polly 2016-06-10
Amazon QLDB Aws::QLDB aws-sdk-qldb 2019-01-02
Amazon QLDB Session Aws::QLDBSession aws-sdk-qldbsession 2019-07-11
Amazon QuickSight Aws::QuickSight aws-sdk-quicksight 2018-04-01
Amazon Redshift Aws::Redshift aws-sdk-redshift 2012-12-01
Amazon Rekognition Aws::Rekognition aws-sdk-rekognition 2016-06-27
Amazon Relational Database Service Aws::RDS aws-sdk-rds 2014-10-31
Amazon Route 53 Aws::Route53 aws-sdk-route53 2013-04-01
Amazon Route 53 Domains Aws::Route53Domains aws-sdk-route53domains 2014-05-15
Amazon Route 53 Resolver Aws::Route53Resolver aws-sdk-route53resolver 2018-04-01
Amazon SageMaker Runtime Aws::SageMakerRuntime aws-sdk-sagemakerruntime 2017-05-13
Amazon SageMaker Service Aws::SageMaker aws-sdk-sagemaker 2017-07-24
Amazon Simple Email Service Aws::SESV2 aws-sdk-sesv2 2019-09-27
Amazon Simple Email Service Aws::SES aws-sdk-ses 2010-12-01
Amazon Simple Notification Service Aws::SNS aws-sdk-sns 2010-03-31
Amazon Simple Queue Service Aws::SQS aws-sdk-sqs 2012-11-05
Amazon Simple Storage Service Aws::S3 aws-sdk-s3 2006-03-01
Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM) Aws::SSM aws-sdk-ssm 2014-11-06
Amazon Simple Workflow Service Aws::SWF aws-sdk-swf 2012-01-25
Amazon SimpleDB Aws::SimpleDB aws-sdk-simpledb 2009-04-15
Amazon Textract Aws::Textract aws-sdk-textract 2018-06-27
Amazon Transcribe Service Aws::TranscribeService aws-sdk-transcribeservice 2017-10-26
Amazon Transcribe Streaming Service Aws::TranscribeStreamingService aws-sdk-transcribestreamingservice 2017-10-26
Amazon Translate Aws::Translate aws-sdk-translate 2017-07-01
Amazon WorkDocs Aws::WorkDocs aws-sdk-workdocs 2016-05-01
Amazon WorkLink Aws::WorkLink aws-sdk-worklink 2018-09-25
Amazon WorkMail Aws::WorkMail aws-sdk-workmail 2017-10-01
Amazon WorkMail Message Flow Aws::WorkMailMessageFlow aws-sdk-workmailmessageflow 2019-05-01
Amazon WorkSpaces Aws::WorkSpaces aws-sdk-workspaces 2015-04-08
AmazonApiGatewayManagementApi Aws::ApiGatewayManagementApi aws-sdk-apigatewaymanagementapi 2018-11-29
AmazonApiGatewayV2 Aws::ApiGatewayV2 aws-sdk-apigatewayv2 2018-11-29
AmazonMQ Aws::MQ aws-sdk-mq 2017-11-27
Application Auto Scaling Aws::ApplicationAutoScaling aws-sdk-applicationautoscaling 2016-02-06
Auto Scaling Aws::AutoScaling aws-sdk-autoscaling 2011-01-01
EC2 Image Builder Aws::Imagebuilder aws-sdk-imagebuilder 2019-12-02
Elastic Load Balancing Aws::ElasticLoadBalancingV2 aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancingv2 2015-12-01
Elastic Load Balancing Aws::ElasticLoadBalancing aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancing 2012-06-01
Firewall Management Service Aws::FMS aws-sdk-fms 2018-01-01
Managed Streaming for Kafka Aws::Kafka aws-sdk-kafka 2018-11-14
Schemas Aws::Schemas aws-sdk-schemas 2019-12-02
Service Quotas Aws::ServiceQuotas aws-sdk-servicequotas 2019-06-24


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