This demo project consist of
- Spring Boot (v2.4.5) Service
- OpenAPI definition for the Spring Boot Service
- Asciidoc API documentation
includes the OpenAPI (yaml) definition - OpenAPI definition for the Petstore example service to demonstrate the JSON format
- Asciidoc API documentation
includes the OpenAPI (json) definition - Config (
) for docToolchain - Dockerfiles for the Spring-Boot-Service and baked-in docToolchain
The result is visible on my own Confluence instance.
Using the builder-alpine-doctoolchain image you can generate and publish your documentation (Asciidoc format) and OpenAPI-Definitions (yaml or json format) to Confluence. Her is the result in Confluence
From your command line:
mvn clean verify
mvn spring-boot:run
- then open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080/entity/all
Dockerfile: Crates an image for starting the HelloWorld-service locally
docker build --no-cache . -t spring-boot-openapi-demo:1.0.0
docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 spring-boot-openapi-demo:1.0.0
- uses openjdk:13-jdk-alpine and docToolchain v2.0.2
- installs libs to allow generating and publishing PlantUML diagrams
docker build --no-cache . -t builder-alpine-doctoolchain:2.0.2 -f Dockerfile-doc-builder
- Confluence credentials with R/W-access
Then from your command line run the command (you can override -PinputPath=src/docs -PmainConfigFile=Config.groovy)
docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash -v ${PWD}:/project builder-alpine-doctoolchain:2.0.2 -c "doctoolchain . publishToConfluence -PconfluenceUser='your-confluence-username' -PconfluencePass='your-confluence-api-token' && exit"
OR Just run the local
(you can override -PinputPath=src/docs -PmainConfigFile=Config.groovy) and pass your Confluence credentials:./ publishToConfluence -PconfluenceUser="your-confluence-username" -PconfluencePass="your-confluence-api-token"
Run docToolchain-publishToConfluence locally using docToolchain's own Docker image (rdmueller/doctoolchain:v2.0.2)
Find more detailed info in Github: docToolchain/docker-image
Just run the local script
(you can override -PinputPath=src/docs -PmainConfigFile=Config.groovy) and pass your Confluence credentials:
./ publishToConfluence -PinputPath=src/docs -PmainConfigFile=Config.groovy -PconfluenceUser="your-confluence-username" -PconfluencePass="your-confluence-api-token"
For further reference, please consider the following sections:
- Official Apache Maven documentation
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference Guide
- Create an OCI image
- Spring Web
The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely: