- ✨ Tag
- ✨ Slick
- 🐛 Slick arrow style
- ✨ Tabs
- 🔥
folder - ⚡ Modal submit and display config changed, close button style changed, props keyboard maskClose = false
- 🐛 SearchSelect select2 warning
- ✨ add Util function move
- ⚡ Slick style props
- 📝 Demo
- ⚡ Icon add autoFixed props
- ⚡ Add Grid Component
- ✨ Collapse Component
- ✨ Highlight
- ⚡ API document framework
- ⚡ Card add desc props
- ⚡ Loading add width props
- ⚡ Demo
- ⚡ Button, Card
- ⚡ README.md
- 📝 Demo
- 👷 CI init
- 🔧 webpack, package.json
- ⚡ Select
- ⬆️ React 16.0.0
- 🐛 DatetimePicker locale pathname
- ✨ Add
- ✨ Pagination
- ⚡ Highlight
- 📝 Pagination
- ⚡ DatetimePicker add time24 props
- 🔧
- 🔥 /dist
- 🔧
- ⚡ SearchSelect add templateResult and templateSelection
- 📝 SearchSelect
- 🐛 SearchSelect dropmenu layout, add dropdownParent
- 🐛 SearchSelect dropdown render location
- ⬇️ React v15
- 🐛 SearchSelect dropdownparent
- 🐛 SearchSelect select2 off event
- ⬆️ React v16
- ➖ react-highlight
- ✨ Clipboard
- ➕ copy-to-clipboard
- 📝 Breadcrumb, Clipboard
- 📝 Checkbox, Radio, DatetimePicker, Dropdown, Modal, Notification
- ⚡ Checkbox, Radio remove showText, add children
- 🔥 gitlab CI
- ⚡ Notification string call
- 🐛 Dropdown demo directory error
- 🐛 remove return value of ReactDOM.render
- 🐛 Pagination style error while showQuickJumper and showSizeChanger both used
- :meno: Paigintion complete demo
- 💄 Breadcrumb
- ✨ DatetimePicker export more arguments to callback
- ✨ Clipboard export static method
- 🔥 yarn.lock
- 📦 remove test script