To generate awesome images applying deepdream's google algorythm.
There are several ways to achieve this, but probably the easiest is to use docker and some dockerfile that someone has already prepared. Some of this informations has been read at medium or github.
git clone
cd deepdream-cli-docker
docker build -t deepdream-cli .
# view arguments
docker run deepdream-cli -h
# quick use
cat jiji.jpg | docker run -i deepdream-cli > output.jpg
# more options
cat jiji.jpg | docker run -i deepdream-cli -l conv2/norm2 -o 6 > output.jpg
## Multi-core
The process is single threaded, but you can process several images at a time to use all cores, for example
for f in *.jpg; \
do { cat $f | docker run -i deepdream-cli > out_$f; } & \