Releases: seatsio/seatsio-java
Releases · seatsio/seatsio-java
What's Changed
- Simplify release flow by @mortendevold in #193
- Bump the minor-and-patch-version-updates group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #194
- Exposed workspace ID by @mroloux in #195
New Contributors
- @mortendevold made their first contribution in #193
Full Changelog: v82.17.0...v82.18.0
What's Changed
- Bump the minor-and-patch-version-updates group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #187
- Chart report byZone by @mroloux in #188
- Event reports byZone by @mroloux in #189
- Allow fine-grained control over the expanded chart fields by @mroloux in #190
- Zones for a chart can be retrieved by @mroloux in #191
- Zone can be passed in to best available calls by @mroloux in #192
Full Changelog: v82.16.0...v82.17.0
What's Changed
- Bump voxmedia/github-action-slack-notify-build from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in #182
- Bump the minor-and-patch-version-updates group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #181
- Bump from 33.2.0-jre to 33.2.1-jre in the minor-and-patch-version-updates group by @dependabot in #183
- Expose numNotForSale in EventObjectInfo by @schaloner in #184
Full Changelog: v82.14.0...v82.15.0
What's Changed
- Update tests for new error messages by @schaloner in #179
Full Changelog: v82.12.0...v82.13.0
What's Changed
- Update category by @schaloner in #176
- Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.16.0 to 2.16.1 by @dependabot in #178
- Bump org.slf4j:slf4j-api from 2.0.12 to 2.0.13 by @dependabot in #177
Full Changelog: v82.11.0...v82.12.0
What's Changed
- Bump from 33.0.0-jre to 33.1.0-jre by @dependabot in #174
- Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.15.1 to 2.16.0 by @dependabot in #173
- Bump com.vanniktech.maven.publish from 0.27.0 to 0.28.0 by @dependabot in #171
- Bump org.awaitility:awaitility from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1 by @dependabot in #172
- Exposed seasonStatusOverriddenQuantity by @mroloux in #175
Full Changelog: v82.10.0...v82.11.0
What's Changed
- Bump org.assertj:assertj-core from 3.25.2 to 3.25.3 by @dependabot in #170
- Bump org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api from 5.10.1 to 5.10.2 by @dependabot in #168
- Bump org.slf4j:slf4j-api from 2.0.11 to 2.0.12 by @dependabot in #167
- Bump org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine from 5.10.1 to 5.10.2 by @dependabot in #169
Full Changelog: v82.9.0...v82.10.0