Releases: scality/metalk8s
MetalK8s 2.9.2
MetalK8s 2.9.2 embeds Kubernetes 1.20.6.
Upgrade Notes
Please follow the upgrade instructions here
Changelog since 2.9.1
Full list of closed issues is available here
What’s new
- Improved long label name in disk management in the UI
- Added consistency checks for Salt minion ID and Kubernetes Node name
- Improved
MetalK8s 2.9.1
MetalK8s 2.9.1 embeds Kubernetes 1.20.6.
Upgrade Notes
Please follow the upgrade instructions here
Changelog since 2.9.1
Full list of closed issues is available here
What’s new
- Important fix for MetalK8s UI to support Firefox
- Add an optional order property to manage ordering of navbar entries
MetalK8s 2.9.0
MetalK8s 2.9.0 embeds Kubernetes 1.20.6.
Upgrade Notes
Please follow the upgrade instructions here
Changelog since 2.8.0
Full list of closed issues is available here
What’s new
- Based on Kubernetes version 1.20.6
- Alertmanager alerts persisted
- MetalK8s UI rebranded
- Possibility to provision LVM LogicalVolume for Kubernetes
MetalK8s 2.9.0-alpha2
MetalK8s 2.9.0-alpha2 embeds Kubernetes 1.20.4.
Upgrade Notes
Please follow the upgrade instructions here
Changelog since 2.8.0
Full list of closed issues is available here
What’s new
- Based on Kubernetes version 1.20.4
- Storage Operator support for LVM Logical Volume
- Alerts are persisted in Loki (even when resolved)
- Rebranding of MetalK8s UI
MetalK8s 2.9.0-alpha1
MetalK8s 2.9.0-alpha1 embeds Kubernetes 1.20.4.
Upgrade Notes
Please follow the upgrade instructions here
Changelog since 2.8.0
Full list of closed issues is available here
What’s new
- Based on Kubernetes version 1.20.4
- Storage Operator support for LVM Logical Volume
MetalK8s 2.8.0
MetalK8s 2.8.0 embeds Kubernetes 1.19.8.
Upgrade Notes
Please follow the upgrade instructions here
Changelog since 2.7.3
Full list of closed issues is available here
What’s new
- RHEL 8 support
- Based on Kubernetes version 1.19.8
- CoreDNS 1.7.0
- etcd 3.4.13
- MetalK8s UI:
- System partitions tab in node page
- Node metrics comparison with average
- Pre-check added for ports availability
MetalK8s 2.7.3
Upgrade Notes
Please follow the upgrade instructions here
Changelog since 2.7.2
Full list of closed issues is available here
What’s new
- Salt upgraded to version 3002.5 (due to multiple CVEs)
- Various pre-checks added (e.g. CA minion, conflicting services)
MetalK8s 2.7.2
MetalK8s 2.7.2 embeds Kubernetes 1.18.16.
Upgrade Notes
Please follow the upgrade instructions here
Changelog since 2.7.1
Full list of closed issues is available here
What’s new
- Based on Kubernetes version 1.18.16
- Improved stability for Salt master and cluster upgrade
- Properly working deployment on offline environments
MetalK8s 2.6.1
2.6.1 embeds Kubernetes 1.17.17 which is already EOL since 2021-01-13. It is recommended to upgrade to the latest MetalK8s version, using 2.6.1 as an intermediate upgrade step.
Upgrade Notes
Please follow the upgrade instructions here
Changelog since 2.6.0
Full list of closed issues is available here
What’s new
- Based on Kubernetes version 1.17.17
- Ability to sort Nodes list in UI
MetalK8s 2.5.2
2.5.2 embeds Kubernetes 1.16.15 which is already EOL since 2020-09-02. It is recommended to upgrade to the latest MetalK8s version, using 2.5.2 as an intermediate upgrade step since it is not possible to upgrade directly from 2.4.x to 2.6.0+ (MetalK8s only support 1 minor version upgrade at once).
Upgrade Notes
Please follow the upgrade instructions here
Changelog since 2.5.1
Full list of closed issues is available here
What’s new
- Based on Kubernetes version 1.16.15
- Embed CoreDNS version 1.6.2
- Embed containerd version 1.2.14
- Possibility to create raw block volumes