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React Native MapLibre GL Demo

TODO: See if we can rework this; maybe something like yalc can help? Or fork examples to a separate repo? That feels even better and less hackish.

Note: this app is using non-trivial babel/metro configs, so we can consume the library from parent directory directly. Regular apps don't need this complicated setup.


  • Make sure you are in the example directory
cd example
  • Install our dependencies using yarn install.

Start React Native Packager (or not, it starts automatically 🤷‍♀️)

Open up another tab in your Terminal and run

yarn start

Note: if modules were added to base lib you might need to run yarn start --reset-cache because we're using babel to rewrite imports

Run Android Emulator

  • If you want a clean build, run yarn purge
  • Run yarn android

Run iOS Simulator

You can run this with the react-native cli or by opening the Xcode project

  • If you want a clean build, run yarn purge first.
  • Run yarn pod:install if this is your first time to install pods
  • Run yarn ios