PFDCreator is a B4J application created with B4J v10.0 (64 bit), Java JDK 19.0.2.
- NEW: Key management - Support for some keys, like Move object(s) using the arrow keys; Control+O, Control+S; Delete.
- NEW: Resize an object (after selection) via mouse touched by using 5 rectangles = object + 4 corners.
- NEW: Font DEFAULTITALIC, DIGITAL (slows down moving objects).
- NEW: Menu Object > Remove Selected - Remove objects selected with drawmode Selected.
- NEW: Menu Tools > Show Index - Helper to show the object index within a red circle below the object.
- NEW: Menu Tools > PFD Background Color - Colorpicker dialog to set the background color of the PFD canvas. ISA-101 recommendation is RGB 221,221,221 (224 also used) or 192,192,192.
- NEW: Menu Tools > Select to Code - Create a shape, select and generate B4X subroutine code, i.e. DrawMyShape.
- NEW: Menu Tools > Debug - Enable debug info to the log, added to the settings as "debug": false.
- NEW: Menu Help > Help & About: Help file using custom dialog with BBCodeView.
- NEW: Toolbar > Main - Open PFD file.
- NEW: PFD Definition File - Properties: "pfdbackgroundcolor", with value ARGBD, like "FFE0E0E0" (i.e. RGB 224,224,224); "hint" displayed at bottom Object Properties; "method" used to create new shape from select area.
- NEW: Object Properties - Hint label which is defined as key "hint" in the PFD shapes definitiion file pfdcreator.shp.
- NEW: PFDShapesBasic - Shapes: Connector lines between 2 objects: CONNECTORLLINE, CONNECTORULINE, CONNECTORZLINE; Solid line rotated; Pixel; TextArrow; Path.
- NEW: PFDShapesBasic - DrawTextRotated used for all shapes having text, like label, textbox.
- NEW: PFDShapesPID - TrendIndicator to use for operate, data set in object value in JSON format. This is experimental.
- NEW: PFDShapesElectrical - Shape type Electrical. Started with some shapes (to play with): 7SEGMENTDISPLAY, CAPACITOR, CIRCUITCONNECTOR, RESISTOR, RESISTORALTERNATE, VALUEUNIT.
- NEW: Helper - Many additionals methods, to mention WordWrapString used by all shapes having text; Various color conversions painttoint and intto paint.
- NEW: Application icon (PNG 16x16px).
- NEW: Started writing development notes in file (planned to create PDF format).
- UPD: Moved menu Tools > PFD Description to menu File > PFD Description.
- UPD: Mainform - Changed size to width 1600, height 1000. Panes for object list, shape selector, object properties width 250.
- UPD: Helpfile - Reworked the help file using BBCodeView.
- UPD: Various fixes.
- UPD: Shared on the B4J Forum POST #4.
- UPD: Highlights: added menu-bar, CLV shape selector, object properties enhanced, reworked B4X module structure, Draw mode Select.
- UPD: Shared on the B4J Forum POST #3.
- NEW: Early preview version shared on the B4J Forum POST #1.
- NEW: Started with some first ideas.