This is a modified version of an existing program, and GitHub has done an excellent job explaining its source.
A. Requirements
1) PHP v7.4.30 or newer
2) imap (compiled with PHP or as module)
3) c-client (compiled with PHP or as module)
4) iconv (compiled with PHP or as module)
5) mbstring (compiled with PHP or as module)
6) sodium (compiled with PHP or as module)
7) openssl (compiled with PHP or as module)
8) gd (compiled with PHP or as module)
9) mysqli and pdo_mysql (compiled with PHP or as module)
B. Installation
1) Download retrmail-x.y.tar.gz (where x and y are branch or version numbers)
(or for Windows' users).
2) untar/unzip retrmail into the directory you want.
3) Change to the 'retrmail/config' directory, copy the 'conf.php.dist' file
to a new 'conf.php' file, set your settings in the 'conf.php' file and
leave the dist file intact.
conf.php.dist contains a large number of default values that you'll
need to configure for your system, such as the default IMAP/POP3
server, whether or not users can pick a different server, etc...
The file is fairly well documented, so you should be able to pick out
what you need to change fairly easily. Be sure to check the $prefs_dir
and $tmpdir is writable by the user the webserver is running as.
4) (Optional step)
if you run with suEXEC, you'll need to run './addcgipath path' to add
the parser line at the beginning of PHP files.
5) Delete ./ For security reasons, it might be run by
external users although "sh" files are never interpreted by Web
servers with default configuration.
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