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A Computational Workflow for Designing Libraries of sgRNAs for CRISPR-Mediated Base Editing, and much more

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🖱️ GUI-mode

beditor gui

Note: GUI is recommended for designing small libraries and prioritization of the guides.

▶️ CLI-mode

beditor cli --editor BE1 -m path/to/mutations.tsv -o path/to/output_directory/ --species human --ensembl-release 110
beditor cli -c beditor_config.yml
usage: beditor cli  [--editor EDITOR] [-m MUTATIONS_PATH] [-o OUTPUT_DIR_PATH]
                    [--species SPECIES] [--ensembl-release ENSEMBL_RELEASE]
                    [--genome-path GENOME_PATH] [--gtf-path GTF_PATH] [-r RNA_PATH] [-p PRT_PATH]
                    [-c CONFIG_PATH]
                    [--search-window SEARCH_WINDOW] [-n]
                    [-w WD_PATH] [-t THREADS] [-k KERNEL_NAME] [-v VERBOSE] [-i IGV_PATH_PREFIX] [--ext EXT] [-f] [-d] [--skip SKIP]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --editor EDITOR       base-editing method, available methods can be listed using command: 'beditor resources'
  -m MUTATIONS_PATH, --mutations-path MUTATIONS_PATH
                        path to the mutation file, the format of which is available at
  -o OUTPUT_DIR_PATH, --output-dir-path OUTPUT_DIR_PATH
                        path to the directory where the outputs should be saved.
  --species SPECIES     species name.
  --ensembl-release ENSEMBL_RELEASE
                        ensemble release number.
  --genome-path GENOME_PATH
                        path to the genome file, which is not available on Ensembl.
  --gtf-path GTF_PATH   path to the gene annotations file, which is not available on Ensembl.
  -r RNA_PATH, --rna-path RNA_PATH
                        path to the transcript sequences file, which is not available on Ensembl.
  -p PRT_PATH, --prt-path PRT_PATH
                        path to the protein sequences file, which is not available on Ensembl.
  --search-window SEARCH_WINDOW
                        number of bases to search on either side of a target, if not specified, it is inferred by beditor.
  -n, --not-be          False
                        do not process as a base editor.
  -c CONFIG_PATH, --config-path CONFIG_PATH
                        path to the configuration file.
  -w WD_PATH, --wd-path WD_PATH
                        path to the working directory.
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        number of threads for parallel processing.
  -k KERNEL_NAME, --kernel-name KERNEL_NAME
                        name of the jupyter kernel.
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        verbose, logging levels: DEBUG > INFO > WARNING > ERROR (default) > CRITICAL.
  -i IGV_PATH_PREFIX, --igv-path-prefix IGV_PATH_PREFIX
                        prefix to be added to the IGV URL.
  --ext EXT             file extensions of the output tables.
  -f, --force           False
  -d, --dbug            False
  --skip SKIP           skip sections of the workflow
    Required parameters for assigning a species:


Virtual environment and namming kernel (recommended)

conda env create -n beditor python=3.9;           # options: conda/mamba, python=3.9/3.8
python -m ipykernel install --user --name beditor

Installation of the package

pip install beditor[all]                           

Optional dependencies, as required:

pip install beditor                                # only cli
pip install beditor[gui]                           # plus gui

For fast processing of large genomes (highly recommended for human genome):

conda install install bioconda::ucsc-fatotwobit bioconda::ucsc-twobittofa bioconda::ucsc-twobitinfo # options: conda/mamba

Else, for moderately fast processing,

conda install install bioconda::bedtools           # options: conda/mamba

Input format

Note: The coordinates are 1-based (i.e. X:1-1 instead of X:0:1) and IDs correspond to the chosen genome assemblies (e.g. from Ensembl).

Point mutations

chrom start  end strand mutation
    5  1123 1123 +      C

Position scanning

chrom start  end strand
    5  1123 1123 +     

Region scanning

chrom start  end strand
    5  1123 2123 +     

Protein point mutations

protein id aa pos mutation
  ENSP1123     43        S    

Protein position scanning

protein id aa pos
  ENSP1123     43    

Protein region scanning

protein id aa start aa end
  ENSP1123       43    143

Note: Ensembl protein IDs are used.

Output format

Note: output contains 0-based coordinates are used.

guide sequence          guide locus          offtargets score {columns in the input}
AGCGTTTGGCAAATCAAACAAAA 4:1003215-1003238(+)          0     1 ..

Supported base editing methods

method nucleotide nucleotide mutation window start window end guide length PAM PAM position
A3A-BE3 C T 4 8 20 NGG down
ABE7.10 A G 4 7 20 NGG down
ABE7.10* A G 4 8 20 NGG down
ABE7.9 A G 5 8 20 NGG down
ABESa A G 6 12 21 NNGRRT down
BE-PLUS C T 4 14 20 NGG down
BE1 C T 4 8 20 NGG down
BE2 C T 4 8 20 NGG down
BE3 C T 4 8 20 NGG down
BE4-Gam C T 4 8 20 NGG down
BE4/BE4max C T 4 8 20 NGG down
Cas12a-BE C T 10 12 23 TTTV up
eA3A-BE3 C T 4 8 20 NGG down
EE-BE3 C T 5 6 20 NGG down
HF-BE3 C T 4 8 20 NGG down
Sa(KKH)-ABE A G 6 12 21 NNNRRT down
SA(KKH)-BE3 C T 3 12 21 NNNRRT down
SaBE3 C T 3 12 21 NNGRRT down
SaBE4 C T 3 12 21 NNGRRT down
SaBE4-Gam C T 3 12 21 NNGRRT down
Target-AID C T 2 4 20 NGG down
Target-AID C T 2 4 20 NG down
VQR-ABE A G 4 6 20 NGA down
VQR-BE3 C T 4 11 20 NGAN down
VRER-ABE A G 4 6 20 NGCG down
VRER-BE3 C T 3 10 20 NGCG down
xBE3 C T 4 8 20 NG down
YE1-BE3 C T 5 7 20 NGG down
YE2-BE3 C T 5 6 20 NGG down
YEE-BE3 C T 5 6 20 NGG down

Favorite base editor not listed?
Please send the required info using a PR, or an issue.

Change log


New features:

  1. Design libraries for base or amino acid mutational scanning, at defined positions and regions.
  2. The gui contains library filtering and prioritization options.
  3. Non-base editing applications, e.g. CRISPR-tiling, using not_be option.

Key updates:

  1. Quicker installation due to reduced number of dependencies (bwa comes in the package, and samtools not needed).
  2. Faster run-time, compared to v1, because of the improvements in the dependencies e.g. pandas etc.
  3. Faster run-time on large genomes e.g. human genome, because of the use of 2bit tools.
  4. Direct command line options to use non-model species which e.g. not indexed on Ensembl.
  5. Configuration made optional.

Technical updates:

  1. The gui is powered by mercury, thus overcomming the limitations of v1.
  2. Use of one base editor (method) per run, instead of multiple.
  3. Due to overall faster run-times, parallelization within a run is disabled. However, multiple runs can be parallelized, externally e.g. using Python's built-in multiprocessing.
  4. Only the sgRNAs for which target lies within the optimal activity window are reported. Therefore unneeded penalty for target not being in activity window is now not utilized, but options retained for back-compatibility.
  5. Many refactored functions can now be imported and executed independently for "much more" applications.
  6. Reports generated for each run in the form of a jupyter notebook.
  7. Automated testing on GitHub for continuous integration.
  8. The cli is compatible with python 3.8 and 3.9 (even higher untested versions), however the gui not supported on python 3.7 due lack of dependencies.

Future directions, for which contributions are welcome:

  • Adding option to provide 0-based co-ordinates in the input.

Similar projects:

How to cite?


  1. Using BibTeX:
  title   = {beditor: A Computational Workflow for Designing Libraries of sgRNAs for CRISPR-Mediated Base Editing},
  author  = {Dandage, Rohan},
  year    = {2024},
  url     = {},
  version = {v2.0.1},
  note    = {The URL is a DOI link to the permanent archive of the software.},
  1. DOI link: DOI, or

  2. Using citation information from CITATION.CFF file.

  1. Using BibTeX:
  title   = {beditor: A Computational Workflow for Designing Libraries of sgRNAs for CRISPR-Mediated Base Editing},
  author  = {Dandage, Rohan},
  year    = {2019},
  url     = {},
  version = {v1},

Future directions, for which contributions are welcome:

  • Allowing 0-based coordinates in the input.

Similar projects:


module beditor.lib.get_mutations

Mutation co-ordinates using pyensembl

function get_protein_cds_coords

get_protein_cds_coords(annots, protein_id: str) → DataFrame

Get protein CDS coordinates


  • annots: pyensembl annotations
  • protein_id (str): protein ID


  • pd.DataFrame: output table

function get_protein_mutation_coords

get_protein_mutation_coords(data: DataFrame, aapos: int, test=False) → tuple

Get protein mutation coordinates


  • data (pd.DataFrame): input table
  • aapos (int): amino acid position
  • test (bool, optional): test-mode. Defaults to False.


  • ValueError: invalid positions


  • tuple: aapos,start,end,seq

function map_coords

map_coords(df_: DataFrame, df1_: DataFrame, verbose: bool = False) → DataFrame

Map coordinates


  • df_ (pd.DataFrame): input table


  • pd.DataFrame: output table

function get_mutation_coords_protein

    df0: DataFrame,
    search_window: int,
    outd: str = None,
    force: bool = False,
    verbose: bool = False
) → DataFrame

Get mutation coordinates for protein


  • df0 (pd.DataFrame): input table
  • annots (type): pyensembl annotations
  • search_window (int): search window length on either side of the target
  • outd (str, optional): output directory path. Defaults to None.
  • force (bool, optional): force. Defaults to False.
  • verbose (bool, optional): verbose. Defaults to False.


  • pd.DataFrame: output table

function get_mutation_coords

    df0: DataFrame,
    search_window: int,
    verbose: bool = False,
) → DataFrame

Get mutation coordinates


  • df0 (pd.DataFrame): input table
  • annots (type): pyensembl annotation
  • search_window (int): search window length on either side of the target
  • verbose (bool, optional): verbose. Defaults to False.


  • pd.DataFrame: output table

module beditor.lib.get_scores


function get_ppamdist

    guide_length: int,
    pam_len: int,
    pam_pos: str,
    ppamdist_min: int
) → DataFrame

Get penalties set based on distances of the mismatch/es from PAM

:param guide_length: length of guide sequence :param pam_len: length of PAM sequence :param pam_pos: PAM location 3' or 5' :param ppamdist_min: minimum penalty :param pmutatpam: penalty for mismatch at PAM

TODOs: Use different scoring function for different methods.

function get_beditorscore_per_alignment

    NM: int,
    alignment: str,
    pam_len: int,
    pam_pos: str,
    pentalty_genic: float = 0.5,
    pentalty_intergenic: float = 0.9,
    pentalty_dist_from_pam: float = 0.1,
    verbose: bool = False
) → float

Calculates beditor score per alignment between guide and genomic DNA.

:param NM: Hamming distance :param mismatches_max: Maximum mismatches allowed in alignment :param alignment: Symbol '|' means a match, '.' means mismatch and ' ' means gap. e.g. |||||.||||||||||.||||.| :param pentalty_genic: penalty for genic alignment :param pentalty_intergenic: penalty for intergenic alignment :param pentalty_dist_from_pam: maximum pentalty for a mismatch at PAM () :returns: beditor score per alignment.

function get_beditorscore_per_guide

    guide_seq: str,
    strategy: str,
    align_seqs_scores: DataFrame,
    dBEs: DataFrame,
    penalty_activity_window: float = 0.5,
    test: bool = False
) → float

Calculates beditor score per guide.

:param guide_seq: guide seqeunce 23nts :param strategy: strategy string eg. ABE;+;@-14;ACT:GCT;T:A; :param align_seqs_scores: list of beditor scores per alignments for all the alignments between guide and genomic DNA :param penalty_activity_window: if editable base is not in activity window, penalty_activity_window=0.5 :returns: beditor score per guide.

function revcom


function calc_cfd

calc_cfd(wt, sg, pam)

function get_cfdscore

get_cfdscore(wt, off)

module beditor.lib.get_specificity


function run_alignment

    src_path: str,
    genomep: str,
    guidesfap: str,
    guidessamp: str,
    guidel: int,
    mismatches_max: int = 2,
    threads: int = 1,
    force: bool = False,
    verbose: bool = False
) → str

Run alignment


  • src_path (str): source path
  • genomep (str): genome path
  • guidesfap (str): guide fasta path
  • guidessamp (str): guide sam path
  • threads (int, optional): threads. Defaults to 1.
  • force (bool, optional): force. Defaults to False.
  • verbose (bool, optional): verbose. Defaults to False.


  • str: alignment file.

function read_sam

read_sam(align_path: str) → DataFrame

read alignment file


  • align_path (str): path to the alignment file


  • pd.DataFrame: output table


Tag Meaning NM Edit distance MD Mismatching positions/bases AS Alignment score BC Barcode sequence X0 Number of best hits X1 Number of suboptimal hits found by BWA XN Number of ambiguous bases in the referenece XM Number of mismatches in the alignment XO Number of gap opens XG Number of gap extentions XT Type: Unique/Repeat/N/Mate-sw XA Alternative hits; format: (chr,pos,CIGAR,NM;)* XS Suboptimal alignment score XF Support from forward/reverse alignment XE Number of supporting seeds Reference:

function parse_XA

parse_XA(XA: str) → DataFrame

Parse XA tags


  • XA (str): XA tag


format: (chr,pos,CIGAR,NM;)

Example: XA='4,+908051,23M,0;4,+302823,23M,0;4,-183556,23M,0;4,+1274932,23M,0;4,+207765,23M,0;4,+456906,23M,0;4,-1260135,23M,0;4,+454215,23M,0;4,-1177442,23M,0;4,+955254,23M,1;4,+1167921,23M,1;4,-613257,23M,1;4,+857893,23M,1;4,-932678,23M,2;4,-53825,23M,2;4,+306783,23M,2;'

function get_extra_alignments

    df1: DataFrame,
    genome: str,
    bed_path: str,
    alignments_max: int = 10,
    threads: int = 1
) → DataFrame

Get extra alignments


  • df1 (pd.DataFrame): input table
  • alignments_max (int, optional): alignments max. Defaults to 10.
  • threads (int, optional): threads. Defaults to 1.


  • pd.DataFrame: output table

TODOs: 1. apply parallel processing to get_seq

function to_pam_coord

    pam_pos: str,
    pam_len: int,
    align_start: int,
    align_end: int,
    strand: str
) → tuple

Get PAM coords


  • pam_pos (str): PAM position
  • pam_len (int): PAM length
  • align_start (int): alignment start
  • align_end (int): alignment end
  • strand (str): strand


  • tuple: start,end

function get_alignments

    align_path: str,
    genome: str,
    alignments_max: int,
    pam_pos: str,
    pam_len: int,
    guide_len: int,
    pam_pattern: str,
    pam_bed_path: str,
    extra_bed_path: str,
) → DataFrame

Get alignments


  • align_path (str): alignement path
  • genome (str): genome path
  • pam_pos (str): PAM position
  • pam_len (int): PAM length
  • guide_len (int): sgRNA length
  • pam_pattern (str): PAM pattern
  • pam_bed_path (str): PAM bed path


  • pd.DataFrame: output path

function get_penalties

    aligns: DataFrame,
    guides: DataFrame,
    annots: DataFrame
) → DataFrame

Get penalties


  • aligns (pd.DataFrame): alignements
  • guides (pd.DataFrame): guides
  • annots (pd.DataFrame): annotations


  • pd.DataFrame: output table

function score_alignments

    df4: DataFrame,
    pam_len: int,
    pam_pos: str,
    pentalty_genic: float = 0.5,
    pentalty_intergenic: float = 0.9,
    pentalty_dist_from_pam: float = 0.1,
    verbose: bool = False
) → tuple

score_alignments summary


  • df4 (pd.DataFrame): input table
  • pam_pos (str): PAM position
  • pentalty_genic (float, optional): penalty for offtarget in genic locus. Defaults to 0.5.
  • pentalty_intergenic (float, optional): penalty for offtarget in intergenic locus. Defaults to 0.9.
  • pentalty_dist_from_pam (float, optional): penalty for offtarget wrt distance from PAM. Defaults to 0.1.
  • verbose (bool, optional): verbose. Defaults to False.


  • tuple: tables


  1. Low value corresponds to high penalty and vice versa, because values are multiplied. 2. High penalty means consequential offtarget alignment and vice versa.

function score_guides

    guides: DataFrame,
    scores: DataFrame,
    not_be: bool = False
) → DataFrame

Score guides


  • guides (pd.DataFrame): guides
  • scores (pd.DataFrame): scores
  • not_be (bool, optional): not a base editor. Defaults to False.


  • pd.DataFrame: output table

Changes: penalty_activity_window disabled as only the sgRNAs with target in the window are reported.



function download_annots

download_annots(species_name: str, release: int) → bool

Download annotations using pyensembl


  • species_name (str): species name
  • release (int): release number


  • bool: whether annotation is downloaded or not

function cache_subdirectory

    reference_name: str = None,
    annotation_name: str = None,
    annotation_version: int = None,
    CACHE_BASE_SUBDIR: str = 'beditor'
) → str

Which cache subdirectory to use for a given annotation database over a particular reference. All arguments can be omitted to just get the base subdirectory for all pyensembl cached datasets.


  • reference_name (str, optional): reference name. Defaults to None.
  • annotation_name (str, optional): annotation name. Defaults to None.
  • annotation_version (int, optional): annotation version. Defaults to None.
  • CACHE_BASE_SUBDIR (str, optional): cache path. Defaults to 'beditor'.


  • str: output path

function cached_path

cached_path(path_or_url: str, cache_directory_path: str)

When downloading remote files, the default behavior is to name local files the same as their remote counterparts.

function to_downloaded_cached_path

    url: str,
    reference_name: str = None,
    annotation_name: str = 'ensembl',
    ensembl_release: str = None,
    CACHE_BASE_SUBDIR: str = 'pyensembl'
) → str

To downloaded cached path


  • url (str): URL
  • annots (optional): pyensembl annotation. Defaults to None.
  • reference_name (str, optional): reference name. Defaults to None.
  • annotation_name (str, optional): annotation name. Defaults to 'ensembl'.
  • ensembl_release (str, optional): ensembl release. Defaults to None.
  • CACHE_BASE_SUBDIR (str, optional): cache path. Defaults to 'pyensembl'.


  • str: output path

function download_genome

    species: str,
    ensembl_release: int,
    force: bool = False,
    verbose: bool = False
) → str

Download genome


  • species (str): species name
  • ensembl_release (int): release
  • force (bool, optional): force. Defaults to False.
  • verbose (bool, optional): verbose. Defaults to False.


  • str: output path

function read_genome

read_genome(genome_path: str, fast=True)

Read genome


  • genome_path (str): genome path
  • fast (bool, optional): fast mode. Defaults to True.

function to_fasta

    sequences: dict,
    output_path: str,
    molecule_type: str,
    force: bool = True,
) → str

Save fasta file.


  • sequences (dict): dictionary mapping the sequence name to the sequence.
  • output_path (str): path of the fasta file.
  • force (bool): overwrite if file exists.


  • output_path (str): path of the fasta file

function to_2bit

    genome_path: str,
    src_path: str = None,
    force: bool = False,
    verbose: bool = False
) → str

To 2bit


  • genome_path (str): genome path
  • src_path (str, optional): source path. Defaults to None.
  • verbose (bool, optional): verbose. Defaults to False.


  • str: output path

function to_fasta_index

    genome_path: str,
    bgzip: bool = False,
    bgzip_path: str = None,
    threads: int = 1,
    verbose: bool = True,
    force: bool = False,
    indexed: bool = False
) → str

To fasta index


  • genome_path (str): genome path
  • bgzip_path (str, optional): bgzip path. Defaults to None.
  • threads (int, optional): threads. Defaults to 1.
  • verbose (bool, optional): verbose. Defaults to True.
  • force (bool, optional): force. Defaults to False.
  • indexed (bool, optional): indexed or not. Defaults to False.


  • str: output path

function to_bed

    df: DataFrame,
    outp: str,
    cols: list = ['chrom', 'start', 'end', 'locus', 'score', 'strand']
) → str

To bed path


  • df (pd.DataFrame): input table
  • outp (str): output path
  • cols (list, optional): columns. Defaults to ['chrom','start','end','locus','score','strand'].


  • str: output path

function read_bed

    p: str,
    cols: list = ['chrom', 'start', 'end', 'locus', 'score', 'strand']
) → DataFrame

Read bed file


  • p (str): path
  • cols (list, optional): columns. Defaults to ['chrom','start','end','locus','score','strand'].


  • pd.DataFrame: output table

function to_viz_inputs

    gtf_path: str,
    genome_path: str,
    output_dir_path: str,
    output_ext: str = 'tsv',
    threads: int = 1,
    force: bool = False
) → dict

To viz inputs for the IGV


  • gtf_path (str): GTF path
  • genome_path (str): genome path
  • output_dir_path (str): output directory path
  • output_ext (str, optional): output extension. Defaults to 'tsv'.
  • threads (int, optional): threads. Defaults to 1.
  • force (bool, optional): force. Defaults to False.


  • dict: configuration

function to_igv_path_prefix

to_igv_path_prefix() → str

Get IGV path prefix


  • str: URL

function to_session_path

to_session_path(p: str, path_prefix: str = None, outp: str = None) → str

To session path


  • p (str): session configuration path
  • path_prefix (str, optional): path prefix. Defaults to None.
  • outp (str, optional): output path. Defaults to None.


  • str: output path

function read_cytobands

    cytobands_path: str,
    col_chrom: str = 'chromosome',
    remove_prefix: str = 'chr'
) → DataFrame

Read cytobands


  • cytobands_path (str): path
  • col_chrom (str, optional): column with contig. Defaults to 'chromosome'.


  • pd.DataFrame: output table

function to_output

to_output(inputs: DataFrame, guides: DataFrame, scores: DataFrame) → DataFrame

To output table


  • inputs (pd.DataFrame): inputs
  • guides (pd.DataFrame): guides
  • scores (pd.DataFrame): scores


  • pd.DataFrame: output table

module beditor.lib.make_guides

Designing the sgRNAs

function get_guide_pam

    match: str,
    pam_stream: str,
    guidel: int,
    seq: str,
    pos_codon: int = None

function get_pam_searches

get_pam_searches(dpam: DataFrame, seq: str, pos_codon: int) → DataFrame

Search PAM occurance

:param dpam: dataframe with PAM sequences :param seq: target sequence :param pos_codon: reading frame :param test: debug mode on :returns dpam_searches: dataframe with positions of pams

function get_guides

    data: DataFrame,
    dpam: DataFrame,
    guide_len: int,
    base_fraction_max: float = 0.8
) → DataFrame

Get guides


  • data (pd.DataFrame): input table
  • dpam (pd.DataFrame): table with PAM info
  • guide_len (int): guide length
  • base_fraction_max (float, optional): base fraction max. Defaults to 0.8.


  • pd.DataFrame: output table

function to_locusby_pam

    chrom: str,
    pam_start: int,
    pam_end: int,
    pam_position: str,
    strand: str,
    length: int,
    start_off: int = 0
) → str

To locus by PAM from PAM coords.


  • chrom (str): chrom
  • pam_start (int): PAM start
  • pam_end (int): PAM end
  • pam_position (str): PAM position
  • strand (str): strand
  • length (int): length


  • str: locus

function to_pam_coord

    startf: int,
    endf: int,
    startp: int,
    endp: int,
    strand: str
) → tuple

To PAM coordinates


  • startf (int): start flank start
  • endf (int): start flank end
  • startp (int): start PAM start
  • endp (int): start PAM end
  • strand (str): strand


  • tuple: start,end

function get_distances

get_distances(df2: DataFrame, df3: DataFrame, cfg_method: dict) → DataFrame

Get distances


  • df2 (pd.DataFrame): input table #1
  • df3 (pd.DataFrame): input table #2
  • cfg_method (dict): config for the method


  • pd.DataFrame: output table

function get_windows_seq

get_windows_seq(s: str, l: str, wl: str, verbose: bool = False) → str

Sequence by guide strand


  • s (str): sequence
  • l (str): locus
  • wl (str): window locus
  • verbose (bool, optional): verbose. Defaults to False.


  • str: window sequence

function filter_guides

    df1: DataFrame,
    cfg_method: dict,
    verbose: bool = False
) → DataFrame

Filter sgRNAs


  • df1 (pd.DataFrame): input table
  • cfg_method (dict): config of the method
  • verbose (bool, optional): verbose. Defaults to False.


  • pd.DataFrame: output table

function get_window_target_overlap

    tstart: int,
    tend: int,
    wl: str,
    ws: str,
    nt: str,
    verbose: bool = False
) → tuple

Get window target overlap


  • tstart (int): target start
  • tend (int): target end
  • wl (str): window locus
  • ws (str): window sequence
  • nt (str): nucleotide
  • verbose (bool, optional): verbose. Defaults to False.


  • tuple: window_overlaps_the_target,wts,nt_in_overlap,wtl

function get_mutated_codon

    ts: str,
    tl: str,
    tes: str,
    tel: str,
    strand: str,
    verbose: bool = False
) → str

Get mutated codon


  • ts (str): target sequence
  • tl (str): target locus
  • tes (str): target edited sequence
  • tel (str): target edited locus
  • strand (str): strand
  • verbose (bool, optional): verbose. Defaults to False.


  • str: mutated codon

function get_coedits_base

    ws: str,
    wl: str,
    wts: str,
    wtl: str,
    nt: str,
    verbose: bool = False
) → str

Get co-edited bases


  • ws (str): window sequence
  • wl (str): window locus
  • wts (str): window target overlap sequence
  • wtl (str): window target overlap locus
  • nt (str): nucleotide
  • verbose (bool, optional): verbose. Defaults to False.


  • str: coedits

module beditor.lib

module beditor.lib.methods

Global Variables

  • multint2reg
  • multint2regcomplement

function dpam2dpam_strands

dpam2dpam_strands(dpam: DataFrame, pams: list) → DataFrame

Duplicates dpam dataframe to be compatible for searching PAMs on - strand


  • dpam (pd.DataFrame): dataframe with pam information
  • pams (list): pams to be used for actual designing of guides.


  • pd.DataFrame: table

function get_be2dpam

    din: DataFrame,
    methods: list = None,
    test: bool = False,
    cols_dpam: list = ['PAM', 'PAM position', 'guide length']
) → dict

Make BE to dpam mapping i.e. dict


  • din (pd.DataFrame): table with BE and PAM info all cols_dpam needed
  • methods (list, optional): method names. Defaults to None.
  • test (bool, optional): test-mode. Defaults to False.
  • cols_dpam (list, optional): columns to be used. Defaults to ['PAM', 'PAM position', 'guide length'].


  • dict: output dictionary.

module beditor.lib.utils


Global Variables

  • cols_muts
  • multint2reg
  • multint2regcomplement

function get_src_path

get_src_path() → str

Get the beditor source directory path.


  • str: path

function runbashcmd

runbashcmd(cmd: str, test: bool = False, logf=None)

Run a bash command


  • cmd (str): command
  • test (bool, optional): test-mode. Defaults to False.
  • logf (optional): log file instance. Defaults to None.

function log_time_elapsed


Log time elapsed.


  • start (datetime): start tile


  • datetime: difference in time.

function rescale

    a: <built-in function array>,
    mn: float = None
) → <built-in function array>

Rescale a vector.


  • a (np.array): vector.
  • mn (float, optional): minimum value. Defaults to None.


  • np.array: output vector

function get_nt2complement


function s2re

s2re(s: str, ss2re: dict) → str

String to regex patterns


  • s (str): string
  • ss2re (dict): substrings to regex patterns.


  • str: string with regex patterns.

function parse_locus

parse_locus(s: str, zero_based: bool = True) → tuple

parse_locus summary


  • s (str): location string.
  • zero_based (bool, optional): zero-based coordinates. Defaults to True.


  • tuple: chrom, start, end, strand


beditor outputs (including bed files) use 0-based loci pyensembl and IGV use 1-based locations

function get_pos

get_pos(s: str, l: str, reverse: bool = True, zero_based: bool = True) → Series

Expand locus to positions mapped to nucleotides.


  • s (str): sequence
  • l (str): locus
  • reverse (bool, optional): reverse the - strand. Defaults to True.
  • zero_based (bool, optional): zero based coordinates. Defaults to True.


  • pd.Series: output.

function get_seq

    genome: str,
    contig: str,
    start: int,
    end: int,
    strand: str,
    out_type: str = 'str',
    verbose: bool = False
) → str

Extract a sequence from a genome file based on start and end positions using streaming.


  • genome (str): The path to the genome file in FASTA format.
  • contig (str): chrom
  • start (int): start
  • end (int): end
  • strand (str): strand
  • out_type (str, optional): type of the output. Defaults to 'str'.
  • verbose (bool, optional): verbose. Defaults to False.


  • ValueError: invalid strand.


  • str: The extracted sequence.

function read_fasta

    fap: str,
    key_type: str = 'id',
    duplicates: bool = False,
) → dict

Read fasta


  • fap (str): path
  • key_type (str, optional): key type. Defaults to 'id'.
  • duplicates (bool, optional): duplicates present. Defaults to False.


  • dict: data.


  1. If duplicates key_type is set to description instead of id.

function format_coords

format_coords(df: DataFrame) → DataFrame

Format coordinates


  • df (pd.DataFrame): table


  • pd.DataFrame: formated table

function fetch_sequences_bp

fetch_sequences_bp(p: str, genome: str) → DataFrame

Fetch sequences using biopython.


  • p (str): path to the bed file.
  • genome (str): genome path.


  • pd.DataFrame: sequences.

function fetch_sequences

    p: str,
    genome_path: str,
    outp: str = None,
    src_path: str = None,
    revcom: bool = True,
) → DataFrame

Fetch sequences


  • p (str): path to the bed file
  • genome_path (str): genome path
  • outp (str, optional): output path for fasta file. Defaults to None.
  • src_path (str, optional): source path. Defaults to None.
  • revcom (bool, optional): reverse-complement. Defaults to True.
  • method (str, optional): method name. Defaults to '2bit'.
  • out_type (str, optional): type of the output. Defaults to 'df'.


  • pd.DataFrame: sequences.

function get_sequences

    df1: DataFrame,
    p: str,
    genome_path: str,
    outp: str = None,
    src_path: str = None,
    revcom: bool = True,
    out_type: str = 'df',
    renames: dict = {},
) → DataFrame

Get sequences for the loci in a table


  • df1 (pd.DataFrame): input table
  • p (str): path to the beb file
  • outp (str, optional): output path. Defaults to None.
  • src_path (str, optional): source path. Defaults to None.
  • revcom (bool, optional): reverse complement. Defaults to True.
  • out_type (str, optional): output type. Defaults to 'df'.
  • renames (dict, optional): renames. Defaults to {}.


  • pd.DataFrame: output sequences


Input is 1-based Output is 0-based Saves bed file and gets the sequences

function to_locus

    chrom: str = 'chrom',
    start: str = 'start',
    end: str = 'end',
    strand: str = 'strand',
    x: Series = None
) → str

To locus


  • chrom (str, optional): chrom. Defaults to 'chrom'.
  • start (str, optional): strart. Defaults to 'start'.
  • end (str, optional): end. Defaults to 'end'.
  • strand (str, optional): strand. Defaults to 'strand'.
  • x (pd.Series, optional): row of the dataframe. Defaults to None.


  • str: locus

function get_flanking_seqs

    df1: DataFrame,
    targets_path: str,
    flanks_path: str,
    genome: str = None,
    search_window: list = None
) → DataFrame

Get flanking sequences


  • df1 (pd.DataFrame): input table
  • targets_path (str): target sequences path
  • flanks_path (str): flank sequences path
  • genome (str, optional): genome path. Defaults to None.
  • search_window (list, optional): search window around the target. Defaults to None.


  • pd.DataFrame: output table with sequences

function get_strand

    df1: DataFrame,
    col_start: str,
    col_end: str,
    col_chrom: str,
    col_strand: str,
    col_seq: str
) → DataFrame

Get strand by comparing the aligned and fetched sequence


  • genome: genome instance
  • df1 (pd.DataFrame): input table.
  • col_start (str): start
  • col_end (str): end
  • col_chrom (str): chrom
  • col_strand (str): strand
  • col_seq (str): sequences


  • pd.DataFrame: output table


used for tests.

function reverse_complement_multintseq

reverse_complement_multintseq(seq: str, nt2complement: dict) → str

Reverse complement multi-nucleotide sequence


  • seq (str): sequence
  • nt2complement (dict): nucleotide to complement


  • str: sequence

function reverse_complement_multintseqreg

    seq: str,
    multint2regcomplement: dict,
    nt2complement: dict
) → str

Reverse complement multi-nucleotide regex patterns


  • seq (str): description
  • multint2regcomplement (dict): mapping.
  • nt2complement (dict): nucleotide to complement


  • str: regex pattern

function hamming_distance

hamming_distance(s1: str, s2: str) → int

Return the Hamming distance between equal-length sequences


  • s1 (str): sequence #1
  • s2 (str): sequence #2


  • ValueError: Undefined for sequences of unequal length


  • int: distance.

function align

    q: str,
    s: str,
    test: bool = False,
    psm: float = 2,
    pmm: float = 0.5,
    pgo: float = -3,
    pge: float = -1
) → str

Creates pairwise local alignment between seqeunces.


  • q (str): query
  • s (str): subject
  • test (bool, optional): test-mode. Defaults to False.


  • str: alignment with symbols.


REF: The match parameters are: CODE DESCRIPTION x No parameters. Identical characters have score of 1, otherwise 0. m A match score is the score of identical chars, otherwise mismatch score. d A dictionary returns the score of any pair of characters. c A callback function returns scores. The gap penalty parameters are: CODE DESCRIPTION x No gap penalties. s Same open and extend gap penalties for both sequences. d The sequences have different open and extend gap penalties. c A callback function returns the gap penalties.

function get_orep

get_orep(seq: str) → int

Get the overrepresentation

function get_polyt_length

get_polyt_length(s: str) → int

Counts the length of the longest polyT stretch (RNA pol3 terminator) in sequence

:param s: sequence in string format

function get_annots_installed

get_annots_installed() → DataFrame

Get a list of annotations installed.


  • pd.DataFrame: output.

function get_annots

    species_name: str = None,
    release: int = None,
    gtf_path: str = None,
    transcript_path: str = None,
    protein_path: str = None,
    reference_name: str = 'assembly',
    annotation_name: str = 'source',
    verbose: bool = False,

Get pyensembl annotation instance


  • species_name (str, optional): species name. Defaults to None.
  • release (int, optional): release number. Defaults to None.
  • gtf_path (str, optional): GTF path. Defaults to None.
  • transcript_path (str, optional): transcripts path. Defaults to None.
  • protein_path (str, optional): protein path. Defaults to None.
  • reference_name (str, optional): reference name. Defaults to 'assembly'.
  • annotation_name (str, optional): annotation name. Defaults to 'source'.
  • verbose (bool, optional): verbose. Defaults to False.

Returns: pyensembl annotation instance

function to_pid

to_pid(annots, gid: str) → str

To protein ID


  • annots: pyensembl annotation instance
  • gid (str): gene ID


  • str: protein ID

function to_one_based_coordinates

to_one_based_coordinates(df: DataFrame) → DataFrame

To one based coordinates


  • df (pd.DataFrame): input table


  • pd.DataFrame: output table.

module beditor.lib.viz


function to_igv

    cfg: dict = None,
    gtf_path: str = None,
    genome_path: str = None,
    output_dir_path: str = None,
    threads: int = 1,
    output_ext: str = None,
    force: bool = False
) → str

To IGV session file.


  • cfg (dict, optional): configuration of the run. Defaults to None.
  • gtf_path (str, optional): path to the gtf file. Defaults to None.
  • genome_path (str, optional): path to the genome file. Defaults to None.
  • output_dir_path (str, optional): path to the output directory. Defaults to None.
  • threads (int, optional): threads. Defaults to 1.
  • output_ext (str, optional): extension of the output. Defaults to None.
  • force (bool, optional): force. Defaults to False.


  • str: path to the session file.

function get_nt_composition

get_nt_composition(seqs: list) → DataFrame

Get nt composition.


  • seqs (list): list of sequences


  • pd.DataFrame: table with the frequencies of the nucleotides.

function plot_ntcompos

    seqs: list,
    pam_pos: str,
    pam_len: int,
    window: list = None,
    ax: Axes = None,
    color_pam: str = 'lime',
    color_window: str = 'gold'
) → Axes

Plot nucleotide composition


  • seqs (list): list of sequences.
  • pam_pos (str): PAM position.
  • pam_len (int): PAM length.
  • window (list, optional): activity window bounds. Defaults to None.
  • ax (plt.Axes, optional): subplot. Defaults to None.
  • color_pam (str, optional): color of the PAM. Defaults to 'lime'.
  • color_window (str, optional): color of the wnindow. Defaults to 'gold'.


  • plt.Axes: subplot

function plot_ontarget

    guide_loc: str,
    pam_pos: str,
    pam_len: int,
    guidepam_seq: str,
    window: list = None,
    show_title: bool = False,
    figsize: list = [10, 2],
    verbose: bool = False,
    kws_sg: dict = {}
) → Axes

plot_ontarget summary


  • guide_loc (str): sgRNA locus
  • pam_pos (str): PAM position
  • pam_len (int): PAM length
  • guidepam_seq (str): sgRNA and PAM sequence
  • window (list, optional): activity window bounds. Defaults to None.
  • show_title (bool, optional): show the title. Defaults to False.
  • figsize (list, optional): figure size. Defaults to [10,2].
  • verbose (bool, optional): verbose. Defaults to False.
  • kws_sg (dict, optional): keyword arguments to plot the sgRNA. Defaults to {}.


  • plt.Axes: subplot

TODOs: 1. convert to 1-based coordinates 2. features from the GTF file

function get_plot_inputs

get_plot_inputs(df2: DataFrame) → list

Get plot inputs.


  • df2 (pd.DataFrame): table.


  • list: list of tables.

function plot_library_stats

    dfs: list,
    palette: dict = {True: 'b', False: 'lightgray'},
    cutoffs: dict = None,
    not_be: bool = True,
    dbug: bool = False,
    figsize: list = [10, 2.5]
) → list

Plot library stats


  • dfs (list): list of tables.
  • palette (type, optional): color palette. Defaults to {True:'b',False:'lightgray'}.
  • cutoffs (dict, optional): cutoffs to be applied. Defaults to None.
  • not_be (bool, optional): not a base editor. Defaults to True.
  • dbug (bool, optional): debug mode. Defaults to False.
  • figsize (list, optional): figure size. Defaults to [10,2.5].


  • list: list of subplots.


Command-line options

function validate_params

validate_params(parameters: dict) → bool

Validate the parameters.


  • parameters (dict): parameters


  • bool: whther the parameters are valid or not

function cli

    editor: str = None,
    mutations_path: str = None,
    output_dir_path: str = None,
    species: str = None,
    ensembl_release: int = None,
    genome_path: str = None,
    gtf_path: str = None,
    rna_path: str = None,
    prt_path: str = None,
    search_window: int = None,
    not_be: bool = False,
    config_path: str = None,
    wd_path: str = None,
    threads: int = 1,
    kernel_name: str = 'beditor',
    ext: str = None,
    force: bool = False,
    dbug: bool = False,

beditor command-line (CLI)


  • editor (str, optional): base-editing method, available methods can be listed using command: 'beditor resources'. Defaults to None.
  • mutations_path (str, optional): path to the mutation file, the format of which is available at Defaults to None.
  • output_dir_path (str, optional): path to the directory where the outputs should be saved. Defaults to None.
  • species (str, optional): species name. Defaults to None.
  • ensembl_release (int, optional): ensemble release number. Defaults to None.
  • genome_path (str, optional): path to the genome file, which is not available on Ensembl. Defaults to None.
  • gtf_path (str, optional): path to the gene annotations file, which is not available on Ensembl. Defaults to None.
  • rna_path (str, optional): path to the transcript sequences file, which is not available on Ensembl. Defaults to None.
  • prt_path (str, optional): path to the protein sequences file, which is not available on Ensembl. Defaults to None.
  • search_window (int, optional): number of bases to search on either side of a target, if not specified, it is inferred by beditor. Defaults to None.
  • not_be (bool, optional): do not process as a base editor. Defaults to False.
  • config_path (str, optional): path to the configuration file. Defaults to None.
  • wd_path (str, optional): path to the working directory. Defaults to None.
  • threads (int, optional): number of threads. Defaults to 1.
  • kernel_name (str, optional): name of the jupyter kernel. Defaults to "beditor".
  • verbose (str, optional): verbose, logging levels: DEBUG > INFO > WARNING > ERROR (default) > CRITICAL. Defaults to "WARNING".
  • igv_path_prefix (type, optional): prefix to be added to the IGV url. Defaults to None.
  • ext (str, optional): file extensions of the output tables. Defaults to None.
  • force (bool, optional): overwrite the outputs of they exist. Defaults to False.
  • dbug (bool, optional): debug mode (developer). Defaults to False.
  • skip (type, optional): skip sections of the workflow (developer). Defaults to None.

Examples: beditor cli -c inputs/mutations/protein/positions.yml


Required parameters for a run: editor mutations_path output_dir_path or config_path

function gui


function resources
