In this challenge you will work with public key certificates. You will be provided with a self-signed root certificate. You will also be provided with the root private key, and must use that to sign a user certificate.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import base64
import json
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Hash.SHA256 import SHA256Hash
from pwn import *
def show(name, value, *, b64=True):"{name}: {value}")
def show_b64(name, value):
show(f"{name} (b64)", base64.b64encode(value).decode())
def show_hex(name, value):
show(name, hex(value))
def recv_hex(run, marker, name):
s = run.recvline().strip()
value = int(s, 16)
show_hex(name, value)
return value
def recv_b64(run, name):
run.recvuntil(b"(b64): ")
s = run.recvline().strip()
value = base64.b64decode(s)
show_b64(name, value)
return value
def send_b64(run, marker, value):
# Run the challenge using pwntools
run = process(b"/challenge/run")
user_key = RSA.generate(1024)
# Root key
root_key_d = recv_hex(run, b"d: ", "root key d")
# Root certificate
root_cert_json = recv_b64(run, "root cert")
root_cert = json.loads(root_cert_json)
# Root certificate signature
root_cert_sig = recv_b64(run, "root cert sig")
# Extract n from the root cert
root_key_n = root_cert['key']['n']
# Create the user cert
user_cert = {
"name": "user",
"key": {
"e": user_key.e,
"n": user_key.n,
"signer": "root",
# Sign the user cert
user_cert_data = json.dumps(user_cert).encode()
user_cert_hash = SHA256Hash(user_cert_data).digest()
user_cert_sig = pow(
int.from_bytes(user_cert_hash, "little"),
).to_bytes(256, "little")
send_b64(run, b"user certificate (b64): ", user_cert_data)
send_b64(run, b"user certificate signature (b64): ", user_cert_sig)
# Get the ciphertext that was encrypted with our key and decrypt it
ciphertext = recv_b64(run, "ciphertext")
# Pwn the flag
flag = pow(int.from_bytes(ciphertext, "little"), user_key.d, user_key.n).to_bytes(256, "little")