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Version 3.0 Release

RGeo version 3.0 contains a lot of bug fixes and minor improvements, as well as a few major changes to certain systems within RGeo. We'll explain those major changes in more depth here.

A comprehensive list of changes can be found in

Validity Handling

In previous versions of RGeo, factories would raise an error when an invalid geometry was instansiated, and users could avoid this by setting the uses_lenient_assertions or uses_lenient_multipolygon_assertions flags in their factories. For version 3 we decided to match the behavior of Geos more closely and allow invalid geometries to be instansiated and only check validity once an operation that requires validity is called on that geometry. If that geometry is invalid an error will be raised, and users can get around this by using the new unsafe_* variants of methods to skip the check at the risk of incorrect results.

We believe this approach has a few benefits: faster geometry creation, more consistent behavior between factory types, and more flexibility with geometries (since validation is done on a per method basis).

More details about usage and some technical details can be found in doc/

Coordinate System and Coordinate Transformations

Note: If you are using rgeo-proj4, you will need to upgrade it to version 4.0 to be used with RGeo 3.0

In an effort to improve the interface for transforming coordinates and decoupling the rgeo-proj4 gem from the core RGeo library, we've changed how factories are given coordinate system information. The proj4 option has been removed from all factory creation options and the coord_sys option will be relied on instead.

To allow this change, we've expanded the CS::CoordinateSystem class and added a CS::CoordinateTransform class. Now any implementation of CS::CoordinateSystem can be passed into the coord_sys option and if a transformation is defined between CoordinateSystem instances, then factories can transform geometries between each other.

Here's a basic example taken from our tests:

class TestAffineCoordinateSystem < RGeo::CoordSys::CS::CoordinateSystem
  def initialize(value, dimension, *optional)
    super(value, dimension, *optional)
    @value = value
  attr_accessor :value

  def transform_coords(target_cs, x, y, z = nil)
    ct = TestAffineCoordinateTransform.create(self, target_cs)
    ct.transform_coords(x, y, z)

  class << self
    def create(value, dimension = 2)
      new(value, dimension)

class TestAffineCoordinateTransform < RGeo::CoordSys::CS::CoordinateTransform
  def transform_coords(x, y, z = nil)
    diff = target_cs.value - source_cs.value
    coords = [x + diff, y + diff]
    coords << (z + diff) if z

cs1 = TestAffineCoordinateSystem.create(0)
cs2 = TestAffineCoordinateSystem.create(10)

fac1 = RGeo::Cartesian.preferred_factory(coord_sys: cs1)
fac2 = RGeo::Cartesian.preferred_factory(coord_sys: cs2)

point1 = fac1.point(1, 2)
point2 = RGeo::Feature.cast(point1, factory: fac2, project: true)

p point2
#=> #<RGeo::Geos::CAPIPointImpl:0x294 "POINT (11 12)">

Here's a few other important transformation related changes:

  • Passing a value to the srid option will automatically attempt to create a CoordinateSystem from it. Valid types are Integer and String definitions.
  • A CONFIG object has been created for CoordSys that defines a default_coord_sys_class that factories will use to create coordinate systems from a given SRID. Note: When rgeo-proj4 is loaded it will override this value to use the rgeo-proj4 implementation.
  • Factories accept a coord_sys_class option if you want to define a coordinate system from an SRID and use a different implementation from default_coord_sys_class.