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A one-size-fits-all toolbox for detailed logging in TypeScript-based Screeps codes.


# npm
npm install --save screeps-inscribe

# yarn
yarn add screeps-inscribe


To enable accessing Inscribe commands through the CLI, you should add screeps-inscribe to your global. To do this, add the following to your main.js, outside of the game loop.

import Inscribe from 'screeps-inscribe'

global.Inscribe = Inscribe()

If you use TypeScript, don't forget to include Inscribe: any in the Global interface of your declaration file as well.

declare namespace NodeJS {
  interface Global {
    // ...
    Inscribe: any
    // ...

screeps-inscribe doesn't have any extra dependencies, and can be easily integrated to your existing logging utility.

import * as Inscribe from 'screeps-inscribe'

console.log(`[${Inscribe.color('main', 'skyblue')}] Scripts bootstrapped`)


This codebase uses husky to auto-compile changes on commit.

To get started, simply clone this repository, and run npm install. After that, make any changes you want in src/. When you commit the changes, husky will first automatically run npm run compile and compile your changes.

API Reference


Inscribe.color(str: string, fontColor: string): string

Decorates a string of text with color.


  • str: string The string to format.
  • fontColor: string Any HTML color name (teal) or hex code (#33b5e5).

Returns: A string output of the color-formatted text.

link string, title: string): string

Appends a link to log output


  • href: string Any string-escaped link.
  • title: string The link title.

Returns: A console output string with link.


Inscribe.tooltip(str: string, tooltipText: string): string

Allows tooltip to be sent to the formatter


  • str: string The string to format
  • tooltipText: string The tooltip text to give away

Returns: The tooltipped text for the Screeps console.


Inscribe.time(color?: string)

Outputs a formatted version of Game.time


  • color?: string Any HTML color name (teal) or hex code (#33b5e5). Defaults to gray if empty.

Returns: A pretty-formatted Game.time.