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Releases: realm/realm-dart


03 May 00:05
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2.2.1 (2024-05-02)


  • realm_privacy bundle mistakenly included an exe-file preventing app store submissions. (Issue #1656)


  • Realm Studio: 15.0.0 or later.


  • Using Core 14.6.2.


01 May 19:24
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2.2.0 (2024-05-01)


  • Allow configuration of generator per model class. Currently support specifying the constructor style to use.
    const config = GeneratorConfig(ctorStyle: CtorStyle.allNamed);
    const realmModel = RealmModel.using(baseType: ObjectType.realmObject, generatorConfig: config);
    class _Person {
      late String name;
      int age = 42;
    will generate a constructor like:
      required String name,
      int age = 42,
    }) { ... }
    (Issue #292)
  • Add privacy manifest to apple binaries. (Issue #1551)


  • Avoid: Attempt to execute code removed by Dart AOT compiler (TFA). (Issue #1647)
  • Fixed nullability annotations for the experimental API App.baseUrl and App.updateBaseUrl. The former is guaranteed not to be null, while the latter will now accept a null argument, in which case the base url will be restored to its default value. (Issue #1523)
  • App.users included logged out users only if they were logged out while the App instance existed. It now always includes all logged out users. (Core 14.6.0)
  • Fixed several issues around encrypted file portability (copying a "bundled" encrypted Realm from one device to another): (Core 14.6.0)
    • Fixed Assertion failed: new_size % (1ULL << m_page_shift) == 0 when opening an encrypted Realm less than 64Mb that was generated on a platform with a different page size than the current platform.
    • Fixed a DecryptionFailed exception thrown when opening a small (<4k of data) Realm generated on a device with a page size of 4k if it was bundled and opened on a device with a larger page size.
    • Fixed an issue during a subsequent open of an encrypted Realm for some rare allocation patterns when the top ref was within ~50 bytes of the end of a page. This could manifest as a DecryptionFailed exception or as an assertion: encrypted_file_mapping.hpp:183: Assertion failed: local_ndx < m_page_state.size().
  • Schema initialization could hit an assertion failure if the sync client applied a downloaded changeset while the Realm file was in the process of being opened. (Core 14.6.0)
  • Improve perfomance of "chained OR equality" queries for UUID/ObjectId types and RQL parsed "IN" queries on string/int/uuid/objectid types. (Core 14.6.0)
  • Fixed a bug when running a IN query (or a query of the pattern x == 1 OR x == 2 OR x == 3) when evaluating on a string property with an empty string in the search condition. Matches with an empty string would have been evaluated as if searching for a null string instead. (Core 14.6.2)


  • Realm Studio: 15.0.0 or later.


  • Using Core 14.6.2.
  • Flutter: ^3.19.0
  • Dart: ^3.3.0


17 Apr 16:33
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2.1.0 (2024-04-17)


  • Improve file compaction performance on platforms with page sizes greater than 4k (for example arm64 Apple platforms) for files less than 256 pages in size (Core 14.4.0).
  • Add better hint to error message, if opening native library fails. (Issue #1595)
  • Added support for specifying schema version on Configuration.flexibleSync. This allows you to take advantage of an upcoming server-side feature that will allow schema migrations for synchronized Realms. (Issue #1599)
  • The default base url in AppConfiguration has been updated to point to See for more information. (Issue #1549)
  • Don't ignore private fields on realm models. (Issue #1367)
  • Improve performance of RealmValue.operator== when containing binary data. (PR #1628)


  • Using valid const, but non-literal expressions, such as negation of numbers, as an initializer would fail. (Issue #1606)
  • Backlinks mistakenly included in EJson serialization. (Issue #1616)
  • Fix an assertion failure "m_lock_info && m_lock_info->m_file.get_path() == m_filename" that appears to be related to opening a Realm while the file is in the process of being closed on another thread. (Core 14.5.0)
  • Fixed diverging history due to a bug in the replication code when setting default null values (embedded objects included). (Core 14.5.0)
  • Null pointer exception may be triggered when logging out and async commits callbacks not executed. (Core 14.5.0)
  • Comparing RealmValue containing a collection to itself would return false. Semantics changed to ensure reference equality always imply equality. (Issue [#1632])
  • Clearing a nested collection could end with a crash. (Core 14.5.1)
  • Removing nested collections in RealmValue for synced realms throws. (Core 14.5.1)
  • Fixed crash when integrating removal of already removed dictionary key. (Core 14.5.2)


  • Realm Studio: 15.0.0 or later.


  • Using Core 14.5.2.


20 Mar 14:47
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2.0.0-beta.2 (2024-03-20)

Breaking Changes

  • RealmValue.type is now an enum of type RealmValueType rather than Type. If you need the runtime type of the value wrapped in RealmValue, use RealmValue.value.runtimeType. (Issue #1505)

  • Renamed RealmValue.uint8List constructor to RealmValue.binary. (PR #1469)

  • Removed the following deprecated classes and members:

    • AppConfiguration.localAppName - was unused and had no effect
    • AppConfiguration.localAppVersion - was unused and had no effect
    • ClientResetError.isFatal - it was always true
    • ClientResetError.sessionErrorCode
    • SyncError.codeValue - can be accessed through SyncError.code.code
    • SyncError.category - categories were deprecated in 1.6.0
    • SyncError.detailedMessage - was always empty
    • SyncError constructor and SyncError.create factory - sync errors are created internally by the SDK and are not supposed to be constructed by users
    • SyncClientError, SyncConnectionError, SyncSessionError, SyncResolveError, SyncWebSocketError, GeneralSyncError - consolidated into SyncError as part of the error simplification in 1.6.0
    • RealmProperty.indexed - replaced by RealmProperty.indexType
    • SyncErrorCategory, SyncClientErrorCode, SyncConnectionErrorCode, SyncSessionErrorCode, SyncResolveErrorCode, SyncWebsocketErrorCode, GeneralSyncErrorCode - consolidated into SyncErrorCode as part of the error simplification in 1.6.0
    • User.provider - the provider is associated with each identity, so the value was incorrect for users who had more than one identity
  • The generated parts are now named .realm.dart instead of .g.dart. This is because the builder is now a PartBuilder, instead of a SharedPartBuilder. To migrate to this version you need to update all the part declarations to match, ie. part 'x.g.dart becomes part x.realm.dart and rerun the generator.

    This makes it easier to combine builders. Here is an example of combining with dart_mappable:

    import 'package:dart_mappable/dart_mappable.dart';
    import 'package:realm_dart/realm.dart';
    part 'part_builder.realm.dart';
    part 'part_builder.mapper.dart';
    class $Stuff with $StuffMappable {
      late int id;
      String toString() => 'Stuff{id: $id}';
    final realm = Realm(Configuration.local([Stuff.schema]));
    void main(List<String> arguments) {
      final s = realm.write(() => realm.add(Stuff(1), update: true));
      print(s.toJson()); // <-- realm object as json
  • Removed - instead, SchemaObject is now an iterable collection of Property. (Issue #1449)

  • SyncProgress.transferredBytes and SyncProgress.transferableBytes have been consolidated into SyncProgress.progressEstimate. The values reported previously were incorrect and did not accurately represent bytes either. The new field better conveys the uncertainty around the progress being reported. With this release, we're reporting accurate estimates for upload progress, but estimating downloads is still unreliable. A future server and SDK release will add better estimations for download progress. (Issue #1562)

  • Realm.logger is no longer settable, and no longer implements Logger from package logging. In particular you can no longer call Realm.logger.level =. Instead you should call Realm.logger.setLogLevel(RealmLogLevel level, {RealmLogCategory? category}) that takes an optional category. If no category is exlicitly given, then RealmLogCategory.realm is assumed.

    Also, note that setting a level is no longer local to the current isolate, but shared accross all isolates. At the core level there is just one process wide logger.

    Categories form a hierarchy and setting the log level of a parent category will override the level of its children. The hierarchy is exposed in a type safe manner with:

    sealed class RealmLogCategory {
      /// All possible log categories.
      static final values = [

    The onRecord stream now pumps RealmLogRecords that include the category the message was logged to.

    If you want to hook up realm logging with conventional dart logging you can do:

    Realm.logger.onRecord.forEach((r) => Logger(r.category.toString()).log(r.level.level, r.message));

    If no isolate subscribes to Realm.logger.onRecord then the logs will by default be sent to stdout.


  • Realm objects can now be serialized as EJSON

    import 'package:ejson/ejson.dart';
    // ...
    class _Event {
      late DateTime timestamp;
      late String message;
    // ...
    final ejson = toEJson(aRealmObject);
    final anUnmanagedRealmObject = fromEJson<Event>(ejson);
  • Added isCollectionDeleted to RealmListChanges, RealmSetChanges, and RealmMapChanges which will be true if the parent object, containing the collection has been deleted. (Core 14.0.0)

  • Added isCleared to RealmMapChanges which will be true if the map has been cleared. (Core 14.0.0)

  • Querying a specific entry in a collection (in particular 'first and 'last') is supported. (Core 14.0.0)

    class _Owner {
      late List<_Dog> dogs;
    realm.query<Owner>('dogs[1].age = 5'); // Query all owners whose second dog element is 5 years old
    realm.query<Owner>('dogs[FIRST].age = 5'); // Query all owners whose first dog is 5 years old
    realm.query<Owner>('dogs[LAST].age = 5'); // Query all owners whose last dog is 5 years old
    realm.query<Owner>('dogs[SIZE] = 10'); // Query all owners who have 10 dogs
  • Added support for storing lists and maps inside a RealmValue property. (Issue #1504)

    class _Container {
      late RealmValue anything;
    realm.write(() {
      realm.add(Container(anything: RealmValue.from([1, 'foo', 3.14])));
    final container = realm.all<Container>().first;
    final list = container.anything.asList(); // will throw if cast is invalid
    for (final item in containerValue) {
      switch (item.type) {
          print('Integer: ${item.value as int}');
        case RealmValueType.string:
          print('String: ${item.value as String}');
        case RealmValueType.double:
          print('Double: ${item.value as double}');
    final subscription = list.changes.listen((event) {
      // The list changed
  • Added RealmValueType enum that contains all the possible types that can be wrapped by a RealmValue. (PR #1469)

  • Added support for accessing Set and Map types using the dynamic object API - obj.dynamic.getSet/getMap. (PR #1533)

  • Added RealmObjectBase.objectSchema that returns the schema for this object. In most cases, this would be the schema defined in the model, but in case the Realm is opened as dynamic (by providing an empty collection for schemaObjects in the config) or using FlexibleSyncConfiguration, it may change as the schema on disk changes. (Issue #1449)

  • Added Realm.schemaChanges that returns a stream of schema changes that can be listened to. Only dynamic and synchronized Realms will emit schema changes. (Issue #1449)

  • Improve performance of object notifiers with complex schemas and very simple changes to process by as much as 20% ([Core 14.2.0).

  • Improve performance with very large number of notifiers as much as 75% (Core 14.2.0).

  • Add support to synchronize collections embedded in Mixed properties and other collections (except sets) (Core v14.2.0-12-g95c6efce8).

  • Improve performance of change notifications on nested collections somewhat (Core v14.2.0-12-g95c6efce8).

  • Improve performance of aggregate operations on Dictionaries of objects, particularly when the dictionaries are empty (Core v14.2.0-12-g95c6efce8)


  • If you have more than 8388606 links pointing to one specific object, the program will crash. (Core 14.0.0)
  • A Realm generated on a non-apple ARM 64 device and copied to another platform (and vice-versa) were non-portable due to a sorting order difference. This impacts strings or binaries that have their first difference at a non-ascii character. These items may not be found in a set, or in an indexed column if the strings had a long common prefix (> 200 characters). (Core 14.0.0)
  • Ctor arguments appear in random order on generated classes, if the realm model contains many properties. (PR #1531)
  • Fixed an issue where removing realm objects from a List with more than 1000 items could crash. (Core 14.2.0)
  • Fix a spurious crash related to opening a Realm on background thread while the process was in the middle of exiting (Core v14.2.0-12-g95c6efce8)


  • Realm Studio: 14.0.0 or later.
  • Fileformat: Generates files with format v24. Reads and automatically upgrade from fileformat v10. If you want to upgrade from an earlier file format version you will have to use RealmCore v13.x.y or earlier.


  • Using Core v14.2.0-12-g95c6ef...
Read more


20 Mar 19:48
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2.0.0 (2024-03-20)

Breaking Changes

  • RealmValue.type is now an enum of type RealmValueType rather than Type. If you need the runtime type of the value wrapped in RealmValue, use RealmValue.value.runtimeType. (Issue #1505)

  • Renamed RealmValue.uint8List constructor to RealmValue.binary. (PR #1469)

  • Removed the following deprecated classes and members:

    • AppConfiguration.localAppName - was unused and had no effect
    • AppConfiguration.localAppVersion - was unused and had no effect
    • ClientResetError.isFatal - it was always true
    • ClientResetError.sessionErrorCode
    • SyncError.codeValue - can be accessed through SyncError.code.code
    • SyncError.category - categories were deprecated in 1.6.0
    • SyncError.detailedMessage - was always empty
    • SyncError constructor and SyncError.create factory - sync errors are created internally by the SDK and are not supposed to be constructed by users
    • SyncClientError, SyncConnectionError, SyncSessionError, SyncResolveError, SyncWebSocketError, GeneralSyncError - consolidated into SyncError as part of the error simplification in 1.6.0
    • RealmProperty.indexed - replaced by RealmProperty.indexType
    • SyncErrorCategory, SyncClientErrorCode, SyncConnectionErrorCode, SyncSessionErrorCode, SyncResolveErrorCode, SyncWebsocketErrorCode, GeneralSyncErrorCode - consolidated into SyncErrorCode as part of the error simplification in 1.6.0
    • User.provider - the provider is associated with each identity, so the value was incorrect for users who had more than one identity
  • The generated parts are now named .realm.dart instead of .g.dart. This is because the builder is now a PartBuilder, instead of a SharedPartBuilder. To migrate to this version you need to update all the part declarations to match, ie. part 'x.g.dart becomes part x.realm.dart and rerun the generator.

    This makes it easier to combine builders. Here is an example of combining with dart_mappable:

    import 'package:dart_mappable/dart_mappable.dart';
    import 'package:realm_dart/realm.dart';
    part 'part_builder.realm.dart';
    part 'part_builder.mapper.dart';
    class $Stuff with $StuffMappable {
      late int id;
      String toString() => 'Stuff{id: $id}';
    final realm = Realm(Configuration.local([Stuff.schema]));
    void main(List<String> arguments) {
      final s = realm.write(() => realm.add(Stuff(1), update: true));
      print(s.toJson()); // <-- realm object as json
  • Removed - instead, SchemaObject is now an iterable collection of Property. (Issue #1449)

  • SyncProgress.transferredBytes and SyncProgress.transferableBytes have been consolidated into SyncProgress.progressEstimate. The values reported previously were incorrect and did not accurately represent bytes either. The new field better conveys the uncertainty around the progress being reported. With this release, we're reporting accurate estimates for upload progress, but estimating downloads is still unreliable. A future server and SDK release will add better estimations for download progress. (Issue #1562)

  • Realm.logger is no longer settable, and no longer implements Logger from package logging. In particular you can no longer call Realm.logger.level =. Instead you should call Realm.logger.setLogLevel(RealmLogLevel level, {RealmLogCategory? category}) that takes an optional category. If no category is exlicitly given, then RealmLogCategory.realm is assumed.

    Also, note that setting a level is no longer local to the current isolate, but shared accross all isolates. At the core level there is just one process wide logger.

    Categories form a hierarchy and setting the log level of a parent category will override the level of its children. The hierarchy is exposed in a type safe manner with:

    sealed class RealmLogCategory {
      /// All possible log categories.
      static final values = [

    The onRecord stream now pumps RealmLogRecords that include the category the message was logged to.

    If you want to hook up realm logging with conventional dart logging you can do:

    Realm.logger.onRecord.forEach((r) => Logger(r.category.toString()).log(r.level.level, r.message));

    If no isolate subscribes to Realm.logger.onRecord then the logs will by default be sent to stdout. (Issue #1578)


  • Realm objects can now be serialized as EJSON. (Issue #1254)
    import 'package:ejson/ejson.dart';
    // ...
    class _Event {
      late DateTime timestamp;
      late String message;
    // ...
    final ejson = toEJson(aRealmObject);
    final anUnmanagedRealmObject = fromEJson<Event>(ejson);
  • Added isCollectionDeleted to RealmListChanges, RealmSetChanges, and RealmMapChanges which will be true if the parent object, containing the collection has been deleted. (Core 14.0.0)
  • Added isCleared to RealmMapChanges which will be true if the map has been cleared. (Core 14.0.0)
  • Querying a specific entry in a collection (in particular 'first and 'last') is supported. (Core 14.0.0)
    class _Owner {
      late List<_Dog> dogs;
    realm.query<Owner>('dogs[1].age = 5'); // Query all owners whose second dog element is 5 years old
    realm.query<Owner>('dogs[FIRST].age = 5'); // Query all owners whose first dog is 5 years old
    realm.query<Owner>('dogs[LAST].age = 5'); // Query all owners whose last dog is 5 years old
    realm.query<Owner>('dogs[SIZE] = 10'); // Query all owners who have 10 dogs
  • Added support for storing lists and maps inside a RealmValue property. (Issue #1504)
    class _Container {
      late RealmValue anything;
    realm.write(() {
      realm.add(Container(anything: RealmValue.from([1, 'foo', 3.14])));
    final container = realm.all<Container>().first;
    final list = container.anything.asList(); // will throw if cast is invalid
    for (final item in containerValue) {
      switch (item.type) {
          print('Integer: ${item.value as int}');
        case RealmValueType.string:
          print('String: ${item.value as String}');
        case RealmValueType.double:
          print('Double: ${item.value as double}');
    final subscription = list.changes.listen((event) {
      // The list changed
  • Added RealmValueType enum that contains all the possible types that can be wrapped by a RealmValue. (PR #1469)
  • Added support for accessing Set and Map types using the dynamic object API - obj.dynamic.getSet/getMap. (PR #1533)
  • Added RealmObjectBase.objectSchema that returns the schema for this object. In most cases, this would be the schema defined in the model, but in case the Realm is opened as dynamic (by providing an empty collection for schemaObjects in the config) or using FlexibleSyncConfiguration, it may change as the schema on disk changes. (Issue #1449)
  • Added Realm.schemaChanges that returns a stream of schema changes that can be listened to. Only dynamic and synchronized Realms will emit schema changes. (Issue #1449)
  • Improve performance of object notifiers with complex schemas and very simple changes to process by as much as 20% (Core 14.2.0).
  • Improve performance with very large number of notifiers as much as 75% (Core 14.2.0).


  • If you have more than 8388606 links pointing to one specific object, the program will crash. (Core 14.0.0)
  • A Realm generated on a non-apple ARM 64 device and copied to another platform (and vice-versa) were non-portable due to a sorting order difference. This impacts strings or binaries that have their first difference at a non-ascii character. These items may not be found in a set, or in an indexed column if the strings had a long common prefix (> 200 characters). (Core 14.0.0)
  • Ctor arguments appear in random order on generated classes, if the realm model contains many properties. (PR #1531)
  • Fixed an issue where removing realm objects from a List with more than 1000 items could crash. (Core 14.2.0)
  • Fix a spurious crash related to opening a Realm on background thread while the process was in the middle of exiting. (Core v14.3.0)
  • Fixed conflict resolution bug which may result in an crash when the AddInteger instruction on Mixed properties is merged against updates to a non-integer type. (Core v14.3.0)


  • Realm Studio: 14.0.0 or later.
  • Fileformat: Generates files with format v24. Reads and automatically upgrade from fileformat v10. If you want to upgrade from an earlier file format version you will have to use RealmCore v13.x.y or earlier.


  • Using Core v14.3.0


18 Mar 22:01
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2.0.0-beta.1 (2024-03-18)

Breaking Changes

  • RealmValue.type is now an enum of type RealmValueType rather than Type. If you need the runtime type of the value wrapped in RealmValue, use RealmValue.value.runtimeType. (Issue #1505)

  • Renamed RealmValue.uint8List constructor to RealmValue.binary. (PR #1469)

  • Removed the following deprecated classes and members:

    • AppConfiguration.localAppName - was unused and had no effect
    • AppConfiguration.localAppVersion - was unused and had no effect
    • ClientResetError.isFatal - it was always true
    • ClientResetError.sessionErrorCode
    • SyncError.codeValue - can be accessed through SyncError.code.code
    • SyncError.category - categories were deprecated in 1.6.0
    • SyncError.detailedMessage - was always empty
    • SyncError constructor and SyncError.create factory - sync errors are created internally by the SDK and are not supposed to be constructed by users
    • SyncClientError, SyncConnectionError, SyncSessionError, SyncResolveError, SyncWebSocketError, GeneralSyncError - consolidated into SyncError as part of the error simplification in 1.6.0
    • RealmProperty.indexed - replaced by RealmProperty.indexType
    • SyncErrorCategory, SyncClientErrorCode, SyncConnectionErrorCode, SyncSessionErrorCode, SyncResolveErrorCode, SyncWebsocketErrorCode, GeneralSyncErrorCode - consolidated into SyncErrorCode as part of the error simplification in 1.6.0
    • User.provider - the provider is associated with each identity, so the value was incorrect for users who had more than one identity
  • The generated parts are now named .realm.dart instead of .g.dart. This is because the builder is now a PartBuilder, instead of a SharedPartBuilder. To migrate to this version you need to update all the part declarations to match, ie. part 'x.g.dart becomes part x.realm.dart and rerun the generator.

    This makes it easier to combine builders. Here is an example of combining with dart_mappable:

    import 'package:dart_mappable/dart_mappable.dart';
    import 'package:realm_dart/realm.dart';
    part 'part_builder.realm.dart';
    part 'part_builder.mapper.dart';
    class $Stuff with $StuffMappable {
      late int id;
      String toString() => 'Stuff{id: $id}';
    final realm = Realm(Configuration.local([Stuff.schema]));
    void main(List<String> arguments) {
      final s = realm.write(() => realm.add(Stuff(1), update: true));
      print(s.toJson()); // <-- realm object as json
  • Removed - instead, SchemaObject is now an iterable collection of Property. (Issue #1449)

  • SyncProgress.transferredBytes and SyncProgress.transferableBytes have been consolidated into SyncProgress.progressEstimate. The values reported previously were incorrect and did not accurately represent bytes either. The new field better conveys the uncertainty around the progress being reported. With this release, we're reporting accurate estimates for upload progress, but estimating downloads is still unreliable. A future server and SDK release will add better estimations for download progress. (Issue #1562)


  • Realm objects can now be serialized as EJSON

    import 'package:ejson/ejson.dart';
    // ...
    class _Event {
      late DateTime timestamp;
      late String message;
    // ...
    final ejson = toEJson(aRealmObject);
    final anUnmanagedRealmObject = fromEJson<Event>(ejson);
  • Added isCollectionDeleted to RealmListChanges, RealmSetChanges, and RealmMapChanges which will be true if the parent object, containing the collection has been deleted. (Core 14.0.0)

  • Added isCleared to RealmMapChanges which will be true if the map has been cleared. (Core 14.0.0)

  • Querying a specific entry in a collection (in particular 'first and 'last') is supported. (Core 14.0.0)

    class _Owner {
      late List<_Dog> dogs;
    realm.query<Owner>('dogs[1].age = 5'); // Query all owners whose second dog element is 5 years old
    realm.query<Owner>('dogs[FIRST].age = 5'); // Query all owners whose first dog is 5 years old
    realm.query<Owner>('dogs[LAST].age = 5'); // Query all owners whose last dog is 5 years old
    realm.query<Owner>('dogs[SIZE] = 10'); // Query all owners who have 10 dogs
  • Added support for storing lists and maps inside a RealmValue property. (Issue #1504)

    class _Container {
      late RealmValue anything;
    realm.write(() {
      realm.add(Container(anything: RealmValue.from([1, 'foo', 3.14])));
    final container = realm.all<Container>().first;
    final list = container.anything.asList(); // will throw if cast is invalid
    for (final item in containerValue) {
      switch (item.type) {
          print('Integer: ${item.value as int}');
        case RealmValueType.string:
          print('String: ${item.value as String}');
        case RealmValueType.double:
          print('Double: ${item.value as double}');
    final subscription = list.changes.listen((event) {
      // The list changed
  • Added RealmValueType enum that contains all the possible types that can be wrapped by a RealmValue. (PR #1469)

  • Added support for accessing Set and Map types using the dynamic object API - obj.dynamic.getSet/getMap. (PR #1533)

  • Added RealmObjectBase.objectSchema that returns the schema for this object. In most cases, this would be the schema defined in the model, but in case the Realm is opened as dynamic (by providing an empty collection for schemaObjects in the config) or using FlexibleSyncConfiguration, it may change as the schema on disk changes. (Issue #1449)

  • Added Realm.schemaChanges that returns a stream of schema changes that can be listened to. Only dynamic and synchronized Realms will emit schema changes. (Issue #1449)

  • Improve performance of object notifiers with complex schemas and very simple changes to process by as much as 20% ([Core 14.2.0).

  • Improve performance with very large number of notifiers as much as 75% (Core 14.2.0).

  • Add support to synchronize collections embedded in Mixed properties and other collections (except sets) (Core v14.2.0-12-g95c6efce8).

  • Improve performance of change notifications on nested collections somewhat (Core v14.2.0-12-g95c6efce8).

  • Improve performance of aggregate operations on Dictionaries of objects, particularly when the dictionaries are empty (Core v14.2.0-12-g95c6efce8)


  • If you have more than 8388606 links pointing to one specific object, the program will crash. (Core 14.0.0)
  • A Realm generated on a non-apple ARM 64 device and copied to another platform (and vice-versa) were non-portable due to a sorting order difference. This impacts strings or binaries that have their first difference at a non-ascii character. These items may not be found in a set, or in an indexed column if the strings had a long common prefix (> 200 characters). (Core 14.0.0)
  • Ctor arguments appear in random order on generated classes, if the realm model contains many properties. (PR #1531)
  • Fixed an issue where removing realm objects from a List with more than 1000 items could crash. (Core 14.2.0)
  • Fix a spurious crash related to opening a Realm on background thread while the process was in the middle of exiting (Core v14.2.0-12-g95c6efce8)


  • Realm Studio: 14.0.0 or later.
  • Fileformat: Generates files with format v24. Reads and automatically upgrade from fileformat v10. If you want to upgrade from an earlier file format version you will have to use RealmCore v13.x.y or earlier.


  • Using Core v14.2.0-12-g95c6efce8


15 Mar 10:50
Choose a tag to compare

2.0.0-alpha.5 (2024-03-15)

Breaking Changes

  • RealmValue.type is now an enum of type RealmValueType rather than Type. If you need the runtime type of the value wrapped in RealmValue, use RealmValue.value.runtimeType. (Issue #1505)

  • Renamed RealmValue.uint8List constructor to RealmValue.binary. (PR #1469)

  • Removed the following deprecated classes and members:

    • AppConfiguration.localAppName - was unused and had no effect
    • AppConfiguration.localAppVersion - was unused and had no effect
    • ClientResetError.isFatal - it was always true
    • ClientResetError.sessionErrorCode
    • SyncError.codeValue - can be accessed through SyncError.code.code
    • SyncError.category - categories were deprecated in 1.6.0
    • SyncError.detailedMessage - was always empty
    • SyncError constructor and SyncError.create factory - sync errors are created internally by the SDK and are not supposed to be constructed by users
    • SyncClientError, SyncConnectionError, SyncSessionError, SyncResolveError, SyncWebSocketError, GeneralSyncError - consolidated into SyncError as part of the error simplification in 1.6.0
    • RealmProperty.indexed - replaced by RealmProperty.indexType
    • SyncErrorCategory, SyncClientErrorCode, SyncConnectionErrorCode, SyncSessionErrorCode, SyncResolveErrorCode, SyncWebsocketErrorCode, GeneralSyncErrorCode - consolidated into SyncErrorCode as part of the error simplification in 1.6.0
    • User.provider - the provider is associated with each identity, so the value was incorrect for users who had more than one identity
  • The generated parts are now named .realm.dart instead of .g.dart. This is because the builder is now a PartBuilder, instead of a SharedPartBuilder. To migrate to this version you need to update all the part declarations to match, ie. part 'x.g.dart becomes part x.realm.dart and rerun the generator.

    This makes it easier to combine builders. Here is an example of combining with dart_mappable:

    import 'package:dart_mappable/dart_mappable.dart';
    import 'package:realm_dart/realm.dart';
    part 'part_builder.realm.dart';
    part 'part_builder.mapper.dart';
    class $Stuff with $StuffMappable {
      late int id;
      String toString() => 'Stuff{id: $id}';
    final realm = Realm(Configuration.local([Stuff.schema]));
    void main(List<String> arguments) {
      final s = realm.write(() => realm.add(Stuff(1), update: true));
      print(s.toJson()); // <-- realm object as json
  • Removed - instead, SchemaObject is now an iterable collection of Property. (Issue #1449)

  • SyncProgress.transferredBytes and SyncProgress.transferableBytes have been consolidated into SyncProgress.progressEstimate. The values reported previously were incorrect and did not accurately represent bytes either. The new field better conveys the uncertainty around the progress being reported. With this release, we're reporting accurate estimates for upload progress, but estimating downloads is still unreliable. A future server and SDK release will add better estimations for download progress. (Issue #1562)


  • Realm objects can now be serialized as EJSON

    import 'package:ejson/ejson.dart';
    // ...
    class _Event {
      late DateTime timestamp;
      late String message;
    // ...
    final ejson = toEJson(aRealmObject);
    final anUnmanagedRealmObject = fromEJson<Event>(ejson);
  • Added isCollectionDeleted to RealmListChanges, RealmSetChanges, and RealmMapChanges which will be true if the parent object, containing the collection has been deleted. (Core 14.0.0)

  • Added isCleared to RealmMapChanges which will be true if the map has been cleared. (Core 14.0.0)

  • Querying a specific entry in a collection (in particular 'first and 'last') is supported. (Core 14.0.0)

    class _Owner {
      late List<_Dog> dogs;
    realm.query<Owner>('dogs[1].age = 5'); // Query all owners whose second dog element is 5 years old
    realm.query<Owner>('dogs[FIRST].age = 5'); // Query all owners whose first dog is 5 years old
    realm.query<Owner>('dogs[LAST].age = 5'); // Query all owners whose last dog is 5 years old
    realm.query<Owner>('dogs[SIZE] = 10'); // Query all owners who have 10 dogs
  • Added support for storing lists and maps inside a RealmValue property. (Issue #1504)

    class _Container {
      late RealmValue anything;
    realm.write(() {
      realm.add(Container(anything: RealmValue.from([1, 'foo', 3.14])));
    final container = realm.all<Container>().first;
    final list = container.anything.asList(); // will throw if cast is invalid
    for (final item in containerValue) {
      switch (item.type) {
          print('Integer: ${item.value as int}');
        case RealmValueType.string:
          print('String: ${item.value as String}');
        case RealmValueType.double:
          print('Double: ${item.value as double}');
    final subscription = list.changes.listen((event) {
      // The list changed
  • Added RealmValueType enum that contains all the possible types that can be wrapped by a RealmValue. (PR #1469)

  • Added support for accessing Set and Map types using the dynamic object API - obj.dynamic.getSet/getMap. (PR #1533)

  • Added RealmObjectBase.objectSchema that returns the schema for this object. In most cases, this would be the schema defined in the model, but in case the Realm is opened as dynamic (by providing an empty collection for schemaObjects in the config) or using FlexibleSyncConfiguration, it may change as the schema on disk changes. (Issue #1449)

  • Added Realm.schemaChanges that returns a stream of schema changes that can be listened to. Only dynamic and synchronized Realms will emit schema changes. (Issue #1449)

  • Improve performance of object notifiers with complex schemas and very simple changes to process by as much as 20% ([Core 14.2.0).

  • Improve performance with very large number of notifiers as much as 75% (Core 14.2.0).

  • Add support to synchronize collections embedded in Mixed properties and other collections (except sets) (Core v14.2.0-12-g95c6efce8).

  • Improve performance of change notifications on nested collections somewhat (Core v14.2.0-12-g95c6efce8).

  • Improve performance of aggregate operations on Dictionaries of objects, particularly when the dictionaries are empty (Core v14.2.0-12-g95c6efce8)


  • If you have more than 8388606 links pointing to one specific object, the program will crash. (Core 14.0.0)
  • A Realm generated on a non-apple ARM 64 device and copied to another platform (and vice-versa) were non-portable due to a sorting order difference. This impacts strings or binaries that have their first difference at a non-ascii character. These items may not be found in a set, or in an indexed column if the strings had a long common prefix (> 200 characters). (Core 14.0.0)
  • Ctor arguments appear in random order on generated classes, if the realm model contains many properties. (PR #1531)
  • Fixed an issue where removing realm objects from a List with more than 1000 items could crash. (Core 14.2.0)
  • Fix a spurious crash related to opening a Realm on background thread while the process was in the middle of exiting (Core v14.2.0-12-g95c6efce8)


  • Realm Studio: 14.0.0 or later.
  • Fileformat: Generates files with format v24. Reads and automatically upgrade from fileformat v10. If you want to upgrade from an earlier file format version you will have to use RealmCore v13.x.y or earlier.


  • Using Core v14.2.0-12-g95c6efce8


02 Feb 14:13
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1.9.0 (2024-02-02)


  • Added User.changes stream that allows subscribers to receive notifications when the User changes - for example when the user's custom data changes or when their authentication state changes. (PR #1500)
  • Allow the query builder to construct >, >=, <, <= queries for string constants. This is a case sensitive lexicographical comparison. Improved performance of RQL queries on a non-linked string property using: >, >=, <, <=, operators and fixed behaviour that a null string should be evaulated as less than everything, previously nulls were not matched. (Core 13.26.0-13-gd12c3)


  • Creating an AppConfiguration with an empty appId will now throw an exception rather than crashing the app. (Issue #1487)
  • Uploading the changesets recovered during an automatic client reset recovery may lead to 'Bad server version' errors and a new client reset. (Core 13.26.0-13-gd12c3)


  • Realm Studio: 13.0.0 or later.


  • Using Core 13.26.0-13-gd12c3


29 Jan 17:47
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1.8.0 (2024-01-29)


  • Added RealmObject.getBacklinks<SourceType>('sourceProperty') which is a method allowing you to look up all objects of type SourceType which link to the current object via their sourceProperty property. (Issue #1480)
  • Added App.updateBaseUrl method for updating the App's base URL for switching between cloud and edge servers. The current Sync Session(s) must be paused before calling this method and the user must log in again afterwards before the Sync Session can be resumed. (PR #1454)


  • Fix a possible hang (or in rare cases crash) during notification handling. (Issue #1492)
  • Fix Flutter app build on Linux. A contribution from thiagokisaki. (PR #1488)
  • App was not using the current baseUrl value from AppConfiguration when it is created and always used the cached value stored upon the first contact with the server. (Core XX.XX.X)


  • Realm Studio: 13.0.0 or later.


  • Using Core 13.26.0


23 Jan 17:09
Choose a tag to compare

1.7.0 (2024-01-23)


  • Reworked how creating an App instance works across isolates:

    • The App(AppConfiguration) constructor should only be used on the main isolate. Ideally, it should be called once as soon as your app launches. If you attempt to use it on a background isolate (as indicated by Isolate.debugName being different from main), a warning will be logged.
    • Added a new method - App.getById that allows you to obtain an already constructed app on a background isolate.
      (Issue #1433)
  • Added support for fields of type Map<String, T> where T is any supported Realm type. You can define a model with a map like:

    class _LotsOfMaps {
      late Map<String, _Person?> persons;
      late Map<String, bool> bools;
      late Map<String, DateTime> dateTimes;
      late Map<String, Decimal128> decimals;
      late Map<String, double> doubles;
      late Map<String, int> ints;
      late Map<String, ObjectId> objectIds;
      late Map<String, RealmValue> realmValues;
      late Map<String, String> strings;
      late Map<String, Uint8List> datas;
      late Map<String, Uuid> uuids;

    The map keys may not contain . or start with $. (Issue #685)

  • Added a new exception - MigrationRequiredException that will be thrown when a local Realm is opened with a schema that differs from the schema on disk and no migration callback is supplied. Additionally, a helpLink property has been added to RealmException and its subclasses to provide a link to the documentation for the error. (Issue #1448)

  • Downgrade minimum dependencies to Dart 3.0.0 and Flutter 3.10.0. (PR #1457)


  • Fixed warnings being emitted by the realm generator requesting that xyz.g.dart be included with part 'xyz.g.dart'; for xyz.dart files that import realm but don't have realm models defined. Those should not need generated parts and including the part file would have resulted in an empty file with // ignore_for_file: type=lint being generated. (PR #1443)
  • Updated the minimum required CMake version for Flutter on Linux to 3.19. (Issue #1381)
  • Errors in user-provided client reset callbacks, such as RecoverOrDiscardUnsyncedChangesHandler.onBeforeReset/onAfterDiscard would not be correctly propagated and the client reset exception would contain a message like A fatal error occurred during client reset: 'User-provided callback failed' but no details about the actual error. Now SyncError has an innerError field which contains the original error thrown in the callback. (PR #1447)
  • Fixed a bug where the generator would not emit errors for invalid default values for collection properties. Default values for collection properties are not supported unless the default value is an empty collection. (PR #1406)
  • Bad performance of initial Sync download involving many backlinks (Issue #7217, Core 13.25.1)
  • Exceptions thrown during bootstrap application will now be surfaced to the user via the sync error handler rather than terminating the program with an unhandled exception. (PR #7197, Core 13.25.0).
  • Exceptions thrown during bootstrap application could crash the sync client with an !m_sess assertion if the bootstrap was being applied during sync::Session activation. (Issue #7196, Core 13.25.0).
  • If a SyncSession was explicitly resumed via App.reconnect() while it was waiting to auto-resume after a non-fatal error and then another non-fatal error was received, the sync client could crash with a !m_try_again_activation_timer assertion. (Issue #6961, Core 13.25.0)
  • Fixed several causes of "decryption failed" exceptions that could happen when opening multiple encrypted Realm files in the same process while using Apple/linux and storing the Realms on an exFAT file system. (Issue #7156, Core 13.24.1)
  • Fixed deadlock which occurred when accessing the current user from the App from within a callback from the User listener (Issue #7183, Core 13.24.1)
  • Having a class name of length 57 would make client reset crash as a limit of 56 was wrongly enforced (57 is the correct limit) (Issue #7176, Core 13.24.1)
  • Automatic client reset recovery on flexible sync Realms would apply recovered changes in multiple write transactions, releasing the write lock in between. This had several observable negative effects:
    • Other threads reading from the Realm while a client reset was in progress could observe invalid mid-reset state.
    • Other threads could potentially write in the middle of a client reset, resulting in history diverging from the server.
    • The change notifications produced by client resets were not minimal and would report that some things changed which actually didn't.
    • All pending subscriptions were marked as Superseded and then recreating, resulting in anything waiting for subscriptions to complete firing early.
      (PR #7161, Core 13.24.1).
  • If the very first open of a flexible sync Realm triggered a client reset, the configuration had an initial subscriptions callback, both before and after reset callbacks, and the initial subscription callback began a read transaction without ending it (which is normally going to be the case), opening the frozen Realm for the after reset callback would trigger a BadVersion exception (PR #7161, Core 13.24.1).
  • Changesets have wrong timestamps if the local clock lags behind 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z. The sync client now throws an exception if that happens. (PR #7180, Core 13.24.1)
  • Handle EOPNOTSUPP when using posix_fallocate() and fallback to manually consume space. This should enable android users to open a Realm on restrictive filesystems. (PR #7251, Core v13.26.0)
  • Application may crash with incoming_changesets.size() != 0 when a download message is mistaken for a bootstrap message. This can happen if the synchronization session is paused and resumed at a specific time. (PR #7238, Core v13.26.0, since v11.8.0)


  • Realm Studio: 13.0.0 or later.
  • Flutter: ^3.10.0
  • Dart: ^3.0.0


  • Using Core v13.26.0.