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891 lines (584 loc) · 50.8 KB

File metadata and controls

891 lines (584 loc) · 50.8 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Take a look at the migration guide to upgrade between two major versions.

Warning: Features marked as experimental may change or be removed in a future release without notice. Use with caution.



  • Fixed computing the total progression of audiobook locators.
  • Fixed starting the TTS from the current resource in a fixed-layout EPUB.



  • Added ExoPlayerDataSourceProvider to implement resource caching with the media3 audio navigator.


  • A new LcpService.retrieveLicenseDocument() API can be used to read the LCPL embedded in a ZIP package.





  • Fixed concurrent access when streaming a ZIP container.


  • Optimized scrolling to an EPUB text-based locator if it contains a CSS selector.
  • Fixed applying the PSPDFKit reading progression preference on configuration changes.



  • All the completion parameters of the Navigator APIs are removed.


  • All the APIs using or returning a Date objects are now using a custom Instant type.


  • The Link property key for archive-based publication assets (e.g. an EPUB/ZIP) is now instead of archive.


  • #493 The LCP module does not require the Bluetooth permissions anymore to derive the device name.



  • #325 Top EPUB selections no longer break when dragging the selection handles.
  • Fixed applying preferences while the EPUB navigator fragment is being recreated.



  • The new HyperlinkNavigator.Listener.shouldFollowInternalLink(Link, LinkContext?) allows you to handle footnotes according to your preference.
    • By default, the navigator now moves to the footnote content instead of displaying a pop-up as it did in version 2.x.


  • You can use LcpService.injectLicenseDocument() to insert an LCPL into a package, if you downloaded it manually instead of using LcpService.acquirePublication().



  • The DownloadManager introduced in version 3.0.0-alpha.1 has been removed due to the Android Download Manager introducing unnecessary complexities in the toolkit. Instead, we chose to enable apps to manually handle an LCP download with LcpService.injectLicenseDocument().

⚠️ Please consult the migration guide to assist you in handling the breaking changes in this latest major release.



  • A new Format type was introduced to augment MediaType with more precise information about the format specifications of an Asset.
  • The DownloadManager interface handles HTTP downloads. Components like the LcpService rely on it for downloading publications. Readium v3 ships with two implementations:
    • ForegroundDownloadManager uses an HttpClient to download files while the app is running.
    • AndroidDownloadManager is built upon Android's DownloadManager to manage HTTP downloads, even when the application is closed. It allows for resuming downloads after losing connection.
  • The default ZipArchiveOpener now supports streaming ZIP archives, which enables opening a packaged publication (e.g. EPUB or LCP protected audiobook):
    • served by a remote HTTP server,
    • accessed through an Android ContentProvider, such as the shared storage.


  • Support for keyboard events in the EPUB, PDF and image navigators. See VisualNavigator.addInputListener().


  • You can now stream an LCP protected publication using its LCP License Document. This is useful for example to read a large audiobook without downloading it on the device first.
  • The hash of protected publications is now verified upon download.


  • ⚠️ To avoid conflicts when merging your app resources, all resources declared in the Readium toolkit now have the prefix readium_. This means that you must rename any layouts or strings you have overridden. Some resources were removed from the toolkit. Please consult the migration guide.
  • Most APIs now return an Error instance instead of an Exception in case of failure, as these objects are not thrown by the toolkit but returned as values


  • ⚠️ To improve the interoperability with other Readium toolkits (in particular the Readium Web Toolkits, which only work in a streaming context) Readium v3 now generates and expects valid URLs for Locator and Link's href. You must migrate the HREFs or Locators stored in your database, please consult the migration guide.
  • Link.href and Locator.href are now respectively Href and Url objects. If you still need the string value, you can call toString()
  • MediaType no longer has static helpers for sniffing it from a file or URL. Instead, you can use an AssetRetriever to retrieve the format of a file.


  • Version 3 includes a new component called DirectionalNavigationAdapter that replaces EdgeTapNavigation. This helper enables users to navigate between pages using arrow and space keys on their keyboard or by tapping the edge of the screen.
  • The onTap and onDrag events of VisualNavigator.Listener have been deprecated. You can now use multiple implementations of InputListener with VisualNavigator.addInputListener().


  • The Streamer object has been deprecated in favor of components with smaller responsibilities: AssetRetriever and PublicationOpener.


  • LcpService.acquirePublication() is deprecated in favor of LcpService.publicationRetriever(), which provides greater flexibility thanks to the DownloadManager.
  • The way the host view of a LcpDialogAuthentication is retrieved was changed to support Android configuration changes.


  • Both the Fuel and Kovenant libraries have been completely removed from the toolkit. With that, several deprecated functions have also been removed.


  • The putPublication and getPublication helpers in Intent are deprecated. Now, it is the application's responsibility to pass Publication objects between activities and reopen them when necessary.


  • EPUB external links are no longer handled by the navigator. You need to open the link in your own Web View or Chrome Custom Tab.



  • #509 Support for the new 2.x LCP Profiles.



  • The EPUB backgroundColor preference is now available with fixed-layout publications.
  • New EPUBNavigatorFragment.Configuration.useReadiumCssFontSize option to revert to the 2.2.0 strategy for setting the font size of reflowable EPUB publications.
    • The native font size strategy introduced in 2.3.0 uses the Android web view's WebSettings.textZoom property to adjust the font size. 2.2.0 was using Readium CSS's --USER__fontSize variable.
    • WebSettings.textZoom will work with more publications than --USER__fontSize, even the ones poorly authored. However the page width is not adjusted when changing the font size to keep the optimal line length.
  • Scroll mode: jumping between two EPUB resources with a horizontal swipe triggers the Navigator.Listener.onJumpToLocator() callback.
    • This can be used to allow the user to go back to their previous location if they swiped across chapters by mistake.
  • Support for non-linear EPUB resources with an opt-in in reading apps (contributed by @chrfalch in #375 and #376).
    1. Override loading non-linear resources with VisualNavigator.Listener.shouldJumpToLink().
    2. Present a new EpubNavigatorFragment by providing a custom readingOrder with only this resource to the constructor.
  • Added dummy navigator fragment factories to prevent crashes caused by Android restoring the fragments after a process death.
    • To use it, set the dummy fragment factory when you don't have access to the Publication instance. Then, either finish the Activity or pop the fragment from the UI before it resumes.
      override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
          val publication = model.publication ?: run {
              childFragmentManager.fragmentFactory = EpubNavigatorFragment.createDummyFactory()
              // or
          // Create the real navigator factory as usual...


  • The EPUB content iterator now returns audio and video elements.


  • Readium resources are now prefixed with readium_. Take care of updating any overridden resource by following the migration guide.
  • Link and Locator's href are normalized as valid URLs to improve interoperability with the Readium Web toolkits.
    • You MUST migrate your database if you were persisting HREFs and Locators. Take a look at the migration guide for guidance.


  • Publication.localizedTitle is nullable, as we cannot guarantee that all publication sources offer a title.
  • The MediaType sniffing helpers are deprecated in favor of MediaTypeRetriever (for media type and file extension hints and raw content) and AssetRetriever (for URLs).


  • EpubNavigatorFragment.firstVisibleElementLocator() now returns the first block element that is visible on the screen, even if it starts on previous pages.
    • This is used to make sure the user will not miss any context when restoring a TTS session in the middle of a resource.
  • The VisualNavigator's drag and tap listener events are moved to a new addInputListener() API.
  • The new DirectionalNavigationAdapter component replaces EdgeTapNavigation, helping you turn pages with the arrow and space keyboard keys, or taps on the edge of the screen.



  • DefaultHttClient.additionalHeaders is deprecated. Set all the headers when creating a new HttpRequest, or modify outgoing requests in DefaultHttpClient.Callback.onStartRequest().


  • All the navigator Activity are deprecated in favor of the Fragment variants.


  • The Fetcher interface was deprecated in favor of the Container one in readium-shared.



  • #360 Fix EPUB JavaScript interface injection when rotating the screen on some devices.


  • Fixed issue with the TTS starting from the beginning of the chapter instead of the current position.



  • Extract the raw content (text, images, etc.) of a publication. Take a look at the user guide.
  • Add support for unsafe HTTP redirections with DefaultHttpClient.
    • You will need to opt-in explicitly by implementing DefaultHttpClient.Callback.onFollowUnsafeRedirect.


  • Improved Javascript support in the EPUB navigator:
    • Register custom JavascriptInterface objects to inject native Kotlin code in the EPUB web views.
          publication = publication,
          config = EpubNavigatorFragment.Configuration().apply {
              registerJavascriptInterface("customInterface") { link ->
      class MyCustomApi(val link: Link) {
          fun api(arg: String): String {
              return "API called from the resource ${link.href} with argument $arg")
    • Evaluate JavaScript on the currently visible HTML resource with EpubNavigatorFragment.evaluateJavascript().
      val result = navigator.evaluateJavascript("customInterface.api('argument')")
  • New PSPDFKit adapter for rendering PDF documents. Take a look at the user guide.
  • A brand new text-to-speech implementation.
  • Support for custom fonts with the EPUB navigator.
  • New EPUB user preferences, as part of the revamped Settings API:
    • backgroundColor - Default page background color.
    • fontWeight - Base text font weight.
    • textColor - Default page text color.
    • textNormalization - Normalize font style, weight and variants, which improves accessibility.
    • imageFilter - Filter applied to images in dark theme (darken, invert colors)
    • language - Language of the publication content.
    • readingProgression - Direction of the reading progression across resources, e.g. RTL.
    • typeScale - Scale applied to all element font sizes.
    • paragraphIndent - Text indentation for paragraphs.
    • paragraphSpacing - Vertical margins for paragraphs.
    • hyphens - Enable hyphenation.
    • ligatures - Enable ligatures in Arabic.
  • Fixed scroll inertia when scrolling an EPUB.
  • EPUB decorations can now be attached to Locator objects containing only an HTML ID (locations.fragments) or a CSS selector (locations.cssSelector).



  • TransformingResource now caches its content by default, as it is the correct behavior in most cases. Set cacheBytes = false explicitly to revert to the previous behavior.
  • The previous PDF navigator was extracted in its own package to support third-party PDF engines. This is a breaking change if your app supported PDF, take a look at the migration guide.


  • The EPUB and PDF user preferences API got revamped. Take a look at the user guide and the migration guide to learn how to use it.
  • Decoration.extras is now a Map<String, Any> instead of Bundle. You will need to update your app if you were storing custom data in extras, for example:
    val decoration = Decoration(...,
        extras = mapOf("id" to id)
    val id = decoration.extras["id"] as? Long





  • Fixed parsing the table of contents of an EPUB 3 using NCX instead of a Navigation Document.


  • swift-toolkit#61 Fixed serving EPUB resources when the HREF contains an anchor or query parameters.
  • Fixed emitting currentLocator with fixed layout EPUBs.
  • Prevent refreshing an already loaded EPUB resource when jumping to a Locator in it.
  • #86 Fixed page swipes while selecting text in an EPUB resource.
  • The onTap event is not sent when an EPUB text selection is active anymore, to prevent showing the app bar while dismissing a selection.
  • #76 Fixed EPUB fixed layout font size affected by device settings.
  • Decoration objects are now properly comparable with equals().
  • #292 Fix broken pagination when an EPUB uses overflow-x: hidden.



  • #286 Fixed broken dependency to NanoHTTPD.



  • A new Publication.conformsTo() API to identify the profile of a publication.
  • Support for the conformsTo RWPM metadata, to identify the profile of a Publication.


  • The PDF navigator now honors the publication reading progression with support for right-to-left and horizontal scrolling.
    • The default (auto) reading progression for PDF is top-to-bottom, which is vertical scrolling.
  • A new convenience utility EdgeTapNavigation to trigger page turns while tapping the screen edges.
    • It takes into account the navigator reading progression to move into the right direction.
    • Call it from the VisualNavigator.Listener.onTap() callback as demonstrated below:
    override fun onTap(point: PointF): Boolean {
        val navigated = edgeTapNavigation.onTap(point, requireView())
        if (!navigated) {
            // Fallback action, for example toggling the app bar.
        return true
  • The new Navigator.Listener.onJumpToLocator() API is called every time the navigator jumps to an explicit location, which might break the linear reading progression.
    • For example, it is called when clicking on internal links or programmatically calling Navigator.go(), but not when turning pages.
    • You can use this callback to implement a navigation history by differentiating between continuous and discontinuous moves.
  • You can now disable the display cutouts padding in the EPUB navigator (contributed by @szymn).
    • This is useful when the navigator is not laid out full screen.
  • (experimental) A new audiobook navigator based on Jetpack media2.
    • See the pull request #80 for the differences with the previous audiobook navigator.
    • This navigator is located in its own module readium-navigator-media2. You will need to add it to your dependencies to use it.
    • The Test App demonstrates how to use the new audiobook navigator, see MediaService and AudioReaderFragment.
  • (experimental) The EPUB navigator now supports overridable drag gestures. See VisualNavigator.Listener.



  • Publication.type is now deprecated in favor of the new Publication.conformsTo() API which is more accurate.
    • For example, replace publication.type == Publication.TYPE.EPUB with publication.conformsTo(Publication.Profile.EPUB) before opening a publication with the EpubNavigatorFragment.
  • Link.toLocator() is deprecated as it may create an incorrect Locator if the link type is missing.
    • Use publication.locatorFromLink() instead.


  • Fix building with Kotlin 1.6.


  • Fixed the rendering of PDF covers in some edge cases.
  • Fixed reading ranges of obfuscated EPUB resources.


  • Fixed turning pages of an EPUB reflowable resource with an odd number of columns. A virtual blank trailing column is appended to the resource when displayed as two columns.
  • EPUB: Fallback on reflowable if the presentation.layout hint is missing from a manifest.
  • EPUB: Offset of the current selection's rect to take into account the vertical padding.
  • Improve backward compatibility of JavaScript files using Babel.
  • #193 Fixed invisible <audio> elements.



  • Improve loading of EPUB reflowable resources.
    • Resources are hidden until fully loaded and positioned.
    • Intermediary locators are not broadcasted as currentLocator anymore while loading a resource.
    • Improved accuracy when jumping to the middle of a large resource.
    • EpubNavigatorFragment.PaginationListener.onPageLoaded() is now called only a single time, for the currently visible page.
    • VisualNavigator.Listener.onTap() is called even when a resource is not fully loaded.



  • EpubNavigatorFragment's goForward() and goBackward() are now jumping to the previous or next pages instead of resources.
  • #20 EPUB navigator stuck between two pages with vertical swipes.
  • #27 Internal links break the EPUB navigator (contributed by @mihai-wolfpack).



  • (experimental) A new Publication SearchService to search through the resources' content, with a default implementation StringSearchService.
  • ContentProtection.Scheme can be used to identify protection technologies using unique URI identifiers.
  • Link objects from archive-based publication assets (e.g. an EPUB/ZIP) have additional properties for entry metadata.
    "properties" {
        "archive": {
            "entryLength": 8273,
            "isEntryCompressed": true


  • EPUB publications implement a SearchService to search through the content.
  • Known DRM schemes (LCP and Adobe ADEPT) are now sniffed by the Streamer, when no registered ContentProtection supports them.
    • This is helpful to present an error message when the user attempts to open a protected publication not supported by the app.


  • The EPUB navigator is now able to navigate to a Locator using its text context. This is useful for search results or highlights missing precise locations.
  • Get or clear the current user selection of the navigators implementing SelectableNavigator.
  • (experimental) Support for the Decorator API to draw user interface elements over a publication's content.
    • This can be used to render highlights over a text selection, for example.
    • For now, only the EPUB navigator implements DecorableNavigator, for reflowable publications. You can implement custom decoration styles with HtmlDecorationTemplate.
  • Customize the EPUB selection context menu by providing a custom ActionMode.Callback implementation with EpubNavigatorFragment.Configuration.selectionActionModeCallback.
    • This is an alternative to overriding Activity.onActionModeStarted() which does not seem to work anymore with Android 12.
  • (experimental) A new audiobook navigator based on Android's MediaSession.
    • It supports out-of-the-box media style notifications and background playback.
    • ExoPlayer is used by default for the actual playback, but you can use a custom player by implementing MediaPlayer.


  • New APIs using coroutines and R2's HttpClient instead of Fuel and kovenant (contributed by @stevenzeck).


  • Upgraded to Kotlin 1.5.31 and Gradle 7.1.1


  • The default EPUB positions service now uses the archive entry length when available. This is similar to how Adobe RMSDK generates page numbers.
    • To use the former strategy, create the Streamer with: Streamer(parsers = listOf(EpubParser(reflowablePositionsStrategy = OriginalLength(pageLength = 1024))))


  • The order of precedence of Locator locations in the reflowable EPUB navigator is: text, HTML ID, then progression. The navigator will now fallback on less precise locations in case of failure.


  • Migrated to Jetpack Room for the SQLite database storing rights and passphrases (contributed by @stevenzeck).
    • Note that the internal SQL schema changed. You will need to update your app if you were querying the database manually.



  • Crash with HttpRequest.setPostForm() on Android 6.
  • HREF normalization when a resource path contains special characters.


  • EPUB style injection when a resource has a <head> tag with attributes.


  • When restoring a Locator, The PDF navigator now falls back on locations.position if the page= fragment identifier is missing.


  • Links in an OPDS 2 feed are normalized to the feed base URL.




  • HttpFetcher is a new publication fetcher able to serve remote resources through HTTP.
    • The actual HTTP requests are performed with an instance of HttpClient.
  • HttpClient is a new protocol exposing a high level API to perform HTTP requests.
    • DefaultHttpClient is an implementation of HttpClient using standard HttpURLConnection APIs. You can use DefaultHttpClient.Callback to customize how requests are created and even recover from errors, e.g. to implement Authentication for OPDS.
    • You can provide your own implementation of HttpClient to Readium APIs if you prefer to use a third-party networking library.


  • Streamer takes a new optional HttpClient dependency to handle HTTP requests.



  • Scrolling to an EPUB ID (e.g. from the table of contents) when the target spans several screens.


  • #267 Prints and copy characters left are now properly reported (contributed by @qnga).




  • Publication.Service.Context now holds a reference to the parent Publication. This can be used to access other services from a given Publication.Service implementation.
  • The default LocatorService implementation can be used to get a Locator from a global progression in the publication.
    • publication.locateProgression(0.5)


  • Server.addPublication() is a new API which replaces addEpub() and is easier to use.
    • If the publication can be served, it will return the base URL which you need to provide to the Navigator Activity or Fragment.
    • You do not need to give the publication filename nor add the server port in the $key-publicationPort SharedPreference value anymore.


  • You can observe the progress of an acquisition by providing an onProgress closure to LcpService.acquirePublication().
  • Extensibility in licenses' Rights model.



  • The HTTP server now requests that publication resources are not cached by browsers.
    • Caching poses a security risk for protected publications.


  • R2EpubActivity and R2AudiobookActivity require a new baseUrl Intent extra. You need to set it to the base URL returned by Server.addPublication() from the Streamer.


  • The Renew Loan API got revamped to better support renewal through a web page.
    • You will need to implement LcpLicense.RenewListener to coordinate the UX interaction.
    • If your application fits Material Design guidelines, take a look at MaterialRenewListener for a default implementation.
  • Removed dependency on Joda's DateTime in public APIs.
    • You can always create a DateTime from the standard Date objects if you relied on Joda's features in the callers.



  • #129 Improve performances when reading deflated ZIP resources.
    • For example, it helps with large image-based FXL EPUB which used to be slow to render.
  • #136 null values in JSON string properties are now properly parsed as nullable types, instead of the string "null"


  • #217 Interactive HTML elements are not bypassed anymore when handling touch gestures.
    • Scripts using preventDefault() are now taken into account and do not trigger a tap event anymore.
  • #150 External links are opened in a Chrome Custom Tab instead of the navigator's web view.
  • #52 Memory leak in EPUB web views. This fixes ongoing media playback when closing an EPUB.


  • #287 Make sure the passphrase input is visible on smaller devices in the authentication dialog.




  • PublicationAsset is a new interface which can be used to open a publication from various medium, such as a file, a remote URL or a custom source.
    • File was replaced by FileAsset, which implements PublicationAsset.


  • Support for display cutouts (screen notches).
    • IMPORTANT: You need to remove any setPadding() statement from your app in UserSettings.kt, if you copied it from the test app.
    • If you embed a navigator fragment (e.g. EpubNavigatorFragment) yourself, you need to opt-in by specifying the layoutInDisplayCutoutMode of the host Activity.
    • R2EpubActivity and R2CbzActivity automatically apply LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_SHORT_EDGES to their window's layoutInDisplayCutoutMode.
    • PdfNavigatorFragment is not yet compatible with display cutouts, because of limitations from the underlying PDF viewer.
  • Customize EPUB vertical padding by overriding the r2.navigator.epub.vertical_padding dimension.


  • Upgraded to Kotlin 1.4.10.


  • Format got merged into MediaType, to simplify the media type APIs.
    • You can use MediaType.of() to sniff the type of a file or bytes.
      • All the MediaType.of() functions are now suspending to prevent deadlocks with runBlocking.
    • MediaType has now optional name and fileExtension properties.
    • Some publication formats can be represented by several media type aliases. Using mediaType.canonicalMediaType() will give you the canonical media type to use, for example when persisting the file type in a database. All Readium APIs are already returning canonical media types, so it only matters if you create a MediaType yourself from its string representation.
  • ContentLayout is deprecated, use publication.metadata.effectiveReadingProgression to determine the reading progression of a publication instead.


  • Streamer is now expecting a PublicationAsset instead of a File. You can create custom implementations of PublicationAsset to open a publication from different medium, such as a file, a remote URL, in-memory bytes, etc.
    • FileAsset can be used to replace File and provides the same behavior.


  • All utils.js functions were moved under a readium. namespace. You will need to update your code if you were calling them manually.



  • When acquiring a publication, falls back on the media type declared in the license link if the server returns an unknown media type.


  • EPUBs declaring multiple languages were laid out from right to left if the first language had an RTL reading progression. Now if no reading progression is set, the effectiveReadingProgression will be LTR.
  • #152 Panning through a zoomed-in fixed layout EPUB (contributed by @johanpoirier).
  • #146 Various reflowable EPUB columns shift issues.
  • Restoring the last EPUB location after configuration changes (e.g. screen rotation).
  • Edge taps to turn pages when the app runs in a multi-windows environment.




  • The Publication Services API allows to extend a Publication with custom implementations of known services. This version ships with a few predefined services:
    • PositionsService provides a list of discrete locations in the publication, no matter what the original format is.
    • CoverService provides an easy access to a bitmap version of the publication cover.
  • The Composite Fetcher API can be used to extend the way publication resources are accessed.
  • Support for exploded directories for any archive-based publication format.
  • Content Protection handles DRM and other format-specific protections in a more systematic way.
    • LCP now ships an LcpContentProtection implementation to be plugged into the Streamer.
    • You can add custom ContentProtection implementations to support other DRMs by providing an instance to the Streamer.


  • Streamer API offers a simple interface to parse a publication and replace standalone parsers.
  • A generic ImageParser for bitmap-based archives (CBZ or exploded directories) and single image files.
  • A generic AudioParser for audio-based archives (Zipped Audio Book or exploded directories) and single audio files.


  • Support for the new Publication model using the Content Protection for DRM rights and the Fetcher for resource access.
  • (experimental) New Fragment implementations as an alternative to the legacy Activity ones (contributed by @johanpoirier).
    • The fragments are chromeless, to let you customize the reading UX.
    • To create the fragments use the matching factory such as EpubNavigatorFragment.createFactory(), as showcased in R2EpubActivity.
    • At the moment, highlights and TTS are not yet supported in the new EPUB navigator Fragment.
    • This is now the recommended way to integrate Readium in your applications.


  • LCP implementation of the Content Protection API to work with the new Streamer API (contributed by @qnga).
    • It is highly recommended that you upgrade to the new Streamer API to open publications, which will simplify DRM unlocking.
  • Two default implementations of LcpAuthenticating:
    • LcpDialogAuthentication to prompt the user for its passphrase with the official LCP dialog.
    • LcpPassphraseAuthentication to provide directly a passphrase, pulled for example from a database or a web service.
  • LcpService::isLcpProtected() provides a way to check if a file is protected with LCP.
  • All the LcpException errors are now implementing UserException and are suitable for user display. Use getUserMessage() to get the localized message.



  • The Publication and Container types were merged together to offer a single interface to a publication's resources.
    • Use publication.get() to read the content of a resource, such as the cover. It will automatically be decrypted if a ContentProtection was attached to the Publication.


  • Container and ContentFilters were replaced by a shared implementation of a Fetcher.


  • currentLocator is now a StateFlow instead of LiveData, to better support chromeless navigators such as an audiobook navigator.
    • If you were observing currentLocator in a UI context, you can continue to do so with currentLocator.asLiveData().
  • Improvements to the PDF navigator:
    • The navigator doesn't require PDF publications to be served from an HTTP server anymore. A side effect is that the navigator is now able to open larger PDF files.
    • PdfNavigatorFragment.Listener::onResourceLoadFailed() can be used to report fatal errors to the user, such as when trying to open a PDF document that is too large for the available memory.
    • A dedicated PdfNavigatorFragment.createFactory() was added, which deprecates the use of NavigatorFragmentFactory.


  • The public API got modernized to be more Kotlin idiomatic (contributed by @qnga).
    • All asynchronous APIs are now suspending to take advantage of Kotlin's coroutines.
  • LcpAuthenticating is now provided with more information and you will need to update any implementation you may have.
    • If you copied the default authentication dialog, it's recommended to use LcpDialogAuthentication instead.
  • Publications are now downloaded to a temporary location, to make sure disk storage can be recovered automatically by the system. After acquiring the publication, you need to move the downloaded file to another permanent location.
  • The private liblcp dependency is now accessed through reflection, to allow switching LCP dynamically (contributed by @qnga).
    • You need to add implementation "readium:liblcp:1.0.0@aar" to your build.gradle.
    • LcpService::create() returns null if lcplib is not found.



  • OutOfMemoryError occuring while opening large publications are now caught to prevent crashes. They are reported as Resource.Exception.OutOfMemory.
  • Readium can now open PDF documents of any size without crashing. However, LCP protected PDFs are still limited by the available memory.


  • Readium can now open PDF documents of any size without crashing. However, LCP protected PDFs are still limited by the available memory.
  • Various HTTP server fixes and optimizations.


  • Prevent switching to the next resource by mistake when scrolling through an EPUB resource in scroll mode.


  • Decrypting resources in some edge cases (contributed by @qnga)
  • Issues with LSD interactions:
    • Exceptions handling with renew and return interactions.
    • Presentation of the renew interaction through an HTML page.
  • The timeout of fetching the License Status Document is reduced to 5 seconds, to avoid blocking a publication opening in low Internet conditions.





  • Support for Positions List with EPUB, CBZ and PDF. Positions provide a list of discrete locations in a publication and can be used to implement an approximation of page numbers.
    • Get the visible position from the current Locator with locations.position.
    • The total number of positions can be retrieved with publication.positions().size. It is a suspending function because computing positions the first time can be expensive.
  • ReadiumWebPubParser to parse all Readium Web Publication profiles, including Audiobooks, LCP for Audiobooks and LCP for PDF. It parses both manifests and packages.
  • (experimental) PDFParser to parse single PDF documents.
    • The PDF parser is based on PdfiumAndroid, which may increase the size of your apps. Please open an issue if this is a problem for you, as we are considering different solutions to fix this in a future release.


  • The position is now reported in the locators for EPUB, CBZ and PDF.
  • (experimental) PDF navigator.
    • Supports both single PDF and LCP protected PDF.
    • As a proof of concept, it is implemented using Fragment instead of Activity. R2PdfActivity showcases how to use the PdfNavigatorFragment with the new NavigatorFragmentFactory.
    • The navigator is based on AndroidPdfViewer, which may increase the size of your apps. Please open an issue if this is a problem for you, as we are considering different solutions to fix this in a future release.





  • The CSS, JavaScript and fonts injection in the Server was refactored to reduce the risk of collisions and simplify your codebase.
    • This is a breaking change, to upgrade your app you need to:
      • Provide the application's Context when creating a Server.
      • Remove the following injection statements, which are now handled directly by the Streamer:
        server.loadCustomResource("scripts/crypto-sha256.js"), "crypto-sha256.js", Injectable.Script)   
        server.loadCustomResource("scripts/highlight.js"), "highlight.js", Injectable.Script)





  • R2SyntheticPageList was replaced by the aforementioned Positions List and can be safely removed from your codebase.


  • Navigator.currentLocation and NavigatorDelegate.locationDidChange() are deprecated in favor of a unified Navigator.currentLocator, which is observable thanks to LiveData.






  • XML namespace prefixes are now properly supported when an author chooses unusual ones (contributed by @qnga).
  • The AndroidManifest.xml is not forcing anymore allowBackup and supportsRtl, to let reading apps manage these features themselves (contributed by @twaddington).