[!TIP] Github 地址
请到三方库的 Releases 发布地址查看配套的版本信息:@react-native-oh-tpl/picker Releases 。对于未发布到npm的旧版本,请参考安装指南安装tgz包。
npm install @react-native-oh-tpl/picker
yarn add @react-native-oh-tpl/picker
[!WARNING] 使用时 import 的库名不变。
import * as React from "react";
import { Picker } from "@react-native-oh-tpl/picker";
import { View } from "react-native";
export const PickerExample = ()=>{
const [selectedLanguage, setSelectedLanguage] = React.useState();
return (
<View style={{backgroundColor:"#fff",padding:40}}>
onValueChange={(itemValue, itemIndex) => setSelectedLanguage(itemValue)}>
<Picker.Item label="Java" value="java" />
<Picker.Item label="JavaScript" value="js" />
本库已经适配了 Codegen ,在使用前需要主动执行生成三方库桥接代码,详细请参考 Codegen 使用文档。
目前 HarmonyOS 暂不支持 AutoLink,所以 Link 步骤需要手动配置。
首先需要使用 DevEco Studio 打开项目里的 HarmonyOS 工程 harmony
"overrides": {
"@rnoh/react-native-openharmony" : "./react_native_openharmony"
- 通过 har 包引入(在 IDE 完善相关功能后该方法会被遗弃,目前首选此方法);
- 直接链接源码。
方法一:通过 har 包引入
[!TIP] har 包位于三方库安装路径的
打开 entry/oh-package.json5
"dependencies": {
"@rnoh/react-native-openharmony": "file:../react_native_openharmony",
"@react-native-oh-tpl/picker": "file:../../node_modules/@react-native-oh-tpl/picker/harmony/picker.har",
点击右上角的 sync
cd entry
ohpm install
[!TIP] 如需使用直接链接源码,请参考直接链接源码说明
找到 function buildCustomComponent(),一般位于 entry/src/main/ets/pages/index.ets
或 entry/src/main/ets/rn/LoadBundle.ets
+ import { RNCPicker, PICKER_TYPE } from "@react-native-oh-tpl/picker"
export function buildCustomRNComponent(ctx: ComponentBuilderContext) {
+ if (ctx.componentName === PICKER_TYPE) {
+ RNCPicker({
+ ctx: ctx.rnComponentContext,
+ tag: ctx.tag
+ })
+ }
[!TIP] 本库使用了混合方案,需要添加组件名。
或 entry/src/main/ets/rn/LoadBundle.ets
找到常量 arkTsComponentNames
const arkTsComponentNames: Array<string> = [
打开 entry/src/main/ets/RNPackagesFactory.ts
+ import { RNCPickerPackage } from '@react-native-oh-tpl/picker/ts';
export function createRNPackages(ctx: RNPackageContext): RNPackage[] {
return [
new SamplePackage(ctx),
+ new RNCPickerPackage(ctx)
点击右上角的 sync
cd entry
ohpm install
要使用此库,需要使用正确的 React-Native 和 RNOH 版本。另外,还需要使用配套的 DevEco Studio 和 手机 ROM。
请到三方库相应的 Releases 发布地址查看 Release 配套的版本信息:@react-native-oh-tpl/picker Releases
[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。
[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 Yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;No 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
onValueChange |
Callback for when an item is selected. | function | No | All | Yes |
selectedValue |
Value matching value of one of the items. Can be a string or an integer. | any | No | All | Yes |
style |
NA | pickerStyleType | No | All | Yes |
testID |
Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests. | string | No | All | Yes |
enabled |
If set to false, the picker will be disabled, i.e. the user will not be able to make a selection. | boolean | No | Android, Web, Windows | Yes |
mode |
On Android, specifies how to display the selection items when the user taps on the picker | enum('dialog', 'dropdown') | No | Android | No |
dropdownIconColor |
On Android, specifies color of dropdown triangle. | ColorValue | No | Android | No |
dropdownIconRippleColor |
On Android, specifies ripple color of dropdown triangle. | ColorValue | No | Android | No |
prompt |
Prompt string for this picker, used on Android in dialog mode as the title of the dialog. | string | No | Android | No |
itemStyle |
Style to apply to each of the item labels. | text styles | No | iOS, Windows | partially |
numberOfLines |
On Android & iOS, used to truncate the text with an ellipsis after computing the text layout. | number | No | Android, iOS | No |
onBlur |
NA | function | No | Android | No |
onFocus |
NA | function | No | Android | No |
selectionColor |
Color to apply to the selection indicator. | ColorValue | No | iOS | Yes |
themeVariant |
NA | enum('light', 'dark') | No | iOS | No |
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
label |
Displayed value on the Picker Item. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
value |
Actual value on the Pickmodeler Item. | number,string | Yes | All | Yes |
color |
Displayed color on the Picker Item. | ColorValue | Yes | All | No |
fontFamily |
Displayed fontFamily on the Picker Item. | string | No | All | No |
style |
Style to apply to individual item labels. | ViewStyleProp | No | Android | No |
enabled |
If set to false, the specific item will be disabled, i.e. the user will not be able to make a selection. | boolean | No | Android | No |
contentDescription |
Sets the content description to the Picker Item. | string | No | Android | No |
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
blur |
Programmatically closes picker. | function | No | Android | No |
focus |
Programmatically opens picker. | function | No | Android | No |
- numberOfLines 属性不支持issue#2
- PickerItemProps 的 color 和 fontFamily 不支持(OH 的 Picker 组件不支持单独设置 PickerItem 的样式) issue#21
- themeVariant 属性不支持issue#22
- itemStyle 不支持设置 textAlign(OH 的 Picker 不支持设置)issue#23
本项目基于 The MIT License (MIT) ,请自由地享受和参与开源。