[!TIP] Github 地址
yarn add react-native-paper@^5.12.3
npm install react-native-paper@^5.12.3
[!WARNING] 使用时 import 的库名不变。
1.将根组件包装在PaperProvider中。如果您有一个原始的 React Native 项目,最好将其添加到传递给 的组件中AppRegistry.registerComponent。这通常在index.js文件中
import { PaperProvider } from 'react-native-paper';
import App from '../App';
export default function PaperExample() {
return (
<App />
AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => PaperExample);
2.包装PaperProvider之后,我们需要将展示的组件传递到 Providers 中。在这一部分,我们使用ActivityIndicator作为示例展示
export default function App() {
return (
<View style={{backgroundColor: 'black'}}>
<StatusBar barStyle="light-content" />
<View id="__harmony::ready" />
<Page name="EXAMPLE: ActivityIndicatorDemo">
3.活动指示器用于显示应用中某些活动的进度。它可以作为 React Native 附带的 ActivityIndicator 的插件使用。
import * as React from 'react';
import { ActivityIndicator, MD2Colors } from 'react-native-paper';
const ActivityIndicatorDemo = () => (
<ActivityIndicator animating={true} color={MD2Colors.red800} />
export default ActivityIndicatorDemo;
本库 HarmonyOS 侧实现依赖@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-safe-area-context和@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-vector-icons的原生端代码,如已在 HarmonyOS 工程中引入过该库,则无需再次引入,可跳过本章节步骤,直接使用。
如未引入react-native-safe-area-context请参照@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-safe-area-context 文档进行引入
如未引入react-native-vector-icons请参照@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-vector-icons 文档进行引入
- RNOH:0.72.20-CAPI; SDK:HarmonyOS NEXT Developer Beta1; IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:;
- RNOH:0.72.33; SDK:OpenHarmony Version 12 Release); IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:NEXT.0.0.71;
[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。
[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
ActivityIndicator | Activity indicator is used to present progress of some activity in the app. It can be used as a drop-in for the ActivityIndicator shipped with React Native | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Appbar | A component to display action items in a bar. It can be placed at the top or bottom | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Avatar | Avatars can be used to represent people in a graphical way | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Badge | Badges are small status descriptors for UI elements | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Banner | Banner displays a prominent message and related actions | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
BottomNavigation | BottomNavigation provides quick navigation between top-level views of an app with a bottom navigation bar | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Button | A button is component that the user can press to trigger an action | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Card | A card is a sheet of material that serves as an entry point to more detailed information | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Checkbox | A card is a sheet of material that serves as an entry point to more detailed information | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Chip | Chips are compact elements that can represent inputs, attributes, or actions. They can have an icon or avatar on the left, and a close button icon on the right | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
DataTable | Data tables allow displaying sets of data | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Dialog | Dialogs inform users about a specific task and may contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Divider | A divider is a thin, lightweight separator that groups content in lists and page layouts | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Drawer | Collapsed component used to show an action item with an icon and optionally label in a navigation drawer | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
FAB | A floating action button represents the primary action on a screen. It appears in front of all screen content. | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
HelperText | Helper text is used in conjuction with input elements to provide additional hints for the user | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Icon | An icon component which renders icon from vector library | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
IconButton | An icon component which renders icon from vector library | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
List | A component used to display an expandable list item | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Menu | Menus display a list of choices on temporary elevated surfaces. Their placement varies based on the element that opens them | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Modal | The Modal component is a simple way to present content above an enclosing view. To render the Modal above other components, you'll need to wrap it with the Portal component | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Portal | Portal allows rendering a component at a different place in the parent tree | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
ProgressBar | Progress bar is an indicator used to present progress of some activity in the app. | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
RadioButton | Radio buttons allow the selection a single option from a set. | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Searchbar | Searchbar is a simple input box where users can type search queries. | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
SegmentedButtons | Segmented buttons can be used to select options, switch views or sort elements | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Snackbar | Snackbars provide brief feedback about an operation through a message rendered at the bottom of the container in which it's wrapped | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Surface | Surface is a basic container that can give depth to an element with elevation shadow | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Surface | Switch is a visual toggle between two mutually exclusive states — on and off. | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Text | Typography component showing styles complied with passed variant prop and supported by the type system. | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
TextInput | A component to allow users to input text. | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
ToggleButton | Toggle buttons can be used to group related options. To emphasize groups of related toggle buttons, a group should share a common container | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
Tooltip | Tooltips display informative text when users hover over, focus on, or tap an element | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
TouchableRipple | A wrapper for views that should respond to touches | component | No | iOS/Android | yes |
[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。
[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。
ActivityIndicator:Activity indicator is used to present progress of some activity in the app. It can be used as a drop-in for the ActivityIndicator shipped with React Native
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
animating | Whether to show the indicator or hide it | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
color | The color of the spinner | string | Yes | All | Yes |
size | Size of the indicator | small | large | number | No | All | Yes |
hidesWhenStopped | Whether the indicator should hide when not animating | boolean | No | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> | Yes | All | Yes |
Appbar:A component to display action items in a bar. It can be placed at the top or bottom
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children | Content of the Appbar | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
mode | Mode of the Appbar. | small | medium | large | center-aligned | Yes | All | Yes |
elevated | Whether Appbar background should have the elevation along with primary color pigment. | boolean | No | All | Yes |
safeAreaInsets | Safe area insets for the Appbar | { bottom?: number; top?: number; left?: number; right?: number; } | No | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> | Yes | All | Yes |
Appbar.Action:A component used to display an action item in the appbar.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
color | Custom color for action icon | string | Yes | All | Yes |
rippleColor | Color of the ripple effect | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
icon | Name of the icon to show | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
size | Optional icon size | number | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether the button is disabled. A disabled button is greyed out and onPress is not called on touch. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button | string | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Whether it's the leading button. | fuction | Yes | All | Yes |
isLeading (Available in v5.x with theme version 3) | Whether it's the leading button. | boolean | Yes | All | NO |
style | Style for Appbar.Action container | Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> | Yes | All | Yes |
ref | ref | React.RefObject | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Appbar.BackAction:A component used to display a back button in the appbar.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
color | Custom color for action icon | string | Yes | All | Yes |
size | Optional icon size | number | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether the button is disabled. A disabled button is greyed out and onPress is not called on touch. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button | string | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | fuction | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Style for Appbar.BackAction container | Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> | Yes | All | Yes |
ref | ref | React.RefObject | Yes | All | Yes |
Appbar.Content:A component used to display a title and optional subtitle in an appbar
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
title (required) | Text or component for the title. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
titleStyle | Style for the title, if title is a string. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
titleRef | Reference for the title. | React.RefObject | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | fuction | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | If true, disable all interactions for this component. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
color | Custom color for the text | string | Yes | All | Yes |
titleMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a title font can reach | number | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Style for Appbar.Content container | Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | testID to be used on tests. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
Appbar.Header:A component to use as a header at the top of the screen. It can contain the screen title, controls such as navigation buttons, menu button etc.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
dark | Whether the background color is a dark color. A dark header will render light text and vice-versa | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
statusBarHeight | Extra padding to add at the top of header to account for translucent status bar | number | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | Reference for the title. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
mode | Mode of the Appbar. | small | medium | large | center-aligned | Yes | All | Yes |
elevated | Whether Appbar background should have the elevation along with primary color pigment | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
ref | ref | React.RefObject | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | testID to be used on tests. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
Avatar.Icon:Avatars can be used to represent people in a graphical way.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
icon (required) | Icon to display for the Avatar. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
size | Size of the avatar. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
color | Custom color for the icon. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Avatar.Image:Avatars can be used to represent people in a graphical way.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
source (required) | Image to display for the Avatar. It accepts a standard React Native Image source prop Or a function that returns an Image | ImageSourcePropType | Yes | All | Yes |
size | Size of the avatar. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> | Yes | All | Yes |
onError | Invoked on load error. | fuction | Yes | All | Yes |
onLayout | Invoked on mount and on layout changes. | fuction | Yes | All | Yes |
onLoad | Invoked when load completes successfully. | fuction | Yes | All | Yes |
onLoadEnd | Invoked when load either succeeds or fails. | fuction | Yes | All | Yes |
onLoadStart | Invoked on load start. | fuction | Yes | All | Yes |
onProgress | Invoked on download progress. | fuction | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Avatar.Text:Avatars can be used to represent people in a graphical way.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
label (required) | Initials to show as the text in the Avatar. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
size | Size of the avatar. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
color | Custom color for the text. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Style for text container | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
labelStyle | Style for the title. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
maxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Badge:Badges are small status descriptors for UI elements
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
visible | Whether the badge is visible | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
children | Content of the Badge | string | number | Yes | All | Yes |
size | Size of the Badge | number | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Style for Badge container | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
ref | ref | React.RefObject | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Banner:Banner displays a prominent message and related actions.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
visible | Whether the badge is visible | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
children | Content of the Badge | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
icon | Icon to display for the Banner. Can be an image. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
actions | Action items to shown in the banner | Array< { label: string; } | Yes | All | Yes |
contentStyle | Style of banner's inner content. Use this prop to apply custom width for wide layouts. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
elevation | Changes Banner shadow and background on iOS and Android. | Animated.Value | Yes | All | Yes |
maxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
onShowAnimationFinished | Optional callback that will be called after the opening animation finished running normally | Animated.EndCallback | Yes | All | Yes |
onHideAnimationFinished | Optional callback that will be called after the closing animation finished running normally | Animated.EndCallback | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Style for Badge container | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
ref | ref | React.RefObject | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
BottomNavigation:BottomNavigation provides quick navigation between top-level views of an app with a bottom navigation bar.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
shifting | Whether the shifting style is used, the active tab icon shifts up to show the label and the inactive tabs won't have a label. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
labeled | Whether to show labels in tabs. When false, only icons will be displayed. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
compact | Whether tabs should be spread across the entire width. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
navigationState (required) | State for the bottom navigation. The state should contain the following properties | { index: number; routes: Route[]; } | Yes | All | Yes |
onIndexChange (required) | Callback which is called on tab change, receives the index of the new tab as argument | (index: number) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
renderScene (required) | Callback which returns a react element to render as the page for the tab | (props: { route: Route; jumpTo: (key: string) => void; }) => React.ReactNode | null | Yes | All | Yes |
renderIcon | Callback which returns a React Element to be used as tab icon. | (props: { route: Route; focused: boolean; color: string; }) => React.ReactNode | null | Yes | All | Yes |
renderLabel | Callback which React Element to be used as tab label. | (props: { route: Route; focused: boolean; color: string; }) => React.ReactNode | null | Yes | All | Yes |
renderTouchable | Callback which returns a React element to be used as the touchable for the tab item. | (props: TouchableProps) => React.ReactNode | null | Yes | All | Yes |
getAccessibilityLabel | Get accessibility label for the tab button. | (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined | null | Yes | All | Yes |
getBadge | Get badge for the tab, uses route.badge by default. | (props: { route: Route }) => boolean | number | string | undefined | null | Yes | All | Yes |
getColor | Get color for the tab, uses route.color by default. | (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined | number | string | undefined | null | Yes | All | Yes |
getLabelText | Get label text for the tab, uses route.title by default. Use renderLabel to replace label component. | (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined | undefined | number | string | undefined | null | Yes | All | Yes |
getTestID | Get the id to locate this tab button in tests, uses route.testID by default. | (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined | Yes | All | Yes |
getLazy | Get lazy for the current screen. Uses true by default. | (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined | Yes | All | Yes |
onTabPress | Function to execute on tab press. It receives the route for the pressed tab, useful for things like scroll to top. | (props: { route: Route } & TabPressEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onTabLongPress | Function to execute on tab long press. It receives the route for the pressed tab, useful for things like custom action when longed pressed. | (props: { route: Route } & TabPressEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
activeColor | Custom color for icon and label in the active tab. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
inactiveColor | Custom color for icon and label in the inactive tab. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
sceneAnimationEnabled | Whether animation is enabled for scenes transitions in shifting mode. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
sceneAnimationEasing | The scene animation Easing. | EasingFunction | undefined | Yes | All | Yes |
sceneAnimationType | The scene animation effect. Specify 'shifting' for a different effect. By default, 'opacity' will be used. | 'opacity' | 'shifting' | Yes | All | Yes |
keyboardHidesNavigationBar | Whether the bottom navigation bar is hidden when keyboard is shown | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
safeAreaInsets | Safe area insets for the tab bar | { top?: number; right?: number; bottom?: number; left?: number; } | Yes | All | Yes |
activeIndicatorStyle | Style for the bottom navigation bar. You can pass a custom background color here | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Style for Badge container | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | TestID used for testing purposes | string | Yes | All | Yes |
BottomNavigation.Bar:A navigation bar which can easily be integrated with React Navigation's Bottom Tabs Navigator.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
shifting | Whether the shifting style is used, the active tab icon shifts up to show the label and the inactive tabs won't have a label. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
labeled | Whether to show labels in tabs. When false, only icons will be displayed. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
compact | Whether tabs should be spread across the entire width. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
navigationState (required) | State for the bottom navigation. The state should contain the following properties | { index: number; routes: Route[]; } | Yes | All | Yes |
renderScene (required) | Callback which returns a react element to render as the page for the tab | (props: { route: Route; jumpTo: (key: string) => void; }) => React.ReactNode | null | Yes | All | Yes |
renderIcon | Callback which returns a React Element to be used as tab icon. | (props: { route: Route; focused: boolean; color: string; }) => React.ReactNode | null | Yes | All | Yes |
renderLabel | Callback which React Element to be used as tab label. | (props: { route: Route; focused: boolean; color: string; }) => React.ReactNode | null | Yes | All | Yes |
renderTouchable | Callback which returns a React element to be used as the touchable for the tab item. | (props: TouchableProps) => React.ReactNode | null | Yes | All | Yes |
getAccessibilityLabel | Get accessibility label for the tab button. | (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined | null | Yes | All | Yes |
getBadge | Get badge for the tab, uses route.badge by default. | (props: { route: Route }) => boolean | number | string | undefined | null | Yes | All | Yes |
getColor | Get color for the tab, uses route.color by default. | (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined | number | string | undefined | null | Yes | All | Yes |
getLabelText | Get label text for the tab, uses route.title by default. Use renderLabel to replace label component. | (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined | undefined | number | string | undefined | null | Yes | All | Yes |
getTestID | Get the id to locate this tab button in tests, uses route.testID by default. | (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined | Yes | All | Yes |
onTabPress | Function to execute on tab press. It receives the route for the pressed tab, useful for things like scroll to top. | (props: { route: Route } & TabPressEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onTabLongPress | Function to execute on tab long press. It receives the route for the pressed tab, useful for things like custom action when longed pressed. | (props: { route: Route } & TabPressEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
activeColor | Custom color for icon and label in the active tab. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
inactiveColor | Custom color for icon and label in the inactive tab. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
animationEasing | The scene animation Easing. | EasingFunction | undefined | Yes | All | Yes |
keyboardHidesNavigationBar | Whether the bottom navigation bar is hidden when keyboard is shown | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
safeAreaInsets | Safe area insets for the tab bar | { top?: number; right?: number; bottom?: number; left?: number; } | Yes | All | Yes |
barStyle | Style for the bottom navigation bar. You can pass a custom background color here | Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> | Yes | All | Yes |
labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Style for Badge container | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | TestID used for testing purposes | string | Yes | All | Yes |
Button:A button is component that the user can press to trigger an action.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
mode | Mode of the button. You can change the mode to adjust the styling to give it desired emphasis | text | outlined | contained | elevated | contained-tonal | Yes | All | Yes |
dark | Whether the color is a dark color. A dark button will render light text and vice-versa. Only applicable for | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
compact | Use a compact look, useful for text buttons in a row. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
buttonColor | Custom button's background color. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
textColor | Custom button's text color. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
rippleColor | Color of the ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
loading | Whether to show a loading indicator. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
icon | Icon to display for the Button. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether the button is disabled. A disabled button is greyed out and onPress is not called on touch | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | Label text of the button. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
uppercase | Make the label text uppercased. Note that this won't work if you pass React elements as children. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
background | Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). | PressableAndroidRippleConfig | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityHint | Accessibility hint for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityRole | Accessibility role for the button. The "button" role is set by default. | AccessibilityRole | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onPressIn | Function to execute as soon as the touchable element is pressed and invoked even before onPress. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onPressOut | Function to execute as soon as the touch is released even before onPress. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onLongPress | Function to execute on long press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
delayLongPress | The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before executing onLongPress. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
contentStyle | Style of button's inner content. Use this prop to apply custom height and width and to set the icon on the right with flexDirection: 'row-reverse'. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
maxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Style for Badge Button | Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> | Yes | All | Yes |
labelStyle | Style for the button text. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
touchableRef | Reference for the touchable | React.RefObject | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | string | testID to be used on tests. | Yes | All | Yes |
Card:A card is a sheet of material that serves as an entry point to more detailed information.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
mode | Mode of the Card. | outlined | contained | elevated | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | Content of the Card | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
onLongPress | Function to execute on long press. | () => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onPressIn | Function to execute as soon as the touchable element is pressed and invoked even before onPress. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onPressOut | Function to execute as soon as the touch is released even before onPress. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
delayLongPress | The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before executing onLongPress. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | TIf true, disable all interactions for this component. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
elevation | Changes Card shadow and background on iOS and Android. | Animated.Value | Yes | All | Yes |
contentStyle | Style of card's inner content. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | Pass down testID from card props to touchable | string | Yes | All | Yes |
accessible | Pass down accessible from card props to touchable | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
Card.Actions:A component to show a list of actions inside a Card.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children (required) | Items inside the CardActions. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Card.Content:A component to show content inside a Card.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children (required) | Items inside the Card.Content. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Card.Cover:A component to show a cover image inside a Card.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
Image props | Extends: ...Image props | props | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Card.Title:A component to show a title, subtitle and an avatar inside a Card.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
title (required) | Text for the title. Note that this will only accept a string or -based node. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
titleStyle | StyleProp | Style for the title. | Yes | All | Yes |
titleNumberOfLines | Number of lines for the title. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
titleVariant(Available in v5.x with theme version 3) | Title text variant defines appropriate text styles for type role and its size. Available variants: | unknown | Yes | All | Yes |
subtitle | Text for the subtitle. Note that this will only accept a string or -based node. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
subtitleStyle | Style for the subtitle. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
subtitleNumberOfLines | Number of lines for the subtitle. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
subtitleVariant (Available in v5.x with theme version 3) | Subtitle text variant defines appropriate text styles for type role and its size. Available variants | unknown | Yes | All | Yes |
left | Callback which returns a React element to display on the left side. | (props: { size: number }) => React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
leftStyle | Style for the left element wrapper. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
right | Callback which returns a React element to display on the right side. | (props: { size: number }) => React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
rightStyle | Style for the right element wrapper. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
titleMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a title font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
subtitleMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a subtitle font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Checkbox:Checkboxes allow the selection of multiple options from a set.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
status (required) | Status of checkbox. | checked | unchecked | indeterminate | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether checkbox is disabled. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
uncheckedColor | Custom color for unchecked checkbox. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
color | Custom color for checkbox. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | theme | string | Yes | All | Yes |
Checkbox.Android:Checkboxes allow the selection of multiple options from a set. This component follows platform guidelines for iOS, but can be used on any platform.
Name | Description | TypeTouchableRipple props | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
TouchableRipple | Touchable | TouchableRipple props | NO | All | Yes |
status (required) | Status of checkbox. | checked | unchecked | indeterminate | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether checkbox is disabled. | boolean | NO | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | NO | All | Yes |
uncheckedColor | Custom color for unchecked checkbox. | string | NO | All | Yes |
color | Custom color for checkbox. | string | NO | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | NO | All | Yes |
testID | theme | string | NO | All | Yes |
Checkbox.IOS:Checkboxes allow the selection of multiple options from a set. This component follows platform guidelines for iOS, but can be used on any platform.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
TouchableRipple | Touchable | TouchableRipple props | NO | All | Yes |
status (required) | Status of checkbox. | checked | unchecked | indeterminate | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether checkbox is disabled. | boolean | NO | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | NO | All | Yes |
color | Custom color for checkbox. | string | NO | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | NO | All | Yes |
testID | theme | string | NO | All | Yes |
Checkbox.Item:Checkbox.Item allows you to press the whole row (item) instead of only the Checkbox.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
status (required) | Status of checkbox. | checked | unchecked | indeterminate | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether checkbox is disabled. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
label (required) | Label to be displayed on the item. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | fuction | Yes | All | Yes |
onLongPress | Function to execute on long press. | fuction | Yes | All | Yes |
background | Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). https://reactnative.dev/docs/pressable#rippleconfig | PressableAndroidRippleConfig | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the touchable. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the touchable. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
uncheckedColor | Custom color for unchecked checkbox. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
color | Custom color for checkbox. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
rippleColor | Color of the ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Additional styles for container View. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
labelStyle | Style that is passed to Label element. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
labelVariant( Available in v5.x with theme version 3) | Label text variant defines appropriate text styles for type role and its size. Available variants. | unknown | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | string | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
position | Checkbox control position. | leading | trailing | Yes | All | Yes |
mode | Whether <Checkbox.Android /> or <Checkbox.IOS /> should be used. Left undefined will be used. | android | ios | Yes | All | Yes |
Chip:Chips are compact elements that can represent inputs, attributes, or actions
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
mode | Mode of the chip. | flat | outlined | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | Text content of the Chip. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
icon | Icon to display for the Chip. Both icon and avatar cannot be specified. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
avatar | Avatar to display for the Chip. Both icon and avatar cannot be specified. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
closeIcon | Icon to display as the close button for the Chip. The icon appears only when the onClose prop is specified. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
selected | Whether chip is selected. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
selectedColor | Whether to style the chip color as selected. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
showSelectedOverlay | Whether to display overlay on selected chip | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
showSelectedCheck | Whether to display default check icon on selected chip. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
rippleColor | Color of the ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether the chip is disabled. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
background | Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). | PressableAndroidRippleConfig | Yes | Android | No |
accessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the chip. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the chip. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
closeIconAccessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the close icon. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the close icon. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onLongPress | Function to execute on long press. | () => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onPressIn | Function to execute as soon as the touchable element is pressed and invoked even before onPress. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onPressOut | Function to execute as soon as the touch is released even before onPress. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onClose | Function to execute on close button press. The close button appears only when this prop is specified. | () => void | Yes | All | Yes |
delayLongPress | The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before executing onLongPress. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
compact | Sets smaller horizontal paddings 12dp around label, when there is only label. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
elevated | Whether chip should have the elevation. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
textStyle | Style of chip's text | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> | Yes | All | |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | Pass down testID from chip props to touchable for Detox tests. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
ellipsizeMode | Ellipsize Mode for the children text | EllipsizeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
maxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityRole | Default value: 'button' | string | Yes | All | Yes |
DataTable:Data tables allow displaying sets of data.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children (required) | Content of the DataTable | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All |
DataTable.Cell:A component to show a single cell inside of a table.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children (required) | Content of the DataTableCell. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
numeric | Align the text to the right. Generally monetary or number fields are aligned to right. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Text content style of the DataTableCell. | StyleProp | Yes | All | |
textStyle | Text content style of the DataTableCell. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
maxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | testID to be used on tests. | string | Yes | All |
DataTable.Header:A component to display title in table header.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children (required) | Content of the DataTableHeader. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Text content style of the DataTable.Header. | StyleProp | Yes | All | |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All |
DataTable.Pagination:A component to show pagination for data table.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
page (required) | The currently visible page (starting with 0). | number | Yes | All | Yes |
numberOfPages (required) | The total number of pages. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
onPageChange (required) | Function to execute on page change. | (page: number) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
showFastPaginationControls | Whether to show fast forward and fast rewind buttons in pagination. False by default. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
paginationControlRippleColor | Color of the pagination control ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | |
numberOfItemsPerPage | The current number of rows per page. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
numberOfItemsPerPageList | Options for a number of rows per page to choose from. | Array | Yes | All | Yes |
onItemsPerPageChange | The function to set the number of rows per page. | (numberOfItemsPerPage: number) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
dropdownItemRippleColor | Color of the dropdown item ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
selectPageDropdownRippleColor | Color of the select page dropdown ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
selectPageDropdownLabel | Label text for select page dropdown to display. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
selectPageDropdownAccessibilityLabel | AccessibilityLabel for selectPageDropdownLabel | string | Yes | All | Yes |
label | Label text to display which indicates current pagination. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityLabel | AccessibilityLabel for label. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Text content style of the DataTable.Pagination. | StyleProp | Yes | All |
DataTable.Row:A component to show a single row inside of a table.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
TouchableRipple | Extends: ...TouchableRipple props | props | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | Content of the DataTableRow. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Text content style of the DataTable.Pagination. | StyleProp | Yes | All | |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | |
pointerEvents | pointerEvents passed to the View container, which is wrapping children within TouchableRipple. | ViewProps['pointerEvents'] | Yes | All |
DataTable.Title:A component to display title in table header.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children (required) | Text content of the DataTableTitle. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
numeric | Align the text to the right. Generally monetary or number fields are aligned to right. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
sortDirection | Direction of sorting. An arrow indicating the direction is displayed when this is given. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
numberOfLines | The number of lines to show. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Text content style of the DataTableTitle. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
textStyle | Text content style of the DataTableTitle. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
maxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. | maxFontSizeMultiplier | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Dialog:Dialogs inform users about a specific task and may contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
dismissable | Determines whether clicking outside the dialog dismiss it. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
dismissableBackButton | Determines whether clicking Android hardware back button dismiss dialog. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
onDismiss | Callback that is called when the user dismisses the dialog. | () => void | Yes | All | Yes |
visible | Determines Whether the dialog is visible. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | Content of the Dialog | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Text content style of the Dialog. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | testID to be used on tests. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
Dialog.Actions:A component to show a list of actions in a Dialog.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children (required) | Content of the DialogActions. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Text content style of the Dialog.Actions. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Dialog.Content:A component to show content in a Dialog.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children (required) | Content of the DialogContent. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Text content style of the Dialog.Content. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Dialog.Icon:@supported Available in v5.x with theme version 3 A component to show an icon in a Dialog.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
color | Custom color for action icon. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
icon (required) | Name of the icon to show. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
size | Optional icon size. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Dialog.ScrollArea:A component to show a scrollable content in a Dialog.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children (required) | Content of the DialogScrollArea. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Dialog.Title:A component to show a title in a Dialog.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children (required) | Title text for the DialogTitle. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Divider:A divider is a thin, lightweight separator that groups content in lists and page layouts.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
leftInset | Whether divider has a left inset. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
horizontalInset | Whether divider has a horizontal inset on both sides. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
bold | Whether divider should be bolded. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Text content style of the Divider. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Drawer.CollapsedItem:Collapsed component used to show an action item with an icon and optionally label in a navigation drawer.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
label | The label text of the item. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
badge | Badge to show on the icon, can be true to show a dot, string or number to show text. | string | number | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether the item is disabled. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
focusedIcon | Icon to use as the focused destination icon, can be a string, an image source or a react component | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
unfocusedIcon | Icon to use as the unfocused destination icon, can be a string, an image source or a react component | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
active | Whether to highlight the drawer item as active. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | TestID used for testing purposes | string | Yes | All | Yes |
Drawer.Item:A component used to show an action item with an icon and a label in a navigation drawer.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
label | The label text of the item. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
icon | Icon to display for the DrawerItem. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
active | Whether to highlight the drawer item as active. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether the item is disabled. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
background | Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). | PressableAndroidRippleConfig | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
right | Callback which returns a React element to display on the right side. For instance a Badge. | (props: { color: string }) => React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
rippleColor | Color of the ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Drawer.Section:A component to group content inside a navigation drawer.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
title | Title to show as the header for the section. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | Content of the Drawer.Section. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
showDivider | Whether to show Divider at the end of the section. True by default. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
titleMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a title font can reach. True by default. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
FAB:A floating action button represents the primary action on a screen. It appears in front of all screen content.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
icon (required) | Icon to display for the FAB. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
label (required) | Label for extended FAB. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
uppercase | Make the label text uppercased. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
background | Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). | PressableAndroidRippleConfig | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the FAB. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the FAB. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityState | Accessibility state for the FAB. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the FAB. | AccessibilityState | Yes | All | Yes |
animated | Whether an icon change is animated. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
color | Custom color for the icon and label of the FAB. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
rippleColor | Color of the ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether FAB is disabled. A disabled button is greyed out and onPress is not called on touch. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
visible | Whether FAB is currently visible. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
loading | Whether to show a loading indicator. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onLongPress | Function to execute on long press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
delayLongPress | The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before executing onLongPress | number | Yes | All | Yes |
size | Default value: 'medium' |
'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | Yes | All | Yes |
mode | Mode of the FAB . You can change the mode to adjust the the shadow: |
'flat' | 'elevated' | Yes | All | Yes |
variant | Color mappings variant for combinations of container and icon colors. | 'primary'|'secondary' |'tertiary' |'surface' | Yes | All | Yes |
labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | TestID used for testing purposes | string | Yes | All | Yes |
ref | ref | React.RefObject | Yes | All | Yes |
AnimatedFAB:An animated, extending horizontally floating action button represents the primary action in an application.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
icon (required) | Icon to display for the FAB. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
label (required) | Label for extended FAB. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
uppercase | Make the label text uppercased. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
background | Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). | PressableAndroidRippleConfig | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the FAB. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the FAB. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityState | Accessibility state for the FAB. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the FAB. | AccessibilityState | Yes | All | Yes |
color | Custom color for the icon and label of the FAB. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
rippleColor | Color of the ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether FAB is disabled. A disabled button is greyed out and onPress is not called on touch. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
visible | Whether FAB is currently visible. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onLongPress | Function to execute on long press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
delayLongPress | The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before executing onLongPress | number | Yes | All | Yes |
iconMode | Whether icon should be translated to the end of extended FAB or be static and stay in the same place. The default value is dynamic. | static| dynamic | Yes | All | Yes |
animateFrom | Indicates from which direction animation should be performed. The default value is right. | left| right | Yes | All | Yes |
extended | Whether FAB should start animation to extend. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
variant | Color mappings variant for combinations of container and icon colors. | primary| secondary | tertiary | surface | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | TestID used for testing purposes | string | Yes | All | Yes |
FAB.Group:A component to display a stack of FABs with related actions in a speed dial.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
icon (required) | Icon to display for the FAB. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the FAB. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the FAB. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
color | Custom color for the FAB | string | Yes | All | Yes |
backdropColor | Custom backdrop color for opened speed dial background. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
rippleColor | Color of the ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on pressing the FAB. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onLongPress | Function to execute on long pressing the FAB. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
toggleStackOnLongPress | Makes actions stack appear on long press instead of on press. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
delayLongPress | Changes the delay for long press reaction. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
enableLongPressWhenStackOpened | Allows for onLongPress when stack is opened. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
open (required) | Whether the speed dial is open. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
onStateChange (required) | Callback which is called on opening and closing the speed dial. The open state needs to be updated when it's called, otherwise the change is dropped. | (state: { open: boolean }) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
visible (required) | Whether FAB is currently visible. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | TestID used for testing purposes | string | Yes | All | Yes |
HelperText:Helper text is used in conjuction with input elements to provide additional hints for the user.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
type | Type of the helper text. | error| info | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | Text content of the HelperText. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
visible | Whether to display the helper text. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
padding | Whether to apply padding to the helper text. | none| normal | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether the text input tied with helper text is disabled. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | TestID used for testing purposes | string | Yes | All | Yes |
Icon:An icon component which renders icon from vector library.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
size | Size of icon. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
allowFontScaling | allowFontScaling | boolean | Yes | All | No |
source (required) | Icon to display. | any | Yes | All | Yes |
color | Color of the icon. | any | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | TestID used for testing purposes | string | Yes | All | Yes |
IconButton:An icon button is a button which displays only an icon without a label.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
icon (required) | Icon to display. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
mode | Mode of the icon button. By default there is no specified mode - only pressable icon will be rendered. | outlined | contained | contained-tonal | Yes | All | Yes |
iconColor | Color of the icon. | string | contained-tonal | Yes | All |
containerColor | Background color of the icon container. | string | contained-tonal | Yes | All |
rippleColor | Color of the ripple effect. | ColorValue | contained-tonal | Yes | All |
selected | Whether icon button is selected. A selected button receives alternative combination of icon and container colors. | boolean | contained-tonal | Yes | All |
size | Size of the icon. | number | contained-tonal | Yes | All |
disabled | Whether the button is disabled. A disabled button is greyed out and onPress is not called on touch. | boolean | contained-tonal | Yes | All |
animated | Whether an icon change is animated. | boolean | contained-tonal | Yes | All |
accessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. | string | contained-tonal | Yes | All |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
ref | ref | React.RefObject | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | TestID used for testing purposes | string | Yes | All | Yes |
loading | Whether to show a loading indicator. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
List.Accordion:A component used to display an expandable list item.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
title (required) | Title text for the list accordion. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
description | Description text for the list accordion. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
left | Callback which returns a React element to display on the left side. | (props: { color: string; style: Style }) => React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
right | Callback which returns a React element to display on the right side. | (props: { isExpanded: boolean }) => React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
expanded | Whether the accordion is expanded If this prop is provided, the accordion will behave as a "controlled component". | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onLongPress | Function to execute on long press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
delayLongPress | The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before executing onLongPress. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | Content of the section. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
background | Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). | PressableAndroidRippleConfig | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Style that is passed to the wrapping TouchableRipple element. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
titleStyle | Style that is passed to Title element. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
descriptionStyle | Style that is passed to Description element. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
rippleColor | Color of the ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
titleNumberOfLines | Truncate Title text such that the total number of lines does not exceed this number. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
descriptionNumberOfLines | Truncate Description text such that the total number of lines does not exceed this number. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
titleMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a description font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
id | Id is used for distinguishing specific accordion when using List. | string | number | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | TestID used for testing purposes | string | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the TouchableRipple. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the touchable. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
pointerEvents | pointerEvents passed to the View container | ViewProps['pointerEvents'] | Yes | All | Yes |
List.AccordionGroup:List.AccordionGroup allows to control a group of List Accordions.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
onAccordionPress | Function to execute on selection change. | (expandedId: string | number) => void | Yes | All |
expandedId | Id of the currently expanded list accordion | string | number | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | React elements containing list accordions | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
List.Icon:List.AccordionGroup allows to control a group of List Accordions.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
icon (required) | Icon to show. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
color | Color for the icon. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
ListItem:A component to show tiles inside a List.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
title (required) | Title text for the list item. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
description | Description text for the list item or callback which returns a React element to display the description. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
left | Callback which returns a React element to display on the left side. | (props: { color: string; style: Style }) => React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
right | Callback which returns a React element to display on the right side. | (props: { color: string; style?: Style }) => React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Style that is passed to the wrapping TouchableRipple element. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
contentStyle | Style that is passed to the container wrapping title and descripton. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
titleStyle | Style that is passed to Title element. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
descriptionStyle | Style that is passed to Description element. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
titleNumberOfLines | Truncate Title text such that the total number of lines does not exceed this number. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
descriptionNumberOfLines | Truncate Description text such that the total number of lines does not exceed this number. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
titleEllipsizeMode | Ellipsize Mode for the Title. One of 'head', 'middle', 'tail', 'clip'. | EllipsizeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
titleMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a title font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
descriptionMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a description font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
descriptionEllipsizeMode | Ellipsize Mode for the Description. One of 'head', 'middle', 'tail', 'clip'. | 'head' 'middle' 'tail' 'clip' | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | TestID used for testing purposes | string | Yes | All | Yes |
List.Section:A component used to group list items.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
title | Title text for the section. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | Content of the section. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
titleStyle | Style that is passed to Title element. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
List.Subheader:A component used to display a header in lists.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Style that is passed to Text element. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
maxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
Menu:Menus display a list of choices on temporary elevated surfaces.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
visible (required) | Whether the Menu is currently visible. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
anchor (required) | The anchor to open the menu from. In most cases, it will be a button that opens the menu. | React.ReactNode | { x: number; y: number } | Yes | All |
anchorPosition | Whether the menu should open at the top of the anchor or at its bottom. | top | bottom | Yes | All | Yes |
statusBarHeight | Extra margin to add at the top of the menu to account for translucent status bar on Android. If you are using Expo, we assume translucent status bar and set a height for status bar automatically. | number | Yes | Android | false |
onDismiss | Callback called when Menu is dismissed. | fuction | Yes | All | Yes |
overlayAccessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the overlay. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps outside the menu. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | Content of the Menu | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
contentStyle | Style of menu's inner content. | Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | InternalTheme | Yes | All | Yes |
keyboardShouldPersistTaps | Inner ScrollView prop | crollViewProps['keyboardShouldPersistTaps'] | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | testID to be used on tests. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
Menu.Item:A component to show a single list item inside a Menu.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
title (required) | Title text for the MenuItem. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
leadingIcon | Leading icon to display for the MenuItem. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
trailingIcon(Available in v5.x with theme version 3) | Trailing icon to display for the MenuItem. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether the 'item' is disabled. A disabled 'item' is greyed out and onPress is not called on touch. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
dense (Available in v5.x with theme version 3) | Sets min height with densed layout. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
background | Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). | PressableAndroidRippleConfig | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
titleMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a title font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
contentStyle | contentStyle | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
titleStyle | titleStyle | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
rippleColor | titleStyle | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | Color of the ripple effect. | InternalTheme | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | TestID used for testing purposes | string | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the Touchable. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityState | Accessibility state for the Touchable. | accessibilityState | Yes | All | Yes |
Modal:The Modal component is a simple way to present content above an enclosing view.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
dismissable | Determines whether clicking outside the modal dismiss it. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
dismissableBackButton | Determines whether clicking Android hardware back button dismiss dialog. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
onDismiss | Callback that is called when the user dismisses the modal. | () => void | Yes | All | Yes |
overlayAccessibilityLabel | Callback that is called when the user dismisses the modal. | () => void | Yes | All | Yes |
visible | Determines Whether the modal is visible. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | Content of the Modal. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
contentContainerStyle | Style for the content of the modal | Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Style for the wrapper of the modal. Use this prop to change the default wrapper style or to override safe area insets with marginTop and marginBottom. | StyleProp | Yes | All | |
testID | testID to be used on tests. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
Portal:Portal allows rendering a component at a different place in the parent tree.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children (required) | Content of the Portal. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
theme (required) | theme | InternalTheme | Yes | All | Yes |
Portal.Host:Portal host renders all of its children Portal elements.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children (required) | Content of the Portal. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
ProgressBar:Progress bar is an indicator used to present progress of some activity in the app.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
animatedValue | Animated value (between 0 and 1). This tells the progress bar to rely on this value to animate it. Note: It should not be used in parallel with the progress prop. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
progress | Progress value (between 0 and 1). Note: It should not be used in parallel with the animatedValue prop. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
color | Color of the progress bar. The background color will be calculated based on this but you can change it by passing backgroundColor to style prop. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
indeterminate | If the progress bar will show indeterminate progress. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
visible | Whether to show the ProgressBar (true, the default) or hide it (false). | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
fillStyle | Style of filled part of the ProgresBar. | Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | testID to be used on tests. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
RadioButton:Radio buttons allow the selection a single option from a set.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
value (required) | Value of the radio button | string | Yes | All | Yes |
status | Status of radio button. | checked | unchecked | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether radio is disabled. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
uncheckedColor | Custom color for unchecked radio. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
color | Custom color for radio. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | testID to be used on tests. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
RadioButton.Group:Radio button group allows to control a group of radio buttons.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
onValueChange (required) | Function to execute on selection change. | fuction | Yes | All | Yes |
value (required) | Value of the currently selected radio button. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | React elements containing radio buttons. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
RadioButton.Item:RadioButton.Item allows you to press the whole row (item) instead of only the RadioButton.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
value (required) | Value of the radio button. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
label (required) | Label to be displayed on the item. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether radio is disabled. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
background | Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). https://reactnative.dev/docs/pressable#rippleconfig | PressableAndroidRippleConfig | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | Function | Yes | All | Yes |
onLongPress | Function to execute on long press. | Function | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the touchable. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the touchable. | Function | Yes | All | Yes |
uncheckedColor | Custom color for unchecked radio. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
color | Custom color for radio. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
rippleColor | Color of the ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
status | Status of radio button. | checked | unchecked | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Additional styles for container View. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
labelStyle | Style that is passed to Label element. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
labelVariant(Available in v5.x with theme version 3) | Label text variant defines appropriate text styles for type role and its size. Available variants: | unknown | Yes | All | Yes |
labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | testID to be used on tests. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
mode | Whether <RadioButton.Android /> or <RadioButton.IOS /> should be used. Left undefined will be used. | android | ios | Yes | All | Yes |
position | Radio button control position. | leading | trailing | Yes | All | Yes |
Searchbar:Searchbar is a simple input box where users can type search queries.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
placeholder | Hint text shown when the input is empty. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
value (required) | The value of the text input. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
onChangeText | Callback that is called when the text input's text changes. | (query: string) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
mode(Available in v5.x with theme version 3) | Search layout mode, the default value is "bar". | bar | view | Yes | All | Yes |
icon | Icon name for the left icon button (see onIconPress). | (query: string) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onChangeText | Callback that is called when the text input's text changes. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
iconColor | Custom color for icon, default will be derived from theme | string | Yes | All | Yes |
rippleColor | Color of the ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
onIconPress | Callback to execute if we want the left icon to act as button. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onClearIconPress | Callback to execute if we want to add custom behaviour to close icon button. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
searchAccessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
clearIcon | Custom icon for clear button, default will be icon close. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
clearAccessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
traileringIcon | Icon name for the right trailering icon button. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
traileringIconColor | Custom color for the right trailering icon, default will be derived from theme | string | Yes | All | Yes |
traileringRippleColor | Color of the trailering icon ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
onTraileringIconPress | Callback to execute on the right trailering icon button press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
traileringIconAccessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the right trailering icon button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
right | Callback which returns a React element to display on the right side. Works only when mode is set to "bar". | (props: { color: string; style: Style; testID: string; }) => React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
showDivider | Whether to show Divider at the bottom of the search. Works only when mode is set to "view". True by default. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
elevation | Changes Searchbar shadow and background on iOS and Android. | Animated.Value | Yes | All | Yes |
inputStyle | Set style of the TextInput component inside the searchbar | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> | Yes | All | Yes |
loading | Custom flag for replacing clear button with activity indicator. | Boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | TestID used for testing purposes | string | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | string | Yes | All | Yes |
SegmentedButtons:Segmented buttons can be used to select options, switch views or sort elements.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
buttons (required) | Buttons to display as options in toggle button. Button should contain the following properties: | { value: string; icon?: IconSource; disabled?: boolean; accessibilityLabel?: string; checkedColor?: string; uncheckedColor?: string; onPress?: (event: GestureResponderEvent) => void; label?: string; showSelectedCheck?: boolean; style?: StyleProp; labelStyle?: StyleProp; testID?: string; }[] | Yes | All | Yes |
density | Density is applied to the height, to allow usage in denser UIs | regular | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | string | Yes | All | Yes |
Snackbar:Snackbars provide brief feedback about an operation through a message rendered at the bottom of the container in which it's wrapped.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
visible (required) | Whether the Snackbar is currently visible. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
action | Label and press callback for the action button. It should contain the following properties: | $RemoveChildren & { label: string; } | Yes | All | Yes |
icon | Icon to display when onIconPress is defined. Default will be close icon. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
rippleColor | Color of the ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
onIconPress | Function to execute on icon button press. The icon button appears only when this prop is specified. | () => void | Yes | All | Yes |
iconAccessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the icon button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
duration | The duration for which the Snackbar is shown. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
onDismiss (required) | Callback called when Snackbar is dismissed. The visible prop needs to be updated when this is called. | () => void | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | Text content of the Snackbar. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
maxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
wrapperStyle | Style for the wrapper of the snackbar | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | string | Yes | All | Yes |
ref | ref | React.RefObject | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | string | TestID used for testing purposes | Yes | All | Yes |
Surface:Surface is a basic container that can give depth to an element with elevation shadow.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children (required) | Content of the Surface. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
elevation | Changes shadows and background on iOS and Android. Used to create UI hierarchy between components. | Animated.Value | Yes | All | Yes |
mode | Mode of the Surface. | flat | elevated | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | string | Yes | All | Yes |
ref | ref | React.RefObject | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | string | TestID used for testing purposes | Yes | All | Yes |
Switch:Switch is a visual toggle between two mutually exclusive states — on and off.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
disabled | Disable toggling the switch. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
value | Value of the switch, true means 'on', false means 'off'. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
color | Custom color for switch. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
onValueChange | Callback called with the new value when it changes. | Function | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | string | Yes | All | Yes |
Text:Typography component showing styles complied with passed variant prop and supported by the type system.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
Text props | Extends: ...Text props | props | Yes | All | Yes |
variant | Variant defines appropriate text styles for type role and its size. Available variants: | VariantProp | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | Content of the Text. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | string | Yes | All | Yes |
TextInput:A component to allow users to input text.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
mode | Mode of the TextInput. | flat | outlined | Yes | All | Yes |
left | left | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
right | right | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | If true, user won't be able to interact with the component. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
label | The text or component to use for the floating label. | TextInputLabelProp | Yes | All | Yes |
placeholder | Placeholder for the input. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
error | Whether to style the TextInput with error style. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
onChangeText | Callback that is called when the text input's text changes. Changed text is passed as an argument to the callback handler. | Function | Yes | All | Yes |
selectionColor | Selection color of the input. On iOS, it sets both the selection color and cursor color. On Android, it sets only the selection color. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
underlineColor | Inactive underline color of the input. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
activeUnderlineColor | Active underline color of the input. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
outlineColor | Active outline color of the input. | string | Yes | All | |
activeOutlineColor | Active outline color of the input. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
textColor | Color of the text in the input. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
dense | Sets min height with densed layout. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
multiline | Whether the input can have multiple lines. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
numberOfLines | The number of lines to show in the input (Android only). | number | No | Android | No |
onFocus | Callback that is called when the text input is focused. | (args: any) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onBlur | Callback that is called when the text input is blurred. | (args: any) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
render | Callback to render a custom input component such as react-native-text-input-mask instead of the default TextInput component from react-native. | (props: RenderProps) => React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
value | Value of the text input. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
style | Pass fontSize prop to modify the font size inside TextInput | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | ThemeProp | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | testID to be used on tests. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
contentStyle | Pass custom style directly to the input itself. Overrides input style Example: paddingLeft, backgroundColor | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
outlineStyle | Pass style to override the default style of outlined wrapper. Overrides style when mode is set to outlined Example: borderRadius, borderColor | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
underlineStyle | Pass style to override the default style of underlined wrapper. Overrides style when mode is set to flat Example: borderRadius, borderColor | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
editable | editable | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
TextInput.Affix:A component to allow users to input text.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
text (required) | Text to show. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the affix. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the affix. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
textStyle | Style that is passed to the Text element. | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | string | Yes | All | Yes |
TextInput.Icon:A component to render a leading / trailing icon in the TextInput
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
icon (required) | Icon to show. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
forceTextInputFocus | Whether the TextInput will focus after onPress. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
color | Color of the icon or a function receiving a boolean indicating whether the TextInput is focused and returning the color. | (isTextInputFocused: boolean) => string | Yes | All | Yes |
rippleColor | Color of the ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | string | Yes | All | Yes |
ToggleButton:Toggle buttons can be used to group related options.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
icon (required) | Icon to display for the ToggleButton. | IconSource | Yes | All | Yes |
size | Size of the icon. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
iconColor | Custom text color for button. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
rippleColor | Color of the ripple effect. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
disabled | Whether the button is disabled. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
accessibilityLabel | Accessibility label for the ToggleButton. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. | fuction | Yes | All | Yes |
value | Value of button. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
status | Status of button. | checked | unchecked | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | string | Yes | All | Yes |
ref | ref | React.RefObject | Yes | All | Yes |
testID | string | testID to be used on tests. | Yes | All | Yes |
ToggleButton.Group:Toggle group allows to control a group of toggle buttons.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
onValueChange (required) | Function to execute on selection change. | (value: Value) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
value (required) | Value of the currently selected toggle button. | Value | null | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | React elements containing toggle buttons. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
ToggleButton.Row:Toggle button row renders a group of toggle buttons in a row.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
onValueChange (required) | Function to execute on selection change. | (value: Value) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
value (required) | Value of the currently selected toggle button. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | React elements containing toggle buttons. | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
Tooltip:Tooltips display informative text when users hover over, focus on, or tap an element.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children (required) | Tooltip reference element. Needs to be able to hold a ref. | React.ReactElement | Yes | All | Yes |
enterTouchDelay | The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before showing the tooltip. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
leaveTouchDelay | The number of milliseconds after the user stops touching an element before hiding the tooltip. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
title (required) | Tooltip title | string | Yes | All | Yes |
titleMaxFontSizeMultiplier | Specifies the largest possible scale a title font can reach. | number | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | string | Yes | All | Yes |
TouchableRipple:A wrapper for views that should respond to touches.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
borderless | Whether to render the ripple outside the view bounds. | boolean | No | Android | No |
background | Type of background drawabale to display the feedback. | Object | Yes | All | Yes |
centered | Whether to start the ripple at the center (Web). | boolean | No | Web | No |
disabled | Whether to prevent interaction with the touchable. | boolean | Yes | All | Yes |
onPress | Function to execute on press. If not set, will cause the touchable to be disabled. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onLongPress | Function to execute on long press. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onPressIn | Function to execute immediately when a touch is engaged, before onPressOut and onPress. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
onPressOut | Function to execute when a touch is released. | (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void | Yes | All | Yes |
rippleColor | Color of the ripple effect. | ColorValue | Yes | All | Yes |
underlayColor | Color of the underlay for the highlight effect. | string | Yes | All | Yes |
children (required) | Content of the TouchableRipple. | ((state: PressableStateCallbackType) => React.ReactNode) | React.ReactNode | Yes | All | Yes |
style | style | StyleProp | Yes | All | Yes |
theme | theme | string | Yes | All | Yes |
- Icon 组件allowFontScaling不生效, 参看源码传入的此属性并未传入内部icon组件 源码位置
- Menu组件中的mode属性为5.12.4版本新增,当前版本为5.12.3
- Menu statusBarHeight 无效果,此属性为Android平台独有 源码位置
- DataTableRow 组件使用 TouchableRipple 产生的涟漪效果,在Android上生效,iOS无效果
- BottomNavigation safeAreaInset top属性无效果,因为在源码中未使用 源码位置
- BottomNavigation.Bar组件 keyboardHidesNavigationBar属性为父组件BottomNavigation传入,请勿单独使用
- accessibilityState属性鸿蒙RN(不支持该属性
- DataTable组件底层使用的是鸿蒙RN的Text组件,目前Text组件不支持accessibilityLabel属性。所以DataTable涉及无障碍朗读功能在鸿蒙RN的效果和其他平台有差异
本项目基于 The MIT License (MIT) ,请自由地享受和参与开源。