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yarn add react-native-paper@^5.12.3


npm install react-native-paper@^5.12.3


[!WARNING] 使用时 import 的库名不变。


1.将根组件包装在PaperProvider中。如果您有一个原始的 React Native 项目,最好将其添加到传递给 的组件中AppRegistry.registerComponent。这通常在index.js文件中

import { PaperProvider } from 'react-native-paper';
import App from '../App';

export default function PaperExample() {
    return (
        <App />
AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => PaperExample);

2.包装PaperProvider之后,我们需要将展示的组件传递到 Providers 中。在这一部分,我们使用ActivityIndicator作为示例展示

export default function App() {
  return (
    <View style={{backgroundColor: 'black'}}>
      <StatusBar barStyle="light-content" />
           <View id="__harmony::ready" />
            <Page name="EXAMPLE: ActivityIndicatorDemo">

3.活动指示器用于显示应用中某些活动的进度。它可以作为 React Native 附带的 ActivityIndi​​cator 的插件使用。

import * as React from 'react';
import { ActivityIndicator, MD2Colors } from 'react-native-paper';

const ActivityIndicatorDemo = () => (
  <ActivityIndicator animating={true} color={MD2Colors.red800} />

export default ActivityIndicatorDemo;


本库 HarmonyOS 侧实现依赖@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-safe-area-context和@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-vector-icons的原生端代码,如已在 HarmonyOS 工程中引入过该库,则无需再次引入,可跳过本章节步骤,直接使用。

如未引入react-native-safe-area-context请参照@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-safe-area-context 文档进行引入

如未引入react-native-vector-icons请参照@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-vector-icons 文档进行引入




  1. RNOH:0.72.20-CAPI; SDK:HarmonyOS NEXT Developer Beta1; IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:;
  2. RNOH:0.72.33; SDK:OpenHarmony Version 12 Release); IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:NEXT.0.0.71;



[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。

[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
ActivityIndicator Activity indicator is used to present progress of some activity in the app. It can be used as a drop-in for the ActivityIndicator shipped with React Native component No iOS/Android yes
Appbar A component to display action items in a bar. It can be placed at the top or bottom component No iOS/Android yes
Avatar Avatars can be used to represent people in a graphical way component No iOS/Android yes
Badge Badges are small status descriptors for UI elements component No iOS/Android yes
Banner Banner displays a prominent message and related actions component No iOS/Android yes
BottomNavigation BottomNavigation provides quick navigation between top-level views of an app with a bottom navigation bar component No iOS/Android yes
Button A button is component that the user can press to trigger an action component No iOS/Android yes
Card A card is a sheet of material that serves as an entry point to more detailed information component No iOS/Android yes
Checkbox A card is a sheet of material that serves as an entry point to more detailed information component No iOS/Android yes
Chip Chips are compact elements that can represent inputs, attributes, or actions. They can have an icon or avatar on the left, and a close button icon on the right component No iOS/Android yes
DataTable Data tables allow displaying sets of data component No iOS/Android yes
Dialog Dialogs inform users about a specific task and may contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks component No iOS/Android yes
Divider A divider is a thin, lightweight separator that groups content in lists and page layouts component No iOS/Android yes
Drawer Collapsed component used to show an action item with an icon and optionally label in a navigation drawer component No iOS/Android yes
FAB A floating action button represents the primary action on a screen. It appears in front of all screen content. component No iOS/Android yes
HelperText Helper text is used in conjuction with input elements to provide additional hints for the user component No iOS/Android yes
Icon An icon component which renders icon from vector library component No iOS/Android yes
IconButton An icon component which renders icon from vector library component No iOS/Android yes
List A component used to display an expandable list item component No iOS/Android yes
Menu Menus display a list of choices on temporary elevated surfaces. Their placement varies based on the element that opens them component No iOS/Android yes
Modal The Modal component is a simple way to present content above an enclosing view. To render the Modal above other components, you'll need to wrap it with the Portal component component No iOS/Android yes
Portal Portal allows rendering a component at a different place in the parent tree component No iOS/Android yes
ProgressBar Progress bar is an indicator used to present progress of some activity in the app. component No iOS/Android yes
RadioButton Radio buttons allow the selection a single option from a set. component No iOS/Android yes
Searchbar Searchbar is a simple input box where users can type search queries. component No iOS/Android yes
SegmentedButtons Segmented buttons can be used to select options, switch views or sort elements component No iOS/Android yes
Snackbar Snackbars provide brief feedback about an operation through a message rendered at the bottom of the container in which it's wrapped component No iOS/Android yes
Surface Surface is a basic container that can give depth to an element with elevation shadow component No iOS/Android yes
Surface Switch is a visual toggle between two mutually exclusive states — on and off. component No iOS/Android yes
Text Typography component showing styles complied with passed variant prop and supported by the type system. component No iOS/Android yes
TextInput A component to allow users to input text. component No iOS/Android yes
ToggleButton Toggle buttons can be used to group related options. To emphasize groups of related toggle buttons, a group should share a common container component No iOS/Android yes
Tooltip Tooltips display informative text when users hover over, focus on, or tap an element component No iOS/Android yes
TouchableRipple A wrapper for views that should respond to touches component No iOS/Android yes



[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。

[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。

ActivityIndicator:Activity indicator is used to present progress of some activity in the app. It can be used as a drop-in for the ActivityIndicator shipped with React Native

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
animating Whether to show the indicator or hide it boolean Yes All Yes
color The color of the spinner string Yes All Yes
size Size of the indicator small | large | number No All Yes
hidesWhenStopped Whether the indicator should hide when not animating boolean No All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
style style Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> Yes All Yes

Appbar:A component to display action items in a bar. It can be placed at the top or bottom

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
children Content of the Appbar React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
mode Mode of the Appbar. small | medium | large | center-aligned Yes All Yes
elevated Whether Appbar background should have the elevation along with primary color pigment. boolean No All Yes
safeAreaInsets Safe area insets for the Appbar { bottom?: number; top?: number; left?: number; right?: number; } No All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
style style Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> Yes All Yes

Appbar.Action:A component used to display an action item in the appbar.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
color Custom color for action icon string Yes All Yes
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect ColorValue Yes All Yes
icon Name of the icon to show IconSource Yes All Yes
size Optional icon size number Yes All Yes
disabled Whether the button is disabled. A disabled button is greyed out and onPress is not called on touch. boolean Yes All Yes
accessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button string Yes All Yes
onPress Whether it's the leading button. fuction Yes All Yes
isLeading (Available in v5.x with theme version 3) Whether it's the leading button. boolean Yes All NO
style Style for Appbar.Action container Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> Yes All Yes
ref ref React.RefObject Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

Appbar.BackAction:A component used to display a back button in the appbar.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
color Custom color for action icon string Yes All Yes
size Optional icon size number Yes All Yes
disabled Whether the button is disabled. A disabled button is greyed out and onPress is not called on touch. boolean Yes All Yes
accessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button string Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. fuction Yes All Yes
style Style for Appbar.BackAction container Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> Yes All Yes
ref ref React.RefObject Yes All Yes

Appbar.Content:A component used to display a title and optional subtitle in an appbar

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
title (required) Text or component for the title. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
titleStyle Style for the title, if title is a string. StyleProp Yes All Yes
titleRef Reference for the title. React.RefObject Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. fuction Yes All Yes
disabled If true, disable all interactions for this component. boolean Yes All Yes
color Custom color for the text string Yes All Yes
titleMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a title font can reach number Yes All Yes
style Style for Appbar.Content container Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID testID to be used on tests. string Yes All Yes

Appbar.Header:A component to use as a header at the top of the screen. It can contain the screen title, controls such as navigation buttons, menu button etc.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
dark Whether the background color is a dark color. A dark header will render light text and vice-versa boolean Yes All Yes
statusBarHeight Extra padding to add at the top of header to account for translucent status bar number Yes All Yes
children (required) Reference for the title. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
mode Mode of the Appbar. small | medium | large | center-aligned Yes All Yes
elevated Whether Appbar background should have the elevation along with primary color pigment boolean Yes All Yes
ref ref React.RefObject Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID testID to be used on tests. string Yes All Yes

Avatar.Icon:Avatars can be used to represent people in a graphical way.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
icon (required) Icon to display for the Avatar. IconSource Yes All Yes
size Size of the avatar. number Yes All Yes
color Custom color for the icon. string Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

Avatar.Image:Avatars can be used to represent people in a graphical way.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
source (required) Image to display for the Avatar. It accepts a standard React Native Image source prop Or a function that returns an Image ImageSourcePropType Yes All Yes
size Size of the avatar. number Yes All Yes
style style Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> Yes All Yes
onError Invoked on load error. fuction Yes All Yes
onLayout Invoked on mount and on layout changes. fuction Yes All Yes
onLoad Invoked when load completes successfully. fuction Yes All Yes
onLoadEnd Invoked when load either succeeds or fails. fuction Yes All Yes
onLoadStart Invoked on load start. fuction Yes All Yes
onProgress Invoked on download progress. fuction Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

Avatar.Text:Avatars can be used to represent people in a graphical way.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
label (required) Initials to show as the text in the Avatar. string Yes All Yes
size Size of the avatar. number Yes All Yes
color Custom color for the text. string Yes All Yes
style Style for text container StyleProp Yes All Yes
labelStyle Style for the title. StyleProp Yes All Yes
maxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. number Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

Badge:Badges are small status descriptors for UI elements

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
visible Whether the badge is visible boolean Yes All Yes
children Content of the Badge string | number Yes All Yes
size Size of the Badge number Yes All Yes
style Style for Badge container StyleProp Yes All Yes
ref ref React.RefObject Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

Banner:Banner displays a prominent message and related actions.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
visible Whether the badge is visible boolean Yes All Yes
children Content of the Badge React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
icon Icon to display for the Banner. Can be an image. IconSource Yes All Yes
actions Action items to shown in the banner Array< { label: string; } Yes All Yes
contentStyle Style of banner's inner content. Use this prop to apply custom width for wide layouts. StyleProp Yes All Yes
elevation Changes Banner shadow and background on iOS and Android. Animated.Value Yes All Yes
maxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. number Yes All Yes
onShowAnimationFinished Optional callback that will be called after the opening animation finished running normally Animated.EndCallback Yes All Yes
onHideAnimationFinished Optional callback that will be called after the closing animation finished running normally Animated.EndCallback Yes All Yes
style Style for Badge container StyleProp Yes All Yes
ref ref React.RefObject Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

BottomNavigation:BottomNavigation provides quick navigation between top-level views of an app with a bottom navigation bar.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
shifting Whether the shifting style is used, the active tab icon shifts up to show the label and the inactive tabs won't have a label. boolean Yes All Yes
labeled Whether to show labels in tabs. When false, only icons will be displayed. boolean Yes All Yes
compact Whether tabs should be spread across the entire width. boolean Yes All Yes
navigationState (required) State for the bottom navigation. The state should contain the following properties { index: number; routes: Route[]; } Yes All Yes
onIndexChange (required) Callback which is called on tab change, receives the index of the new tab as argument (index: number) => void Yes All Yes
renderScene (required) Callback which returns a react element to render as the page for the tab (props: { route: Route; jumpTo: (key: string) => void; }) => React.ReactNode | null Yes All Yes
renderIcon Callback which returns a React Element to be used as tab icon. (props: { route: Route; focused: boolean; color: string; }) => React.ReactNode | null Yes All Yes
renderLabel Callback which React Element to be used as tab label. (props: { route: Route; focused: boolean; color: string; }) => React.ReactNode | null Yes All Yes
renderTouchable Callback which returns a React element to be used as the touchable for the tab item. (props: TouchableProps) => React.ReactNode | null Yes All Yes
getAccessibilityLabel Get accessibility label for the tab button. (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined | null Yes All Yes
getBadge Get badge for the tab, uses route.badge by default. (props: { route: Route }) => boolean | number | string | undefined | null Yes All Yes
getColor Get color for the tab, uses route.color by default. (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined | number | string | undefined | null Yes All Yes
getLabelText Get label text for the tab, uses route.title by default. Use renderLabel to replace label component. (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined | undefined | number | string | undefined | null Yes All Yes
getTestID Get the id to locate this tab button in tests, uses route.testID by default. (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined Yes All Yes
getLazy Get lazy for the current screen. Uses true by default. (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined Yes All Yes
onTabPress Function to execute on tab press. It receives the route for the pressed tab, useful for things like scroll to top. (props: { route: Route } & TabPressEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onTabLongPress Function to execute on tab long press. It receives the route for the pressed tab, useful for things like custom action when longed pressed. (props: { route: Route } & TabPressEvent) => void Yes All Yes
activeColor Custom color for icon and label in the active tab. string Yes All Yes
inactiveColor Custom color for icon and label in the inactive tab. string Yes All Yes
sceneAnimationEnabled Whether animation is enabled for scenes transitions in shifting mode. boolean Yes All Yes
sceneAnimationEasing The scene animation Easing. EasingFunction | undefined Yes All Yes
sceneAnimationType The scene animation effect. Specify 'shifting' for a different effect. By default, 'opacity' will be used. 'opacity' | 'shifting' Yes All Yes
keyboardHidesNavigationBar Whether the bottom navigation bar is hidden when keyboard is shown boolean Yes All Yes
safeAreaInsets Safe area insets for the tab bar { top?: number; right?: number; bottom?: number; left?: number; } Yes All Yes
activeIndicatorStyle Style for the bottom navigation bar. You can pass a custom background color here StyleProp Yes All Yes
labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. number Yes All Yes
style Style for Badge container StyleProp Yes All Yes
testID TestID used for testing purposes string Yes All Yes

BottomNavigation.Bar:A navigation bar which can easily be integrated with React Navigation's Bottom Tabs Navigator.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
shifting Whether the shifting style is used, the active tab icon shifts up to show the label and the inactive tabs won't have a label. boolean Yes All Yes
labeled Whether to show labels in tabs. When false, only icons will be displayed. boolean Yes All Yes
compact Whether tabs should be spread across the entire width. boolean Yes All Yes
navigationState (required) State for the bottom navigation. The state should contain the following properties { index: number; routes: Route[]; } Yes All Yes
renderScene (required) Callback which returns a react element to render as the page for the tab (props: { route: Route; jumpTo: (key: string) => void; }) => React.ReactNode | null Yes All Yes
renderIcon Callback which returns a React Element to be used as tab icon. (props: { route: Route; focused: boolean; color: string; }) => React.ReactNode | null Yes All Yes
renderLabel Callback which React Element to be used as tab label. (props: { route: Route; focused: boolean; color: string; }) => React.ReactNode | null Yes All Yes
renderTouchable Callback which returns a React element to be used as the touchable for the tab item. (props: TouchableProps) => React.ReactNode | null Yes All Yes
getAccessibilityLabel Get accessibility label for the tab button. (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined | null Yes All Yes
getBadge Get badge for the tab, uses route.badge by default. (props: { route: Route }) => boolean | number | string | undefined | null Yes All Yes
getColor Get color for the tab, uses route.color by default. (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined | number | string | undefined | null Yes All Yes
getLabelText Get label text for the tab, uses route.title by default. Use renderLabel to replace label component. (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined | undefined | number | string | undefined | null Yes All Yes
getTestID Get the id to locate this tab button in tests, uses route.testID by default. (props: { route: Route }) => string | undefined Yes All Yes
onTabPress Function to execute on tab press. It receives the route for the pressed tab, useful for things like scroll to top. (props: { route: Route } & TabPressEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onTabLongPress Function to execute on tab long press. It receives the route for the pressed tab, useful for things like custom action when longed pressed. (props: { route: Route } & TabPressEvent) => void Yes All Yes
activeColor Custom color for icon and label in the active tab. string Yes All Yes
inactiveColor Custom color for icon and label in the inactive tab. string Yes All Yes
animationEasing The scene animation Easing. EasingFunction | undefined Yes All Yes
keyboardHidesNavigationBar Whether the bottom navigation bar is hidden when keyboard is shown boolean Yes All Yes
safeAreaInsets Safe area insets for the tab bar { top?: number; right?: number; bottom?: number; left?: number; } Yes All Yes
barStyle Style for the bottom navigation bar. You can pass a custom background color here Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> Yes All Yes
labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. number Yes All Yes
style Style for Badge container StyleProp Yes All Yes
testID TestID used for testing purposes string Yes All Yes

Button:A button is component that the user can press to trigger an action.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
mode Mode of the button. You can change the mode to adjust the styling to give it desired emphasis text | outlined | contained | elevated | contained-tonal Yes All Yes
dark Whether the color is a dark color. A dark button will render light text and vice-versa. Only applicable for boolean Yes All Yes
compact Use a compact look, useful for text buttons in a row. boolean Yes All Yes
buttonColor Custom button's background color. string Yes All Yes
textColor Custom button's text color. string Yes All Yes
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
loading Whether to show a loading indicator. boolean Yes All Yes
icon Icon to display for the Button. IconSource Yes All Yes
disabled Whether the button is disabled. A disabled button is greyed out and onPress is not called on touch boolean Yes All Yes
children (required) Label text of the button. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
uppercase Make the label text uppercased. Note that this won't work if you pass React elements as children. boolean Yes All Yes
background Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). PressableAndroidRippleConfig Yes All Yes
accessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. string Yes All Yes
accessibilityHint Accessibility hint for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. string Yes All Yes
accessibilityRole Accessibility role for the button. The "button" role is set by default. AccessibilityRole Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onPressIn Function to execute as soon as the touchable element is pressed and invoked even before onPress. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onPressOut Function to execute as soon as the touch is released even before onPress. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onLongPress Function to execute on long press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
delayLongPress The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before executing onLongPress. number Yes All Yes
contentStyle Style of button's inner content. Use this prop to apply custom height and width and to set the icon on the right with flexDirection: 'row-reverse'. StyleProp Yes All Yes
maxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. number Yes All Yes
style Style for Badge Button Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> Yes All Yes
labelStyle Style for the button text. StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
touchableRef Reference for the touchable React.RefObject Yes All Yes
testID string testID to be used on tests. Yes All Yes

Card:A card is a sheet of material that serves as an entry point to more detailed information.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
mode Mode of the Card. outlined | contained | elevated Yes All Yes
children (required) Content of the Card React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
onLongPress Function to execute on long press. () => void Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onPressIn Function to execute as soon as the touchable element is pressed and invoked even before onPress. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onPressOut Function to execute as soon as the touch is released even before onPress. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
delayLongPress The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before executing onLongPress. number Yes All Yes
disabled TIf true, disable all interactions for this component. boolean Yes All Yes
elevation Changes Card shadow and background on iOS and Android. Animated.Value Yes All Yes
contentStyle Style of card's inner content. StyleProp Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID Pass down testID from card props to touchable string Yes All Yes
accessible Pass down accessible from card props to touchable boolean Yes All Yes

Card.Actions:A component to show a list of actions inside a Card.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
children (required) Items inside the CardActions. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

Card.Content:A component to show content inside a Card.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
children (required) Items inside the Card.Content. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes

Card.Cover:A component to show a cover image inside a Card.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
Image props Extends: ...Image props props Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

Card.Title:A component to show a title, subtitle and an avatar inside a Card.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
title (required) Text for the title. Note that this will only accept a string or -based node. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
titleStyle StyleProp Style for the title. Yes All Yes
titleNumberOfLines Number of lines for the title. number Yes All Yes
titleVariant(Available in v5.x with theme version 3) Title text variant defines appropriate text styles for type role and its size. Available variants: unknown Yes All Yes
subtitle Text for the subtitle. Note that this will only accept a string or -based node. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
subtitleStyle Style for the subtitle. StyleProp Yes All Yes
subtitleNumberOfLines Number of lines for the subtitle. number Yes All Yes
subtitleVariant (Available in v5.x with theme version 3) Subtitle text variant defines appropriate text styles for type role and its size. Available variants unknown Yes All Yes
left Callback which returns a React element to display on the left side. (props: { size: number }) => React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
leftStyle Style for the left element wrapper. StyleProp Yes All Yes
right Callback which returns a React element to display on the right side. (props: { size: number }) => React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
rightStyle Style for the right element wrapper. StyleProp Yes All Yes
titleMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a title font can reach. number Yes All Yes
subtitleMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a subtitle font can reach. number Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

Checkbox:Checkboxes allow the selection of multiple options from a set.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
status (required) Status of checkbox. checked | unchecked | indeterminate Yes All Yes
disabled Whether checkbox is disabled. boolean Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
uncheckedColor Custom color for unchecked checkbox. string Yes All Yes
color Custom color for checkbox. string Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID theme string Yes All Yes

Checkbox.Android:Checkboxes allow the selection of multiple options from a set. This component follows platform guidelines for iOS, but can be used on any platform.

Name Description TypeTouchableRipple props Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
TouchableRipple Touchable TouchableRipple props NO All Yes
status (required) Status of checkbox. checked | unchecked | indeterminate Yes All Yes
disabled Whether checkbox is disabled. boolean NO All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void NO All Yes
uncheckedColor Custom color for unchecked checkbox. string NO All Yes
color Custom color for checkbox. string NO All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp NO All Yes
testID theme string NO All Yes

Checkbox.IOS:Checkboxes allow the selection of multiple options from a set. This component follows platform guidelines for iOS, but can be used on any platform.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
TouchableRipple Touchable TouchableRipple props NO All Yes
status (required) Status of checkbox. checked | unchecked | indeterminate Yes All Yes
disabled Whether checkbox is disabled. boolean NO All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void NO All Yes
color Custom color for checkbox. string NO All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp NO All Yes
testID theme string NO All Yes

Checkbox.Item:Checkbox.Item allows you to press the whole row (item) instead of only the Checkbox.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
status (required) Status of checkbox. checked | unchecked | indeterminate Yes All Yes
disabled Whether checkbox is disabled. boolean Yes All Yes
label (required) Label to be displayed on the item. string Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. fuction Yes All Yes
onLongPress Function to execute on long press. fuction Yes All Yes
background Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). PressableAndroidRippleConfig Yes All Yes
accessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the touchable. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the touchable. string Yes All Yes
uncheckedColor Custom color for unchecked checkbox. string Yes All Yes
color Custom color for checkbox. string Yes All Yes
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
style Additional styles for container View. StyleProp Yes All Yes
labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. number Yes All Yes
labelStyle Style that is passed to Label element. StyleProp Yes All Yes
labelVariant( Available in v5.x with theme version 3) Label text variant defines appropriate text styles for type role and its size. Available variants. unknown Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID string ThemeProp Yes All Yes
position Checkbox control position. leading | trailing Yes All Yes
mode Whether <Checkbox.Android /> or <Checkbox.IOS /> should be used. Left undefined will be used. android | ios Yes All Yes

Chip:Chips are compact elements that can represent inputs, attributes, or actions

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
mode Mode of the chip. flat | outlined Yes All Yes
children (required) Text content of the Chip. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
icon Icon to display for the Chip. Both icon and avatar cannot be specified. IconSource Yes All Yes
avatar Avatar to display for the Chip. Both icon and avatar cannot be specified. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
closeIcon Icon to display as the close button for the Chip. The icon appears only when the onClose prop is specified. IconSource Yes All Yes
selected Whether chip is selected. boolean Yes All Yes
selectedColor Whether to style the chip color as selected. string Yes All Yes
showSelectedOverlay Whether to display overlay on selected chip boolean Yes All Yes
showSelectedCheck Whether to display default check icon on selected chip. boolean Yes All Yes
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
disabled Whether the chip is disabled. boolean Yes All Yes
background Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). PressableAndroidRippleConfig Yes Android No
accessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the chip. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the chip. string Yes All Yes
closeIconAccessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the close icon. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the close icon. string Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onLongPress Function to execute on long press. () => void Yes All Yes
onPressIn Function to execute as soon as the touchable element is pressed and invoked even before onPress. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onPressOut Function to execute as soon as the touch is released even before onPress. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onClose Function to execute on close button press. The close button appears only when this prop is specified. () => void Yes All Yes
delayLongPress The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before executing onLongPress. number Yes All Yes
compact Sets smaller horizontal paddings 12dp around label, when there is only label. boolean Yes All Yes
elevated Whether chip should have the elevation. boolean Yes All Yes
textStyle Style of chip's text StyleProp Yes All Yes
style style Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> Yes All
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID Pass down testID from chip props to touchable for Detox tests. string Yes All Yes
ellipsizeMode Ellipsize Mode for the children text EllipsizeProp Yes All Yes
maxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. number Yes All Yes
accessibilityRole Default value: 'button' string Yes All Yes

DataTable:Data tables allow displaying sets of data.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
children (required) Content of the DataTable React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All

DataTable.Cell:A component to show a single cell inside of a table.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
children (required) Content of the DataTableCell. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
numeric Align the text to the right. Generally monetary or number fields are aligned to right. boolean Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
style Text content style of the DataTableCell. StyleProp Yes All
textStyle Text content style of the DataTableCell. StyleProp Yes All Yes
maxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. number Yes All Yes
testID testID to be used on tests. string Yes All

DataTable.Header:A component to display title in table header.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
children (required) Content of the DataTableHeader. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
style Text content style of the DataTable.Header. StyleProp Yes All
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All

DataTable.Pagination:A component to show pagination for data table.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
page (required) The currently visible page (starting with 0). number Yes All Yes
numberOfPages (required) The total number of pages. number Yes All Yes
onPageChange (required) Function to execute on page change. (page: number) => void Yes All Yes
showFastPaginationControls Whether to show fast forward and fast rewind buttons in pagination. False by default. boolean Yes All Yes
paginationControlRippleColor Color of the pagination control ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All
numberOfItemsPerPage The current number of rows per page. number Yes All Yes
numberOfItemsPerPageList Options for a number of rows per page to choose from. Array Yes All Yes
onItemsPerPageChange The function to set the number of rows per page. (numberOfItemsPerPage: number) => void Yes All Yes
dropdownItemRippleColor Color of the dropdown item ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
selectPageDropdownRippleColor Color of the select page dropdown ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
selectPageDropdownLabel Label text for select page dropdown to display. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
selectPageDropdownAccessibilityLabel AccessibilityLabel for selectPageDropdownLabel string Yes All Yes
label Label text to display which indicates current pagination. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
accessibilityLabel AccessibilityLabel for label. string Yes All Yes
style Text content style of the DataTable.Pagination. StyleProp Yes All

DataTable.Row:A component to show a single row inside of a table.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
TouchableRipple Extends: ...TouchableRipple props props Yes All Yes
children (required) Content of the DataTableRow. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
style Text content style of the DataTable.Pagination. StyleProp Yes All
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All
pointerEvents pointerEvents passed to the View container, which is wrapping children within TouchableRipple. ViewProps['pointerEvents'] Yes All

DataTable.Title:A component to display title in table header.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
children (required) Text content of the DataTableTitle. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
numeric Align the text to the right. Generally monetary or number fields are aligned to right. boolean Yes All Yes
sortDirection Direction of sorting. An arrow indicating the direction is displayed when this is given. boolean Yes All Yes
numberOfLines The number of lines to show. number Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
style Text content style of the DataTableTitle. StyleProp Yes All Yes
textStyle Text content style of the DataTableTitle. StyleProp Yes All Yes
maxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. maxFontSizeMultiplier Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

Dialog:Dialogs inform users about a specific task and may contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
dismissable Determines whether clicking outside the dialog dismiss it. boolean Yes All Yes
dismissableBackButton Determines whether clicking Android hardware back button dismiss dialog. boolean Yes All Yes
onDismiss Callback that is called when the user dismisses the dialog. () => void Yes All Yes
visible Determines Whether the dialog is visible. boolean Yes All Yes
children (required) Content of the Dialog React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
style Text content style of the Dialog. StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID testID to be used on tests. string Yes All Yes

Dialog.Actions:A component to show a list of actions in a Dialog.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
children (required) Content of the DialogActions. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
style Text content style of the Dialog.Actions. StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

Dialog.Content:A component to show content in a Dialog.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
children (required) Content of the DialogContent. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
style Text content style of the Dialog.Content. StyleProp Yes All Yes

Dialog.Icon:@supported Available in v5.x with theme version 3 A component to show an icon in a Dialog.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
color Custom color for action icon. IconSource Yes All Yes
icon (required) Name of the icon to show. IconSource Yes All Yes
size Optional icon size. number Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

Dialog.ScrollArea:A component to show a scrollable content in a Dialog.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
children (required) Content of the DialogScrollArea. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

Dialog.Title:A component to show a title in a Dialog.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
children (required) Title text for the DialogTitle. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

Divider:A divider is a thin, lightweight separator that groups content in lists and page layouts.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
leftInset Whether divider has a left inset. boolean Yes All Yes
horizontalInset Whether divider has a horizontal inset on both sides. boolean Yes All Yes
bold Whether divider should be bolded. boolean Yes All Yes
style Text content style of the Divider. StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

Drawer.CollapsedItem:Collapsed component used to show an action item with an icon and optionally label in a navigation drawer.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
label The label text of the item. string Yes All Yes
badge Badge to show on the icon, can be true to show a dot, string or number to show text. string | number | boolean Yes All Yes
disabled Whether the item is disabled. boolean Yes All Yes
focusedIcon Icon to use as the focused destination icon, can be a string, an image source or a react component IconSource Yes All Yes
unfocusedIcon Icon to use as the unfocused destination icon, can be a string, an image source or a react component IconSource Yes All Yes
active Whether to highlight the drawer item as active. boolean Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. number Yes All Yes
accessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. string Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID TestID used for testing purposes string Yes All Yes

Drawer.Item:A component used to show an action item with an icon and a label in a navigation drawer.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
label The label text of the item. string Yes All Yes
icon Icon to display for the DrawerItem. IconSource Yes All Yes
active Whether to highlight the drawer item as active. boolean Yes All Yes
disabled Whether the item is disabled. boolean Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
background Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). PressableAndroidRippleConfig Yes All Yes
accessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. string Yes All Yes
right Callback which returns a React element to display on the right side. For instance a Badge. (props: { color: string }) => React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. number Yes All Yes
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

Drawer.Section:A component to group content inside a navigation drawer.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
title Title to show as the header for the section. string Yes All Yes
children (required) Content of the Drawer.Section. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
showDivider Whether to show Divider at the end of the section. True by default. boolean Yes All Yes
titleMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a title font can reach. True by default. number Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

FAB:A floating action button represents the primary action on a screen. It appears in front of all screen content.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
icon (required) Icon to display for the FAB. IconSource Yes All Yes
label (required) Label for extended FAB. string Yes All Yes
uppercase Make the label text uppercased. boolean Yes All Yes
background Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). PressableAndroidRippleConfig Yes All Yes
accessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the FAB. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the FAB. string Yes All Yes
accessibilityState Accessibility state for the FAB. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the FAB. AccessibilityState Yes All Yes
animated Whether an icon change is animated. boolean Yes All Yes
color Custom color for the icon and label of the FAB. string Yes All Yes
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
disabled Whether FAB is disabled. A disabled button is greyed out and onPress is not called on touch. boolean Yes All Yes
visible Whether FAB is currently visible. boolean Yes All Yes
loading Whether to show a loading indicator. boolean Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onLongPress Function to execute on long press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
delayLongPress The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before executing onLongPress number Yes All Yes
size Default value: 'medium' 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' Yes All Yes
mode Mode of the FAB. You can change the mode to adjust the the shadow: 'flat' | 'elevated' Yes All Yes
variant Color mappings variant for combinations of container and icon colors. 'primary'|'secondary' |'tertiary' |'surface' Yes All Yes
labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. number Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID TestID used for testing purposes string Yes All Yes
ref ref React.RefObject Yes All Yes

AnimatedFAB:An animated, extending horizontally floating action button represents the primary action in an application.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
icon (required) Icon to display for the FAB. IconSource Yes All Yes
label (required) Label for extended FAB. string Yes All Yes
uppercase Make the label text uppercased. boolean Yes All Yes
background Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). PressableAndroidRippleConfig Yes All Yes
accessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the FAB. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the FAB. string Yes All Yes
accessibilityState Accessibility state for the FAB. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the FAB. AccessibilityState Yes All Yes
color Custom color for the icon and label of the FAB. string Yes All Yes
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
disabled Whether FAB is disabled. A disabled button is greyed out and onPress is not called on touch. boolean Yes All Yes
visible Whether FAB is currently visible. boolean Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onLongPress Function to execute on long press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
delayLongPress The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before executing onLongPress number Yes All Yes
iconMode Whether icon should be translated to the end of extended FAB or be static and stay in the same place. The default value is dynamic. static| dynamic Yes All Yes
animateFrom Indicates from which direction animation should be performed. The default value is right. left| right Yes All Yes
extended Whether FAB should start animation to extend. boolean Yes All Yes
labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. number Yes All Yes
variant Color mappings variant for combinations of container and icon colors. primary| secondary | tertiary | surface Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID TestID used for testing purposes string Yes All Yes

FAB.Group:A component to display a stack of FABs with related actions in a speed dial.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
icon (required) Icon to display for the FAB. IconSource Yes All Yes
accessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the FAB. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the FAB. string Yes All Yes
color Custom color for the FAB string Yes All Yes
backdropColor Custom backdrop color for opened speed dial background. string Yes All Yes
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on pressing the FAB. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onLongPress Function to execute on long pressing the FAB. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
toggleStackOnLongPress Makes actions stack appear on long press instead of on press. boolean Yes All Yes
delayLongPress Changes the delay for long press reaction. number Yes All Yes
enableLongPressWhenStackOpened Allows for onLongPress when stack is opened. boolean Yes All Yes
open (required) Whether the speed dial is open. boolean Yes All Yes
onStateChange (required) Callback which is called on opening and closing the speed dial. The open state needs to be updated when it's called, otherwise the change is dropped. (state: { open: boolean }) => void Yes All Yes
visible (required) Whether FAB is currently visible. boolean Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID TestID used for testing purposes string Yes All Yes

HelperText:Helper text is used in conjuction with input elements to provide additional hints for the user.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
type Type of the helper text. error| info Yes All Yes
children (required) Text content of the HelperText. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
visible Whether to display the helper text. boolean Yes All Yes
padding Whether to apply padding to the helper text. none| normal Yes All Yes
disabled Whether the text input tied with helper text is disabled. boolean Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID TestID used for testing purposes string Yes All Yes

Icon:An icon component which renders icon from vector library.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
size Size of icon. number Yes All Yes
allowFontScaling allowFontScaling boolean Yes All No
source (required) Icon to display. any Yes All Yes
color Color of the icon. any Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
testID TestID used for testing purposes string Yes All Yes

IconButton:An icon button is a button which displays only an icon without a label.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
icon (required) Icon to display. IconSource Yes All Yes
mode Mode of the icon button. By default there is no specified mode - only pressable icon will be rendered. outlined | contained | contained-tonal Yes All Yes
iconColor Color of the icon. string contained-tonal Yes All
containerColor Background color of the icon container. string contained-tonal Yes All
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect. ColorValue contained-tonal Yes All
selected Whether icon button is selected. A selected button receives alternative combination of icon and container colors. boolean contained-tonal Yes All
size Size of the icon. number contained-tonal Yes All
disabled Whether the button is disabled. A disabled button is greyed out and onPress is not called on touch. boolean contained-tonal Yes All
animated Whether an icon change is animated. boolean contained-tonal Yes All
accessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. string contained-tonal Yes All
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
ref ref React.RefObject Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID TestID used for testing purposes string Yes All Yes
loading Whether to show a loading indicator. boolean Yes All Yes

List.Accordion:A component used to display an expandable list item.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
title (required) Title text for the list accordion. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
description Description text for the list accordion. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
left Callback which returns a React element to display on the left side. (props: { color: string; style: Style }) => React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
right Callback which returns a React element to display on the right side. (props: { isExpanded: boolean }) => React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
expanded Whether the accordion is expanded If this prop is provided, the accordion will behave as a "controlled component". boolean Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onLongPress Function to execute on long press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
delayLongPress The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before executing onLongPress. number Yes All Yes
children (required) Content of the section. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
background Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). PressableAndroidRippleConfig Yes All Yes
style Style that is passed to the wrapping TouchableRipple element. StyleProp Yes All Yes
titleStyle Style that is passed to Title element. StyleProp Yes All Yes
descriptionStyle Style that is passed to Description element. StyleProp Yes All Yes
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
titleNumberOfLines Truncate Title text such that the total number of lines does not exceed this number. number Yes All Yes
descriptionNumberOfLines Truncate Description text such that the total number of lines does not exceed this number. number Yes All Yes
titleMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a description font can reach. number Yes All Yes
id Id is used for distinguishing specific accordion when using List. string | number Yes All Yes
testID TestID used for testing purposes string Yes All Yes
accessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the TouchableRipple. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the touchable. string Yes All Yes
pointerEvents pointerEvents passed to the View container ViewProps['pointerEvents'] Yes All Yes

List.AccordionGroup:List.AccordionGroup allows to control a group of List Accordions.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
onAccordionPress Function to execute on selection change. (expandedId: string number) => void Yes All
expandedId Id of the currently expanded list accordion string | number Yes All Yes
children (required) React elements containing list accordions React.ReactNode Yes All Yes

List.Icon:List.AccordionGroup allows to control a group of List Accordions.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
icon (required) Icon to show. IconSource Yes All Yes
color Color for the icon. string Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

ListItem:A component to show tiles inside a List.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
title (required) Title text for the list item. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
description Description text for the list item or callback which returns a React element to display the description. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
left Callback which returns a React element to display on the left side. (props: { color: string; style: Style }) => React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
right Callback which returns a React element to display on the right side. (props: { color: string; style?: Style }) => React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
style Style that is passed to the wrapping TouchableRipple element. StyleProp Yes All Yes
contentStyle Style that is passed to the container wrapping title and descripton. StyleProp Yes All Yes
titleStyle Style that is passed to Title element. StyleProp Yes All Yes
descriptionStyle Style that is passed to Description element. StyleProp Yes All Yes
titleNumberOfLines Truncate Title text such that the total number of lines does not exceed this number. number Yes All Yes
descriptionNumberOfLines Truncate Description text such that the total number of lines does not exceed this number. number Yes All Yes
titleEllipsizeMode Ellipsize Mode for the Title. One of 'head', 'middle', 'tail', 'clip'. EllipsizeProp Yes All Yes
titleMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a title font can reach. number Yes All Yes
descriptionMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a description font can reach. number Yes All Yes
descriptionEllipsizeMode Ellipsize Mode for the Description. One of 'head', 'middle', 'tail', 'clip'. 'head' 'middle' 'tail' 'clip' Yes All Yes
testID TestID used for testing purposes string Yes All Yes

List.Section:A component used to group list items.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
title Title text for the section. string Yes All Yes
children (required) Content of the section. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
titleStyle Style that is passed to Title element. StyleProp Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes

List.Subheader:A component used to display a header in lists.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
style Style that is passed to Text element. StyleProp Yes All Yes
maxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. number Yes All Yes

Menu:Menus display a list of choices on temporary elevated surfaces.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
visible (required) Whether the Menu is currently visible. boolean Yes All Yes
anchor (required) The anchor to open the menu from. In most cases, it will be a button that opens the menu. React.ReactNode { x: number; y: number } Yes All
anchorPosition Whether the menu should open at the top of the anchor or at its bottom. top | bottom Yes All Yes
statusBarHeight Extra margin to add at the top of the menu to account for translucent status bar on Android. If you are using Expo, we assume translucent status bar and set a height for status bar automatically. number Yes Android false
onDismiss Callback called when Menu is dismissed. fuction Yes All Yes
overlayAccessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the overlay. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps outside the menu. string Yes All Yes
children (required) Content of the Menu React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
contentStyle Style of menu's inner content. Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> Yes All Yes
theme theme InternalTheme Yes All Yes
keyboardShouldPersistTaps Inner ScrollView prop crollViewProps['keyboardShouldPersistTaps'] Yes All Yes
testID testID to be used on tests. string Yes All Yes

Menu.Item:A component to show a single list item inside a Menu.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
title (required) Title text for the MenuItem. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
leadingIcon Leading icon to display for the MenuItem. IconSource Yes All Yes
trailingIcon(Available in v5.x with theme version 3) Trailing icon to display for the MenuItem. IconSource Yes All Yes
disabled Whether the 'item' is disabled. A disabled 'item' is greyed out and onPress is not called on touch. boolean Yes All Yes
dense (Available in v5.x with theme version 3) Sets min height with densed layout. boolean Yes All Yes
background Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). PressableAndroidRippleConfig Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
titleMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a title font can reach. number Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
contentStyle contentStyle StyleProp Yes All Yes
titleStyle titleStyle StyleProp Yes All Yes
rippleColor titleStyle ColorValue Yes All Yes
theme Color of the ripple effect. InternalTheme Yes All Yes
testID TestID used for testing purposes string Yes All Yes
accessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the Touchable. string Yes All Yes
accessibilityState Accessibility state for the Touchable. accessibilityState Yes All Yes

Modal:The Modal component is a simple way to present content above an enclosing view.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
dismissable Determines whether clicking outside the modal dismiss it. boolean Yes All Yes
dismissableBackButton Determines whether clicking Android hardware back button dismiss dialog. boolean Yes All Yes
onDismiss Callback that is called when the user dismisses the modal. () => void Yes All Yes
overlayAccessibilityLabel Callback that is called when the user dismisses the modal. () => void Yes All Yes
visible Determines Whether the modal is visible. boolean Yes All Yes
children (required) Content of the Modal. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
contentContainerStyle Style for the content of the modal Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
style Style for the wrapper of the modal. Use this prop to change the default wrapper style or to override safe area insets with marginTop and marginBottom. StyleProp Yes All
testID testID to be used on tests. string Yes All Yes

Portal:Portal allows rendering a component at a different place in the parent tree.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
children (required) Content of the Portal. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
theme (required) theme InternalTheme Yes All Yes

Portal.Host:Portal host renders all of its children Portal elements.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
children (required) Content of the Portal. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes

ProgressBar:Progress bar is an indicator used to present progress of some activity in the app.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
animatedValue Animated value (between 0 and 1). This tells the progress bar to rely on this value to animate it. Note: It should not be used in parallel with the progress prop. number Yes All Yes
progress Progress value (between 0 and 1). Note: It should not be used in parallel with the animatedValue prop. number Yes All Yes
color Color of the progress bar. The background color will be calculated based on this but you can change it by passing backgroundColor to style prop. string Yes All Yes
indeterminate If the progress bar will show indeterminate progress. boolean Yes All Yes
visible Whether to show the ProgressBar (true, the default) or hide it (false). boolean Yes All Yes
fillStyle Style of filled part of the ProgresBar. Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID testID to be used on tests. string Yes All Yes

RadioButton:Radio buttons allow the selection a single option from a set.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
value (required) Value of the radio button string Yes All Yes
status Status of radio button. checked | unchecked Yes All Yes
disabled Whether radio is disabled. boolean Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
uncheckedColor Custom color for unchecked radio. string Yes All Yes
color Custom color for radio. string Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID testID to be used on tests. string Yes All Yes

RadioButton.Group:Radio button group allows to control a group of radio buttons.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
onValueChange (required) Function to execute on selection change. fuction Yes All Yes
value (required) Value of the currently selected radio button. string Yes All Yes
children (required) React elements containing radio buttons. string Yes All Yes

RadioButton.Item:RadioButton.Item allows you to press the whole row (item) instead of only the RadioButton.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
value (required) Value of the radio button. string Yes All Yes
label (required) Label to be displayed on the item. string Yes All Yes
disabled Whether radio is disabled. boolean Yes All Yes
background Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). PressableAndroidRippleConfig Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. Function Yes All Yes
onLongPress Function to execute on long press. Function Yes All Yes
accessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the touchable. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the touchable. Function Yes All Yes
uncheckedColor Custom color for unchecked radio. string Yes All Yes
color Custom color for radio. string Yes All Yes
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
status Status of radio button. checked | unchecked Yes All Yes
style Additional styles for container View. StyleProp Yes All Yes
labelStyle Style that is passed to Label element. StyleProp Yes All Yes
labelVariant(Available in v5.x with theme version 3) Label text variant defines appropriate text styles for type role and its size. Available variants: unknown Yes All Yes
labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. number Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID testID to be used on tests. string Yes All Yes
mode Whether <RadioButton.Android /> or <RadioButton.IOS /> should be used. Left undefined will be used. android | ios Yes All Yes
position Radio button control position. leading | trailing Yes All Yes

Searchbar:Searchbar is a simple input box where users can type search queries.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
placeholder Hint text shown when the input is empty. string Yes All Yes
value (required) The value of the text input. string Yes All Yes
onChangeText Callback that is called when the text input's text changes. (query: string) => void Yes All Yes
mode(Available in v5.x with theme version 3) Search layout mode, the default value is "bar". bar | view Yes All Yes
icon Icon name for the left icon button (see onIconPress). (query: string) => void Yes All Yes
onChangeText Callback that is called when the text input's text changes. IconSource Yes All Yes
iconColor Custom color for icon, default will be derived from theme string Yes All Yes
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
onIconPress Callback to execute if we want the left icon to act as button. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onClearIconPress Callback to execute if we want to add custom behaviour to close icon button. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
searchAccessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. string Yes All Yes
clearIcon Custom icon for clear button, default will be icon close. IconSource Yes All Yes
clearAccessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. string Yes All Yes
traileringIcon Icon name for the right trailering icon button. IconSource Yes All Yes
traileringIconColor Custom color for the right trailering icon, default will be derived from theme string Yes All Yes
traileringRippleColor Color of the trailering icon ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
onTraileringIconPress Callback to execute on the right trailering icon button press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
traileringIconAccessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the right trailering icon button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. string Yes All Yes
right Callback which returns a React element to display on the right side. Works only when mode is set to "bar". (props: { color: string; style: Style; testID: string; }) => React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
showDivider Whether to show Divider at the bottom of the search. Works only when mode is set to "view". True by default. boolean Yes All Yes
elevation Changes Searchbar shadow and background on iOS and Android. Animated.Value Yes All Yes
inputStyle Set style of the TextInput component inside the searchbar StyleProp Yes All Yes
style style Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp> Yes All Yes
loading Custom flag for replacing clear button with activity indicator. Boolean Yes All Yes
testID TestID used for testing purposes string Yes All Yes
theme theme string Yes All Yes

SegmentedButtons:Segmented buttons can be used to select options, switch views or sort elements.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
buttons (required) Buttons to display as options in toggle button. Button should contain the following properties: { value: string; icon?: IconSource; disabled?: boolean; accessibilityLabel?: string; checkedColor?: string; uncheckedColor?: string; onPress?: (event: GestureResponderEvent) => void; label?: string; showSelectedCheck?: boolean; style?: StyleProp; labelStyle?: StyleProp; testID?: string; }[] Yes All Yes
density Density is applied to the height, to allow usage in denser UIs regular Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme string Yes All Yes

Snackbar:Snackbars provide brief feedback about an operation through a message rendered at the bottom of the container in which it's wrapped.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
visible (required) Whether the Snackbar is currently visible. boolean Yes All Yes
action Label and press callback for the action button. It should contain the following properties: $RemoveChildren & { label: string; } Yes All Yes
icon Icon to display when onIconPress is defined. Default will be close icon. IconSource Yes All Yes
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
onIconPress Function to execute on icon button press. The icon button appears only when this prop is specified. () => void Yes All Yes
iconAccessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the icon button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. string Yes All Yes
duration The duration for which the Snackbar is shown. number Yes All Yes
onDismiss (required) Callback called when Snackbar is dismissed. The visible prop needs to be updated when this is called. () => void Yes All Yes
children (required) Text content of the Snackbar. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
maxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. number Yes All Yes
wrapperStyle Style for the wrapper of the snackbar StyleProp Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme string Yes All Yes
ref ref React.RefObject Yes All Yes
testID string TestID used for testing purposes Yes All Yes

Surface:Surface is a basic container that can give depth to an element with elevation shadow.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
children (required) Content of the Surface. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
elevation Changes shadows and background on iOS and Android. Used to create UI hierarchy between components. Animated.Value Yes All Yes
mode Mode of the Surface. flat | elevated Yes All Yes
theme theme string Yes All Yes
ref ref React.RefObject Yes All Yes
testID string TestID used for testing purposes Yes All Yes

Switch:Switch is a visual toggle between two mutually exclusive states — on and off.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
disabled Disable toggling the switch. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
value Value of the switch, true means 'on', false means 'off'. boolean Yes All Yes
color Custom color for switch. string Yes All Yes
onValueChange Callback called with the new value when it changes. Function Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme string Yes All Yes

Text:Typography component showing styles complied with passed variant prop and supported by the type system.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
Text props Extends: ...Text props props Yes All Yes
variant Variant defines appropriate text styles for type role and its size. Available variants: VariantProp Yes All Yes
children (required) Content of the Text. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme string Yes All Yes

TextInput:A component to allow users to input text.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
mode Mode of the TextInput. flat | outlined Yes All Yes
left left React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
right right React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
disabled If true, user won't be able to interact with the component. boolean Yes All Yes
label The text or component to use for the floating label. TextInputLabelProp Yes All Yes
placeholder Placeholder for the input. string Yes All Yes
error Whether to style the TextInput with error style. boolean Yes All Yes
onChangeText Callback that is called when the text input's text changes. Changed text is passed as an argument to the callback handler. Function Yes All Yes
selectionColor Selection color of the input. On iOS, it sets both the selection color and cursor color. On Android, it sets only the selection color. string Yes All Yes
underlineColor Inactive underline color of the input. string Yes All Yes
activeUnderlineColor Active underline color of the input. string Yes All Yes
outlineColor Active outline color of the input. string Yes All
activeOutlineColor Active outline color of the input. string Yes All Yes
textColor Color of the text in the input. string Yes All Yes
dense Sets min height with densed layout. boolean Yes All Yes
multiline Whether the input can have multiple lines. boolean Yes All Yes
numberOfLines The number of lines to show in the input (Android only). number No Android No
onFocus Callback that is called when the text input is focused. (args: any) => void Yes All Yes
onBlur Callback that is called when the text input is blurred. (args: any) => void Yes All Yes
render Callback to render a custom input component such as react-native-text-input-mask instead of the default TextInput component from react-native. (props: RenderProps) => React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
value Value of the text input. string Yes All Yes
style Pass fontSize prop to modify the font size inside TextInput StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme ThemeProp Yes All Yes
testID testID to be used on tests. string Yes All Yes
contentStyle Pass custom style directly to the input itself. Overrides input style Example: paddingLeft, backgroundColor StyleProp Yes All Yes
outlineStyle Pass style to override the default style of outlined wrapper. Overrides style when mode is set to outlined Example: borderRadius, borderColor StyleProp Yes All Yes
underlineStyle Pass style to override the default style of underlined wrapper. Overrides style when mode is set to flat Example: borderRadius, borderColor StyleProp Yes All Yes
editable editable boolean Yes All Yes

TextInput.Affix:A component to allow users to input text.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
text (required) Text to show. string Yes All Yes
accessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the affix. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the affix. string Yes All Yes
textStyle Style that is passed to the Text element. StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme string Yes All Yes

TextInput.Icon:A component to render a leading / trailing icon in the TextInput

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
icon (required) Icon to show. IconSource Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
forceTextInputFocus Whether the TextInput will focus after onPress. boolean Yes All Yes
color Color of the icon or a function receiving a boolean indicating whether the TextInput is focused and returning the color. (isTextInputFocused: boolean) => string Yes All Yes
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme string Yes All Yes

ToggleButton:Toggle buttons can be used to group related options.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
icon (required) Icon to display for the ToggleButton. IconSource Yes All Yes
size Size of the icon. number Yes All Yes
iconColor Custom text color for button. string Yes All Yes
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect. string Yes All Yes
disabled Whether the button is disabled. boolean Yes All Yes
accessibilityLabel Accessibility label for the ToggleButton. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. string Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. fuction Yes All Yes
value Value of button. string Yes All Yes
status Status of button. checked | unchecked Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme string Yes All Yes
ref ref React.RefObject Yes All Yes
testID string testID to be used on tests. Yes All Yes

ToggleButton.Group:Toggle group allows to control a group of toggle buttons.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
onValueChange (required) Function to execute on selection change. (value: Value) => void Yes All Yes
value (required) Value of the currently selected toggle button. Value | null Yes All Yes
children (required) React elements containing toggle buttons. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes

ToggleButton.Row:Toggle button row renders a group of toggle buttons in a row.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
onValueChange (required) Function to execute on selection change. (value: Value) => void Yes All Yes
value (required) Value of the currently selected toggle button. string Yes All Yes
children (required) React elements containing toggle buttons. React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes

Tooltip:Tooltips display informative text when users hover over, focus on, or tap an element.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
children (required) Tooltip reference element. Needs to be able to hold a ref. React.ReactElement Yes All Yes
enterTouchDelay The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before showing the tooltip. number Yes All Yes
leaveTouchDelay The number of milliseconds after the user stops touching an element before hiding the tooltip. number Yes All Yes
title (required) Tooltip title string Yes All Yes
titleMaxFontSizeMultiplier Specifies the largest possible scale a title font can reach. number Yes All Yes
theme theme string Yes All Yes

TouchableRipple:A wrapper for views that should respond to touches.

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
borderless Whether to render the ripple outside the view bounds. boolean No Android No
background Type of background drawabale to display the feedback. Object Yes All Yes
centered Whether to start the ripple at the center (Web). boolean No Web No
disabled Whether to prevent interaction with the touchable. boolean Yes All Yes
onPress Function to execute on press. If not set, will cause the touchable to be disabled. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onLongPress Function to execute on long press. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onPressIn Function to execute immediately when a touch is engaged, before onPressOut and onPress. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
onPressOut Function to execute when a touch is released. (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void Yes All Yes
rippleColor Color of the ripple effect. ColorValue Yes All Yes
underlayColor Color of the underlay for the highlight effect. string Yes All Yes
children (required) Content of the TouchableRipple. ((state: PressableStateCallbackType) => React.ReactNode) | React.ReactNode Yes All Yes
style style StyleProp Yes All Yes
theme theme string Yes All Yes



  • Icon 组件allowFontScaling不生效, 参看源码传入的此属性并未传入内部icon组件 源码位置
  • Menu组件中的mode属性为5.12.4版本新增,当前版本为5.12.3
  • Menu statusBarHeight 无效果,此属性为Android平台独有 源码位置
  • DataTableRow 组件使用 TouchableRipple 产生的涟漪效果,在Android上生效,iOS无效果
  • BottomNavigation safeAreaInset top属性无效果,因为在源码中未使用 源码位置
  • BottomNavigation.Bar组件 keyboardHidesNavigationBar属性为父组件BottomNavigation传入,请勿单独使用
  • accessibilityState属性鸿蒙RN(不支持该属性
  • DataTable组件底层使用的是鸿蒙RN的Text组件,目前Text组件不支持accessibilityLabel属性。所以DataTable涉及无障碍朗读功能在鸿蒙RN的效果和其他平台有差异


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