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请到三方库的 Releases 发布地址查看配套的版本信息:@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-image-header-scroll-view Releases 。对于未发布到npm的旧版本,请参考安装指南安装tgz包。
npm install @react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-image-header-scroll-view
yarn add @react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-image-header-scroll-view
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, View, Image,Animated,StatusBar, Dimensions ,Easing} from 'react-native';
import ImageHeaderScrollView ,{TriggeringView} from 'react-native-image-header-scroll-view';
const MIN_HEIGHT = 80;
const MAX_HEIGHT = 250;
const tvShowContent = {
title: 'Doctor Who',
overview: `
The Doctor looks and seems human. He's handsome, witty, and could be mistaken for just another man in the street.
But he is a Time Lord: a 900 year old alien with 2 hearts, part of a gifted civilization who mastered time travel.
The Doctor saves planets for a living – more of a hobby actually, and he's very, very good at it.
He's saved us from alien menaces and evil from before time began – but just who is he?`,
year: 2005,
genres: ['Action & Adventure', 'Drama', 'Sci-Fi & Fantasy'],
keywords: [
'time travel',
'time machine',
'phone booth',
'time traveler',
'police box',
'space and aliens',
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
image: {
height: MAX_HEIGHT,
width: Dimensions.get('window').width,
alignSelf: 'stretch',
resizeMode: 'cover',
title: {
fontSize: 20,
name: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
section: {
padding: 20,
borderBottomWidth: 1,
borderBottomColor: '#cccccc',
backgroundColor: 'white',
sectionTitle: {
fontSize: 18,
fontWeight: 'bold',
sectionContent: {
fontSize: 16,
textAlign: 'justify',
keywords: {
flexDirection: 'row',
justifyContent: 'flex-start',
alignItems: 'flex-start',
flexWrap: 'wrap',
keywordContainer: {
backgroundColor: '#999999',
borderRadius: 10,
margin: 10,
padding: 10,
keyword: {
fontSize: 16,
color: 'white',
titleContainer: {
flex: 1,
alignSelf: 'stretch',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
imageTitle: {
color: 'white',
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
fontSize: 24,
navTitleView: {
height: MIN_HEIGHT,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
paddingTop: 16,
opacity: 0,
navTitle: {
color: 'white',
fontSize: 18,
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
sectionLarge: {
height: 600,
function HeaderImageExample () {
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
const fadeAnim = new Animated.Value(0);
useEffect(() => {
if (visible) {
Animated.timing(fadeAnim, {
toValue: 1,
duration: 100,
easing: Easing.bounce,
useNativeDriver: true,
} else {
// 如果当前是不可见的,则执行淡出动画
Animated.timing(fadeAnim, {
toValue: 0,
duration: 100,
easing: Easing.bounce,
useNativeDriver: true,
}, [visible, fadeAnim]);
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<StatusBar barStyle="light-content" />
renderHeader={() => <Image source={'请输入本地图片路径'} style={styles.image} />}
renderFixedForeground={() => (
style={[styles.navTitleView,{ opacity: fadeAnim}]} >
<Text style={styles.navTitle}>
{tvShowContent.title}, ({tvShowContent.year})
renderForeground={() => (
<View style={styles.titleContainer}>
<Text style={styles.imageTitle}>{tvShowContent.title}</Text>
</View> as any
onHide={() => setVisible(true)}
onDisplay={() => setVisible(false)}
<Text style={styles.title}>
<Text style={styles.name}>{tvShowContent.title}</Text>, ({tvShowContent.year})
<View style={styles.section}>
<Text style={styles.sectionTitle}>Overview</Text>
<Text style={styles.sectionContent}>{tvShowContent.overview}</Text>
<View style={[styles.section, styles.sectionLarge]}>
<Text style={styles.sectionTitle}>Keywords</Text>
<View style={styles.keywords}>
{tvShowContent.keywords.map(keyword => (
<View style={styles.keywordContainer} key={keyword}>
<Text style={styles.keyword}>{keyword}</Text>
export default HeaderImageExample;
要使用此库,需要使用正确的 React-Native 和 RNOH 版本。另外,还需要使用配套的 DevEco Studio 和 手机 ROM。
请到三方库相应的 Releases 发布地址查看 Release 配套的版本信息:@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-image-header-scroll-view Releases
[!Tip] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。
[!Tip] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
renderHeader |
Function which return the component to use as header. It can return background image for example. | function | No | All | Yes |
headerImage |
Shortcut for renderHeader={() => <Image source={this.props.headerImage} style={{ height: this.props.maxHeight, width: Dimensions.get('window').width }} | Image source Props (object or number) | No | All | Yes |
maxHeight |
Max height for the header | number | No | All | Yes |
minHeight |
Min height for the header (in navbar mode) | number | No | All | Yes |
minOverlayOpacity |
Opacity of a black overlay on the header before any scroll | number | No | All | Yes |
maxOverlayOpacity |
Opacity of a black overlay on the header when in navbar mode | number | No | All | Yes |
overlayColor |
Color of the overlay on the header | string | No | All | Yes |
useNativeDriver |
Use native driver for the animation for performance improvement. A few props are unsupported at the moment if useNativeDriver=true (onScroll, ScrollComponent, renderTouchableFixedForeground) | boolean | No | All | Yes |
headerContainerStyle |
Optional styles to be passed to the container of the header component | Object | No | All | Yes |
disableHeaderGrow |
Disable to grow effect on the header | boolean | No | All | Yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
renderForeground |
Function which return the component to use at foreground. The component is render in front of the header and scroll with the ScrollView. It can return a title for example. | function | No | All | Yes |
renderFixedForeground |
Function which return the component to use as fixed foreground. The component is displayed with the header but not affected by the overlay. | Image source Props (object or number) | No | All | Yes |
foregroundExtrapolate |
Optional prop that allows override extrapolate mode for foreground. Use null to allow extrapolation, which is usefull for using foreground as bottom title | string | No | All | Yes |
foregroundParallaxRatio |
Ration for parallax effect of foreground when scrolling. If 2, the header goes up two times faster than the scroll | number | No | All | Yes |
fadeOutForeground |
If set, add a fade out effect on the foreground when scroll up | boolean | No | All | Yes |
renderTouchableFixedForeground |
Same as renderFixedForeground but allow to use touchable in it. Can cause performances issues on Android | function | No | All | Yes |
fixedForegroundContainerStyles |
Optional styles to be passed to the container of the fixed foreground component | Object | No | All | Yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
ScrollViewComponent |
The component to be used for scrolling. Can be any component with an onScroll props (ie. ListView, FlatList, SectionList or ScrollView) | Component | No | All | Yes |
scrollViewBackgroundColor |
Background color of the scrollView content | string | No | All | Yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
onBeginHidden |
Called when the component start to be hidden at the top of the scroll view. | function | No | All | Yes |
onHide |
Called when the component is not displayed any more after scroll up | function | No | All | Yes |
onBeginDisplayed |
Called when the component begin to be displayed again after scroll down | function | No | All | Yes |
onDisplay |
Called when the component finished to be displayed again. | function | No | All | Yes |
onTouchTop |
Called when the component finished to be displayed again. (onDisplay + onBeginHidden) | function | No | All | Yes |
onTouchBottom |
Called when the component is not displayed any more after scroll up (onHide + onBeginDisplayed) | function | No | All | Yes |
- foregroundExtrapolate属性无法生效,与Android、iOS一致:issue#2。
- ScrollViewComponent属性无法滚动,与Android、iOS一致:issue#3。
本项目基于 The MIT License (MIT) ,请自由地享受和参与开源。