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import moment from 'moment';
// import 方式
import 'moment/locale/zh-cn';
- RNOH:0.72.20; SDK:HarmonyOS NEXT Developer Preview2; IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:;
- RNOH:0.72.33; SDK:OpenHarmony Version 12 Release); IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:NEXT.0.0.71;
import moment from 'moment';
// 获取今天0时0分0秒
// 获取当前月第一天0时0分0秒
// 获取当前月的总天数
// 获取时间戳(以秒为单位)
moment().format("X"); // 返回值为字符串类型
moment().unix(); // 返回值为数值型
// 获取时间戳(以毫秒为单位)
moment().format("x"); // 返回值为字符串类型
moment().valueOf(); // 返回值为数值型
// 获取年份
// 获取月份
moment().month(); // (0~11, 0: January, 11: December)
// 获取一个星期中的某一天
// 获取小时
// 获取分钟
// 获取当前的年月日时分秒
moment().toArray(); // [years, months, date, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds]
moment().toObject(); // {years: xxxx, months: x, date: xx ...}
// 设置年份
moment().set("year", 2019);
moment().set({ year: 2019 });
// 设置月份
moment().month(11); // (0~11, 0: January, 11: December)
moment().set("month", 11);
// 设置某个月中的某一天
moment().set("date", 15);
// 设置某个星期中的某一天
moment().weekday(0); // 设置日期为本周第一天(周日)
moment().isoWeekday(1); // 设置日期为本周周一
moment().set("weekday", 0);
moment().set("isoWeekday", 1);
// 设置小时
moment().set("hours", 12);
// 年份+1
moment().add(1, "years");
moment().add({ years: 1 });
// 获取两个日期之间的时间差
let start_date = moment().subtract(1, "weeks");
let end_date = moment();
end_date.diff(start_date); // 返回毫秒数
end_date.diff(start_date, "months"); // 0
end_date.diff(start_date, "weeks"); // 1
end_date.diff(start_date, "days"); // 7
start_date.diff(end_date, "days"); // -7
// 转化为JavaScript原生Date对象
new Date(moment());
// 格式化年月日: 'xxxx年xx月xx日'
// 格式化年月日: 'xxxx-xx-xx'
// 格式化时分秒(24小时制): 'xx时xx分xx秒'
// 格式化时分秒(12小时制):'xx:xx:xx am/pm'
moment().format("hh:mm:ss a");
[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。
Name | Description | Type | Required | HarmonyOS Support |
millisecond | Gets or sets the milliseconds. | function | no | yes |
second | Gets or sets the seconds. | function | no | yes |
minute | Gets or sets the minutes. | function | no | yes |
hour | Gets or sets the hour. | function | no | yes |
date | Gets or sets the day of the month | function | no | yes |
day | Gets or sets the day of the week. | function | no | yes |
weekday | Gets or sets the day of the week according to the locale. | function | no | yes |
isoWeekday | Gets or sets the ISO day of the week with 1 being Monday and 7 being Sunday. | function | no | yes |
dayOfYear | Gets or sets the day of the year. | function | no | yes |
week | Gets or sets the week of the year. | function | no | yes |
isoWeek | Gets or sets the ISO week of the year. | function | no | yes |
month | Gets or sets the month. | function | no | yes |
quarter | Gets the quarter (1 to 4). | function | no | yes |
year | Gets or sets the year. | function | no | yes |
weekYear | Gets or sets the week-year according to the locale. | function | no | yes |
isoWeekYear | Gets or sets the ISO week-year. | function | no | yes |
weeksInYear | Gets the number of weeks according to locale in the current moment's year. | function | no | yes |
isoWeeksInYea | Gets the number of weeks in the current moment's year, according to ISO weeks. | function | no | yes |
get | String getter. In general Units are case insensitive, and support plural and short forms: year (years, y), month (months, M), date (dates, D), hour (hours, h), minute (minutes, m), second (seconds, s), millisecond (milliseconds, ms). |
function | no | yes |
set | Generic setter, accepting unit as first argument, and value as second: Units are case insensitive, and support plural and short forms: year (years, y), month (months, M), date (dates, D), hour (hours, h), minute (minutes, m), second (seconds, s), millisecond (milliseconds, ms). |
function | no | yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | HarmonyOS Support |
add | Mutates the original moment by adding time. | function | no | yes |
subtract | Mutates the original moment by subtracting time. | function | no | yes |
startOf | Mutates the original moment by setting it to the start of a unit of time. | function | no | yes |
endOf | Mutates the original moment by setting it to the end of a unit of time. | function | no | yes |
local | Sets a flag on the original moment to use local time to display a moment instead of the original moment's time. | function | no | yes |
utc | Sets a flag on the original moment to use UTC to display a moment instead of the original moment's time. | function | no | yes |
utcOffset | Get or set the UTC offset in minutes. | function | no | yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | HarmonyOS Support |
format | This is the most robust display option. It takes a string of tokens and replaces them with their corresponding values. | function | no | yes |
fromNow | A common way of displaying time is handled by moment#fromNow. This is sometimes called timeago or relative time. | function | no | yes |
from | You may want to display a moment in relation to a time other than now. In that case, you can use moment#from. | function | no | yes |
toNow | A common way of displaying time is handled by moment#toNow. This is sometimes called timeago or relative time. | function | no | yes |
to | You may want to display a moment in relation to a time other than now. In that case, you can use moment#to. | function | no | yes |
calendar | Calendar time displays time relative to a given referenceDay (defaults to the start of today), but does so slightly differently than moment#fromNow. | function | no | yes |
diff | To get the difference in milliseconds, use moment#diff like you would use moment#from. | function | no | yes |
valueOf | moment#valueOf simply outputs the number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch, just like Date#valueOf. | function | no | yes |
unix | moment#unix outputs a Unix timestamp (the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch). | function | no | yes |
daysInMonth | Get the number of days in the current month. | function | no | yes |
toDate | To get a copy of the native Date object that Moment.js wraps, use moment#toDate. | function | no | yes |
toArray | This returns an array that mirrors the parameters from new Date(). | function | no | yes |
toJSON | When serializing an object to JSON, if there is a Moment object, it will be represented as an ISO8601 string, adjusted to UTC. | function | no | yes |
toISOString | Formats a string to the ISO8601 standard. | function | no | yes |
toObject | This returns an object containing year, month, day-of-month, hour, minute, seconds, milliseconds. | function | no | yes |
toString | Returns an english string in a similar format to JS Date's .toString(). | function | no | yes |
inspect | Returns a machine readable string, that can be evaluated to produce the same moment. Because of the name it's also used in node interactive shell to display objects. | function | no | yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | HarmonyOS Support |
isBefore | Check if a moment is before another moment. The first argument will be parsed as a moment, if not already so. | function | no | yes |
isSame | Check if a moment is the same as another moment. The first argument will be parsed as a moment, if not already so. | function | no | yes |
isAfter | Check if a moment is after another moment. The first argument will be parsed as a moment, if not already so. | function | no | yes |
isSameOrBefore | Check if a moment is before or the same as another moment. The first argument will be parsed as a moment, if not already so. | function | no | yes |
isSameOrAfter | Check if a moment is after or the same as another moment. The first argument will be parsed as a moment, if not already so. | function | no | yes |
isBetween | Check if a moment is between two other moments, optionally looking at unit scale (minutes, hours, days, etc). | function | no | yes |
isDST | moment#isDST checks if the current moment is in daylight saving time. | function | no | yes |
isLeapYear | moment#isLeapYear returns true if that year is a leap year, and false if it is not. | function | no | yes |
isMoment | To check if a variable is a moment object, use moment.isMoment(). | function | no | yes |
isDate | To check if a variable is a native js Date object, use moment.isDate(). | function | no | yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | HarmonyOS Support |
duration | To create a duration, call moment.duration() with the length of time in milliseconds. | function | no | yes |
格式代码 | 说明 | 返回值例子 |
M | 数字表示的月份,没有前导零 | 1到12 |
MM | 数字表示的月份,有前导零 | 01到12 |
MMM | 三个字母缩写表示的月份 | Jan到Dec |
MMMM | 月份,完整的文本格式 | January到December |
Q | 季度 | 1到4 |
D | 月份中的第几天,没有前导零 | 1到31 |
DD | 月份中的第几天,有前导零 | 01到31 |
d | 星期中的第几天,数字表示 | 0到6,0表示周日,6表示周六 |
ddd | 三个字母表示星期中的第几天 | Sun到Sat |
dddd | 星期几,完整的星期文本 | 从Sunday到Saturday |
w | 年份中的第几周 | 如42:表示第42周 |
YYYY | 四位数字完整表示的年份 | 如:2014 或 2000 |
YY | 两位数字表示的年份 | 如:14 或 98 |
A | 大写的AM PM | AM PM |
a | 小写的am pm | am pm |
HH | 小时,24小时制,有前导零 | 00到23 |
H | 小时,24小时制,无前导零 | 0到23 |
hh | 小时,12小时制,有前导零 | 00到12 |
h | 小时,12小时制,无前导零 | 0到12 |
m | 没有前导零的分钟数 | 0到59 |
mm | 有前导零的分钟数 | 00到59 |
s | 没有前导零的秒数 | 1到59 |
ss | 有前导零的描述 | 01到59 |
X | Unix时间戳 | 1411572969 |