Comty is a space for creativity, learning, and collaboration. We are committed to making our community a welcoming and inclusive space for everyone, regardless of their background or identity. We promise to:
Respect everyone's opinions, backgrounds, and experiences
Foster a safe environment for all members to participate and contribute
Encourage constructive criticism and feedback
Be open-minded and willing to learn from one another
Not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, or hate speech
To uphold our promise, we expect all members of our community to adhere to the following standards:
Be respectful and considerate towards others
Refrain from using discriminatory or offensive language or behavior
Avoid personal attacks or harassment of any kind
Listen to and consider the opinions of others, even if they differ from your own
Report any violations of this Code of Conduct to the Comty team
We take violations of this Code of Conduct seriously and will take appropriate action, which may include:
A warning from the Comty team
Suspension or removal from the community
Reporting to relevant authorities, if necessary
Contact Information
If you experience or witness any violations of this Code of Conduct, please contact the Comty team at [email protected] or contact us on Discord.
We will take all reports seriously and handle them confidentially.
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.0, available at