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Provides a complete JBoss EAP 6 environment managed by JBoss Operations Network (JON/RHQ) and load balanced/proxied by Apache Web Server (JBoss EWS with mod_cluster)

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JBoss EAP Managed on Docker


Provides a complete JBoss EAP 6 environment managed by JBoss Operations Network (JON/RHQ) and load balanced/proxied by Apache Httpd Server (JBoss EWS with mod_cluster)

The diagram below shows the complete environment. The infrastructure Big picture

Wait! With docker and docker-compose you can setup all this environment in your Laptop/Workstation in a few minutes and in an automated way. Yeah, thats the magic of Containers.

This setup gives you a whole JBoss EAP "infrastructure playground" to test, demo, workshop whatever you need to do with JBoss EAP. You have:

  • Apache Httpd Server (JBoss EWS)
  • front-end for proxy/load balancer functions
  • JBoss EAP (Domain Mode)
  • with two nodes (Host Slaves)
  • and two server groups
  • JBoss Operation Network (JON)
  • to manage and monitor all the environment

So, you can do many things:

  • deploy your JavaEE applications
  • provision new server groups
  • provision new server instances
    • with mod_cluster you can see they automatically appear on mod_cluster_manager console!
  • test clustering and fail over capabilities using the JBoss full-ha profile
  • show and take advantage of mod_cluster capabilities
  • automatic backend node discovery
  • automatic web context mapping (during deploy/undeploy apps in a JBoss node)
  • rich and intelligent load balancing strategies
  • monitor and manage all the components present in the setup:
  • app deployment
  • resource configuration
    • JBoss EAP Host Controllers
    • Apache virtual hosts
    • Postgres DB
  • resource provisioning (Bundles)
  • Alert and notification
  • Events
    • resource availability
    • server logs

and many other things JBoss EAP can offer...


Before starting ensure your environment is suitable for this setup!

Common reqs:

  • At least 6 gb of Mem. RAM available
  • At least 10 gb of disk available
  • Docker Engine installed
  • Docker Compose installed

For Linux systems:

  • Firewall service running
  • PLEASE, add your $USER to the docker's system group:
  sudo groupadd docker
  sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  sudo chown root:docker /var/run/docker.sock

after that open a new terminal session to get the group changes

For non linux systems:

  • on Mac OS X ensure you have
  • Docker Machine installed and the environment vars set on your terminal session

Download softwares

Well lets prepare your host to build and setup all these things.

First you have to to download or clone this repository into a work directory in your host.

  • if you have git installed in your system:

git clone

  • or just download the repo's zip file: Click on Download ZIP button located in right side of this page.

After that you need the product's binaries packages!

Access the with your Red Hat account and download the following zip installers:

NOTE: download the latest releases!

See some screenshots where you can find each software package on Red Hat Customer Portal.

JBoss EAP installer

JBoss EAP Natives

JBoss EAP Update Patch


JON Update Patch

JON EAP Plugin

At the time I was writing this guide the following versions was available:

put them all inside the software/ directory.

Prepare the environment

Now execute the ./ script.

It will check some prereqs in your system and build all the Docker Images needed by docker-compose to startup the Containers.

NOTE: the build step takes some time to finish. Be patient and wait...

During the build process the scripts will apply any existing update/patch (if exists) to the products installation.

when the prepare step is finished you can verify the docker images in your local repository. Some thing like that:

> docker images
REPOSITORY             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
rsoares/eap            latest              bcdd3e032a7e        About an hour ago   1.53 GB
rsoares/jon-server     latest              e084c057a6cc        3 days ago          2.125 GB
rsoares/ews            latest              c3fe3359bbea        3 days ago          547.1 MB
rsoares/jon-postgres   latest              0061bd278821        3 days ago          566 MB
rsoares/jon-agent      latest              62f750308407        3 days ago          497.2 MB
rsoares/java-base      latest              f0b4b37fbc5a        3 days ago          459.4 MB
rsoares/centos7-base   latest              a60bfe564a73        3 days ago          234.5 MB
rsoares/dnsmasq        latest              5e19b0dd6eb0        3 days ago          189 MB
centos                 centos7             7322fbe74aa5        7 weeks ago         172.2 MB
centos                 latest              7322fbe74aa5        7 weeks ago         172.2 MB
centos/postgresql      latest              abd6fe69720d        9 months ago        327.3 MB


after that, if all worked fine you finally can do

docker-compose up

you should see a lot of output in your console. Docker Compose start the containers in foreground (if you don't specify -d option).

> docker-compose up
Creating jbosseapmanagedondocker_dnsmasq_1...
Creating jbosseapmanagedondocker_eapmaster_1...
Creating jbosseapmanagedondocker_eapslave1_1...
Creating jbosseapmanagedondocker_jonpostgres_1...
Creating jbosseapmanagedondocker_ewshttpd_1...
Creating jbosseapmanagedondocker_eapslave2_1...
Creating jbosseapmanagedondocker_jonserver_1...
Attaching to jbosseapmanagedondocker_dnsmasq_1, jbosseapmanagedondocker_eapmaster_1, jbosseapmanagedondocker_eapslave1_1, jbosseapmanagedondocker_jonpostgres_1, jbosseapmanagedondocker_ewshttpd_1, jbosseapmanagedondocker_eapslave2_1, jbosseapmanagedondocker_jonserver_1


it may take few minutes to docker-compose create all the containers. Remember the infra diagram! There are many components involved in this setup.


In most linux systems by default Docker engine uses iptables to create network links between containers. So PLEASE make sure your firewall service (iptables or firewalld) is enabled in your system.

In RHEL like systems (Fedora or CentOS) the Local Firewall normally is enabled by default. If this is your case, configure it (add a new rule) to accept connections on docker0 interface for UDP PORT 53 (DNS). Our dnsmasq service binds to docker0 (usually with addr) on UDP 53 port. See the Troubleshooting section bellow for more details.

Access the services

To be able to access the services by name on your local browser add a new entry in your /etc/resolv.conf file (Docker Host).

sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf

Now you can access the services by name:

  • JON Server console: http://jon-server:7070/
  • login credentials: rhqadmin/rhqadmin


NOTE: you have to manually import the discovered resource in the first time JON start monitor a given host. Select all the resource in the Inventory > Discovery Queue and click the Blue Import button.

  • JBoss EAP Management Console (Doman COntroller): http://master:9990/
  • login credentials: admin/jboss@123


  • Apache Httpd mod_cluster Manager: http://apache:6666/mod_cluster_manager

  • Web App through Apache front-end: http://apache/<webapp context root> Apache

NOTE: By default Google Chrome will note open URL with ports above 1024. Use the Firefox in this case.

To access some container shell use the docker exec command.

Get the container's name or id you want to access.

> docker-compose ps
                Name                                 Command                                 State                                  Ports
jbosseapmanagedondocker_dnsmasq_1      /                                Up                                     53/tcp,>53/udp
jbosseapmanagedondocker_eapmaster_1    / domain --host-conf ...         Up                                     23364/tcp, 4447/tcp, 45688/tcp,
                                                                                                                     45700/tcp, 54200/tcp, 5455/tcp,
                                                                                                                     55200/tcp, 7500/tcp, 8080/tcp,
                                                                                                                     9990/tcp, 9999/tcp
jbosseapmanagedondocker_eapslave1_1    / domain --host-conf ...         Up                                     23364/tcp, 4447/tcp, 45688/tcp,
                                                                                                                     45700/tcp, 54200/tcp, 5455/tcp,
                                                                                                                     55200/tcp, 7500/tcp, 8080/tcp,
                                                                                                                     9990/tcp, 9999/tcp
jbosseapmanagedondocker_eapslave2_1    / domain --host-conf ...         Up                                     23364/tcp, 4447/tcp, 45688/tcp,
                                                                                                                     45700/tcp, 54200/tcp, 5455/tcp,
                                                                                                                     55200/tcp, 7500/tcp, 8080/tcp,
                                                                                                                     9990/tcp, 9999/tcp
jbosseapmanagedondocker_ewshttpd_1     /                                Up                                     6666/tcp, 80/tcp
jbosseapmanagedondocker_jonpostgres_   /                                Up                                     16163/tcp, 5432/tcp
jbosseapmanagedondocker_jonserver_1    /                                Up                                     7080/tcp

with the container's name or id:

docker exec -ti jbosseapmanagedondocker_eapmaster_1 /bin/bash

Other tasks

To see the container/service logs

docker-compose logs <service name, as declared in docker-compose.yml descriptor>

for example to see jonserver logs

docker-compose logs jonserver

To stop all the environment use:

docker-compose stop|kill

To cleanup the stopped images to save you disk space:

docker rm `sudo docker ps -qa --filter 'status=exited'`

or just

docker-compose rm

To see how many resources (CPU and RAM) your containers are consuming:

docker stats \
  jbosseapmanagedondocker_dnsmasq_1 \
  jbosseapmanagedondocker_jonpostgres_1 \
  jbosseapmanagedondocker_jonpostgres_1 \
  jbosseapmanagedondocker_ewshttpd_1 \
  jbosseapmanagedondocker_eapmaster_1 \
  jbosseapmanagedondocker_eapslave1_1 \

You should see something like that:

CONTAINER                               CPU %               MEM USAGE/LIMIT     MEM %               NET I/O
jbosseapmanagedondocker_dnsmasq_1       0.00%               1.262 MB/12.11 GB   0.01%               1.046 MB/69.34 kB
jbosseapmanagedondocker_eapmaster_1     0.21%               448.4 MB/12.11 GB   3.70%               58.44 MB/44.36 MB
jbosseapmanagedondocker_eapslave1_1     0.87%               1.324 GB/12.11 GB   10.93%              57.46 MB/44.82 MB
jbosseapmanagedondocker_eapslave2_1     0.66%               1.271 GB/12.11 GB   10.50%              58.52 MB/43.84 MB
jbosseapmanagedondocker_ewshttpd_1      0.09%               186.6 MB/12.11 GB   1.54%               37.85 MB/22.32 MB
jbosseapmanagedondocker_jonpostgres_1   0.17%               320.5 MB/12.11 GB   2.65%               100.4 MB/211 MB
jbosseapmanagedondocker_jonpostgres_1   0.17%               320.5 MB/12.11 GB   2.65%               100.4 MB/211 MB


Tested environments

  • RHEL 7.x

  • Docker engine 1.8

  • Docker Compose 1.3

  • Fedora Workstation 22

    • Docker Engine 1.8
    • Docker Compose 1.2
  • Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10)

  • Docke Engine 1.8

  • Docker Machine 0.4.1

  • Docker Compose 1.4.2

  • VirtualBox 5.x

dnsmasq service does not starts correctly

The dnsmasq service container is a critical piece in this setup. Without the proper setup of this service the intercommunication between other services will not work correctly.

The dnsmaq container will try to bind to the docker0 network ifc and listen to 53 UDP port. You may experience some issues with your firewall service default policy.

Instructions for a RHEL 7 based (CentOS, Fedora, etc) host...

In my case I used the graphical firewall configuration tool (hit sudo firewall-config in your shell console to open the tool) to apply this rule. See my screenshots:

accept dns traffic trust on docker0 ifct

or use the following commands in your shell

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=trusted --add-service dns
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=trusted --permanent --add-service dns
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=trusted --change-interface=docker0
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=trusted --permanent --change-interface=docker0

Docker Compose stops its execution due some error during containers startup.

This can occurs in case the containers can't talk/reach each other. See the previous section (dnsmasq and firewall policy).

If your docker-compose up command stops, don't try to hit docker-compose up.

First remove the current containers instances

docker-compose rm

after doing the troubleshooting try to do

docker-compose up


Updating you local repo to get the latest changes

If you update your local git repo with the latest changes doing:

git pull

in root of your local repo directory

you have to run the script again in order to rebuild your local Docker images.

Can't resolve the services by name

Ensure you have changed your /etc/resolv.conf to add an entry to the dnsmasq service:

# Generated by NetworkManager
search localdomain
nameserver <your gateway or corporate dns server>

Note that this file is dynamically updated by the NetworkManager service on your host. Every time occurs a change in your host network connection this file will lost our dnsmasq entry.

Wait for the complete JON Server startup

See the jonserver service logs. When you see something like that:

jonserver_1 | 19:32:51,533 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.StartupBean] (pool-6-thread-1) --------------------------------------------------
jonserver_1 | 19:32:51,534 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.StartupBean] (pool-6-thread-1) JBoss Operations Network 3.3.0.GA (build edc324f:119e8f4) Server started.
jonserver_1 | 19:32:51,534 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.StartupBean] (pool-6-thread-1) --------------------------------------------------
jonserver_1 | 19:32:53,547 INFO  [org.rhq.helpers.rtfilter.filter.RtFilter] (http-/ --

your jonserver service is ready. Access its console using your browser: https://jonserver:7070/

JON Agents (rhq-agent) registration

After JON Server startup the agents starts its registrations. Look in the JON Server's log an see something like that:

jonserver_1 | 19:33:07,389 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Got agent registration request for new agent: jon-server[][4.12.0.JON330GA(119e8f4)]
jonserver_1 | 19:33:07,531 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Agent [jon-server][4.12.0.JON330GA(119e8f4)] would like to connect to this server
jonserver_1 | 19:33:07,724 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Agent [jon-server] has connected to this server at Sun Oct 18 19:33:07 UTC 2015
jonserver_1 | 19:33:11,995 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Got agent registration request for new agent: apache[][4.12.0.JON330GA(119e8f4)]
jonserver_1 | 19:33:12,688 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Agent [apache][4.12.0.JON330GA(119e8f4)] would like to connect to this server
jonserver_1 | 19:33:12,892 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Got agent registration request for new agent: jon-postgres[][4.12.0.JON330GA(119e8f4)]
jonserver_1 | 19:33:13,211 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Agent [apache] has connected to this server at Sun Oct 18 19:33:13 UTC 2015
jonserver_1 | 19:33:13,509 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Agent [jon-postgres][4.12.0.JON330GA(119e8f4)] would like to connect to this server
jonserver_1 | 19:33:13,717 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Got agent registration request for new agent: master[][4.12.0.JON330GA(119e8f4)]
jonserver_1 | 19:33:14,268 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Agent [jon-postgres] has connected to this server at Sun Oct 18 19:33:14 UTC 2015
jonserver_1 | 19:33:14,540 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Agent [master][4.12.0.JON330GA(119e8f4)] would like to connect to this server
jonserver_1 | 19:33:15,185 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Agent [master] has connected to this server at Sun Oct 18 19:33:15 UTC 2015
jonserver_1 | 19:33:42,546 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Got agent registration request for new agent: eap-slave1[][4.12.0.JON330GA(119e8f4)]
jonserver_1 | 19:33:44,582 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Agent [eap-slave1][4.12.0.JON330GA(119e8f4)] would like to connect to this server
jonserver_1 | 19:33:44,810 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Got agent registration request for new agent: eap-slave2[][4.12.0.JON330GA(119e8f4)]
jonserver_1 | 19:33:46,526 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Agent [eap-slave2][4.12.0.JON330GA(119e8f4)] would like to connect to this server
jonserver_1 | 19:33:46,555 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Agent [eap-slave1] has connected to this server at Sun Oct 18 19:33:46 UTC 2015
jonserver_1 | 19:33:48,224 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CoreServerServiceImpl] (http-/ Agent [eap-slave2] has connected to this server at Sun Oct 18 19:33:48 UTC 2015

Log exceptions on JON Server startup

If you see some exception like this excerpt on JON Server logs don't worry.

jonserver_1   | 20:18:34,870 ERROR [org.rhq.enterprise.server.installer.Installer] The installer will now exit due to previous errors: java.lang.Exception: Cannot obtain client connection to the RHQ app server!!


jonserver_1   | Caused by: JBAS012174: Could not connect to remote:// The connection failed
jonserver_1   | 	at [jboss-as-protocol-7.4.0.Final-redhat-19.jar:7.4.0.Final-redhat-19]


jonserver_1   | Caused by: Connection refused
jonserver_1   | 	at Method) [rt.jar:1.7.0_85]
jonserver_1   | 	at [rt.jar:1.7.0_85]

Log exceptions on EAP slaves

If you see some exception like this excerpt on EAp slaves' logs don't worry.

apslave1_1 | [Server:server-two] 20:18:15,091 ERROR [org.hornetq.core.server] (Old I/O server worker (parentId: 1197785567, [id: 0x4764c1df, /])) HQ224018: Failed to create session: HornetQException[errorType=CLUSTER_SECURITY_EXCEPTION message=HQ119099: Unable to authenticate cluster user: HORNETQ.CLUSTER.ADMIN.USER]


Provides a complete JBoss EAP 6 environment managed by JBoss Operations Network (JON/RHQ) and load balanced/proxied by Apache Web Server (JBoss EWS with mod_cluster)






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