The KafkaWriter is for writing data to Kafka topics in batch mode.
- If the content of key and/or value already prepared in the source data-frame. Please provide keyField and/or valueField.
- If the schemas of the key/value are provided, the KafkaWriter organizes the content of the key/value according to the schemas
- avroSchemaString
- avroSchemaUri, which points to a schema-registry
- avroSchemaFile
- jsonSchemaString
- jsonSchemaFile
- If the key column with name key or keyField not provided, the KafkaWriter generates a unique sequence number per batch
- If the value column with name value or valueField not provided, the KafkaWriter generates json document with all columns in the source dataframe.
Actor Class: com.qwshen.etl.sink.KafkaWriter
The definition of the KafkaWriter:
- In YAML format
type: com.qwshenink.KafkaWriter
bootstrapServers: "localhost:9092"
topic: users
keyField: user_id
avroSchemaFile: "schema/users-value.asvc"
view: users
- In JSON format
"actor": {
"type": "com.qwshenink.KafkaWriter",
"properties": {
"bootstrapServers": "localhost:9092",
"topic": "users",
"keyField": "user_id",
"valueSchema": {
"jsonSchemaFile": "schema/users-value.jschema"
- In XML format
<actor type="com.qwshen.etl.sink.KafkaWriter">