A Vim plugin for previewing sequence diagram in a browser. It's inspired by vim-markdown-preview and JS Sequence Diagram.
JS Sequence Diagram is awesome! And its online editing feature is cool as well. However, there're 2 drawbacks:
- Online editing is opt to be lost, especially with an unexpected browser fresh or history-back.
- You have to copy&paste between the online web page and your text editor repeatedly for updating/preview.
This vim plugin helps you hanlde the issues above, write your sequence diagram description in vim, press a hotkey to preview it in browser!
- With Pathogen: Place
. - With Vundle:
- Add
Plugin 'xavierchow/vim-sequence-diagram'
to your.vimrc
. - Launch
and run:PluginInstall
- Add
This plugin only applies to files with .seq
or .sequence
file extension,
that means it has nearly no performance impact on other file types.
Note: Make sure you have renamed the file name with proper extension.
The default keymap is <leader>t
, it brings up a browser window and shows the sequence diagram for you.
You can also define your keymap in vimrc.
nmap <unique> <leader>t <Plug>GenerateDiagram
Currently there're mainly 2 themes with js-sequence-diagrams, hand drawn
and simple
You can add the following line into your vimrc for using hand drawn
theme, set it to 0 or remove the line for simple
let g:generate_diagram_theme_hand = 1