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Player API Reference

Players are simplified/specialized Pipelines, created with a single Source and single Sink. Once created, the Source and Sink attributes can be updated, however, the components cannot be removed or replaced.

Player Construction and Destruction

There are three types of Players that can be created.

  • The Basic Player, created with any one Source and Sink by calling dsl_player_new. The Source and Sink components must exists at the time of Player construction
  • Two Render Players that create and manage their own Sink and Source Components
    • An Image Render Player, created by calling  dsl_player_render_image_new, that creates an Image Source and Render Sink; Overlay or Window as specified.
    • A Video Render Player, created by calling  dsl_player_render_video_new, that creates a Video File Source and Render Sink as specified.

Players are destructed by calling dsl_player_delete or dsl_player_delete_all.

Adding an Image Render Player to an ODE Capture Action

Images Players can be added to either a Frame or Object Capture Action for auto-play on ODE occurrence by calling dsl_ode_action_capture_image_player_add and removed by calling dsl_ode_action_capture_image_player_remove

Adding a Video Render Player to a Smart Recording Tap or Sink

Video Players can be added to Smart Recording Taps and Sinks for auto-play on recording complete by calling dsl_tap_record_video_player_add and [dsl_sink_record_video_player_add](/docs/ respectively and removed by calling dsl_tap_record_video_player_remove and dsl_sink_record_video_player_remove

Playing, Pausing and Stopping Players

Players can be played by calling dsl_player_play, paused (non-live sources only) by calling dsl_player_pause, and stopped by calling dsl_player_stop.

Player Client-Listener Notifications

Clients can be notified of Player Termination on End-of-Stream events by registering/deregistering one or more callback functions with dsl_player_termination_event_listener_add / dsl_player_termination_event_listener_remove.

Player API

Client CallBack Typedefs




Return Values

The following return codes are used by the Player API

#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_RESULT                                    0x00400000
#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE                           0x00400001
#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_NAME_NOT_FOUND                            0x00400002
#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_NAME_BAD_FORMAT                           0x00400003
#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_IS_NOT_RENDER_PLAYER                      0x00400004
#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_STATE_PAUSED                              0x00400005
#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_STATE_RUNNING                             0x00400006
#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_THREW_EXCEPTION                           0x00400007
#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_XWINDOW_GET_FAILED                        0x00400008
#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_XWINDOW_SET_FAILED                        0x00400009
#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_CALLBACK_ADD_FAILED                       0x0040000A
#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_CALLBACK_REMOVE_FAILED                    0x0040000B
#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_FAILED_TO_PLAY                            0x0040000C
#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_FAILED_TO_PAUSE                           0x0040000D
#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_FAILED_TO_STOP                            0x0040000E
#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_RENDER_FAILED_TO_PLAY_NEXT                0x00400010
#define DSL_RESULT_PLAYER_SET_FAILED                                0x00400011

DSL State Values

#define DSL_STATE_NULL                                              1
#define DSL_STATE_READY                                             2
#define DSL_STATE_PAUSED                                            3
#define DSL_STATE_PLAYING                                           4


The following symbolic constants are used by the ODE Trigger API.

Note: the Overlay Sink is only available on the Jetson Platform.

#define DSL_RENDER_TYPE_OVERLAY                                     0
#define DSL_RENDER_TYPE_WINDOW                                      1

Client Callback Typedefs


typedef void (*dsl_player_termination_event_listener_cb)(void* client_data);

Callback typedef for a client termination event listener function. Functions of this type are added to a Player by calling dsl_player_termination_event_listener_add. Once added, the function will be called on the event of Player end-of-stream (EOS). The listener function is removed by calling dsl_player_termination_event_listener_remove


  • client_data - [in] opaque pointer to client's user data, passed into the Player on callback add



DslReturnType dsl_player_new(const wchar_t* name,
    const wchar_t* source, const wchar_t* sink);;

The constructor creates a uniquely named Basic Player. Construction will fail if the name is currently in use.


  • name - [in] unique name for the Player to create.
  • source - [in] unique name of the Source component to use for this Player.
  • sink - [in] unique name of the Sink component to use for this Player.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful creation. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_new('my-player', 'my-rtsp-source', my-window-sink)


DslReturnType dsl_player_render_image_new(const wchar_t* name, const wchar_t* file_path,
    uint render_type, uint offset_x, uint offset_y, uint zoom, uint timeout)

The constructor creates a uniquely named Player that creates and manages its own Image Source and Render Sink. Construction will fail if the name is currently in use. Note: the Overlay Sink is only available on the Jetson Platform.


  • name - [in] unique name for the Player to create.
  • render_type - [in] one of DSL_RENDER_TYPE_OVERLAY or DSL_RENDER_TYPE_WINDOW
  • offset_x - [in] offset for the Render Sink in the X direction in units of pixels.
  • offset_y - [in] offset for the Render Sink in the Y direction in units of pixels.
  • zoom - [in] zoom factor for the Render Sink in units of %
  • timeout - [in] time to render the image before generating an end-of-stream event and terminating, in units of seconds. Set to 0 for no timeout


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful creation. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_render_image_new('my-player', './streams/my-image.jpg',
  100, 100, 150, 0)


DslReturnType dsl_player_render_video_new(const wchar_t* name,  const wchar_t* file_path, 
   uint render_type, uint offset_x, uint offset_y, uint zoom, boolean repeat_enabled);

The constructor creates a uniquely named Player that creates and manages its own Video File Source and Render Sink. Construction will fail if the name is currently in use. Note: the Overlay Sink is only available on the Jetson Platform.


  • name - [in] unique name for the Player to create.
  • render_type - [in] one of DSL_RENDER_TYPE_OVERLAY or DSL_RENDER_TYPE_WINDOW
  • offset_x - [in] offset for the Render Sink in the X direction in units of pixels.
  • offset_y - [in] offset for the Render Sink in the Y direction in units of pixels.
  • zoom - [in] zoom factor for the Render Sink in units of %
  • repeat_enabled - [in] set to true to repeat the video on end-of-stream.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful creation. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_render_video_new('my-player', './streams/my-video.mp4',
  100, 100, 150, false)



DslReturnType dsl_player_delete(const wchar_t* pipeline);

This destructor deletes a single, uniquely named Player. Basic Players will set the Source and Sink components to a state of not-in-use. Render Players will delete the Source and Sink under their management.


  • name - [in] unique name for the Player to delete


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful deletion. One of the Return Values defined above on failure

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_delete('my-player')


DslReturnType dsl_player_delete_all();

This destructor deletes all Players currently in memory  All Source and Sinks provided to Basic Players will move to a state of not-in-use. All Render Players will delete their own Source and Sink components.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful deletion. One of the Return Values defined above on failure

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_delete_all()



DslReturnType dsl_player_render_file_path_get(const wchar_t* name, 
    const wchar_t** file_path);

This service gets the current file path in use by the Render Player.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Render Player to query
  • file_path - [out] current file path in use by the Render Player


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, file_path = dsl_player_render_file_path_get('my-render-player')


DslReturnType dsl_player_render_file_path_set(const wchar_t* name, 
    const wchar_t* file_path);

This service sets the File path for a named Render Player to use. The file path cannot be updated while the Render Player is playing.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Render Player to update
  • file_path - [in] path to the Video or Image file to play


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful update. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_render_file_path_set('my-render-player', './streams/sample_1080p_h264.mp4')


DslReturnType dsl_player_render_file_path_queue(const wchar_t* name, 
    const wchar_t* file_path);

This service queues a new File path for a named Image or Video Render Player to play on end-of-stream (EOS).


  • name - [in] unique name of the Source to update
  • file_path - [in] path to the Video or Image file to play


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful update. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_render_file_path_queue('my-render-player', './streams/sample_1080p_h264.mp4')


DslReturnType dsl_player_render_offsets_get(const wchar_t* name, 
    uint* offset_x, uint* offset_y);

This service gets the current X and Y offsets for the named Render Player.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Render Player to query.
  • x_offset - [out] Current offset in the X direction in units of pixels
  • y_offset - [out] Current offset in the Y direction in units of pixels


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure

Python Example

retval, offset_x, offset_y = dsl_player_render_offsets_get('my-render-player')


DslReturnType dsl_player_render_offsets_set(const wchar_t* name, 
    uint offset_x, uint offset_y);

This service sets the X and Y offsets for the named Render Player. The X and Y offsets can be updated while the Player is player.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Render Player to update.
  • x_offset - [in] Offset in the X direction in units of pixels
  • y_offset - [in] Offset in the Y direction in units of pixels


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful update. One of the Return Values defined above on failure

Python Example

retval, dsl_player_render_offsets_set('my-on-screen-display', 200, 100)


DslReturnType dsl_player_render_zoom_get(const wchar_t* name, uint* zoom);

This service gets the current zoom setting in use by the named Render Player


  • name - [in] unique name of the Render Player to query
  • zoom - [out] current zoom setting in use in units of %


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, zoom = dsl_player_render_zoom_get('my-render-player')


DslReturnType dsl_player_render_zoom_set(const wchar_t* name, uint zoom);

This service sets the zoom setting to use for the named Render Player. The zoom setting can be updated while the player.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Render Player to update
  • zoom - [in] new zoom setting to use in units of %


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful update. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_render_zoom_set('my-render-player', 50)


DslReturnType dsl_player_render_reset(const wchar_t* name);

This service resets the named Render Player causing it to close it's rendering surface. This service will fail if the Render Player is currently playing or paused.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Render Player to update; Overlay or Window type.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful update. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_stop('my-player')
retval = dsl_player_render_reset('my-player)

# The rendering surface (Overlay or Window) will be recreated on next Play
retval = dsl_player_play('my-player')


DslReturnType dsl_player_render_image_timeout_get(const wchar_t* name, uint* timeout);

This service gets the current timeout setting in use by the named Image Render Player. If set, the Image Source will generate an end-of-stream (EOS) event on timeout. The Player will play the next Image if a new file path has been queued.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Image Render Player to query
  • timeout - [out] current timeout setting in use in units of seconds


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, timeout = dsl_player_render_image_timeout_get('my-image-render-player')


DslReturnType dsl_player_render_image_timeout_set(const wchar_t* name, uint timeout);

This service sets the timeout setting to use for the named Image Render Player. If set, the Image Source will generate an end-of-stream (EOS) event on timeout. The Player will play the next Image if a new file path has been queued. The timeout setting cannot be changed while the Player is playing.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Image Render Player to update
  • timeout - [in] new timeout setting to use in units of seconds


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful update. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_render_image_timeout_set('my-image-render-player', 30)


DslReturnType dsl_player_render_video_repeat_enabled_get(const wchar_t* name, 
    boolean* repeat_enabled);

This service gets the current repeat-enabled setting in use by the named Video Render Player. If enabled, the Video File Source will repeat the video on end-of-stream (EOS), i.e. at the end of the video.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Video Render Player to query
  • repeat_enabled - [out] current repeat_enabled setting in use..


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, timeout = dsl_player_render_video_repeat_enabled_get('my-video-render-player')


DslReturnType dsl_player_render_video_repeat_enabled_set(const wchar_t* name, 
    boolean repeat_enabled);

This service sets the repeat-enable setting to use for the named Image Render Player. If enabled, the Video File Source will repeat the video on end-of-stream (EOS), i.e. at the end of the video. The repeat-enabled setting cannot be changed while the Player is playing. Parameters

  • name - [in] unique name of the Source to update
  • repeat_enabled - [in] set to true to enable repeat on EOS, false otherwise.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful update. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_render_video_repeat_enabled_set('my-video-render-player', 30)


DslReturnType dsl_player_termination_event_listener_add(const wchar_t* name, 
    dsl_player_termination_event_listener_cb listener, void* client_data);

This service adds a callback function of type dsl_player_termination_event_listener_cb to a Player identified by its unique name. The function will be called on a Player Termination event, either end-of-stream (eos) or Window Delete. Multiple callback functions can be registered with one Player, and one callback function can be registered with multiple Players.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Player to update.
  • listener - [in] Termination listener callback function to add.
  • client_data - [in] opaque pointer to user data returned to the listener when called back

Returns  DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful add. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_termination_event_listener_add('my-player', listener_cb, None)


DslReturnType dsl_player_termination_event_listener_remove(const wchar_t* name, 
    dsl_player_termination_event_listener_cb listener);

This service removes a callback function of type dsl_player_termination_event_listener_cb from a Player identified by it's unique name.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Player to update.
  • listener - [in] termination listener callback function to remove.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful removal. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_termination_event_listener_remove('my-player', listener_cb)


DslReturnType dsl_player_play(wchar_t* name);

This service is used to play a named Player.  


  • name - [in] unique name for the Player to play.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS if the named Player is able to successfully transition to a state of playing, one of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_play('my-player')


DslReturnType dsl_player_pause(wchar_t* name);

This service is used to pause a named Player. The service is supported by Players with a non-live Source only, including the Image and Video Render Players.


  • name - [in] unique name for the Player to pause.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS if the named Player is able to successfully transition to a state of paused, one of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_pause('my-player')


DslReturnType  dsl_player_stop(wchar_t* name);

This service is used to stop a named Player and return it to a state of ready. The service will fail if the Player is not currently in a playing or paused state.


  • name - [in] unique name for the Player to stop.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS if the named Player is able to successfully transition to a state of stopped, one of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_stop('my-player')


DslReturnType dsl_player_render_next(const wchar_t* name);

This service is used to stop a named Player and Play the next queued file_path if one exists. The service is supported by Render Players only. Parameters

  • name - [in] unique name for the Player to stop and play next.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS if the named Render Player is able to plan the next queued file, one of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_player_render_next('my-player')


DslReturnType dsl_player_state_get(wchar_t* name, uint* state);

This service returns the current state of the named Player The service fails if the named Player was not found.  


  • name - [in] unique name for the Player to query.
  • state - [out] the current state of the named Player


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful get. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, state = dsl_player_state_get('my-player')


boolean dsl_player_exists(const wchar_t* name);

This service is used to determine if a named Player currently exists in memory.


  • name - [in] unique name for the Player to query for.


  • true if the named Player exists, false otherwise.

Python Example

if dsl_player_exists():
   # handle true case


uint dsl_player_list_size();

This service returns the size of the current list of Players in memory


  • The number of Players currently in memory

Python Example

player_count = dsl_player_list_size()

API Reference