PostgreSQL , 正则匹配 , 分词 , 双十一 , rum , trgm , 全文索引 , 搜索引擎 , tsvector , tsquery
《弱水三千,只取一瓢,当图像搜索遇见PostgreSQL (Haar wavelet)》
hello world打成了hello word或者hello w0rld,你要让数据库匹配出来,怎么搞?
甚至更变态的 fi[a-z]{1}e.*?.?? ,这样的查询。
1. 使用PostgreSQL regexp库,将正则转换为NFA样式(图形化词组)。
2. 将NFA样式再进行转换,转换为扩展的图形样式(trigrams),包括拆分后的查询词组与NOT词组。
3. 简化,过滤不必要的trigrams。
4. 打包为TrgmPackedGraph结构,支持GIN,GIST索引的检索。
postgres=# create extension pg_trgm;
postgres=# create table tbl(id int primary key, info text, crt_time timestamp);
postgres=# insert into tbl select id,md5(random()::text), now() from generate_series(1,50000000) t(id);
postgres=# CREATE INDEX trgm_idx_tbl_gin ON tbl USING GIN (info gin_trgm_ops);
postgres=# select * from tbl where info ~ '53?6b.*8823a' limit 10;
id | info | crt_time
4587797 | 0b1e56bd258823a9f9338919617651e5 | 2016-11-18 14:43:25.726919
7269097 | 9d5a7aace4bb56b29fe54cd98823a8ec | 2016-11-18 14:43:25.726919
11589980 | 3536b69b29b607348823a675cf4842c3 | 2016-11-18 14:43:25.726919
(3 rows)
Time: 142.087 ms
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) select * from tbl where info ~ '53?6b.*8823a' limit 10;
Limit (cost=527.75..537.82 rows=10 width=45) (actual time=140.867..140.902 rows=3 loops=1)
Output: id, info, crt_time
Buffers: shared hit=911
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on public.tbl (cost=527.75..5564.25 rows=5000 width=45) (actual time=140.847..140.881 rows=3 loops=1)
Output: id, info, crt_time
Recheck Cond: (tbl.info ~ '53?6b.*8823a'::text)
Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 5
Heap Blocks: exact=8
Buffers: shared hit=911
-> Bitmap Index Scan on trgm_idx_tbl (cost=0.00..526.50 rows=5000 width=0) (actual time=140.832..140.832 rows=8 loops=1)
Index Cond: (tbl.info ~ '53?6b.*8823a'::text)
Buffers: shared hit=903
Planning time: 0.389 ms
Execution time: 140.928 ms
(14 rows)
postgres=# select * from tbl where info ~ 'hello.*[a-f]{1}abc' limit 10;
id | info | crt_time
(0 rows)
Time: 0.974 ms
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) select * from tbl where info ~ 'hello.*[a-f]{1}abc' limit 10;
Limit (cost=852.75..862.82 rows=10 width=45) (actual time=0.451..0.451 rows=0 loops=1)
Output: id, info, crt_time
Buffers: shared hit=35
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on public.tbl (cost=852.75..5889.25 rows=5000 width=45) (actual time=0.449..0.449 rows=0 loops=1)
Output: id, info, crt_time
Recheck Cond: (tbl.info ~ 'hello.*[a-f]{1}abc'::text)
Buffers: shared hit=35
-> Bitmap Index Scan on trgm_idx_tbl (cost=0.00..851.50 rows=5000 width=0) (actual time=0.447..0.447 rows=0 loops=1)
Index Cond: (tbl.info ~ 'hello.*[a-f]{1}abc'::text)
Buffers: shared hit=35
Planning time: 0.366 ms
Execution time: 0.479 ms
(12 rows)
postgres=# select * from tbl where info ~ '821b8b92' limit 10;
id | info | crt_time
4 | c5132821b8b92ba36487d06b438d8aed | 2016-11-18 14:43:25.726919
(1 row)
Time: 141.353 ms
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) select * from tbl where info ~ '821b8b92' limit 10;
Limit (cost=527.75..537.82 rows=10 width=45) (actual time=140.293..140.299 rows=1 loops=1)
Output: id, info, crt_time
Buffers: shared hit=904
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on public.tbl (cost=527.75..5564.25 rows=5000 width=45) (actual time=140.291..140.297 rows=1 loops=1)
Output: id, info, crt_time
Recheck Cond: (tbl.info ~ '821b8b92'::text)
Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 1
Heap Blocks: exact=2
Buffers: shared hit=904
-> Bitmap Index Scan on trgm_idx_tbl (cost=0.00..526.50 rows=5000 width=0) (actual time=140.279..140.279 rows=2 loops=1)
Index Cond: (tbl.info ~ '821b8b92'::text)
Buffers: shared hit=902
Planning time: 0.331 ms
Execution time: 140.323 ms
(14 rows)
postgres=# select * from tbl where info ~ '53?6b.*8823a' limit 10;
id | info | crt_time
4587797 | 0b1e56bd258823a9f9338919617651e5 | 2016-11-18 14:43:25.726919
7269097 | 9d5a7aace4bb56b29fe54cd98823a8ec | 2016-11-18 14:43:25.726919
11589980 | 3536b69b29b607348823a675cf4842c3 | 2016-11-18 14:43:25.726919
(3 rows)
Time: 93489.353 ms
postgres=# select * from tbl where info ~ 'hello.*[a-f]{1}abc' limit 10;
id | info | crt_time
(0 rows)
Time: 78246.122 ms
postgres=# select * from tbl where info ~ '821b8b92' limit 10;
id | info | crt_time
4 | c5132821b8b92ba36487d06b438d8aed | 2016-11-18 14:43:25.726919
(1 row)
Time: 82218.218 ms
《PostgreSQL 文本数据分析实践之 - 相似度分析》
GIN indexes accept different parameters:
This setting controls usage of the fast update technique described in Section 63.4.1.
It is a Boolean parameter: ON enables fast update, OFF disables it.
(Alternative spellings of ON and OFF are allowed as described in Section 19.1.) The default is ON.
Custom gin_pending_list_limit parameter. This value is specified in kilobytes.
* trgm_regexp.c
* Regular expression matching using trigrams.
* The general idea of trigram index support for a regular expression (regex)
* search is to transform the regex into a logical expression on trigrams.
* For example:
* (ab|cd)efg => ((abe & bef) | (cde & def)) & efg
* If a string matches the regex, then it must match the logical expression on
* trigrams. The opposite is not necessarily true, however: a string that
* matches the logical expression might not match the original regex. Such
* false positives are removed via recheck, by running the regular regex match
* operator on the retrieved heap tuple.
* Since the trigram expression involves both AND and OR operators, we can't
* expect the core index machinery to evaluate it completely. Instead, the
* result of regex analysis is a list of trigrams to be sought in the index,
* plus a simplified graph that is used by trigramsMatchGraph() to determine
* whether a particular indexed value matches the expression.
* Converting a regex to a trigram expression is based on analysis of an
* automaton corresponding to the regex. The algorithm consists of four
* stages:
* 1) Compile the regexp to NFA form. This is handled by the PostgreSQL
* regexp library, which provides accessors for its opaque regex_t struct
* to expose the NFA state graph and the "colors" (sets of equivalent
* characters) used as state transition labels.
* 2) Transform the original NFA into an expanded graph, where arcs
* are labeled with trigrams that must be present in order to move from
* one state to another via the arcs. The trigrams used in this stage
* consist of colors, not characters, as in the original NFA.
* 3) Expand the color trigrams into regular trigrams consisting of
* characters. If too many distinct trigrams are produced, trigrams are
* eliminated and the graph is simplified until it's simple enough.
* 4) Finally, the resulting graph is packed into a TrgmPackedGraph struct,
* and returned to the caller.
* 1) Compile the regexp to NFA form
* ---------------------------------
* The automaton returned by the regexp compiler is a graph where vertices
* are "states" and arcs are labeled with colors. Each color represents
* a set of characters, so that all characters assigned to the same color
* are interchangeable, so far as matching the regexp is concerned. There
* are two special states: "initial" and "final". A state can have multiple
* outgoing arcs labeled with the same color, which makes the automaton
* non-deterministic, because it can be in many states simultaneously.
* Note that this NFA is already lossy compared to the original regexp,
* since it ignores some regex features such as lookahead constraints and
* backref matching. This is OK for our purposes since it's still the case
* that only strings matching the NFA can possibly satisfy the regexp.
* 2) Transform the original NFA into an expanded graph
* ----------------------------------------------------
* In the 2nd stage, the automaton is transformed into a graph based on the
* original NFA. Each state in the expanded graph represents a state from
* the original NFA, plus a prefix identifying the last two characters
* (colors, to be precise) seen before entering the state. There can be
* multiple states in the expanded graph for each state in the original NFA,
* depending on what characters can precede it. A prefix position can be
* "unknown" if it's uncertain what the preceding character was, or "blank"
* if the character was a non-word character (we don't need to distinguish
* which non-word character it was, so just think of all of them as blanks).
* For convenience in description, call an expanded-state identifier
* (two prefix colors plus a state number from the original NFA) an
* "enter key".
* Each arc of the expanded graph is labelled with a trigram that must be
* present in the string to match. We can construct this from an out-arc of
* the underlying NFA state by combining the expanded state's prefix with the
* color label of the underlying out-arc, if neither prefix position is
* "unknown". But note that some of the colors in the trigram might be
* "blank". This is OK since we want to generate word-boundary trigrams as
* the regular trigram machinery would, if we know that some word characters
* must be adjacent to a word boundary in all strings matching the NFA.
* The expanded graph can also have fewer states than the original NFA,
* because we don't bother to make a separate state entry unless the state
* is reachable by a valid arc. When an enter key is reachable from a state
* of the expanded graph, but we do not know a complete trigram associated
* with that transition, we cannot make a valid arc; instead we insert the
* enter key into the enterKeys list of the source state. This effectively
* means that the two expanded states are not reliably distinguishable based
* on examining trigrams.
* So the expanded graph resembles the original NFA, but the arcs are
* labeled with trigrams instead of individual characters, and there may be
* more or fewer states. It is a lossy representation of the original NFA:
* any string that matches the original regexp must match the expanded graph,
* but the reverse is not true.
* We build the expanded graph through a breadth-first traversal of states
* reachable from the initial state. At each reachable state, we identify the
* states reachable from it without traversing a predictable trigram, and add
* those states' enter keys to the current state. Then we generate all
* out-arcs leading out of this collection of states that have predictable
* trigrams, adding their target states to the queue of states to examine.
* When building the graph, if the number of states or arcs exceed pre-defined
* limits, we give up and simply mark any states not yet processed as final
* states. Roughly speaking, that means that we make use of some portion from
* the beginning of the regexp. Also, any colors that have too many member
* characters are treated as "unknown", so that we can't derive trigrams
* from them.
* 3) Expand the color trigrams into regular trigrams
* --------------------------------------------------
* The trigrams in the expanded graph are "color trigrams", consisting
* of three consecutive colors that must be present in the string. But for
* search, we need regular trigrams consisting of characters. In the 3rd
* stage, the color trigrams are expanded into regular trigrams. Since each
* color can represent many characters, the total number of regular trigrams
* after expansion could be very large. Because searching the index for
* thousands of trigrams would be slow, and would likely produce so many
* false positives that we would have to traverse a large fraction of the
* index, the graph is simplified further in a lossy fashion by removing
* color trigrams. When a color trigram is removed, the states connected by
* any arcs labelled with that trigram are merged.
* Trigrams do not all have equivalent value for searching: some of them are
* more frequent and some of them are less frequent. Ideally, we would like
* to know the distribution of trigrams, but we don't. But because of padding
* we know for sure that the empty character is more frequent than others,
* so we can penalize trigrams according to presence of whitespace. The
* penalty assigned to each color trigram is the number of simple trigrams
* it would produce, times the penalties[] multiplier associated with its
* whitespace content. (The penalties[] constants were calculated by analysis
* of some real-life text.) We eliminate color trigrams starting with the
* highest-penalty one, until we get to a total penalty of no more than
* WISH_TRGM_PENALTY. However, we cannot remove a color trigram if that would
* lead to merging the initial and final states, so we may not be able to
* reach WISH_TRGM_PENALTY. It's still okay so long as we have no more than
* MAX_TRGM_COUNT simple trigrams in total, otherwise we fail.
* 4) Pack the graph into a compact representation
* -----------------------------------------------
* The 2nd and 3rd stages might have eliminated or merged many of the states
* and trigrams created earlier, so in this final stage, the graph is
* compacted and packed into a simpler struct that contains only the
* information needed to evaluate it.
* Consider the example regex "ab[cd]". This regex is transformed into the
* following NFA (for simplicity we show colors as their single members):
* 4#
* c/
* a b /
* 1* --- 2 ---- 3
* \
* d\
* 5#
* We use * to mark initial state and # to mark final state. It's not depicted,
* but states 1, 4, 5 have self-referencing arcs for all possible characters,
* because this pattern can match to any part of a string.
* As the result of stage 2 we will have the following graph:
* abc abd
* 2# <---- 1* ----> 3#
* The process for generating this graph is:
* 1) Create state 1 with enter key (UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 1).
* 2) Add key (UNKNOWN, "a", 2) to state 1.
* 3) Add key ("a", "b", 3) to state 1.
* 4) Create new state 2 with enter key ("b", "c", 4). Add an arc
* from state 1 to state 2 with label trigram "abc".
* 5) Mark state 2 final because state 4 of source NFA is marked as final.
* 6) Create new state 3 with enter key ("b", "d", 5). Add an arc
* from state 1 to state 3 with label trigram "abd".
* 7) Mark state 3 final because state 5 of source NFA is marked as final.