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689 lines (559 loc) · 28.3 KB

PostgreSQL bulk COPY load Bottleneck by extend lock waiting






PostgreSQL , block_size , copy , bulk , 扩展锁 , LockAcquireExtended , LOCKTAG_RELATION_EXTEND


今天在pg大会上和一位兄弟聊天的时候了解到他们有大的数据入库需求, 入库文件约300MB每个, 但是导入数据库速度只有约100MB每秒, 即使使用unlogged table也没有多大的提高, 而硬盘拷贝的速度远远不止这个速度.

接下来分析一下原因. 从分析来看, 目前批量数据导入到瓶颈是在数据文件的扩展上.


PostgreSQL 9.6版本已经解决了这个问题,扩展块时会自适应扩展多个块,而不是一块一块的扩。

Extend relations multiple blocks at a time when there is contention for the relation's extension lock (Dilip Kumar)

This improves scalability by decreasing contention.


测试场景 :

服务器 8核, 144GB内存, 硬盘ssd.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5504 @ 2.00GHz


数据库 9.3.1

配置 :

pg93@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_config   
BINDIR = /home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1/bin  
DOCDIR = /home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1/share/doc  
HTMLDIR = /home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1/share/doc  
INCLUDEDIR = /home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1/include  
PKGINCLUDEDIR = /home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1/include  
INCLUDEDIR-SERVER = /home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1/include/server  
LIBDIR = /home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1/lib  
PKGLIBDIR = /home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1/lib  
LOCALEDIR = /home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1/share/locale  
MANDIR = /home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1/share/man  
SHAREDIR = /home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1/share  
SYSCONFDIR = /home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1/etc  
PGXS = /home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/  
CONFIGURE = '--prefix=/home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1' '--with-pgport=1921' '--with-perl' '--with-tcl' '--with-python' '--with-openssl' '--with-pam' '--without-ldap' '--with-libxml' '--with-libxslt' '--enable-thread-safety' '--with-wal-blocksize=16' '--enable-dtrace' '--enable-debug'  
CC = gcc  
CPPFLAGS = -D_GNU_SOURCE -I/usr/include/libxml2  
CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wendif-labels -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wformat-security -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -g  
CFLAGS_SL = -fpic  
LDFLAGS = -L../../../src/common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-rpath,'/home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1/lib',--enable-new-dtags  
LIBS = -lpgport -lpgcommon -lxslt -lxml2 -lpam -lssl -lcrypto -lz -lreadline -lcrypt -ldl -lm   
VERSION = PostgreSQL 9.3.1  

操作系统 CentOS 6.4 x64

数据库配置 :

listen_addresses = ''            # what IP address(es) to listen on;  
max_connections = 100                   # (change requires restart)  
superuser_reserved_connections = 13     # (change requires restart)  
unix_socket_directories = '.'   # comma-separated list of directories  
shared_buffers = 2048MB                 # min 128kB  
maintenance_work_mem = 1024MB           # min 1MB  
max_stack_depth = 8MB                   # min 100kB  
vacuum_cost_delay = 10                  # 0-100 milliseconds  
vacuum_cost_limit = 10000               # 1-10000 credits  
bgwriter_delay = 10ms                   # 10-10000ms between rounds  
wal_level = hot_standby                 # minimal, archive, or hot_standby  
synchronous_commit = off                # synchronization level;  
wal_buffers = 16384kB                   # min 32kB, -1 sets based on shared_buffers  
wal_writer_delay = 10ms         # 1-10000 milliseconds  
checkpoint_segments = 256       # in logfile segments, min 1, 16MB each  
archive_mode = on               # allows archiving to be done  
archive_command = '/bin/date'           # command to use to archive a logfile segment  
max_wal_senders = 32            # max number of walsender processes  
random_page_cost = 1.0                  # same scale as above  
effective_cache_size = 128000MB  
log_destination = 'csvlog'              # Valid values are combinations of  
logging_collector = on          # Enable capturing of stderr and csvlog  
log_directory = 'pg_log'                # directory where log files are written,  
log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log' # log file name pattern,  
log_file_mode = 0600                    # creation mode for log files,  
log_truncate_on_rotation = on           # If on, an existing log file with the  
log_rotation_age = 1d                   # Automatic rotation of logfiles will  
log_rotation_size = 10MB                # Automatic rotation of logfiles will  
log_checkpoints = on  
log_connections = on  
log_disconnections = on  
log_error_verbosity = verbose           # terse, default, or verbose messages  
log_timezone = 'PRC'  
autovacuum = on                 # Enable autovacuum subprocess?  'on'  
log_autovacuum_min_duration = 0 # -1 disables, 0 logs all actions and  
autovacuum_freeze_max_age = 1900000000  # maximum XID age before forced vacuum  
vacuum_freeze_min_age = 50000000  
vacuum_freeze_table_age = 1500000000  
datestyle = 'iso, mdy'  
timezone = 'PRC'  
lc_messages = 'C'                       # locale for system error message  
lc_monetary = 'C'                       # locale for monetary formatting  
lc_numeric = 'C'                        # locale for number formatting  
lc_time = 'C'                           # locale for time formatting  
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'  


测试表 :

digoal=# create table t (id int, c1 text, c2 text, c3 text, c4 text, c5 text, c6 text, c7 text, c8 text, c9 text, c10 text, c11 text, c12 text, c13 timestamp);  

测试数据 :

digoal=# insert into t select generate_series(1,10000), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), clock_timestamp();  
INSERT 0 10000  

每个数据块8KB存储18条记录. 平均每条记录455字节.

digoal=# select ctid from t;  


digoal=# insert into t select generate_series(1,600000), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text), clock_timestamp();  
INSERT 0 600000  


digoal=# create index idx_t_id on t(id);  


digoal=# \dt+  
                     List of relations  
  Schema  | Name | Type  |  Owner   |  Size  | Description   
 postgres | t    | table | postgres | 265 MB |   
(1 row)  


digoal=# copy t to '/home/pg93/t.dmp' with (header off);  
COPY 0 610000  
digoal=# \! ls -lh /home/pg93/t.dmp  
-rw-r--r-- 1 pg93 pg93 250M Oct 26 15:07 /home/pg93/t.dmp  


pg93@db-172-16-3-150-> vi test.sql  
copy t from '/home/pg93/t.dmp' with (header off);  

使用8个并发连接, 每个执行4遍.

pg93@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -r -f ./test.sql -c 8 -j 4 -t 4   
transaction type: Custom query  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 8  
number of threads: 4  
number of transactions per client: 4  
number of transactions actually processed: 32/32  
tps = 0.365815 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 0.365846 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
        21834.036437    copy t from '/home/pg93/t.dmp' with (header off);  

每秒约导入91MB 或 22.3万条记录.

使用unlogged table再次测试 :

digoal=# update pg_class set relpersistence='u' where relname='t';  
digoal=# update pg_class set relpersistence='u' where relname='idx_t_id';  

测试结果 :

pg93@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -r -f ./test.sql -c 8 -j 4 -t 4   
transaction type: Custom query  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 8  
number of threads: 4  
number of transactions per client: 4  
number of transactions actually processed: 32/32  
tps = 0.423626 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 0.423670 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
        18879.816156    copy t from '/home/pg93/t.dmp' with (header off);  

每秒约导入106MB 或 25.8万条记录.

测试过程中发现有大量的copy waiting.

21551 pg93      20   0 2271m 1.9g 1.9g S 24.1  2.0   0:12.54 postgres: postgres digoal [local] COPY waiting                           
21553 pg93      20   0 2271m 1.9g 1.9g S 24.1  2.0   0:12.51 postgres: postgres digoal [local] COPY waiting                           
21554 pg93      20   0 2271m 1.9g 1.9g R 24.1  2.0   0:12.70 postgres: postgres digoal [local] COPY                                   
21560 pg93      20   0 2271m 1.9g 1.9g S 24.1  2.0   0:12.69 postgres: postgres digoal [local] COPY waiting                           
21548 pg93      20   0 2271m 1.9g 1.9g S 20.7  2.0   0:12.70 postgres: postgres digoal [local] COPY waiting                           
21549 pg93      20   0 2271m 1.9g 1.9g S 20.7  2.0   0:12.72 postgres: postgres digoal [local] COPY waiting                           
21550 pg93      20   0 2271m 1.9g 1.9g S 20.7  2.0   0:12.65 postgres: postgres digoal [local] COPY waiting                           
21552 pg93      20   0 2271m 1.9g 1.9g S 20.7  2.0   0:12.76 postgres: postgres digoal [local] COPY waiting                           
21555 pg93      20   0 2271m 1.9g 1.9g S 20.7  2.0   0:12.71 postgres: postgres digoal [local] COPY waiting                           
21557 pg93      20   0 2271m 1.9g 1.9g S 20.7  2.0   0:12.62 postgres: postgres digoal [local] COPY waiting                           
21558 pg93      20   0 2271m 1.9g 1.9g S 20.7  2.0   0:12.45 postgres: postgres digoal [local] COPY waiting                           
21559 pg93      20   0 2271m 1.9g 1.9g S 20.7  2.0   0:12.77 postgres: postgres digoal [local] COPY waiting                           
21561 pg93      20   0 2271m 1.9g 1.9g R 20.7  2.0   0:12.63 postgres: postgres digoal [local] COPY                                   
21562 pg93      20   0 2271m 1.9g 1.9g R 20.7  2.0   0:12.83 postgres: postgres digoal [local] COPY                                   
21563 pg93      20   0 2271m 1.9g 1.9g S 20.7  2.0   0:12.71 postgres: postgres digoal [local] COPY waiting                           
21556 pg93      20   0 2271m 1.9g 1.9g S 17.2  2.0   0:12.58 postgres: postgres digoal [local] COPY waiting  

通过pg_locks, 发现是存储扩展锁.

digoal=# select * from pg_locks where not granted;  
 locktype | database | relation | page | tuple | virtualxid | transactionid | classid | objid | objsubid | virtualtransaction |  pid  
  |     mode      | granted | fastpath   
 extend   |    16384 |    65765 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 6/30               | 2159  
6 | ExclusiveLock | f       | f  
 extend   |    16384 |    65765 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 9/30               | 2159  
9 | ExclusiveLock | f       | f  
 extend   |    16384 |    65765 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 8/30               | 2159  
8 | ExclusiveLock | f       | f  
 extend   |    16384 |    65765 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/49               | 2159  
3 | ExclusiveLock | f       | f  
 extend   |    16384 |    65765 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 2/143              | 2159  
2 | ExclusiveLock | f       | f  
(5 rows)  

并发越大, 锁概率越大, 下面我们使用stap来跟踪, 锁耗费了多少时间.

pg93@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -r -f ./test.sql -c 16 -j 4 -t 1   
transaction type: Custom query  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 16  
number of threads: 4  
number of transactions per client: 1  
number of transactions actually processed: 16/16  
tps = 0.261183 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 0.261247 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
        61234.802062    copy t from '/home/pg93/t.dmp' with (header off);  



stap -e '  
global arr1%[12000] , arr2%[12000]  
probe process("/home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1/bin/postgres").mark("lock__wait__start") {  
  arr1[pid(),$arg1,$arg2,$arg3,$arg4,$arg5,$arg6] = gettimeofday_us()  
probe process("/home/pg93/pgsql9.3.1/bin/postgres").mark("lock__wait__done") {  
  t = gettimeofday_us()  
  pid = pid()  
  lv = arr1[pid,$arg1,$arg2,$arg3,$arg4,$arg5,$arg6]  
  if ( lv )  
    arr2[pid,$arg1,$arg2,$arg3,$arg4,$arg5,$arg6] <<< t - lv  
probe timer.s(1) {  
  foreach([a,b,c,d,e,f,g] in arr1)  
    printf("pid: %d; obj: %d, %d, %d, %d; objtype:%d, locktype: %d, waitcnt:%d, waitus:%d\n", a, b, c, d, e, f, g, @count(arr2[a,b,c,d,e,f,g]), @sum(arr2[a,b,c,d,e,f,g]))  
pid: 21549; obj: 16384, 65765, 0, 0; objtype:1, locktype: 7, waitcnt:33978, waitus:47513070  
pid: 21552; obj: 16384, 65765, 0, 0; objtype:1, locktype: 7, waitcnt:33969, waitus:47575317  
pid: 21553; obj: 16384, 65765, 0, 0; objtype:1, locktype: 7, waitcnt:33967, waitus:47946887  
pid: 21551; obj: 16384, 65765, 0, 0; objtype:1, locktype: 7, waitcnt:33981, waitus:48020588  
pid: 21556; obj: 16384, 65765, 0, 0; objtype:1, locktype: 7, waitcnt:33971, waitus:47723644  
pid: 21554; obj: 16384, 65765, 0, 0; objtype:1, locktype: 7, waitcnt:33984, waitus:47569972  
pid: 21558; obj: 16384, 65765, 0, 0; objtype:1, locktype: 7, waitcnt:33973, waitus:47941600  
pid: 21560; obj: 16384, 65765, 0, 0; objtype:1, locktype: 7, waitcnt:33966, waitus:47576161  
pid: 21562; obj: 16384, 65765, 0, 0; objtype:1, locktype: 7, waitcnt:33967, waitus:47137802  
pid: 21550; obj: 16384, 65765, 0, 0; objtype:1, locktype: 7, waitcnt:33981, waitus:47695491  
pid: 21548; obj: 16384, 65765, 0, 0; objtype:1, locktype: 7, waitcnt:33971, waitus:47685924  
pid: 21555; obj: 16384, 65765, 0, 0; objtype:1, locktype: 7, waitcnt:33972, waitus:47581269  
pid: 21561; obj: 16384, 65765, 0, 0; objtype:1, locktype: 7, waitcnt:33981, waitus:47614633  
pid: 21557; obj: 16384, 65765, 0, 0; objtype:1, locktype: 7, waitcnt:33971, waitus:47644666  
pid: 21559; obj: 16384, 65765, 0, 0; objtype:1, locktype: 7, waitcnt:33986, waitus:47157181  
pid: 21563; obj: 16384, 65765, 0, 0; objtype:1, locktype: 7, waitcnt:33977, waitus:47592679  

显然PostgreSQL 扩展main fork时. 每次仅仅申请1个块(8KB).

digoal=# select 33978*8/1024;  
(1 row)  

锁对象类型和锁类型如下 :

LOCKTAG_RELATION_EXTEND,        /* the right to extend a relation */  
#define ExclusiveLock                   7      

参考 :

我们保留最后一行, 把前面的数据使用delete删除掉, 可以达到类似初始化的目的. 避免main fork 扩展.

然后测试一下性能 :

digoal=# select 2168900*8/1024/1024||'GB';  
(1 row)  
digoal=# select max(ctid) from t;  
(1 row)  
digoal=# delete from t where ctid<>'(2168900,16)';  
digoal=# vacuum (freeze,verbose,analyze) t;  
WARNING:  pgstat wait timeout  
INFO:  vacuuming "postgres.t"  
INFO:  scanned index "idx_t_id" to remove 39039999 row versions  
DETAIL:  CPU 0.41s/23.03u sec elapsed 24.84 sec.  
INFO:  "t": removed 39039999 row versions in 2168901 pages  
DETAIL:  CPU 15.37s/7.40u sec elapsed 180.92 sec.  
INFO:  index "idx_t_id" now contains 1 row versions in 135228 pages  
DETAIL:  39039999 index row versions were removed.  
134262 index pages have been deleted, 0 are currently reusable.  
CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.00 sec.  
INFO:  "t": found 39039999 removable, 1 nonremovable row versions in 2168901 out of 2168901 pages  
DETAIL:  0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.  
There were 0 unused item pointers.  
0 pages are entirely empty.  
CPU 31.58s/41.81u sec elapsed 337.35 sec.  
INFO:  vacuuming "pg_toast.pg_toast_65765"  
INFO:  index "pg_toast_65765_index" now contains 0 row versions in 1 pages  
DETAIL:  0 index row versions were removed.  
0 index pages have been deleted, 0 are currently reusable.  
CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.00 sec.  
INFO:  "pg_toast_65765": found 0 removable, 0 nonremovable row versions in 0 out of 0 pages  
DETAIL:  0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.  
There were 0 unused item pointers.  
0 pages are entirely empty.  
CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.00 sec.  
INFO:  analyzing "postgres.t"  
INFO:  "t": scanned 30000 of 2168901 pages, containing 0 live rows and 0 dead rows; 0 rows in sample, 1 estimated total rows  
digoal=# checkpoint;  
digoal=# \dt+ t  
                    List of relations  
  Schema  | Name | Type  |  Owner   | Size  | Description   
 postgres | t    | table | postgres | 17 GB |   
(1 row)  
pg93@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -r -f ./test.sql -c 16 -j 4 -t 4  
transaction type: Custom query  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 16  
number of threads: 4  
number of transactions per client: 4  
number of transactions actually processed: 64/64  
tps = 0.750399 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 0.750523 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
        20898.632172    copy t from '/home/pg93/t.dmp' with (header off);  

在没有main fork extend的情况下(有少量的index main fork extend).

每秒约导入188MB 或 45.77万条记录.

将硬盘更换为ocz REVOdrive3 240G pci-e 速度再次提升 :

pg93@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -r -f ./test.sql -c 8 -j 4 -t 4  
transaction type: Custom query  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 8  
number of threads: 4  
number of transactions per client: 4  
number of transactions actually processed: 32/32  
tps = 0.891562 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 0.891753 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
        8830.211750     copy t from '/home/pg93/t.dmp' with (header off);  

每秒约导入236MB 或 54.3万条记录.

删除索引后, 纯粹的文本导入. 性能再次提升 :

digoal=# drop index idx_t_id;  
pg93@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -r -f ./test.sql -c 8 -j 4 -t 4  
transaction type: Custom query  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 8  
number of threads: 4  
number of transactions per client: 4  
number of transactions actually processed: 32/32  
tps = 1.077338 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 1.077610 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
        7243.755187     copy t from '/home/pg93/t.dmp' with (header off);  

每秒约导入285.5MB 或 65.7万条记录.

同样场景下, 接下来要做的是将blocksize调成最大(即32KB), wal block也调整成最大(64KB), 并且不初始化表的情况下来压一下, 看看性能有多少提升. 理论上会有一定的提升.

对比每秒约导入106MB 或 25.8万条记录, 这个测试结果.


./configure --prefix=/home/pg931/pgsql9.3.1 --with-pgport=1922 --with-perl --with-tcl --with-python --with-openssl --with-pam --without-ldap --with-libxml --with-libxslt --enable-thread-safety --with-wal-blocksize=64 --with-blocksize=32 --enable-dtrace --enable-debug  
[root@db-172-16-3-150 ssd1]# mkdir -p /ssd1/pg931/pg_root  
[root@db-172-16-3-150 ssd1]# mkdir -p /ssd2/pg931/pg_xlog  
[root@db-172-16-3-150 ssd1]# mkdir -p /ssd3/pg931/tbs_digoal  
[root@db-172-16-3-150 ssd1]# mkdir -p /ssd4/pg931/tbs_digoal_idx  
[root@db-172-16-3-150 postgresql-9.3.1]# chown -R pg931:pg931 /ssd*/pg931  
[root@db-172-16-3-150 postgresql-9.3.1]# su - pg931  
pg931@db-172-16-3-150-> initdb -D $PGDATA -E UTF8 --locale=C -U postgres -W -X /ssd2/pg931/pg_xlog  
[root@db-172-16-3-150 postgresql-9.3.1]# cp /ssd1/pg93/pg_root/postgresql.conf /ssd1/pg931/pg_root/  
cp: overwrite `/ssd1/pg931/pg_root/postgresql.conf'? y  
[root@db-172-16-3-150 postgresql-9.3.1]# cp /ssd1/pg93/pg_root/pg_hba.conf /ssd1/pg931/pg_root/  
cp: overwrite `/ssd1/pg931/pg_root/pg_hba.conf'? y  
chown -R pg931:pg931 /ssd1/pg931  
vi postgresql.conf  
port = 1922  
pg_ctl start  
postgres=# create role digoal;  
postgres=# create tablespace tbs_digoal location '/ssd3/pg931/tbs_digoal';  
postgres=# create tablespace tbs_digoal_idx location '/ssd4/pg931/tbs_digoal_idx';  
postgres=# create database digoal template template0 encoding 'UTF8' tablespace tbs_digoal;  
postgres=# \c digoal  
You are now connected to database "digoal" as user "postgres".  
digoal=# create table t (id int, c1 text, c2 text, c3 text, c4 text, c5 text, c6 text, c7 text, c8 text, c9 text, c10 text, c11 text, c12 text, c13 timestamp);  
digoal=# create index idx_t_id on t(id);  
digoal=# update pg_class set relpersistence='u' where relname='t';  
digoal=# update pg_class set relpersistence='u' where relname='idx_t_id';  
[root@db-172-16-3-150 ~]# cp /home/pg93/test.sql /home/pg93/t.dmp /home/pg931/  
chown pg931:pg931 /home/pg931/*  
pg931@db-172-16-3-150-> vi test.sql  
copy t from '/home/pg931/t.dmp' with (header off);  
pg931@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -r -f ./test.sql -c 8 -j 4 -t 4  
transaction type: Custom query  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 8  
number of threads: 4  
number of transactions per client: 4  
number of transactions actually processed: 32/32  
tps = 0.799815 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 0.799973 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
        9899.317000     copy t from '/home/pg931/t.dmp' with (header off);  


每秒约导入212MB 或 48.8万条记录.

使用32KB的blocksize, 同时使用unlogged table, 并且删除索引. 导入速度还有提升 :

pg931@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -r -f ./test.sql -c 8 -j 4 -t 4  
transaction type: Custom query  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 8  
number of threads: 4  
number of transactions per client: 4  
number of transactions actually processed: 32/32  
tps = 1.245248 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 1.245620 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
        6414.338875     copy t from '/home/pg931/t.dmp' with (header off);  

每秒约导入330MB 或 76万条记录.

下面使用初始化main fork, 测试速度再次提升 :

digoal=# select max(ctid) from t;  
(1 row)  
digoal=# delete from t where ctid <> '(520544,4)';  
DELETE 39039999  
digoal=# vacuum (analyze,verbose) t;  
pg931@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -r -f ./test.sql -c 8 -j 4 -t 4  
transaction type: Custom query  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 8  
number of threads: 4  
number of transactions per client: 4  
number of transactions actually processed: 32/32  
tps = 1.384007 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 1.384453 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
        5759.885594     copy t from '/home/pg931/t.dmp' with (header off);  

每秒约导入367MB 或 84.4万条记录.

除此之外还有可以提升的方面是CPU核数以及CPU 频率. 有条件的朋友也可以自己测试一下.

以下是一台32核的机器测试的结果 :

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X7560  @ 2.27GHz  
内存: 32GB  
pg93@db-192-168-100-34-> ll  
-rw-r--r-- 1 pg93 pg93 205M Oct 28 13:49 t.dmp  
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pg93 pg93   48 Oct 28 12:32 test.sql  
pg93@db-192-168-100-34-> wc -l t.dmp   
500000 t.dmp  
pg93@db-192-168-100-34-> pgbench -M prepared -n -r -f ./test.sql -c 32 -j 32 -t 2  
transaction type: Custom query  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 32  
number of threads: 32  
number of transactions per client: 2  
number of transactions actually processed: 64/64  
tps = 5.352594 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 5.358381 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
        5918.995641     copy t from '/dev/shm/t.dmp' with (header off);  

每秒约导入1097.3MB 或 267.6 万条记录(平均每条记录455字节).


对于大数据量的copy导入, 性能优化的方法可以考虑以下几个方面.

1. auto analyze 调整(尽量减少或者导入阶段关闭后续再打开)

2. table blocksize(如果业务形态是以大批量导入数据为主, 可以调整到最大)

3. unlogged table, (使用unlogged table可以减少wal flush带来的负担, 注意删除fork init文件, 避免db crash后删数据. )

4. 初始化table, (这不是一个常规用法, 仅用于本文测试, 如果pg可以做到设置extended的块个数, 则可以减少waiting)

5. shared buffer, wal buffer, 加大checkpoint_segments.

6. oscache fadvise(will not need, 减少os cache占用).

7. 提高硬盘写入速度

8. 如果pg可以做到设置extended的块个数, 那么就可以通过提高cpu核数. 提高并行度. 从而提高导入速度.

9. 或者支持异步io写入也许会有提高.

man aio_write


1. 如果要调大block_size, 需要考虑几个问题.

每次checkpoint后, 第一次变更的block需要写整个page页到wal日志(这个block后续变更都是增量写的). 所以block_size调大会使得wal的产量也变大一些.

block_size变大后, 对shared buffer的需求也会变大, 因为shared buffer用量的最小单位是以数据块为单位的, (例如一个表有10000个8K数据块, 离散活跃数据在shared buffer中可能占用100个块, 数据块变32K后, 这个表虽然只有2500个数据块, 但是离散活跃数据在shared buffer中可能还是占用100个块, 这个需求其实无形中放大了4倍).

block_size变大后, 某些查询的效率可能受到影响, 同样因为shared buffer用量的最小单位是以数据块为单位的, 对数据块个数有同样需求的场景, 无形中放大了数据块操作的成本.

block_size变大后, 数据块的锁冲突也会更明显, 因为存储的数据条目更多了.




