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+# Android - EasyWayLocation
+[![Android Arsenal](https://img.shields.io/badge/Android%20Arsenal-EasyWayLocation-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](https://android-arsenal.com/details/1/6880)
+## 有什么新功能 Ver 2.4
+- 弧线绘制
+ a. 简单的
+ b. 动画.
+- 在起点和终点之间绘制弧线路线
+- 现在,Dev 可以动态更改参数,例如起点、航点等
+- 获取arrayList和HashMap中的折线详细信息类
+- 使用 TAG 为弧形和航路点折线清除折线
+- 修复重大崩溃
+- 在示例文件夹中创建了一个曲目演示以供更多使用帮助
+# 演示图像和 Gif:
+![alt Setting IMages2](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/chatapp-2e1df.appspot.com/o/location%20images%2F2.png?alt=media&token=a0aa40d3-2f84-4886-9579-79fdd694290d)
+![alt Setting IMages3](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/chatapp-2e1df.appspot.com/o/location%20images%2F3.png?alt=media&token=412a7e86-0363-4e97-bf01-e130865d015f)
+# 先决条件
+- Android 16
+# 安装
+## Step 1:- 将其添加到存储库末尾的根 build.gradle 中:
+all projects {
+ repositories {
+ ...
+ maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
+ }
+ }
+## Step 2:- 添加 dependency:
+ dependencies {
+ implementation 'com.github.prabhat1707:EasyWayLocation:2.4'
+ }
+### 库使用 java 8 字节码,所以不要忘记在应用程序的 build.gradle 文件中启用 java 8。
+android {
+ compileOptions {
+ sourceCompatibility 1.8
+ targetCompatibility 1.8
+ }
+# Usage
+###### 如果设备运行 Android 6.0 或更高版本,并且您的应用的目标 SDK 为 29 或更高版本,则首先检查位置的权限,然后调用它。
+## 添加所需的权限
+为了优越的位置 (GPS location), 在您的添加以下权限 AndroidManifest.xml:
+For coarse location (network location), add the following permission in your AndroidManifest.xml:
+# 从设备中检索位置
+public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements Listener {
+ EasyWayLocation easyWayLocation;
+ private TextView location, latLong, diff;
+ private Double lati, longi;
+ @Override
+ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
+ super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
+ setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);
+ //--
+ easyWayLocation = new EasyWayLocation(this, false,false,this);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void locationOn() {
+ Toast.makeText(this, "Location ON", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void currentLocation(Location location) {
+ StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder();
+ data.append(location.getLatitude());
+ data.append(" , ");
+ data.append(location.getLongitude());
+ latLong.setText(data);
+ getLocationDetail.getAddress(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude(), "xyz");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void locationCancelled() {
+ Toast.makeText(this, "Location Cancelled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
+ super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
+ switch (requestCode) {
+ easyWayLocation.onActivityResult(resultCode);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void onResume() {
+ super.onResume();
+ easyWayLocation.startLocation();
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void onPause() {
+ super.onPause();
+ easyWayLocation.endUpdates();
+ }
+# 位置通知器
+ public void locationOn() {
+ Toast.makeText(this, "Location ON", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void currentLocation(Location location){
+ // give lat and long at every interval
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void locationCancelled() {
+ // location not on
+ }
+# 构造函数选项
+## 要记住的要点
+- 如果您只想要最后一个位置,则将其传递为 true,如果为 false,则根据默认位置请求为您提供位置更新。
+- 如果您不通过,则它需要默认位置请求,或者您也可以通过您的位置请求(参见构造函数 2nd)。
+Context context = this;
+boolean requireFineGranularity = false;
+new EasyWayLocation(this, requireLastLocation = false,isDebuggable = true/false,listner = this);
+request = new LocationRequest();
+new EasyWayLocation(this,locationRequest = request , requireLastLocation = false,isDebuggable = true/false,listner = this);
+## 计算两点之间的距离
+double startLatitude = 59.95;
+double startLongitude = 30.3;
+double endLatitude = 44.84;
+double endLongitude = -0.58;
+location.calculateDistance(startLatitude, startLongitude, endLatitude, endLongitude);
+// or
+Point startPoint = new EasyWayLocation.Point(59.95, 30.3);
+Point endPoint = new EasyWayLocation.Point(44.84, -0.58);
+location.calculateDistance(startPoint, endPoint);
+## 更新获取位置的地址详细信息。
+- if you want an address from the current location then you need to pass key and context.
+- why I want key here if android already provides Geocoder because in some cases or some devices geocoder not work well and throws Exception, so in that case, I use google geocode API for fetch address.
+- For this, you need to implement Callback, LocationData.AddressCallBack
+GetLocationDetail getLocationDetail = new GetLocationDetail(callback = this, context = this);
+getLocationDetail.getAddress(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude(), key = "xyz");
+## 谷歌地图路线
+#### 如果您想在您的应用程序中添加地图路线功能,您可以通过添加 DirectionUtil 类将其与此库一起使用,以使您更轻松地工作。这是 lib 将帮助您绘制两点 LatLng 与航点之间的路线图。
+## 当您的 GoogleMap 准备就绪时
+#### 确保在谷歌开发者控制台中启用谷歌地图和谷歌地图方向。
+#### 首先初始化Direction Util
+wayPoints.add(LatLng(37.423669, -122.090168))
+ wayPoints.add(LatLng(37.420930, -122.085362))
+ val directionUtil = DirectionUtil.Builder()
+ .setDirectionKey("xyz")
+ .setOrigin(LatLng(37.421481, -122.092156))
+ .setWayPoints(wayPoints)
+ .setGoogleMap(mMap)
+ .setPolyLinePrimaryColor(R.color.black)
+ .setPolyLineWidth(5)
+ .setPathAnimation(true)
+ .setCallback(this)
+ .setPolylineTag(WAY_POINT_TAG)
+ .setDestination(LatLng(37.421519, -122.086809))
+ .build()
+#### 为路线绘制添加以下行
+#### 先调用init再调用drawRoute
+#### 现在从 v2.4 开始,您可以在路径之间更改原点、颜色等
+ directionUtil.serOrigin(LatLng(driverCurrentLocation.latitude,driverCurrentLocation.longitude),wayPoints)
+#### 为圆弧绘制添加下面的行
+directionUtil.drawArcDirection(LatLng(37.421481, -122.092156),LatLng(37.421519, -122.086809),0.5,ARC_POINT_TAG)
+#### 添加下面的行以根据相应的TAG删除折线
+# 其中有两种情况:
+- 像优步这样的动画
+- 没有动画。
+ - setPathAnimation = true
+ - setPathAnimation = false
+ - change its color by, setPolyLinePrimaryColor() property
+## 回调
+#### 当路由绘制路径完成时,调用下面的回调
+override fun pathFindFinish(polyLineDetails: HashMap) {
+ for (i in polyLineDetails.keys){
+ Log.v("sample",polyLineDetails[i]?.time)
+ }
+ }
+here, polyLineDetails contain each polyline or route detail as time, distance and road summary.
+#### 您还可以更改路线动画的不同属性,如延迟、原色、次要颜色等,只需探索它即可。
+#### 错误,功能请求
+open an issue
+# 执照
+版权所有 (c)
+根据 Apache 许可证 2.0 版(“许可证”)获得许可;
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+w 或书面同意,软件