Originally from: tweet, LinkedIn post.
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The file ~/.psqlrc
can be used to set some settings by default. For example:
echo '\timing on' >> ~/.psqlrc
Now if we start psql
❯ psql -U postgres
Timing is on.
psql (15.5 (Debian 15.5-1.pgdg120+1))
Type "help" for help.
nik=# select pg_sleep(.5);
(1 row)
Time: 508.187 ms
❗Important: for scripting involving psql
, it is a good idea to use the option -X
– to ignore ~/.psqlrc
settings, so the logic (e.g., psql
output analysis) won't depend on ~/.psqlrc
at all.
pspg is awesome. If you can, install it.
For example, for the query select * from pg_class limit 3;
, before installation:
After installation:
To install:
- on macOS/Homebrew:
brew install pspg
- Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y pspg
echo "\setenv PAGER pspg
\pset border 2
\pset linestyle unicode
\set x '\setenv PAGER less'
\set xx '\setenv PAGER \'pspg -bX --no-mouse\''
" >> ~/.psqlrc
By default, NULL
s are invisible in psql
nik=# select null;
(1 row)
To fix it (put it to ~/.psqrc
for persistency):
\pset null 'Ø'
nik=# select null;
(1 row)
postgres_dba is my collection of scripts for psql
, with menu support: