Originally from: tweet, LinkedIn post.
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When conducting a Postgres benchmark (see Day 13: How to benchmark), quite often we need to run multiple benchmark iterations on the same setup. It may be reasonable to perform the same series of unified steps before and after each iteration:
- Before: flush the caches (or, conversely, warm them up).
- Before: reset cumulative statistics.
- After: save statistics and other forms of benchmark artefacts.
The approach described here allows conducting benchmarks in a unified way.
As already mentioned, there are two possible preparation tactics:
- Warming up caches (either using pg_prewarm or just performing the iteration's test steps multiple times and considering only the last one as a result). We won't cover it here.
- Flushing caches (the OS page cache and the Postgres buffer pool), so each iteration starts "on cold".
If the latter approach is chosen, it may also be reasonable to:
- increase the duration of each iteration to give the caches time to warm up, and
- review time series of metrics within each iteration (e.g., using
's option-P 10
to see latency/throughput numbers every 10 seconds).
How to flush the caches:
Postgres buffer pool – just restart Postgres:
pg_ctl restart -D $PGDATA -m fast
To free
:sync # all buffered operations are written to disk echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
It may make sense to reset all available cumulative statistics in the cluster (depending on the current Postgres
version), including those that additional extensions such as the standard pg_stat_statements
additional pg_wait_samling
, pg_stat_kcache
, pg_qualstats
, if installed:
do $$
-- Main reset commands – a JSON object having the form:
-- {"command": min-PG-version-num}
-- todo: in PG17+, there is pg_stat_reset_shared(null)
reset_cmd_main json := $json${
"pg_stat_reset()": 90000,
"pg_stat_reset_shared('bgwriter')": 90000,
"pg_stat_reset_shared('archiver')": 90000,
"pg_stat_reset_shared('io')": 160000,
"pg_stat_reset_shared('wal')": 140000,
"pg_stat_reset_shared('recovery_prefetch')": 140000,
"pg_stat_reset_slru(null)": 130000
-- Extension commands - a JSON object having the form:
-- {"command": "extension name"}
reset_cmd_et json := $json${
"pg_stat_statements_reset()": "pg_stat_statements",
"pg_stat_kcache_reset()": "pg_stat_kcache",
"pg_wait_sampling_reset_profile()": "pg_wait_sampling",
"pg_qualstats_reset()": "pg_qualstats"
cmd record;
cur_ver int;
cur_ver := current_setting('server_version_num')::int;
raise info 'Current PG version (num): %', cur_ver;
-- Main reset commands
for cmd in select * from json_each_text(reset_cmd_main) loop
if cur_ver >= (cmd.value)::int then
raise info 'Execute SQL: select %', cmd.key;
execute format ('select %s', cmd.key);
end if;
end loop;
-- Extension reset commands
for cmd in select * from json_each_text(reset_cmd_et) loop
if '' <> (
select installed_version
from pg_available_extensions
where name = cmd.value
) then
raise info 'Execute SQL: select %', cmd.key;
execute format ('select %s', cmd.key);
end if;
end loop;
This step is worth doing right before the benchmark run, so statistics are clean and no preparation actions affect it.
Multiple steps are recommended here.
Dump the content of all
views:for viewname in $(psql -tAXc " select relname from pg_catalog.pg_class where relkind = 'view' and relname like 'pg_stat%'" \ ); do psql -Xc "copy (select * from ${viewname}) to stdout with csv header delimiter ','" \ > "${destination}/${viewname}.csv" done psql -Xc "copy (select * from pg_stat_kcache()) to stdout with csv header delimiter ','" \ > "${destination}/pg_stat_kcache.csv" psql -Xc "copy ( select event_type as wait_type, event as wait_event, sum(count) as of_events from pg_wait_sampling_profile group by event_type, event order by of_events desc ) to stdout with csv header delimiter ','" \ > "${destination}/pg_wait_sampling_profile.csv" # todo: pg_qualstats
Collect logs: Just compress and copy the files from the log directory.
Dump the actual configuration (
):psql -Xc "copy ( select * from pg_settings order by name ) to stdout with csv header delimiter ','" \ > "${destination}/pg_settings_all.csv" psql -Xc " select name, setting as current_setting, unit, boot_val as default, context from pg_settings where source <> 'default'" \ > "${destination}/pg_settings_non_default.txt"
All other potentially useful artifacts, if needed: system log, sar data, etc.