Originally from: tweet, LinkedIn post.
How to analyze heavyweight locks, part 2: Lock trees (a.k.a. "lock queues", "wait queues", "blocking chains")
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See also Part 1.
Good sources of knowledge:
- 13.3. Explicit Locking – the docs (despite the title, it's only about the explicit locking).
- PostgreSQL rocks, except when it blocks: Understanding locks (2018), a blog post by @marcoslot
- Egor Rogov's book PostgreSQL 14 Internals, Part III "Locks".
- PostgreSQL Lock Conflicts – a reference-like tool by @hnasr to study the relationships between various lock types and what types of locks various SQL commands acquire.
When locking issues occur, we usually need to:
- Understand the nature and the scale of the problem.
- Consider terminating the initial "offending" sessions
– tree roots – to stop the storm ASAP (usually, using
select pg_terminate_backend(<pid>);
Here is an advanced query that, in general case, shows the "forest of lock trees" (since there might be several "root" sessions, from which multiple "trees" grow):
\timing on
set statement_timeout to '100ms';
with recursive activity as (
pg_blocking_pids(pid) blocked_by,
age(clock_timestamp(), xact_start)::interval(0) as tx_age,
-- "pg_locks.waitstart" – PG14+ only; for older versions: age(clock_timestamp(), state_change) as wait_age
age(clock_timestamp(), (select max(l.waitstart) from pg_locks l where a.pid = l.pid))::interval(0) as wait_age
from pg_stat_activity a
where state is distinct from 'idle'
), blockers as (
array_agg(distinct c order by c) as pids
from (
select unnest(blocked_by)
from activity
) as dt(c)
), tree as (
1 as level,
activity.pid as top_blocker_pid,
array[activity.pid] as path,
array[activity.pid]::int[] as all_blockers_above
from activity, blockers
array[pid] <@ blockers.pids
and blocked_by = '{}'::int[]
union all
tree.level + 1 as level,
path || array[activity.pid] as path,
tree.all_blockers_above || array_agg(activity.pid) over () as all_blockers_above
from activity, tree
not array[activity.pid] <@ tree.all_blockers_above
and activity.blocked_by <> '{}'::int[]
and activity.blocked_by <@ tree.all_blockers_above
case when wait_event_type <> 'Lock' then replace(state, 'idle in transaction', 'idletx') else 'waiting' end as state,
wait_event_type || ':' || wait_event as wait,
to_char(age(backend_xid), 'FM999,999,999,990') as xid_age,
to_char(2147483647 - age(backend_xmin), 'FM999,999,999,990') as xmin_ttf,
(select count(distinct t1.pid) from tree t1 where array[tree.pid] <@ t1.path and t1.pid <> tree.pid) as blkd,
'%s %s%s',
lpad('[' || pid::text || ']', 9, ' '),
repeat('.', level - 1) || case when level > 1 then ' ' end,
left(query, 1000)
) as query
from tree
order by top_blocker_pid, level, pid
; -- to run query in a loop, use this instead of ";": \watch 10
It is present in the for ready to be executed in
. For other clients, remove backslash commands; instead of\watch
, use;
. -
The function
, according to the docs, should be used with care:Frequent calls to this function could have some impact on database performance, because it needs exclusive access to the lock manager's shared state for a short time.
It is not recommended to use it in an automated fashion (e.g., putting into monitoring). And this is why we have a low
value for statement_timeout
above – as protection.
Example output:
- Two trees with two root sessions – those with PIDs 46015 and 46081.
- Both are waiting on client (
pair isClient:ClientRead
), acquired some locks (last queries in session 46015 being anUPDATE
, in session 46081 –DROP TABLE
) and holding them. - The first tree (with root 46015) is bigger (11 blocked sessions) and reached the
(or the depth, depending on the point of view/terminology). This is exactly that an unfortunate situation when anALTER TABLE
, attempting to modify some table but being blocked by another session, starts blocking any session that tries to work with that table – evenSELECT
s (the problem discussed in Zero-downtime Postgres schema migrations need this: lock_timeout and retries). - While we're analyzing this, the situation might quickly change, so it might make sense to add timestamps or
intervals (e.g., based on
). Also note, that since the results might have inconsistencies – when we read frompg_stat_statements
, we deal with some dynamic data, not a snapshot, so there having some skews in the results is normal, if session states change quickly. Usually, it makes sense to analyze several sample results of the query before making conclusions and decisions.