Releases: pmndrs/react-three-a11y
v3.0.0 release
Updated @react-three/a11y in order to use it with React 18.
Thanks to indiejoseph for the help
v2.2.4 release
Adds an optional dragThreshold prop to the A11y component. If the onClick event delta ( Distance between mouse down and mouse up event in pixels ) is greater than this value, the action event handler doesn't fire.
This can help when using this library with the drei MapControls, where drags that start and end on the same A11y target to prevent trigger a click event when the user's intention is to just pan the camera.
thanks to @claytercek for the PR
v2.2.3 release
fix: add support for older browsers (b913ecf)
v2.2.2 release
v2.2.1 release
feat: added custom DOM tags (161de54)
v2.2.0 release
feat: added new role: image (a2f5310)
v2.1.0 release
Buf fix :
- click actionCall could be fired twice for mouse users on the component A11y with role buttons and togglebutton
v2.0.2 release
Updated peerDependencies
v2.0.1 release
Fix some issues with wrongly required props.
v2.0.0 release
Minimum supported version of r3f is ">=6.0"