Tinker is a console program that allows you to play around with Laravel models and execute arbitraty PHP command directly from your command line
Starting the console
php artisan tinker
Modify the php.ini by adding this option
On Mac php.ini can be usually found in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc/php.ini
To be sure where it is, run php -i | grep 'php.ini'
in Terminal
On Windows it's in your XAMPP folder C:\xampp\php\php.ini
or C:\xampp\etc\php.ini
, depending on location of XAMPP itself
Generating a new model
php artisan make:model BlogPost
Generating a new model with migration
php artisan make:model BlogPost --migration
// or
php artisan make:model BlogPost -m
By convention, Laravel assumes the table name is "snake case" plural model name. For example:
Model name | Table name |
BlogPost | blog_posts |
Blogpost | blogposts |
VeryLongTrain | very_long_trains |
To define a custom name, add (override) the protected $table
model property
class BlogPost extends Model
protected $table = 'blogposts';
By default, all models are stored inside the App
namespace, eg. App\BlogPost
You can read and modify model properties (row columns) using properties
$post = App\BlogPost::find(1);
$title = $post->title;
$content = $post->content;
$post->title = 'New title';
$post->content = 'New content';
// Always call save() to create the record and UPDATE the existing one
Property name corresponds 1:1 to the column name of the table
Retrieving all models as collection
$posts = App\BlogPost::all();
Retrieving single model by primary key (usually, by id
// Fetch BlogPost with id 10
$post = App\BlogPost::find(10);
Fetching collection of models by id
$posts = App\BlogPost::find([1, 2, 3]);
Collections are iterable (eg. using foreach)
$posts = App\BlogPost::all();
foreach ($posts as $post) {
echo $post->title;
Getting first element of the collection of models
$posts = App\BlogPost::all();
$post = $posts->first();
Creating and saving (creating a database row) a new model
$post = new App\BlogPost();
$post->title = 'Title';
$post->content = 'Content';