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File metadata and controls

121 lines (85 loc) · 2.21 KB

How routing works (diagram)

Routing diagram

HTTP verb methods on Route class (diagram)

Routing diagram

Inside route definition file (routes/web.php)

Defining a route using closure

Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');

Defining a route that only renders a Blade template

Route::view('/home'); // Without parameters
Route::view('/home', ['data' => 'value']); // With parameters

Route with a required parameter

Route::get('/page/{id}', function ($id) {
    return view('page', ['page' => $id]);

// Using Arrow Functions (Since PHP 7.4)
Route::get('/page/{id}', fn ($id) => view('page', ['page' => $id]));

Route with an optional parameter

Route::get('/hello/{name?}', function ($name = 'Guest') {
    return view('hello', ['name' => $name]);

// Using Arrow Functions (Since PHP 7.4)
// For optional route parameter {name}, the Closure argument has to have a default value provided
Route::get('/hello/{name?}', fn ($name = 'Guest') => view('hello', ['name' => $name]));

Named route (to give the route a name, you would chain a name() method call)


Generating URI of the named route (generating links)

// Without parameters
$url = route('home'); // Generates /home

// With parameters
$blogPostUrl = route('blog-post', ['id' => 1]); // Generates /blog-post/1

Inside Blade template

Defining a section


Rendering a section


Extending a layout


Function to render a view

view('name', ['data' =>‚ 'value'])

Rendering data inside a Blade template

{{ $data }}

By default data is escaped using htmlspecialchars

Rendering unescaped data

{!! $data !!}

Including another view


Included view will inherit parent view data

Passing additional data to included view

@include('', ['name' => 'John'])

Generating a URL inside view

<a href="{{ route('home') }}">Home</a>