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Big Update 🔔

We have implemented the Log In Page in our App, now you don't need to use PINAC-Nexus separately, and it's super easy to start. Follow the new installation process to setup python server in App backend. This is the initial implementation of Log In Page, so, currently you need both OPENAI & GEMINI API Key to start server, in upcoming updates we will make this flexible. Also, manually full screen the Log In window, in upcoming updates we will fix this also.

And once you Log In, you don't need to see the Log In Page again. The purpose of the Log In page is to save API Keys using the App interface, without keeping it manually in the Project file.

Remember: Always activate the python virtual env with the command source env/bin/activate before starting the app with command npm run dev. Otherwise server will not start.

PINAC Workspace
Personal Intelligent Network Assistant Companion

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A privacy-focused, cross-platform and open-source alternative for Copilot on Windows.
One Next-Gen AI Chat for all your needs.

Why PINAC Workspace ?

Leveraging multiple AI tools for your workflow sounds smart. However, does the constant context switching between them slow you down?

Experience the Next Gen AI Chat —your all-in-one chat for text generation, document summarisation, web searching, code generation, and a wide range of office tools.

We are dedicated to the development of the app, introducing new features and optimising the user interface. Always keeping the user as the priority. View our Roadmap & Progress:

System Design

system architecture diagram

🎨 Themes

Responsive design like never before, from the narrowest screen to the full screen or half-screen, it adopted smoothly...

app screenshot

📂 File Structure

The best file structure ever!

├── backend /              # medium between frontend & server
|    ├── main.ts
|    ├── server /              # Python server
|    └── user data /           # for storing user data
├── electron /
|    ├── main.ts
|    └── preload.ts
└── frontend /
     ├── App.tsx
     ├── App.css           # All Theme's colours
     ├── assets /          # Img, Icons, Fonts
     ├── Components /      # Page's components 
     └── pages /

🚀 Project Setup

Recommended IDE Setup

Setup the backend

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone && cd PINAC_Workspace
  2. create virtualenv and activate it

    python -m venv env && source env/bin/activate
  3. install the python dependencies with

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Install the App

  1. Install Node dependencies

    npm install
  2. Start the App

    npm run dev

🎉 Contributing

  1. Star the repository
  2. Fork the repository on GitHub.
  3. Clone the project to your machine.
  4. Commit changes to your branch.
  5. Push your work back up to your fork.
  6. Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes

📄 License

PINAC Workspace is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more details.

🌐 Support

If you have any support questions or to report issues, please file an issue through the GitHub issue tracker associated with the repository.


Rajesh Mondal - @RajeshTechForge