This project uses ElasticSearch (ES) 7.14.0 to create inverted indexes for fuzzy matching of corresponding entities and properties in the wikidata dump (2020). We use tf-idf to score entities and properties with their context. Entities and properties are stored in ./data/, and we use logstash 7.14.0 to import entities and properties, monitoring and updating them in real time.
Install ES and visualization tool Kibana with docker-compose, where configuration is stored in docker-compose.yml.
cd ./qwikidata
docker compose up -d
After successfully starting ES, download Logstash 7.14.0 with the same version as ES from the official website and put it in the directory. Run the following command to import data files. Note that each thread monitors a data file using an independent path configured in logstash configuration files. Merging these path will cause failure. The time expense of creating an index increases linearly with the size of the data file.
cp ./logstash_confs/* ./logstash-7.14.0
cd logstash-7.14.0
mkdir entity entityalias property propertyalias
./bin/logstash -f PathToConfig/item.conf
./bin/logstash -f PathToConfig/itemaliases.conf
./bin/logstash -f PathToConfig/property.conf
./bin/logstash -f PathToConfig/property_aliases.conf
When it comes to indexing, ES is case-insensitive. Please note that when deleting an index, you should completely delete the corresponding path. You can use the following command to find the index, and if the health status is yellow, it means that the backup file is on the same node as the original file, and distributed queries can be used to solve this.
cd src
curl --keepalive-time 5 -i # query here, and replace space with -
curl --keepalive-time 5 -i