Source code for the NestJs and Nuxt version of Full-Stack Vue with GraphQL - The Ultimate Guide Udemy course.
- Rename the
on the server folder putting your own values
$ npm install
$cd server
$ npm install
$cd client
$npm install
- From main folder
$ npm run dev
- Use NestJs with GraphQL and MongoDb to create powerful back ends applicaction.
- Use Apollo Boost to create powerful full-stack apps.
- Handle errors on the client and server with Apollo / GraphQL
- Implement session-based JWT authentication to GraphQL applications
- Integrate Apollo with Nuxt Vuex for more reliable and scalable state management
- Implement infinite scrolling functionality using Vue-Apollo
- Deploy full-stack JavaScript / GraphQL applications using Heroku.
- Learn how to write queries and mutations in the GraphQL language on both the client and server
- Make use of many useful MongoDB methods and features
- Be able to create attractive, sophisticated UIs using the Vuetify CSS framework
- Become more familiar with all the best ES6 / 7 features such as async / await, destructuring, spread operators, arrow functions, etc
- Create a multi-language application using nuxt-i18n