Initializes HashiCorp Vault and saves the root token and keys in a provider of your choice.
docker pull
Initialize an instance of `HashiCorp` Vault and persist the keys
Usage: vault-init [OPTIONS]
--vault-addr <VAULT_ADDR>
Address of the Vault server expressed as a URL and port [env: VAULT_ADDR=] [default:]
--pgp-keys <PGP_KEYS>
Specifies an array of PGP public keys used to encrypt the output unseal keys. Ordering is preserved. The keys must be base64-encoded from their original binary representation. The size of this array must be the same as `secret_shares`
--root-token-pgp-key <ROOT_TOKEN_PGP_KEY>
Specifies a PGP public key used to encrypt the initial root token. The key must be base64-encoded from its original binary representations
--secret-shares <SECRET_SHARES>
Specifies the number of shares to split the root key into [default: 1]
--secret-threshold <SECRET_THRESHOLD>
Specifies the number of shares required to reconstruct the root key. This must be less than or equal `secret_shares` [default: 1]
--stored-shares <STORED_SHARES>
Specifies the number of shares that should be encrypted by the HSM and stored for auto-unsealing. Currently must be the same as `secret_shares`
--recovery-shares <RECOVERY_SHARES>
Specifies the number of shares to split the recovery key into. This is only available when using Auto Unseal
--recovery-threshold <RECOVERY_THRESHOLD>
Specifies the number of shares required to reconstruct the recovery key. This must be less than or equal to recovery_shares. This is only available when using Auto Unseal
--recovery-pgp-keys <RECOVERY_PGP_KEYS>
Specifies an array of PGP public keys used to encrypt the output recovery keys. Ordering is preserved. The keys must be base64-encoded from their original binary representation. The size of this array must be the same as `recovery_shares`. This is only available when using Auto Unseal
-h, --help
Print help
save_method "file" {
path = "vault-init.json"
overwrite = true
save_method "kube_secret" {
name = "vault-init"
key = "init.json"
overwrite = true
labels = {
"foo" = "foo"
annotations = {
"" = "baz"