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Releases: pb33f/libopenapi


27 Feb 16:06
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Minor bug fixes and updates, tuned up the index a little: no breaking changes, no new features.


22 Feb 14:17
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v0.6.0 Addresses issue #73 by introducing some enhancements to the index, allowing for relative file handling, and providing a fix to auto-allowing remote and local files to be followed.

A new configuration option is available to document creation for an Index. It's defined as index.SpecIndexConfig and provides three properties:

  • BaseURL of type *url.URL
  • AllowRemoteLookup of type bool
  • AllowFileLookup of type bool

This can be used to configure an index to know where to look when encountering relative paths and if to allow them at all.

Full documentation can be found here.

When creating a new Document, there is also a new datamodel.DocumentConfigutation, which looks almost identical, except
for the Lookup postfix has been replaced with References

config := datamodel.DocumentConfiguration{
		AllowFileReferences:   true,
		AllowRemoteReferences: true,
		BaseURL:               baseURL,

This new config can be used with a new function called NewDocumentWithConfiguration() that is the same as NewDocument() except it has a second argument for accepting the config.

doc, err := NewDocumentWithConfiguration(digitalOcean, &config)

Full documentation can be found here.

The index has been refactored a little to help make it easier to navigate and tuned up to run faster when indexing references.

The digital ocean spec has been added for testing purposes.

v0.5.0 Schema index much improved

28 Jan 19:12
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Schema indexing has been cleaned up and improved to resolve #50.

There is new code that looks for inline schema definitions and collects them and a further subset of references that are precisely object or array types.

This is a breaking change

The index.GetAllSchemas() method now returns a slice of *Reference pointers, rather than a map of them. The original behavior of GetAllSchemas() has been replaced with GetAllComponentSchemas() , which retains the signature.

Two new additional methods GetAllInlineSchemas() and GetAllInlineSchemaObjects(). The former will return everything in the spec marked with schema that is not a reference. The latter will return everything the former does, except filtered down by object or array types.

Also, the index is now bubbled up through the document model. There isn't a simple way to get access to it. A small non-breaking change that attaches a reference to the index, returned by DocumentModel

v0.4.14 Circular reference upgrade.

11 Jan 10:57
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Circular references can now be treated as 'non-infinite' circles. This is defined by a Schema being required or not. If a Schema is not required, it's not marked as an infinite loop.

This allows specs that have circles built in by default, but are not 'incorrect' in the fact that they are not required loops.

`AllOf` retains original ordering

10 Jan 22:41
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fix: remove debug logging

v0.4.10 What Changed fixes.

30 Dec 15:30
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Various tweaks to improve some panics and failures with what changed.


20 Dec 21:46
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A bug fix for #54 and a new element in the index for object schemas with properties and add additional info to enum reference


16 Dec 21:12
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Improves index handling of servers.


13 Dec 19:17
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Fixes a memory leak when using libopenapi with large numbers of specs.


09 Dec 12:07
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v0.4.0 Updates the base.Schema for both high and low-level models to fix some inaccuracies and introduce missing properties for JSON Schema / v3.1

What was added

  • if
  • else
  • then
  • propertyNames
  • contains
  • minContains
  • maxContains
  • unevaluatedItems
  • unevaluatedProperties
  • dependentSchemas
  • patternProperties

What changed

DynamicValue was added as a container for values with differing types. This follows the same pattern established in the low level model.

Items can now be a SchemaProxy or a bool (using DynamicValue), no longer a slice.

Not is also no longer a slice.

ExclusiveMinimum and ExclusiveMaximum are now DynamicValue pointers that can be either a bool or int64

The ExclusiveMinimumBool and ExclusiveMaximumBool properties have been removed as they are now combined.

These are breaking changes, but it does set a standard for how to proceed.