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File metadata and controls

816 lines (652 loc) · 36 KB

y_ctrl Internal Details


This tutorial will cover several aspects of y_ctrl in great detail, as it is an excellent entry point in to several advanced techniques, including #emit, @emit, disassembly, and code scanning. The most important first part is to understand what the library actually does, and what control registers are.

Control registers are special bits of memory that when written to (or sometimes read from) do something more than just return a value. All computers have these, they are a fundamental part of writing drivers and other low-level code. For example: starting a CPU timer is done by writing a value to a special address, sending data to a USB device is done by writing it to a special memory location, even basic rendering is done via special registers. Sometimes these registers are actually memory addresses and written to in the normal way, and sometimes there is a separate list of "addresses" for these registers accessed using a different instruction.

In pawn the special registers hold information such as the current instruction pointer (CIP, which instruction is currently being run), the stack pointer, offsets to the start of the code and data segments, and more. There are seven by default, numbered 0 to 6. The crashdetect plugin adds registers 0xFF and 0xFE for sending it instructions (as opposed to using normal functions since the plugin is optional and may not exist). These registers are read using LCTRL and written using SCTRL. The read result is placed in pri and the write data is (usually) read from pri:

// Get the file offset to the start of the data segment.
#emit LCTRL        __dat     // 1
// `pri` now holds the offset.

// Increase the stack pointer (register 4) by 8.
#emit LCTRL        __stk     // 4
#emit ADD.C        __2_cells // 8
#emit SCTRL        __stk     // 4

For the purposes of this library the most important difference is that pri doesn't change when you use SCTRL (so needs restoring), while LCTRL does change. Other than that, since the two are so similar we can simply ignore half the code for the purposes of documentation and instead concentrate on LCTRL.

One important note - the library only handles register numbers over 255. Anything in the range 0-255 is reserved for the VM and plugins.


Previously YSI would introduce new function types with new keywords such as hook, timer, global, etc. But this causes issues with the compiler specifically if it too adds new features with the same keywords, and other libraries more generally as they can have macros or variables with the same name as well. Most of these functions aren't even really worthy of a new language feature (which is what a keyword would be for). A lower tier of introduction is the tags used by libraries such as y_commands (YCMD:), but this too is wrong - they aren't tags they function modifiers msquerading as tags. So we need something that doesn't look like another language feature (keywords and tags), isn't likely to conflict with future updates, yet still indicates the special status and processing of the function. Fortunately, other languages have already solved this in the form of decorators (also know as "annotations").

A decorator appears next to a function to indicate that it does something special, but can be defined by libraries not just the compiler. They have a variety of syntaxes, but the one settled on for pawn is @name(optional, parameters). Because of compiler limitations these have to go on the same line as the function (unlike like in most languages). So the code to declare a new LCTRL handler becomes:

@lctrl(300) Handler()

@lctrl is the LCTRL declaration decorator; 300 is the number of register being defined; and Handler is the name of the processing function - it isn't used here but must exist to be a valid function definition.

The definition for the decorator is:

#define @lctrl(%0)%1(%2) @y_L%0(); @y_L%0() { return %1(0, 0); } %1(%2)

%0 is the number of the control register; %1 is the function name; and %2 are the names of the parameters passed to the processing function, of which there are always two - pri and alt for the respective registers.

@y_L is a standard YSI function prefix. The leading @ makes the function public, the y is just because YSI, the _ is to separate parts, and the L is a unique identifier for this feature (in fact the uniqueness is both that letter and the order of y/_/L). The prefix is both highly unique, being unlikely to conflict with anything else (if someone else adopts this technique, please use another letter besides y), and exactly four letters long. This makes searching for functions that start with this sequence in the AMX header very quick and easy as four bytes are one cell, so the prefix can be scanned for using simple numeric comparisons instead of complex string comparisons (made more complicated by strings in the AMX header being partially reversed).

The public function defines the register number by its name (thus defines will not work in the decorator) and calls the implementing function (the handler). At this stage only dummy data (0, 0) is given for pri and alt, the call merely exists to be found and manipulated later. The value from the handler function %1 is returned from the public function to ensure that the compiler enforces users return a value. LCTRL handlers must by definition return something, because they are Load ConTRoL register functions. Adding return here will give a warning if the handler function doesn't also contain return. SCTRL shouldn't return a value and so it discards any returned values and doesn't require the handler to contain return:

#define @sctrl(%0)%1(%2) @y_S%0(); @y_S%0() { %1(0, 0); } %1(%2)


#define @y_L%0\32; @y_L

This is just a standard space consuming macro. It matches @y_L (the function prefix) on its own. A macro called A will not match AA, similarly this macro called @y_L will not match @y_LHandler. %0\32; then matches anything up to the next space (\32 being the decimal code for the space character) and deletes it. The space should be the very next character, but the %0 is always required because of compiler limitations. The net result is that this macro turns @y_L Handler (with a space) in to @y_LHandler (without one). This technique is again seen all over YSI and is the reason why many macros work regardless of spacing.

static stock

#define CALL@CTRL_LCTRLStub%8() CTRL_LCTRLStub%8()

These are both to do with addressof. addressof, from amx_assembly, returns the address in the AMX of a function (hence the name). However, because it is a compiler hack it needs to know how the function is called (but never does call it). This is done by a macro starting CALL@, then the name of the function being called - in this case CTRL_LCTRLStub. CTRL_LCTRLStub takes no parameters, so the result of the macro is the empty call CTRL_LCTRLStub().

Because the return of addressof is then modified (to be relative to the server base address instead of the AMX base address) the result is cached in YSI_g_sLCTRLStubAddress.


OnCodeInit is called when the script is first loaded. This could be OnFilterScriptInit, OnGameModeInit, OnNPCModeInit, or OnJITInit (currently), and is called before the main initialisation code is run in OnScriptInit. Because YSI itself uses this callback to set some things up many features such as hook and inline do not work yet within this callback.

YSI_g_sBaseRelocation = -DisasmReloc(0);
YSI_g_sLCTRLStubAddress = addressof (CTRL_LCTRLStub) + 4 + YSI_g_sBaseRelocation;

This is where the address of CTRL_LCTRLStub is looked up (what this function does will be explained later). DisasmReloc is normally used when analysing code to convert the server absolute addresses found the assembly after the script loads back to the script absolute addresses found in the AMX stored on disk (the VM relocates all jumps on script load). Here it is slightly abused by getting the script address of the server address naught and negating it to be able to perform the same relocations as the VM does.

addressof gets the address of the start of the function (in the AMX), + 4 skips over the first instruction (usually PROC, and definitely PROC for this function), and + YSI_g_sBaseRelocation performs the previously mentioned relocation to get the real address in the server of the function, rather than the logical address in the script.

Code Scanner

A code scanner scans code. It is a way to search through the compiled running code for specific patterns of assembly, with basic wildcards. The scanner to detect an unknown function called with no parameters would be:

	OP(PUSH_C, 0)
	OP(CALL, ???)

The syntax is entirely custom. Note the lack of commas between the OPs, the use of ??? for an unknown operand, and the essential use of separate lines for each opcode, the _ instead of . in the opcode name, and the use of all upper-case letters for the opcode. These are all essential parts of the syntax, it is sadly not very flexible.

While a matcher as seen above looks for one single pattern, a scanner often consists of multiple matchers. These might look for subtle variations on the same compiled code, different sections of the same long code, or as here entirely independent bits of code. One or more matchers are added to a scanner, then the scanner is run; looping through the entire compiled assembly and carefully comparing each address to all the matchers. Once code matching a given pattern is found the callback for that matcher is found. The scanner also tracks stack sizes through PUSH/POPs, CALLs, JUMPs, and more; and this additional data is also provided to the match callback.

The scanner here only needs to find single LCTRLs and single SCTRLs so there are just two matchers. It also matches all LCTRLs and SCTRLs regardless of the value of their parameter, so this is left as a wildcard (???):

new scanner[CodeScanner];

new lctrl[CodeScanMatcher];
CodeScanMatcherInit(lctrl, &CTRL_FoundLCTRL);
	OP(LCTRL, ???)
CodeScanAddMatcher(scanner, lctrl);


&CTRL_FoundLCTRL is optional syntax for addressof (CTRL_FoundLCTRL) when the type of the function is known in advance, and when the receiving function (CodeScanMatcherInit) enables the syntax. This is why #define CALL@CTRL_FoundLCTRL%8() CTRL_FoundLCTRL%8(something) isn't needed.

CodeScanInit declares the overall scanner. CodeScanMatcherInit declares a single pattern. CodeScanMatcherPattern defines the pattern for the matcher. CodeScanAddMatcher adds the matcher to the scanner. CodeScanRun runs the scanner, and thus all the added matchers.

When an LCTRL is found the function CTRL_FoundLCTRL is called, and is passed information relating to the location of the opcode, its parameters, the stack, and more. But this will come.


This is where we start exploiting the earlier mention of the fact that @y_L is exactly four bytes, so one cell. AMX_GetPublicPointerPrefix returns a Pointer to a Public function, filtering only for those that start with a given Prefix. AMX_GetPublicPrefix would return the name and AMX_GetPublicEntryPrefix would return the address in the AMX header of the public function information table. There are also Get functions for Tags, PubVars, and Natives. The loop works by starting at public table index 0 (in idx) and each iteration returns the next index to check. Once there are no more publics to check the value returned is 0 again and the loop ends.

So idx is the next public index to check, addr is the address returned when there is a match, and _A<@y_L> is the prefix to scan for, but how is it? _A<> is a macro similar to _H<> or _I<> from y_stringhash, or _C<> also from y_amx, which converts a string to a number at compile-time. This is equivalent to doing:

new prefix = ('@' << 0) | ('y' << 8) ('_' << 16) ('L' << 24);

But much simpler, and without needing to remember the endianness of the string. _C<> is the same, but for the opposite endianness - _A<> produces C strings, _C<> produces packed pawn strings (it's A for AMX as opposed to C for C if that rightfully seems confusing). These two macros are also carefully tuned for exactly this use-case - @, _, and y, the three characters in every single prefix in YSI, are given the highest priority in pre-processor macro matches to reduce the size of intermediate code. The end-result in the AMX is a single number, thanks to the way the compiler shrinks tags and does basic maths at compile-time; though the interim stages can be quite large. For example:

new prefix = (_:he:@E_:(_:he:@E_:@E@:(_:he:(_:he:@E_:@E@:@Ey:@EA:@EB:@EC:@ED:@EE:@EF:@EG:@EH:@EI:@EJ:@EK:(_:0)|76<<0+8+8+8)|95<<0+8+8)|121<<0+8)|64<<0);


new prefix = 1281325376;

This number, stored as little-endian, becomes identical to the C string @y_L. And because it is a number not a string, faster comparisons can be used when looping through the header to determine if the start of a function name matches it.

Once each public function is found, the pointer to the function is passed on to another function which does some code rewriting within it:

	idx = 0,
while ((idx = AMX_GetPublicPointerPrefix(idx, addr, _A<@y_L>)))

It is important that finding these publics is done after the code scanning. Well, actually it isn't... y_hooks uses some very similar code to search for functions starting with @yH_ to list all the hooks for specific callbacks. In both cases the public functions aren't actually "used". The special prefix is only used in OnCodeInit, as mentioned above, to find these defined functions and they are only public to enable this. Normal functions aren't named, the compiler removes that information because a computer doesn't need it, it just calls things by address alone. This scanning functionality needs the name so needs a function type that keeps its name - i.e. public functions, those already called by name through the VM. This is why features like SetTimer and CallLocalFunction can work using a string. Despite needing the name for this initialisation, the special functions here and in y_hooks are never normally called by name; only their addresses are used in code generation. Thus y_hooks actually removes the functions from the header once it has finished initialisation (see Hooks_InvalidateName and Hooks_SortPublics) to speed up lookups for real public functions later on. y_ctrl could do the same thing, but currently doesn't. If it did this replacement would have to be after the code generation to ensure the code generation worked.


The code handlers have the signature:

Handler(pri, alt)

And LCTRL handlers return a value that should be stored in pri. Calling a function involves pusing the parameters, pushing the byte size of the parameters, calling the function, then saving the result. LCTRL also needs to ensure that alt is the same before and after the call. This means calling a handler looks something like this:

PUSH.alt           ; Save a copy of `alt`.
PUSH.alt           ; Pass `alt` as a parameter to the function.
PUSH.pri           ; Pass `pri` as a parameter to the function.
PUSH.C     8       ; Push the size of the parameters.
CALL       Handler ; Call the handler.
; After the function, execution returns to here.
POP.alt            ; Restore the copy of `alt`.
; Now do something with the return value in `pri`.

That should be nice and easy, but isn't. The problem is that we scan the code for LCTRL ??? and replace that single opcode with a call to the handler. There's no space for any more code to be inserted without moving a lot of other code around. Eight cells of code isn't going to fix in two cells of space - we need a trampoline.

A trampoline is a short simple function that calls a more complex one, or otherwise redirects code execution. The LCTRL ??? is replaced by CALL Trampoline, and that code handles pushing parameters and sizes, calling the handler, and restoring alt. Normally a function with no parameters would be called as:

PUSH.C     0       ; Push the size of the parameters.
CALL       Func    ; Call the function.

But there isn't even space to put the PUSH.C 0, so the trampoline needs to be written carefully to be aware of the fact that it was called incorrectly. RETN (the assembly version of return) expects the size of the parameters to have been pushed, and without that will just see rubbish as the parameter count and corrupt the stack. So the trampoline must modify its own frame (the part of the stack with the current function's parameters) to re-insert the parameter size. With all that extra effort the obvious question is "Why not use JUMP instead of CALL?" JUMP doesn't need parameters or counts, and is only two cells. The reason is:

; After the function, execution returns to here.

JUMP just goes somewhere else, it can't return to where it was called from. CALL saves the return address for RETN to go back to later. The other option would be to not use RETN at the end of the trampoline, and instead restore the calling function's frame pointer and jump to the return address manually (this time using JUMP, or more likely SCTRL 6). This avoids the parameter count problem, but causes many more issues with keeping pri and alt correct - you can't invoke SCTRL 6 AND maintain the return value, they both need pri.

Short CALL Stack

The original plan was to replace the @y_L public function's code with a trampoline specific to that one handler, but there was too much code to fit in (if someone can do it, please let me know). Although the basic call is only eight cells, the trampoline with its stack modifications is slightly longer and doesn't fit in the space afforded by that short function call at -O1 -d0. Another option is to just insert more dummy code in to the public to make it slightly longer and provide some more code generation space. However, the method opted for was to replace the LCTRL with a CALL to a trampoline function replacing the original public, and in there push a pointer to the final handler then JUMP to the full trampoline code (thus only requiring one instance of that code). The jump address is the modified one obtained earlier. Thus the code within the public becomes nothing more than:

PUSH.C     handlerAddress
JUMP       YSI_g_sLCTRLStubAddress

CALL pushes the return address, this code pushes the target address, so the state of the stack by the time the trampoline is called looks like:

Frame offset Contents
??? Return Address
??? - 4 Handler Address

A function normally starts with PROC, which updates the frame pointer. It hasn't yet been called, so the offsets are still unknown. Normally before PROC the stack would look like:

Frame offset Contents
??? + N Parameters
??? Parameter Size
??? - 4 Return Address

And after PROC saving the previous frame address and updating to the new one:

Frame offset Contents
12+ Parameters
8 Parameter Size
4 Return Address
0 Previous Frame

So this is the target. The handler address is a parameter to the function, as are both pri and alt.

Trampoline Code

As explained above the jump skips the PROC at the start of the function so the first instructions continue operating in the previous function's stack frame:

// The call to this function skips the `PROC` - we don't want it.

Push more "parameters" to the function, i.e. save pri and alt for later:

// Save `pri` and `alt.
#emit PUSH.alt
#emit PUSH.pri

The stack now looks like:

Frame offset Contents
??? Return Address
??? - 4 Handler Address
??? - 8 alt
??? - 12 pri

These are treated as the parameters to the function and now the standard entry can be done. First the parameter size is pushed (16). Then normally CALL would happen to push the return address but we already have the return address from a CALL earlier so push a placeholder. Then correctly start the function with PROC:

// We can finally "enter" the function.
#emit PUSH.C           16
#emit PUSH.pri
#emit PROC

PROC updates the frame pointer, so the stack is now:

Frame offset Contents
24 Return Address
20 Handler Address
16 alt
12 pri
8 Parameter Size (16)
4 Placeholder Return
0 Previous Frame

Calling RETN at this point will fail because although we have the return address stored, it is in the wrong place, so fix that and replace the "Placeholder Return" (address +4) with the real return (address +24):

// Get the return address.
#emit LOAD.S.pri       24
#emit STOR.S.pri       4

At this point the trampoline's stack is correct and the function is fully entered. We have succeeded in calling a function with just two cells of space. The next job is to call the handler stored in "Handler Address" (address +20). This will be called more correctly, so first push the parameters and size to that function. This pushes the saved copies of pri and alt from the trampoline's parameters. PUSH.alt and PUSH.pri won't work any more as too much other code has been done in the interim and has changed their values. The values of pri and alt passed in need to be the values they had before the original LCTRL ??? instruction:

// Push the `pri` and `alt` parameters.
#emit PUSH.S           16
#emit PUSH.S           12
#emit PUSH.C           8

Now call the function by pointer. CALL won't work as that takes a constant so the functionality of CALL is replicated - pushing the return address and then updating the current instruction pointer (the CIP). CALL, JUMP, and other instructions work by modifying CIP, which means when the next instruction is read it is read from a totally different location. CIP can also be written to directly, ironically using SCTRL 6. So the moment SCTRL 6 finishes the next instruction will be somewhere else entirely (the code scanner library is aware of this trick and treats it the same as CALL). But before that the return address needs to be pushed, and needs to be the address of the instruction immediately following the SCTRL 6:

#emit LCTRL            6
#emit ADD.C            36
#emit LCTRL            8

LCTRL 6 gets the value of CIP (technically the value of CIP at the END of that instruction, so really a pointer to the ADD.C 36 instruction). There are nine cells, thirty-six bytes, between the end of the LCTRL 6 instruction and the end of the SCTRL 6 instruction, so that is the modification needed to be made. Then LCTRL 8 is called, but didn't we earlier say there were only seven control registers, numbered 0 to 6? What is this one? LCTRL 8 is a register in the JIT plugin that takes a pawn code address and translates it to a JIT code address. If the code is running under the JIT plugin this step is essential to correct the return address. If the code isn't running in the JIT plugin this step does nothing at all. The standard pawn VM doesn't know the control register 8, so just instantly returns without altering pri or alt. As also mentioned earlier y_ctrl doesn't modify registers from 0-255, this is another example of why.

Finally the return address is pushed as would be done automatically by CALL, the target handler function's address is loaded from parameter 20, and execution jumps to that point:

#emit PUSH.pri
#emit LOAD.S.pri       20
#emit SCTRL            6

Once the handler returns (the handler is just a normal function in this respect) is the only place where the code in CTRL_SCTRLStub and CTRL_LCTRLStub differ. CTRL_LCTRLStub needs to restore only alt to its previous value (stored earlier in its parameters), then return:

// We return to here, from which cleanup is easy.
#emit LOAD.S.alt       16
#emit RETN

CTRL_SCTRLStub needs to restore both pri and alt, then return:

// We return to here, from which cleanup is easy.
#emit LOAD.S.alt       16
#emit LOAD.S.pri       12
#emit RETN

Because by the point the frame has been repaired, the RETN here behaves correctly, removes all the parameters from the stack, reverts the frame pointer to the previous one, and returns execution to the original call point.

Writing The Public

Thus far we have scanned the code for LCTRL ???s and SCTRL ???s, looped over the public functions, and shown the code from the trampolines (aka the *stub8 functions), but none of these things have actually been linked together. While as said before the public function should be:

PUSH.C     handlerAddress
JUMP       YSI_g_sLCTRLStubAddress

It currently isn't, it is still just the default code generated by the compiler (i.e. return %1(0, 0); ). The AMX_GetPublicPointerPrefix loops calls a function called CTRL_WriteLCTRLStub, which is where this rewriting happens.

Getting handlerAddress

The first half of CTRL_WriteLCTRLStub looks for the address of the handler function to jump to. Since the code in the public by default is just return handler(0, 0); this address is found by looping through all the instructions in the function until a CALL opcode is found, using the library from amx_assembly.

// Find the call target.
DisasmInit(dctx, addr);

First a disassembly context is declared. This just stores things like the current address being read and the parameters to the last read opcode. handlerAddress will store the handler function address, dctx is short for disassembly context, and the initialisation function DisasmInit takes both the context and the address of the current public function found by AMX_GetPublicEntryPrefix and passed in as a parameter. This means that the code will start disassembling (similar to decompiling but not) the public function found earlier.

The code loops over instructions as long as there are instructions left. This checks the current address is within the COD segment (the part of the AMX with all the code), if it is it reads the current instuction and parameters, advances the pointer for the next call, and returns true. While this would continue the loop until the entire COD segment has been read, the break later ends the loop early:

while (DisasmNext(dctx))

Look for the first CALL instruction:

if (DisasmGetOpcode(dctx) == OP_CALL)

If a CALL was found, get the parameter, store it in handlerAddress, and end the loop:

// Search the function for a call to the implementation.
handlerAddress = DisasmGetOperandReloc(dctx);
break; has DisasmGetOperand and DisasmGetOperandReloc. CALL is one of the instructions mentioned earlier whose parameters (operaands) are relocated by the VM when the mode starts. The function address is changed from an AMX address to a server address. We need the original AMX address because that's what SCTRL 6 takes, so the operand is loaded and relocated, hence calling DisasmGetOperandReloc instead.

Writing The Code

The second half of CTRL_WriteLCTRLStub overwrites the code currently in the public function (which isn't really public anymore, just some handy spare space to put new code in). This writing is done by, which provides functions to write instructions anywhere in the AMX. Because of VM protections, only instructions written within the COD segment will be run, which is why the old code in the public is being replaced. A function to write an opcode somewhere looks like:

AsmEmitAddC(ctx, 4);

Which will generate:

ADD.C      4

Place it at the current pointer in ctx, and advance the pointer by eight bytes (two cells).

That code can become cumbersome, so to mirror #emit (and now __emit) there are macros provided by the library to wrap these function calls using @emit. That function call can be written as:

@emit ADD.C            4

Notice that because ctx is not specified in the @emit macro but is a parameter to the underlying function, the context must ALWAYS be called ctx when using these macros. Multiple styles are also supported, so ADD.C, add.c, ADD.c, etc. are all suppported (just like with #emit).

Of course, to write to ctx we must first declare and initialise it:

AsmInitPtr(ctx, addr + AMX_HEADER_COD, 32);

addr was the parameter passed earlier; however, addr is an address in the COD segment, while AsmInitPtr takes an address in the DAT segment (the part of the AMX with all the global variables). We can still write in to the COD segment, but only by modifying the pointer to be an offset in the DAT segment so large it ends up going in to the other segment. Hence + AMX_HEADER_COD. 32 is just the size of the area in bytes that we will write to.

The code is replacing a function called @y_L300 (for example) with tiny stub code that isn't a valid function. While unlikely, someone could try and call this function directly via @y_L300(); or CallLocalFunction etc. So the first few instructions generate a tiny but valid function at the exact start address of the existing function (this code actually replaces PROC with PROC). This tiny function calls the trampoline in exactly the same way as the code replacing LCTRL ??? will:

// Write a function in case someone tries to call this public normally.
@emit PROC
@emit CALL.abs         addr + 16
@emit RETN

Anyone for some reason calling the function will now hit this and still get the result.

Now we can finally write the trampoline:

// Push the implementation address and jump to the common register preserving
// stub, so that `pri` and `alt` aren't clobbered (skipping `PROC`).
@emit PUSH.C           handlerAddress
@emit JUMP             YSI_g_sLCTRLStubAddress

Which is exactly the assembly mentioned above!

Replacing LCTRL ???

Having set everything else up and explained all the trampoline code, we can finally return to the CTRL_FoundLCTRL function found when the code scan matcher finds an instance of LCTRL ???. You will recall the matcher is set up as:

CodeScanMatcherInit(lctrl, &CTRL_FoundLCTRL);
	OP(LCTRL, ???)

CodeScanMatcherInit can use & to get the address of any function whose signature is:

MatcherFunction(const scanner[CodeScanner])

Note: Plus optional meta-data not used here.

Every time an LCTRL opcode with any operand is found this function is called:

static stock CTRL_FoundLCTRL(const scanner[CodeScanner])

The scanner variable holds information about which scanner was being run, where in the code the match started, the values of wildcards, and more. Since we need to know which LCTRL ??? this is we get the value of the first wildcard (hole), and ignore it if it is 0 <= operand <= 255:

new reg = CodeScanGetMatchHole(scanner, 0);
if (0 <= reg <= 255)
	// Reserved registers (VM and plugins).  Do nothing.

As in CTRL_WriteLCTRLStub we create an context to write code to the location of the match (again adjusting for DAT -> COD), with enough space to write two cells:

AsmInitPtr(ctx, CodeScanGetMatchAddress(scanner) + AMX_HEADER_COD, 8);

The public function that was replaced above with some of the trampoline code is what this LCTRL ??? must be replaced with a call to. So first find the pointer to it. This uses AMX_GetPublicPointer, which takes a full string name, not AMX_GetPublicPointerPrefix which is more useful for looping over many similar functions. This time we want an exact match. The function still returns a non-zero index if there is a match so this can be tested to ensure there was a function with the exact given name:

First construct the name, as @y_L followed by the control register number:

format(name, sizeof (name), "@y_L%d", reg);

Then search for a function with this exact name:

AMX_GetPublicPointer(0, ptr, name);

Remember earlier when the code contained LCTRL 8 to translate addresses if the JIT plugin was in use? This demonstrates a fundamental part of control registers - they are optional. If control register 8 doesn't exist, nothing happens. There is no compile-time error, there is no run-time crash. pri and alt keep exactly their previous values. The crashdetect plugin include uses this exact feature to detect the presense of the plugin. It sets pri to some invalid value first then calls LCTRL 255. If pri is 0 or 1 the plugin exists and changed pri, if it is still the invalid value there was no handler for the register.

This is what this if check determines. Is there a handler registered anywhere to deal with this number of control register? If there is, insert the CALL code discussed before. If there isn't the result should be the same as the input, and the simplest way to do that is to just remove the load entirely:

if (AMX_GetPublicPointer(0, ptr, name))
	@emit CALL.abs         ptr + 16
	@emit NOP
	@emit NOP

The ptr + 16 skips over the first four cells of the public function, which is where the tiny fallback handler was inserted in case someone decided to call the function directly for some reason.


That is it! This code:

  • Scans the entire assembly for LCTRL ??? instructions.
  • Extracts the value of the register.
  • Looks up a handler for that register.
  • If the handler is found, replaces the entire instruction with a partially invalid call to a trampoline.
  • Searches again for all registered handlers and replaces them with said trampoline.
  • That trampoline pushes the address of the true handler function and calls another trampoline (because of code size limitations).
  • This second common trampoline fixes the stack from the partially invalid calls.
  • It also saves the values of pri and alt to be restored after the handler completes.
  • And finally calls the handler.

At this point the execution is in normal pawn code and the handler can do anything:

#include <YSI_Coding\y_ctrl>

@lctrl(2022) Handler(pri, alt)
	printf("Our control register has been called!");
	new year;
	if (year == pri)
		printf("Yes, we are in %d.", pri);
		return 1;
	printf("No, we are in %d.", year);
	return 0;

	// Check if the year is 2022.
	new is2022 = 0;
	#emit CONST.pri        2022
	#emit LCTRL            2022
	#emit STOR.S.pri       is2022
	if (is2022 == 2022)
		// `pri` was still `2022` after being set by `CONST.pri`, therefore
		// the handler wasn't called and so doesn't exist.
		print("The handler can't return `2022`, so it doesn't exist.");
		print(is2022 ? ("Yes") : ("No"));

And remember - all this code is doubled, once for LCTRL and once for SCTRL.