Releases: paulcwarren/spring-content
Version 1.2.2
Issues Closed
- Blob storage Azure 504
- AfterSetContentEvent's source have been updated ,but repoInvoker'invokeSave still save the stale domainObj 373
PRs Merged
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.4.3 to 2.4.4 510
- Bump pdfbox-tools from 2.0.22 to 2.0.23 509
- When versioning, optimisticly lock setContent (with resource) invocations 508
- Bump mockito-core from 3.7.0 to 3.8.0 507
- Bump azure-storage-file-share from 12.1.0 to 12.8.0 506
- Initial support for Azure storage 505
- Don't double close resource outputstreams 502
- Resource argument resolver now uses root resource information resolver for fetching entity 501
- Bump mockito-core from 3.7.7 to 3.8.0 500
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.4.2 to 2.4.3 499
- BlobIdConverter shouldn't handle Objects, just Serializables 498
- Initial support for GCS Storage 485
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulegcs
for the Spring Content GCS Moduleazure-storage
for Spring Content Azure Storage Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Module -
for Spring Content REST Module -
for Spring Content CMIS Module -
for the Spring Content Solr Module -
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Moduleand:-
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Paul Warren
Fixed issue Page information when use Searchable 470 caused backward incompatible changes to the Searchable interface.
Usually, I try hard not to make breaking changes. In this case I decided it was better to make this change and fix the issue properly especially considering that this only breaks applications implemented directly against the Searchable API. Most users consume search through the REST API and will be unaffected. But apologies to anyone who does get broken.
Issues Closed
- S3StoreConfigurer vs. deprecated S3ObjectIdResolver 495
- StoreRestController performs too many queries 490
- Not needed AWS dependencies included to project 488
- Page information when use Searchable 470
PRs Merged
- Add a default implementation of configureS3ObjectIdResolvers 497
- Refactor store rest controller to optimize database access 494
- Initial support for GCS Storage 485
- Update gcs docs 491
- Replace aws-java-sdk with aws-java-sdk-s3 489
- Update tests to prove findAllVersionsLatest doesnt return working copies 472
- Searchable API uses Page 482
- Bump spring-cloud-dependencies from Hoxton.SR9 to Hoxton.SR10 496
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-storage from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 493
- Bump spring-cloud-gcp-core from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 492
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.944 487
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.943 486
- Bump ginkgo4j from 1.0.12 to 1.0.13 484
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.942 483
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.941 481
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.940 480
- Bump poi-ooxml from 4.1.2 to 5.0.0 479
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.939 478
- Bump mockito-core from 3.7.0 to 3.7.7 477
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.4.1 to 2.4.2 476
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.938 475
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.937 474
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.936 473
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.935 471
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.934 469
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Module -
for Spring Content REST Module -
for Spring Content CMIS Module -
for the Spring Content Solr Module -
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Moduleand:-
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Paul Warren
- Bump to Spring Content 2.4.x
PRs Merged
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.921 445
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.920 444
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.919 443
- Bump docx4j-export-fo from 8.2.4 to 8.2.7 442
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1 441
- Bump docx4j-core from 8.2.4 to 8.2.7 440
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.918 439
- Bump docx4j-JAXB-ReferenceImpl from 8.2.4 to 8.2.7 438
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.917 437
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.916 436
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.915 435
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.914 434
- Bump docx4j-core from 8.2.4 to 8.2.6 433
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.913 432
- Bump docx4j-export-fo from 8.2.4 to 8.2.6 431
- Bump docx4j-JAXB-ReferenceImpl from 8.2.4 to 8.2.6 430
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.912 429
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.911 428
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.908 427
- Bump mockito-core from 3.6.0 to 3.6.28 426
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.907 425
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.905 to 1.11.906 424
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.3.4.RELEASE to 2.4.0 418
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Module -
for Spring Content REST Module -
for Spring Content CMIS Module -
for the Spring Content Solr Module -
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Moduleand:-
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Issues Fixed
- #412 When negotiating content for wildcard requests prefer original content over renditions
- #373 Mongo storage factory bean initializes locking and versioning for its storage when available
- #386 RestAutoConfiguration defaults fully-qualified links to false
- Ensure String and UUID based content properties use the right property resolver
Other commits
- Simplify how exported methods are calculated
- Consolidate filesystem, mongo and s3 store implementations
- Refactor Stores to lazily fetch stores beans from the application context
- Refactor onto new SimpleStorageProtocolResolver API in Hoxton SR9
- Bump to Spring Boot 2.3.6
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.874 to 1.11.905
- Bump spring-cloud-dependencies from Hoxton.SR8 to Hoxton.SR9
- Bump powermock.version from 2.0.7 to 2.0.9
- Bump docx4j-export-fo from 8.2.3 to 8.2.4
- Bump docx4j-JAXB-ReferenceImpl from 8.2.3 to 8.2.4
- Bump docx4j-core from 8.2.3 to 8.2.4
- Bump mockito-core from 3.5.13 to 3.6.0
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Module -
for the Spring Content S3 Module -
for the Spring Content JPA Module -
for the Spring Content Mongo ModuleAdditional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Module -
for Spring Content REST Module -
for Spring Content CMIS Module -
for the Spring Content Solr Module -
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Moduleand:-
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Version 1.1.0.M4
New Features
- Solr indexer now stores the entity id when available
- ContentSearchRestController now uses entity_id attribute (when available) to fetch entities
- After a fulltext search batch entity fetching when necessary
- Add support for custom search result types to REST API
- Add support for custom search result types
- Add support for Resource(export=false)
- Implement hasRendition API
Issues Fixed
- n/a
Other commits
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.845 to 1.11.874
- Bump hibernate-jpa-2.1-api from 1.0.0.Final to 1.0.2
- Bump mockito-core from 3.5.10 to 3.5.13
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.3.3.RELEASE to 2.3.4.RELEASE
- Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.5 to 0.8.6
- Bump asciidoctor-maven-plugin from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0
- Bump commons-io from 2.7 to 2.8.0
- Bump docx4j-export-fo from 8.2.2 to 8.2.3
- Bump docx4j-JAXB-ReferenceImpl from 8.2.2 to 8.2.3
- Bump docx4j-core from 8.2.2 to 8.2.3
- Bump mockito-core from 3.5.7 to 3.5.10
- Bump spring-cloud-dependencies from Hoxton.SR7 to Hoxton.SR8
- Bump mockito-core from 3.5.2 to 3.5.7
- Bump docx4j-core from 8.2.1 to 8.2.2
- Bump docx4j-export-fo from 8.2.1 to 8.2.2
- Bump docx4j-JAXB-ReferenceImpl from 8.2.1 to 8.2.2
- Bump pdfbox-tools from 2.0.20 to 2.0.21
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.838 to 1.11.845
- Bump mockito-core from 3.5.0 to 3.5.2
- Bump mockito-core from 3.4.6 to 3.5.0
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.3.2.RELEASE to 2.3.3.RELEASE
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.836 to 1.11.838
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Module -
for the Spring Content S3 Module -
for the Spring Content JPA Module -
for the Spring Content Mongo ModuleAdditional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Module -
for Spring Content REST Module -
for Spring Content CMIS Module -
for the Spring Content Solr Module -
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Moduleand:-
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Version 1.1.0.M3
Backward incompatible changes
Make fully-qualified links are now the default links behavior
With this release Spring Content REST now produces fully-qualified links for content associated with an entity, rather than shortcut links. User found prior behavior confusing. Linkrels and links were difficult to differentiate from entity linkrels and links. Links will now be fully-qualified URIs to the content property and their owning linkrel will be named after the content property name, as the follows examples shows:
Given the following entity:
public class Dvd {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
private UUID contentId;
private Long contentLength;
private String mimeType;
Spring Content REST will generate the following fully-qualified linkrel/link:
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"dvd" : {
"content" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/dvds/1/content"
If you have client's that follow linkrels to content you may configure your application to behave as it has done in prior to releases by setting the property
. However, this functionality is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Issues Fixed
- 272; JPA data source connection leak #
- 258; InputStream has bean copy too many times in main memery
- 252; Failed to covert StoreFragments type
Other commits
Clarify StoreResolver docs
Update build badge to show build status of the default branch
Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.811 to 1.11.836
Bump mockito-core from 3.3.3 to 3.4.6
Bump spring-cloud-dependencies from Hoxton.SR6 to Hoxton.SR7
Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.3.1.RELEASE to 2.3.2.RELEASE
Bump commons-text from 1.8 to 1.9
Bump docx4j-export-fo from 8.2.0 to 8.2.1
Bump docx4j-core from 8.2.0 to 8.2.1
Bump docx4j-JAXB-ReferenceImpl from 8.2.0 to 8.2.1
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Module -
for the Spring Content S3 Module -
for the Spring Content JPA Module -
for the Spring Content Mongo ModuleAdditional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Module -
for Spring Content REST Module -
for Spring Content CMIS Module -
for the Spring Content Solr Module -
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Moduleand:-
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Version 1.1.0.M2
Issues Fixed
- #251 - Unable to save attachments when using filesystem that is backed by Azure-File storage class
- #235 - I can't disable spring-content-elasticsearch when I only needs spring-data-elasticsearch
- #230 - should annotated with @AutoConfigureAfter(
- #226 - auto config docx4j'RenditionProvider when spring-content-docx4j on classpath
- #222 - searchContent/findKeyword Cause java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: wrong number of arguments
- #201 - Ability to connect to multiple instances of content stores within the same application
Other commits
- Use Files.createFile rather than FileUtils.touch
- Make sure the fulltext search curl examples include the required header
- Merge branch 'dependabot/maven/1.1.x/org.docx4j-docx4j-export-fo-8.2.0' into 1.1.x
- Add missing docx4j 8.2 libraries
- Only try and configure renditions if it is on the classpath
- Add reference for spring content renditions and spring-content-docx4j
- Move JpegToPngRenderer from docx4j to renditions
- When spring-content-docx4j is on the classpath import its renderers
- Add a configuration that can be imported by applications to enable the docx4j renderers
- Ensure all rendition providers are components
- Correct fulltext search documentation
- Ensure spring content elasticsearch auto configuration executes after spring boots
- Dont autoconfigure elasticsearch integration unless spring-content-elasticsearch is actually on the classpath
- Set mime-type and original file name before setting content
- Add documentation for configuring a StoreResolver
- Add documentation for the new s3 multi-tenant configuration feature
- Add multi-tenant support to the s3 store factory bean
- Simplify the multi-tenant configuration
- Initial implementation of a current tenant id resolver and amazon s3 client provider
- Refactor DefaultS3StoreImpl tests
- StoreResolver tests
- Additional tests for StoreResolver
- Add StoreResolver to resolve conflicts to a single store
- Add mongo unit tests back in after refactor
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.764 to 1.11.811
- Bump asciidoctor-maven-plugin from 1.6.0 to 2.0.0
- Bump spring-cloud-dependencies from Hoxton.SR5 to Hoxton.SR6
- Bump pdfbox-tools from 2.0.19 to 2.0.20
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.3.0.RELEASE to 2.3.1.RELEASE
- Bump docx4j-export-fo from 6.1.0 to 8.2.0
- Bump spring-cloud-dependencies from Hoxton.SR4 to Hoxton.SR5
- Bump commons-io from 2.6 to 2.7
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Modulerest
for Spring Content REST Modulecmis
for Spring Content CMIS Modulesolr
for the Spring Content Solr Moduleelasticsearch
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Module
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Version 1.1.0.M1
- Refactor ContentStoreService to Stores
- Rework the filesystem module section on accessing content to make it read better
- When fully-qualified links are enabled AND a path is specified for the StoreRestResource SDR should return content
- Add documentation of multi-module support
- Remove unused RenditionServiceImpl (and test)
- Ensure @EnableElasticsearchFulltextIndexing annotation doesn't cause BeanDefinitionOverrideException when used in conjunction with the autoconfiguration
And dependency version bumps, as follows:
- Bump to Spring Boot 2.3.0
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.2.6.RELEASE to 2.2.7.RELEASE
- Bump spring-cloud-dependencies from Hoxton.SR3 to Hoxton.SR4
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Modulerest
for Spring Content REST Modulecmis
for Spring Content CMIS Modulesolr
for the Spring Content Solr Moduleelasticsearch
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Module
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Version 1.0.0.M10
This release includes fixes for:-
- Issue #138 Add boot starter for elasticsearch
- Issue #84 Change the signature of the LockingAndVersioningRepository.delete method to match that in CrudRepository to avoid erasure conflicts
And dependency version bumps, as follows:
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.753 to 1.11.764
- Bump poi-ooxml from 3.16 to 4.1.2
- Bump docx4j to 6.1.2
- Bump ginkgo4j from 1.0.11 to 1.0.12
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Modulerest
for Spring Content REST Modulecmis
for Spring Content CMIS Modulesolr
for the Spring Content Solr Moduleelasticsearch
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Module
for the Locking and Versioning Module
Version 1.0.0.M8
This release includes fixes for:-
- Issue #140 - ensure renderers take precedence over original content
- Issue #138 - exposed an IndexService bean for custom full-text index use cases; elastic and solr
And dependency version bumps, as follows:
- Bump powermock.version from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 (3 days ago) <dependabot-preview[bot]>
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.2.5.RELEASE to 2.2.6.RELEASE (6 days ago) <dependabot-preview[bot]>
- Bump powermock.version from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6 (11 days ago) <dependabot-preview[bot]>
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.11.740 to 1.11.753 (2 weeks ago) <dependabot-preview[bot]>
- Bump mockito-core from 3.3.0 to 3.3.3 (2 weeks ago) <dependabot-preview[bot]>
- Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.1.1 to 3.2.0 (2 weeks ago) <dependabot-preview[bot]>
The maven coordinates for this release are as follows:-
where XXX can be:-
Storage Modules
for the Spring Content Filesystem Modules3
for the Spring Content S3 Modulejpa
for the Spring Content JPA Modulemongo
for the Spring Content Mongo Module
Additional Modules
for the Spring Content Renditions Modulerest
for Spring Content REST Modulecmis
for Spring Content CMIS Modulesolr
for the Spring Content Solr Moduleelasticsearch
for the Spring Content Elasticsearch Module
for the Locking and Versioning Module