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20 lines (13 loc) · 1.28 KB

File metadata and controls

20 lines (13 loc) · 1.28 KB

Contributing to this project

Contributions to the current project should be made in the form of GitHub pull requests (PRs). Each pull request must be reviewed by repository's owner or any of the core contributors. If you need to refer to the reviewer explicitly, just type @ and reviewer's name in the comment to the PR.

IntelliJ's default Code Formatter is currently being used in this project. The corresponding config has been exported into this XML for IntelliJ users and into this one for the Eclipse users.

Commits should be small and compilable.

In order to start any contribution work, first you need to create a custom branch from the master branch. After your changes are completed, merge the master branch into yours before submitting your PR. Any conflicts will have to be resolved in order to achieve this.

If possible, add unit tests for the implemented feature or bug fix.

We follow the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.

The code in this repository is released under the Apache Software Foundation License, 2.0, and by contributing to this repository, you agree to release that contribution under that same license.