Proxyist is a web proxy which provides an object store like interface to a catalog of items which contain objects.
This adapter provides support for a local disk based backend.
See the proxyist for details on how to get proxist running. Then add this adapter.
yarn add proxyist-adapter-local
Here is a sample proxyist configuration for this adapter:
import { BadIdentifierError } from '@paradisec/proxyist-adapter-common';
export default {
directory: '/srv/proxyist/data',
transform: (identifier) => {
if (identifier.includes('/')) {
throw new BadIdentifierError('Identifer cannot contain "/"');
if (identifier.includes('-')) {
const [, item] = identifier.split('-', 2);
if (item === 'root') {
throw new BadIdentifierError('Item cannot be named "root"');
return identifier.replace(/-/, '/');
return `${identifier}/root`;
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.