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2007 lines (1389 loc) · 151 KB

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2007 lines (1389 loc) · 151 KB
  1. absinthe
  2. accounts
  3. activerecord
  4. admin
  5. android
  6. angular
  7. api
  8. api-documentation
  9. api-server
  10. apollo
  11. apollo-client
  12. apollo-ios
  13. apollo-link
  14. apollo-server
  15. apollographql
  16. apollostack-graphql-server
  17. appsync
  18. authentication
  19. automatic-api
  20. awesome
  21. awesome-list
  22. aws
  23. aws-appsync
  24. babel
  25. backend
  26. batch
  27. bleeding-edge
  28. boilerplate
  29. bootstrap
  30. browsersync
  31. chrome-extension
  32. cli
  33. client
  34. clj
  35. clojure
  36. clojurescript
  37. cms
  38. create-react-app
  39. csharp
  40. css
  41. dashboard
  42. database
  43. dataloader
  44. datomic
  45. db
  46. devtools
  47. docker
  48. documentation
  49. dotnet-core
  50. dotnetcore
  51. dynamodb
  52. elasticsearch
  53. elixir
  54. elm
  55. ember
  56. ember-addon
  57. emberjs
  58. erlang
  59. es6
  60. es7
  61. expo
  62. express
  63. express-graphql
  64. express-middleware
  65. expressjs
  66. facebook
  67. fetch
  68. firebase
  69. flow
  70. flux
  71. framework
  72. front-end
  73. frontend
  74. gatsby
  75. gem
  76. github
  77. github-api
  78. glamorous
  79. go
  80. golang
  81. gql
  82. graph-database
  83. graphcool
  84. graphene
  85. graphiql
  86. graphviz
  87. hal
  88. headless
  89. headless-cms
  90. heroku
  91. hmr
  92. hot-reloading
  93. http
  94. http-client
  95. hydra-api
  96. i18n
  97. instagram
  98. intellij
  99. ios
  100. isomorphic
  101. jasmine
  102. java
  103. javascript
  104. jest
  105. join
  106. jpa
  107. jquery
  108. js
  109. json
  110. json-ld
  111. json-schema
  112. jwt
  113. knex
  114. koa
  115. koa2
  116. kotlin
  117. lambda
  118. laravel
  119. linter
  120. list
  121. markdown
  122. medium
  123. meteor
  124. micro-framework
  125. microservice
  126. microservices
  127. mongodb
  128. mongoose
  129. mysql
  130. nextjs
  131. ngrx
  132. node
  133. node-js
  134. nodejs
  135. nodejs-framework
  136. oauth
  137. ocaml
  138. offline
  139. orm
  140. passport
  141. php
  142. postcss
  143. postgraphql
  144. postgresql
  145. preact
  146. python
  147. rails
  148. react-apollo
  149. react-native
  150. react-router
  151. react-router-v4
  152. reactjs
  153. real-time
  154. realtime
  155. redux
  156. redux-saga
  157. relay
  158. relay-modern
  159. relayjs
  160. requests
  161. resolver
  162. rest
  163. rest-api
  164. restful
  165. rethinkdb
  166. rpc
  167. ruby
  168. rust
  169. sass
  170. scala
  171. schema
  172. schema-builder
  173. seo
  174. sequelize
  175. server
  176. server-rendered
  177. server-side-rendering
  178. serverless
  179. spa
  180. spring-boot
  181. sql
  182. sqlite
  183. sqlite3
  184. ssr
  185. starter-kit
  186. styled-components
  187. subscriptions
  188. swagger
  189. swift
  190. symfony
  191. symfony-bundle
  192. testing
  193. tipe
  194. toolkit
  195. tutorial
  196. typescript
  197. universal
  198. visualization
  199. vue
  200. vuejs
  201. web
  202. webpack
  203. webpack2
  204. wordpress
  205. yeoman
  206. zeit


  1. absinthe. The GraphQL toolkit for Elixir
  2. accent. ▴ Open-source, self-hosted, developer-oriented translation tool
  3. absinthe_plug. Plug support for Absinthe, the GraphQL toolkit for Elixir
  4. apollo-phoenix-websocket. An Apollo networkInterface for executing GraphQL queries via Phoenix Channels
  5. absinthe_relay. Absinthe support for the Relay framework


  1. accounts. Fullstack authentication and accounts-management for Javascript.
  2. meteor-apollo-accounts. Meteor accounts in GraphQL


  1. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  2. graphql-query-resolver. Minimize N+1 queries generated by GraphQL and ActiveRecord


  1. crudl. CRUDL is a backend agnostic REST and GraphQL based admin interface
  2. springBoot-restful-angular. springBoot,restful,jwt,angular4 搭建的前后端分离后台管理系统
  3. crudl-example-express. CRUDL with Node/Express and MongoDB


  1. apollo-android. 📟 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for Android, written in Java
  2. CatchUp. An app for catching up on things.
  3. crate. 👕👖📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).


  1. mean. The MEAN stack uses Mongo, Express, Angular(4) and Node for simple and scalable fullstack js applications
  2. apollo-angular. Angular integration for the Apollo Client
  3. altair. ✨⚡️ A beautiful feature-rich GraphQL Client for all platforms.
  4. GitHunt-Angular. An Apollo with Angular full-stack example app: vote for your favorite GitHub repos!
  5. apollo-storybook-decorator. Wrap your React Storybook stories with Apollo Client, provide mocks for isolated UI testing with GraphQL
  6. angular-fullstack-graphql. 🚀 Starter projects for fullstack applications based on Angular & GraphQL.


  1. up. Deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, apis, and sites in seconds to AWS.
  2. strapi. 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  3. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  4. graphql-php. A PHP port of GraphQL reference implementation
  5. absinthe. The GraphQL toolkit for Elixir
  6. graphql-dotnet. GraphQL for .NET
  7. nodejs-api-starter. Boilerplate and tooling for authoring data API backends with Node.js and GraphQL
  8. sangria. Scala GraphQL implementation
  9. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
  10. rest-layer. REST Layer, Go (golang) REST API framework
  11. graphql-faker. 🎲 Mock or extend your GraphQL API with faked data. No coding required.
  12. wp-graphql. A GraphQL API for WordPress
  13. graphql-lodash. 🛠 Data manipulation for GraphQL queries with lodash syntax
  14. crudl. CRUDL is a backend agnostic REST and GraphQL based admin interface
  15. Requester. Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library
  16. conventions. GraphQL Conventions Library for .NET
  17. express-graphql-typescript-boilerplate. A starter kit for building amazing GraphQL API's with TypeScript and express by @w3tecch
  18. graphql-dotnetcore. GraphQL for .NET core based on
  19. requent. A GraphQL like interface to map a request to eloquent query with data transformation for Laravel.
  20. type-graphql. Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!


  1. graphql-voyager. 🛰️ Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph
  2. rest-layer. REST Layer, Go (golang) REST API framework


  1. rest-layer. REST Layer, Go (golang) REST API framework
  2. grial. A Node.js framework for creating GraphQL API servers easily and without a lot of boilerplate.
  3. gh-latest-repos. Microservice to get the latest public GitHub repos from a user


  1. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  2. hackernews-react-graphql. Hacker News clone rewritten with universal JavaScript, using React and GraphQL.
  3. ran. ⚡ RAN! React . GraphQL . Next.js Toolkit ⚡ - SEO-Ready, Production-Ready, SSR, Hot-Reload, CSS-in-JS, Caching, CLI commands and more...
  4. react-graphql-github-apollo. 🚀A React + Apollo + GraphQL GitHub Client. Your opportunity to learn about these technologies in a real world application.
  5. talk. A better commenting experience from Mozilla, The Washington Post, and The New York Times.
  6. cli. Universal React+GraphQL starter kit CLI: React 16, Apollo, Webpack 3, React Router 4, PostCSS, SSR
  7. apollo-universal-starter-kit. Apollo 2 Universal Starter Kit — GraphQL React JavaScript app boilerplate for Mobile, Server and Web where code for all platforms built with Webpack to enable max code reuse, stack: Apollo, GraphQL, React 16, React Native, Expo, Express, Knex, SQLite, Twitter Bootstrap, Babel, Webpack
  8. apollo-link. 🔗 Interface for fetching and modifying control flow of GraphQL requests
  9. react-fullstack-graphql. Starter projects for fullstack applications based on React & GraphQL.
  10. apollo-fetch. 🐶 Lightweight GraphQL client that supports middleware and afterware
  11. graphql-cli. 📟 Command line tool for common GraphQL development workflows
  12. graphql-up. Get a ready-to-use GraphQL API for your schema
  13. apollo-upload-client. Enhances Apollo Client for intuitive file uploads via GraphQL mutations.
  14. graphql-config. The easiest way to configure your development environment with your GraphQL schema (supported by most tools, editors & IDEs)
  15. apollo-upload-server. Enhances Apollo GraphQL Server for intuitive file uploads via GraphQL mutations.
  16. js-graphql-intellij-plugin. GraphQL language support for IntelliJ IDEA and WebStorm, including Relay.QL tagged templates in JavaScript and TypeScript.
  17. chatty. A WhatsApp clone with React Native and Apollo (Tutorial)
  18. apollo-cache-persist. 🎏 Simple persistence for all Apollo Cache implementations
  19. scalable-react-boilerplate. ⭐ Scalable feature-first React micro-framework made for Udacity Alumni collaborative projects
  20. kit. ReactQL starter kit (use the CLI)
  21. apollo-cache-hermes. A cache implementation for Apollo Client, tuned for performance
  22. graphql-shield. 🛡 A GraphQL tool to ease the creation of permission layer.
  23. react-native-fullstack-graphql. 🚀 Starter projects for mobile applications based on React Native & GraphQL.
  24. react-auth-app-example. An app example with authentication using Create React App, React, React Router, Apollo, GraphQL, Redux and Redux Form.
  25. storefront-api-examples. Example custom storefront applications built on Shopify's Storefront API
  26. scalable-react-typescript-boilerplate. ⭐ Scalable micro-framework featuring React and TypeScript
  27. vue-fullstack-graphql. Starter projects for fullstack applications based on Vue.js & GraphQL.
  28. erxes. erxes is an AI meets open source messaging platform for sales and marketing
  29. meteor-apollo-accounts. Meteor accounts in GraphQL
  30. get-graphql-schema. Fetch and print the GraphQL schema from a GraphQL HTTP endpoint. (Can be used for Relay Modern.)
  31. apollo-cache-redux. Redux cache for Apollo Client 2.0
  32. reactconfbr. Public infos and issues about React Conf Brasil organization
  33. universal-react-apollo-example. Universal React Apollo App (GraphQL) consuming:!
  34. leo. Highly Extensible, Declarative Static Site Generator
  35. meteor-integration. 🚀 meteor add apollo
  36. join-monster-graphql-tools-adapter. Use Join Monster to fetch your data with Apollo Server.
  37. babel-plugin-inline-import-graphql-ast. Parse .graphql/.gql files into GraphQL AST at compile-time
  38. angular-fullstack-graphql. 🚀 Starter projects for fullstack applications based on Angular & GraphQL.
  39. react-redux-graphql-apollo-bootstrap-webpack-starter. react js + redux + graphQL + Apollo + react router + hot reload + devTools + bootstrap + webpack starter
  40. react-hipstaplate. A ReactJS full-stack boilerplate based on typescript with ssr, custom apollo-server and huge stack of modern utilities which will help you to start your own project
  41. apollo-tote. 👜 A declarative approach to handling Apollo GraphQL queries in React
  42. graphql. A GraphQL (Apollo) module for Nest framework (node.js) 🍷


  1. apollo-client. 🚀 A fully-featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for every UI framework and GraphQL server
  2. absinthe. The GraphQL toolkit for Elixir
  3. react-graphql-github-apollo. 🚀A React + Apollo + GraphQL GitHub Client. Your opportunity to learn about these technologies in a real world application.
  4. GitHunt-React. 🔃 An example app frontend built with Apollo Client and React
  5. cli. Universal React+GraphQL starter kit CLI: React 16, Apollo, Webpack 3, React Router 4, PostCSS, SSR
  6. apollo-link. 🔗 Interface for fetching and modifying control flow of GraphQL requests
  7. apollo-client-devtools. 🎄 Chrome extension for Apollo Client developer tools
  8. apollo-angular. Angular integration for the Apollo Client
  9. apollo-upload-client. Enhances Apollo Client for intuitive file uploads via GraphQL mutations.
  10. chatty. A WhatsApp clone with React Native and Apollo (Tutorial)
  11. persistgraphql. A build tool for GraphQL projects.
  12. apollo-errors. Machine-readable custom errors for Apollostack's GraphQL server
  13. kit. ReactQL starter kit (use the CLI)
  14. apollo-resolvers. Expressive and composable resolvers for Apollostack's GraphQL server
  15. apollo-cache-hermes. A cache implementation for Apollo Client, tuned for performance
  16. apollo-link-firebase. apollo-link-firebase provides you a simple way to use Firebase with graphQL.
  17. next-apollo-example. Next & Apollo Example
  18. ember-apollo-client. 🚀 An ember-cli addon for Apollo Client and GraphQL
  19. apollo-cache-redux. Redux cache for Apollo Client 2.0
  20. apollo-offline. An offline toolkit for the Apollo client
  21. apollo-storybook-decorator. Wrap your React Storybook stories with Apollo Client, provide mocks for isolated UI testing with GraphQL
  22. angular1-apollo. AngularJS integration for the Apollo Client
  23. react-native-feed. News feed built with react-native, apollo-client and graphql & powered by postgraphql
  24. apollo-phoenix-websocket. An Apollo networkInterface for executing GraphQL queries via Phoenix Channels
  25. graphitejs. Framework NodeJS for GraphQl
  26. react-redux-graphql-apollo-bootstrap-webpack-starter. react js + redux + graphQL + Apollo + react router + hot reload + devTools + bootstrap + webpack starter


  1. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  2. apollo-ios. 📱 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift


  1. apollo-link-firebase. apollo-link-firebase provides you a simple way to use Firebase with graphQL.
  2. graphql-schema-generator-rest. Generate your GraphQL schema from type definitions


  1. graphql-yoga. 🧘 Fully-featured GraphQL Server with focus on easy setup, performance & great developer experience
  2. apollo-errors. Machine-readable custom errors for Apollostack's GraphQL server
  3. apollo-resolvers. Expressive and composable resolvers for Apollostack's GraphQL server
  4. feathers-apollo. Feathers and Apollo Server Sample Project
  5. micro-medium-api. Microservice for fetching the latest posts of Medium with GraphQL.
  6. graphql-cost-analysis. A Graphql query cost analyzer.
  7. graphitejs. Framework NodeJS for GraphQl
  8. react-hipstaplate. A ReactJS full-stack boilerplate based on typescript with ssr, custom apollo-server and huge stack of modern utilities which will help you to start your own project


  1. apollo-client. 🚀 A fully-featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for every UI framework and GraphQL server
  2. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  3. apollo-server. 🌍 GraphQL server for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa and more
  4. howtographql. The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
  5. vue-apollo. 🚀 Apollo/GraphQL integration for VueJS
  6. graphql-tools. 🔧 Build, mock, and stitch a GraphQL schema using the schema language
  7. apollo-ios. 📱 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift
  8. react-graphql-github-apollo. 🚀A React + Apollo + GraphQL GitHub Client. Your opportunity to learn about these technologies in a real world application.
  9. apollo-android. 📟 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for Android, written in Java
  10. GitHunt-React. 🔃 An example app frontend built with Apollo Client and React
  11. react-fullstack-graphql. Starter projects for fullstack applications based on React & GraphQL.
  12. apollo-angular. Angular integration for the Apollo Client
  13. graphql-up. Get a ready-to-use GraphQL API for your schema
  14. relate. [ARCHIVED] experimenting React + GraphQL + Next.js web app on the theme of mindfulness
  15. GitHunt-Angular. An Apollo with Angular full-stack example app: vote for your favorite GitHub repos!
  16. get-graphql-schema. Fetch and print the GraphQL schema from a GraphQL HTTP endpoint. (Can be used for Relay Modern.)
  17. react-docs. Docs for React have been moved to apollographql/apollo-client
  18. gramps. The core data source combination engine of GrAMPS.
  19. angular-fullstack-graphql. 🚀 Starter projects for fullstack applications based on Angular & GraphQL.
  20. type-graphql. Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!
  21. graphql. A GraphQL (Apollo) module for Nest framework (node.js) 🍷


  1. apollo-errors. Machine-readable custom errors for Apollostack's GraphQL server
  2. apollo-resolvers. Expressive and composable resolvers for Apollostack's GraphQL server


  1. aws-mobile-appsync-sdk-js. JavaScript library files for Offline, Sync, Sigv4. includes support for React Native
  2. aws-mobile-appsync-events-starter-react. GraphQL starter application with Realtime and Offline functionality using AWS AppSync


  1. relay-authentication. An example app demonstrating role based authentication and file upload with Relay and GraphQL.
  2. meteor-apollo-accounts. Meteor accounts in GraphQL


  1. postgraphile. A GraphQL API created by reflection over a PostgreSQL schema.
  2. automatic-api. A list of software that turns your database into a REST/GraphQL API
  3. tuql. Automatically create a GraphQL server from a sqlite database
  4. neo4j-graphql. GraphQL bindings for Neo4j, generates and runs Cypher


  1. awesome-graphql. Awesome list of GraphQL & Relay
  2. awesome-react-graphql. A curated collection of resources, clients and tools that make working with GraphQL and React/React Native awesome


  1. awesome-graphql. Awesome list of GraphQL & Relay
  2. awesome-react-graphql. A curated collection of resources, clients and tools that make working with GraphQL and React/React Native awesome
  3. awesome-graphql-java. awesome list of graphql-java related projects


  1. up. Deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, apis, and sites in seconds to AWS.
  2. aws-mobile-appsync-sdk-js. JavaScript library files for Offline, Sync, Sigv4. includes support for React Native
  3. aws-mobile-appsync-events-starter-react. GraphQL starter application with Realtime and Offline functionality using AWS AppSync
  4. preact-redux-isomorphic. preact-redux-isomorphic PWA SPA SSR best practices and libraries in under 80kB page size (for live demo click the link below)


  1. aws-amplify-graphql. Sample using AWS Amplify and AWS AppSync together for user login and authorization when making GraphQL queries and mutations. Also includes complex objects for uploading and downloading data to and from S3 with a React app.
  2. serverless-appsync-plugin. serverless plugin for appsync


  1. react-starter-kit. React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
  2. nodejs-api-starter. Boilerplate and tooling for authoring data API backends with Node.js and GraphQL
  3. react-app. Create React App with server-side code support
  4. crate. 👕👖📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).
  5. language-babel. ES2017, flow, React JSX and GraphQL grammar and transpilation for ATOM


  1. rawmodeljs. Strongly-typed JavaScript object with support for validation and error handling.
  2. express-graphql-typescript-boilerplate. A starter kit for building amazing GraphQL API's with TypeScript and express by @w3tecch


  1. dataloader. DataLoader is a generic utility to be used as part of your application's data fetching layer to provide a consistent API over various backends and reduce requests to those backends via batching and caching.
  2. graphql-batch. A query batching executor for the graphql gem
  3. graphql-resolve-batch. A GraphQL batching model which groups execution by GraphQL fields.
  4. join-monster-graphql-tools-adapter. Use Join Monster to fetch your data with Apollo Server.


  1. graphql-dataloader-boilerplate. Very simple boilerplate using GraphQL and DataLoader
  2. jobs. Come and join the Entria team


  1. react-starter-kit. React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
  2. react-firebase-starter. Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
  3. nodejs-api-starter. Boilerplate and tooling for authoring data API backends with Node.js and GraphQL
  4. ran. ⚡ RAN! React . GraphQL . Next.js Toolkit ⚡ - SEO-Ready, Production-Ready, SSR, Hot-Reload, CSS-in-JS, Caching, CLI commands and more...
  5. vue-express-mongo-boilerplate. ⭐ MEVN Full stack JS web app boilerplate with NodeJS, Express, Mongo and VueJS
  6. relay-fullstack. ☝️🏃 Modern Relay Starter Kit - Integrated with Relay, GraphQL, Express, ES6/ES7, JSX, Webpack, Babel, Material Design Lite, and PostCSS
  7. react-app. Create React App with server-side code support
  8. create-graphql. Command-line utility to build production-ready servers with GraphQL.
  9. graphql-dataloader-boilerplate. Very simple boilerplate using GraphQL and DataLoader
  10. scalable-react-boilerplate. ⭐ Scalable feature-first React micro-framework made for Udacity Alumni collaborative projects
  11. koa-passport-mongoose-graphql. Koa 2 server with Passport + Mongoose + GraphQL
  12. scalable-react-typescript-boilerplate. ⭐ Scalable micro-framework featuring React and TypeScript
  13. express-graphql-typescript-boilerplate. A starter kit for building amazing GraphQL API's with TypeScript and express by @w3tecch
  14. preact-redux-isomorphic. preact-redux-isomorphic PWA SPA SSR best practices and libraries in under 80kB page size (for live demo click the link below)
  15. gatsby-blog-starter-kit. A simple starter kit for a static blog created with Gatsby
  16. react-redux-graphql-apollo-bootstrap-webpack-starter. react js + redux + graphQL + Apollo + react router + hot reload + devTools + bootstrap + webpack starter


  1. react-dashboard. React Dashboard - isomorphic web dashboard template (React.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, GraphQL, React Router, Babel, Webpack, Browsersync)
  2. bootstrap-iconpicker. A simple icon picker
  3. react-redux-graphql-apollo-bootstrap-webpack-starter. react js + redux + graphQL + Apollo + react router + hot reload + devTools + bootstrap + webpack starter


  1. react-starter-kit. React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
  2. react-dashboard. React Dashboard - isomorphic web dashboard template (React.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, GraphQL, React Router, Babel, Webpack, Browsersync)


  1. apollo-client-devtools. 🎄 Chrome extension for Apollo Client developer tools
  2. altair. ✨⚡️ A beautiful feature-rich GraphQL Client for all platforms.


  1. cli. Universal React+GraphQL starter kit CLI: React 16, Apollo, Webpack 3, React Router 4, PostCSS, SSR
  2. graphql-cli. 📟 Command line tool for common GraphQL development workflows
  3. create-graphql. Command-line utility to build production-ready servers with GraphQL.
  4. graphqlviz. GraphQL Server schema visualizer


  1. githubql. Package githubql is a client library for accessing GitHub GraphQL API v4 (
  2. graphql. Simple low-level GraphQL HTTP client for Go
  3. graphql. Package graphql provides a GraphQL client implementation.
  4. re-graph. A graphql client for re-frame and clojurescript applications


  1. graphql-clj. A Clojure library that provides GraphQL implementation.
  2. re-graph. A graphql client for re-frame and clojurescript applications


  1. lacinia. GraphQL implementation in pure Clojure
  2. graphql-clj. A Clojure library that provides GraphQL implementation.
  3. walkable. A serious way to fetch data from SQL using Clojure(script): Datomic® pull syntax, data driven configuration, dynamic filtering with relations in mind
  4. venia. Clojure(Script) graphql query generation
  5. graphql-builder. GraphQL client library for Clojure and ClojureScript
  6. re-graph. A graphql client for re-frame and clojurescript applications
  7. lacinia-pedestal. Expose Lacinia GraphQL as Pedestal endpoints


  1. walkable. A serious way to fetch data from SQL using Clojure(script): Datomic® pull syntax, data driven configuration, dynamic filtering with relations in mind
  2. venia. Clojure(Script) graphql query generation
  3. graphql-builder. GraphQL client library for Clojure and ClojureScript
  4. re-graph. A graphql client for re-frame and clojurescript applications


  1. strapi. 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  2. tipe. 🎉 Next Generation API-first CMS for developers. Create your content with powerful editing tools and access it from anywhere with a GraphQL or REST API. Stop letting your CMS decide how you build your Apps.
  3. graphql-auto-generating-cms. Use your existing graphQL schema to generate CMS in a couple steps. DEMO:


  1. react-firebase-starter. Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
  2. react-app. Create React App with server-side code support
  3. react-auth-app-example. An app example with authentication using Create React App, React, React Router, Apollo, GraphQL, Redux and Redux Form.


  1. quicktype. Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
  2. graphql-dotnetcore. GraphQL for .NET core based on


  1. prettier. Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
  2. graphql-css. A blazing fast CSS-in-GQL™ library.
  3. bootstrap-iconpicker. A simple icon picker


  1. strapi. 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  2. tipe. 🎉 Next Generation API-first CMS for developers. Create your content with powerful editing tools and access it from anywhere with a GraphQL or REST API. Stop letting your CMS decide how you build your Apps.
  3. react-dashboard. React Dashboard - isomorphic web dashboard template (React.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, GraphQL, React Router, Babel, Webpack, Browsersync)


  1. prisma. ⚡️ Prisma turns your database into a realtime GraphQL API
  2. fullstack-graphql. 🌈 Simple Fullstack GraphQL Application. API built with Express + GraphQL + Sequelize (supports MySQL, Postgres, Sqlite and MSSQL). WebApp built with React + Redux to access the API. Written in ES6 using Babel + Webpack.
  3. graphql-compiler. Turn complex GraphQL queries into optimized database queries.


  1. dataloader. DataLoader is a generic utility to be used as part of your application's data fetching layer to provide a consistent API over various backends and reduce requests to those backends via batching and caching.
  2. gqlgen. go generate based graphql server library
  3. batch-loader. ⚡ Powerful tool to avoid N+1 DB or HTTP queries
  4. graphql-dataloader-boilerplate. Very simple boilerplate using GraphQL and DataLoader
  5. dataloader. Implementation of Facebook's DataLoader in Golang


  1. jseg. A super simple, in-memory, JS graph database.
  2. walkable. A serious way to fetch data from SQL using Clojure(script): Datomic® pull syntax, data driven configuration, dynamic filtering with relations in mind


  1. hasor. Hasor是一套基于 Java 语言的分布式应用程序开发框架,它的核心设计目标是提供一个简单、且必要的环境给开发者。区别于其它框架的是 Hasor 有着自己一套完整的体系,无论您是一般的Web项目,还是几百人团队中复杂的分布式系统。Hasor都会给予你最有力的支持。
  2. rawmodeljs. Strongly-typed JavaScript object with support for validation and error handling.


  1. apollo-client-devtools. 🎄 Chrome extension for Apollo Client developer tools
  2. graphql-config. The easiest way to configure your development environment with your GraphQL schema (supported by most tools, editors & IDEs)
  3. get-graphql-schema. Fetch and print the GraphQL schema from a GraphQL HTTP endpoint. (Can be used for Relay Modern.)


  1. reaction. Reaction is a customizable, real-time reactive, JavaScript commerce platform.
  2. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  3. nodejs-api-starter. Boilerplate and tooling for authoring data API backends with Node.js and GraphQL
  4. apollo-universal-starter-kit. Apollo 2 Universal Starter Kit — GraphQL React JavaScript app boilerplate for Mobile, Server and Web where code for all platforms built with Webpack to enable max code reuse, stack: Apollo, GraphQL, React 16, React Native, Expo, Express, Knex, SQLite, Twitter Bootstrap, Babel, Webpack
  5. node-github-profile-summary. :octocat:The node version of github-profile-summary
  6. micro-medium-api. Microservice for fetching the latest posts of Medium with GraphQL.


  1. graphdoc. Static page generator for documenting GraphQL Schema
  2. graphql-docs. Easily generate beautiful documentation from your GraphQL schema.


  1. graphql-dotnet. GraphQL for .NET
  2. StarWars. GraphQL 'Star Wars' example using GraphQL for .NET, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core


  1. conventions. GraphQL Conventions Library for .NET
  2. graphql-dotnetcore. GraphQL for .NET core based on


  1. aws-amplify-graphql. Sample using AWS Amplify and AWS AppSync together for user login and authorization when making GraphQL queries and mutations. Also includes complex objects for uploading and downloading data to and from S3 with a React app.
  2. serverless-appsync-plugin. serverless plugin for appsync


  1. graphql-compose-elasticsearch. Hide Elastic Search REST API behind GraphQL.
  2. serverless-appsync-plugin. serverless plugin for appsync


  1. absinthe. The GraphQL toolkit for Elixir
  2. graphql. GraphQL Elixir
  3. level. Distraction-free communication for software teams
  4. accent. ▴ Open-source, self-hosted, developer-oriented translation tool


  1. quicktype. Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
  2. elm-graphql. GraphQL for Elm
  3. elm-graphql. A GraphQL library for Elm
  4. level. Distraction-free communication for software teams
  5. graphqelm. Autogenerate type-safe GraphQL queries in Elm.


  1. ember-graphql-adapter. GraphQL adapter for Ember Data
  2. storefront-api-examples. Example custom storefront applications built on Shopify's Storefront API
  3. ember-apollo-client. 🚀 An ember-cli addon for Apollo Client and GraphQL


  1. ember-graphql-adapter. GraphQL adapter for Ember Data
  2. ember-apollo-client. 🚀 An ember-cli addon for Apollo Client and GraphQL


  1. ember-apollo-client. 🚀 An ember-cli addon for Apollo Client and GraphQL
  2. accent. ▴ Open-source, self-hosted, developer-oriented translation tool


  1. graphql. GraphQL Elixir
  2. graphql-erlang. GraphQL implementation in Erlang.


  1. strapi. 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  2. reactjs101. 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 ReactJS 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。
  3. fullstack-graphql. 🌈 Simple Fullstack GraphQL Application. API built with Express + GraphQL + Sequelize (supports MySQL, Postgres, Sqlite and MSSQL). WebApp built with React + Redux to access the API. Written in ES6 using Babel + Webpack.
  4. crate. 👕👖📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).
  5. language-babel. ES2017, flow, React JSX and GraphQL grammar and transpilation for ATOM
  6. huncwot. 😺 🌀 Node.js + Vue.js boilerplate built for ESNext era with « batteries included » approach.
  7. frontend. 🌏 The front-end application code for


  1. language-babel. ES2017, flow, React JSX and GraphQL grammar and transpilation for ATOM
  2. huncwot. 😺 🌀 Node.js + Vue.js boilerplate built for ESNext era with « batteries included » approach.


  1. spectrum. Simple, powerful online communities.
  2. apollo-universal-starter-kit. Apollo 2 Universal Starter Kit — GraphQL React JavaScript app boilerplate for Mobile, Server and Web where code for all platforms built with Webpack to enable max code reuse, stack: Apollo, GraphQL, React 16, React Native, Expo, Express, Knex, SQLite, Twitter Bootstrap, Babel, Webpack


  1. mean. The MEAN stack uses Mongo, Express, Angular(4) and Node for simple and scalable fullstack js applications
  2. apollo-server. 🌍 GraphQL server for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa and more
  3. hackernews-react-graphql. Hacker News clone rewritten with universal JavaScript, using React and GraphQL.
  4. vue-express-mongo-boilerplate. ⭐ MEVN Full stack JS web app boilerplate with NodeJS, Express, Mongo and VueJS
  5. crate. 👕👖📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).
  6. create-graphql. Command-line utility to build production-ready servers with GraphQL.
  7. apollo-upload-server. Enhances Apollo GraphQL Server for intuitive file uploads via GraphQL mutations.
  8. chatty. A WhatsApp clone with React Native and Apollo (Tutorial)
  9. giraffQL. Interactive GraphQL exploration tool built with React - still working on the website
  10. crudl-example-express. CRUDL with Node/Express and MongoDB
  11. react-hipstaplate. A ReactJS full-stack boilerplate based on typescript with ssr, custom apollo-server and huge stack of modern utilities which will help you to start your own project


  1. apollo-server. 🌍 GraphQL server for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa and more
  2. express-graphql. Create a GraphQL HTTP server with Express.
  3. json-graphql-server. Get a full fake GraphQL API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds.
  4. easy-graphql.
  5. graphql-cost-analysis. A Graphql query cost analyzer.


  1. express-graphql. Create a GraphQL HTTP server with Express.
  2. altair. ✨⚡️ A beautiful feature-rich GraphQL Client for all platforms.


  1. fullstack-graphql. 🌈 Simple Fullstack GraphQL Application. API built with Express + GraphQL + Sequelize (supports MySQL, Postgres, Sqlite and MSSQL). WebApp built with React + Redux to access the API. Written in ES6 using Babel + Webpack.
  2. chatty. A WhatsApp clone with React Native and Apollo (Tutorial)
  3. metaphysics. Artsy's GraphQL API
  4. express-graphql-typescript-boilerplate. A starter kit for building amazing GraphQL API's with TypeScript and express by @w3tecch


  1. react-conf-17-videos. Find that one presentation you missed!
  2. graphql-erlang. GraphQL implementation in Erlang.


  1. apollo-fetch. 🐶 Lightweight GraphQL client that supports middleware and afterware
  2. fetchql. GraphQL query client with Fetch


  1. react-firebase-starter. Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
  2. templates. 📗 Collection of Graphcool Templates
  3. apollo-link-firebase. apollo-link-firebase provides you a simple way to use Firebase with graphQL.


  1. este. Is What It Is
  2. apollo-codegen. ✏️ Generate API code or type annotations based on a GraphQL schema and query documents
  3. graphql-code-generator. GraphQL code generator with flexible support for custom templates
  4. scalable-react-boilerplate. ⭐ Scalable feature-first React micro-framework made for Udacity Alumni collaborative projects


  1. react-starter-kit. React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
  2. reactjs101. 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 ReactJS 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。


  1. graphene. GraphQL framework for Python
  2. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  3. rest-layer. REST Layer, Go (golang) REST API framework
  4. spikenail. A GraphQL Framework for Node.js
  5. grial. A Node.js framework for creating GraphQL API servers easily and without a lot of boilerplate.
  6. graphitejs. Framework NodeJS for GraphQl


  1. reactjs101. 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 ReactJS 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。
  2. jobs. Come and join the Entria team


  1. react-imgpro. 📷 Image Processing Component for React
  2. frontend. 🌏 The front-end application code for
  3. rawmodeljs. Strongly-typed JavaScript object with support for validation and error handling.


  1. gatsby-starter-lumen. A minimal, lightweight and mobile-first starter for creating blazing-fast static blogs
  2. gatsby-starter-personal-blog. A ready to use, easy to customize Gatsby starter. Some functions: markdown posts, pages and fragments, contact form, searching, filtering by category, pwa (100%), favicons generator, rss, sitemap, FB comments, social sharing ...
  3. gatsby-blog-starter-kit. A simple starter kit for a static blog created with Gatsby


  1. batch-loader. ⚡ Powerful tool to avoid N+1 DB or HTTP queries
  2. graphql-guard. Simple authorization gem for GraphQL 🔒


  1. react-graphql-github-apollo. 🚀A React + Apollo + GraphQL GitHub Client. Your opportunity to learn about these technologies in a real world application.
  2. GitHunt-React. 🔃 An example app frontend built with Apollo Client and React
  3. CatchUp. An app for catching up on things.
  4. githubql. Package githubql is a client library for accessing GitHub GraphQL API v4 (
  5. GitHunt-Angular. An Apollo with Angular full-stack example app: vote for your favorite GitHub repos!
  6. gh-latest-repos. Microservice to get the latest public GitHub repos from a user


  1. react-graphql-github-apollo. 🚀A React + Apollo + GraphQL GitHub Client. Your opportunity to learn about these technologies in a real world application.
  2. GitHunt-React. 🔃 An example app frontend built with Apollo Client and React
  3. node-github-profile-summary. :octocat:The node version of github-profile-summary
  4. GitHunt-Angular. An Apollo with Angular full-stack example app: vote for your favorite GitHub repos!


  1. graphql-css. A blazing fast CSS-in-GQL™ library.
  2. next-apollo-example. Next & Apollo Example


  1. rest-layer. REST Layer, Go (golang) REST API framework
  2. githubql. Package githubql is a client library for accessing GitHub GraphQL API v4 (
  3. thunder. ⚡️ A Go framework for rapidly building powerful graphql services
  4. magellan. Real-time streaming GraphQL server for Go.
  5. graphql. Package graphql provides a GraphQL client implementation.


  1. up. Deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, apis, and sites in seconds to AWS.
  2. quicktype. Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
  3. gqlgen. go generate based graphql server library
  4. graphql. Simple low-level GraphQL HTTP client for Go
  5. dataloader. Implementation of Facebook's DataLoader in Golang
  6. graphql-go-example. Example GraphQL API implemented in Go and backed by Postgresql


  1. js-graphql-intellij-plugin. GraphQL language support for IntelliJ IDEA and WebStorm, including Relay.QL tagged templates in JavaScript and TypeScript.
  2. gql. A GraphQL client in Python
  3. type-graphql. Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!


  1. jseg. A super simple, in-memory, JS graph database.
  2. neo4j-graphql. GraphQL bindings for Neo4j, generates and runs Cypher


  1. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  2. howtographql. The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
  3. graphql-playground. 🎮 GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions, interactive docs & collaboration)
  4. learnrelay. Learn Relay - A comprehensive introduction to Relay (created by Graphcool)
  5. graphql-request. 📡 Minimal GraphQL client supporting Node and browsers for scripts or simple apps
  6. react-fullstack-graphql. Starter projects for fullstack applications based on React & GraphQL.
  7. graphql-cli. 📟 Command line tool for common GraphQL development workflows
  8. graphql-up. Get a ready-to-use GraphQL API for your schema
  9. templates. 📗 Collection of Graphcool Templates
  10. graphql-server-example. 🏡 GraphQL server example (Airbnb clone) using Prisma, graphql-yoga & prisma-binding
  11. react-native-fullstack-graphql. 🚀 Starter projects for mobile applications based on React Native & GraphQL.
  12. next-apollo-example. Next & Apollo Example
  13. vue-fullstack-graphql. Starter projects for fullstack applications based on Vue.js & GraphQL.
  14. angular-fullstack-graphql. 🚀 Starter projects for fullstack applications based on Angular & GraphQL.


  1. graphene. GraphQL framework for Python
  2. graphene-django. Graphene Django integration
  3. flask-graphql. Adds GraphQL support to your Flask application.
  4. graphene-sqlalchemy. Graphene SQLAlchemy integration
  5. graphene-gae. GraphQL Support for Google AppEngine


  1. graphiql. An in-browser IDE for exploring GraphQL.
  2. graphql-dotnet. GraphQL for .NET
  3. graphql-playground. 🎮 GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions, interactive docs & collaboration)
  4. graphql-ide. ⚡️ GraphQL IDE - An extensive IDE for exploring GraphQL API's
  5. graphql-apis. 📜 A collective list of public GraphQL APIs
  6. apollo-client-devtools. 🎄 Chrome extension for Apollo Client developer tools
  7. altair. ✨⚡️ A beautiful feature-rich GraphQL Client for all platforms.
  8. StarWars. GraphQL 'Star Wars' example using GraphQL for .NET, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core
  9. graphiql-workspace. A graphical interactive in-browser GraphQL IDE enhanced with tabbed navigation, HTTP headers, arbitrary endpoints, etc.
  10. giraffQL. Interactive GraphQL exploration tool built with React - still working on the website
  11. absinthe_plug. Plug support for Absinthe, the GraphQL toolkit for Elixir


  1. graphql-voyager. 🛰️ Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph
  2. graphqlviz. GraphQL Server schema visualizer


  1. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  2. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes


  1. reaction. Reaction is a customizable, real-time reactive, JavaScript commerce platform.
  2. navalia. A bullet-proof, fast, and reliable headless browser API


  1. strapi. 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  2. tipe. 🎉 Next Generation API-first CMS for developers. Create your content with powerful editing tools and access it from anywhere with a GraphQL or REST API. Stop letting your CMS decide how you build your Apps.


  1. up. Deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, apis, and sites in seconds to AWS.
  2. giraffQL. Interactive GraphQL exploration tool built with React - still working on the website


  1. react-firebase-starter. Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
  2. react-dashboard. React Dashboard - isomorphic web dashboard template (React.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, GraphQL, React Router, Babel, Webpack, Browsersync)


  1. scalable-react-boilerplate. ⭐ Scalable feature-first React micro-framework made for Udacity Alumni collaborative projects
  2. scalable-react-typescript-boilerplate. ⭐ Scalable micro-framework featuring React and TypeScript


  1. up. Deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, apis, and sites in seconds to AWS.
  2. karate. Web-Services Testing Made Simple
  3. apollo-fetch. 🐶 Lightweight GraphQL client that supports middleware and afterware
  4. siler. ⚡ Flat-files and plain-old PHP functions rockin'on
  5. Requester. Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library
  6. gotql. GraphQL query utility for serverside apps
  7. huncwot. 😺 🌀 Node.js + Vue.js boilerplate built for ESNext era with « batteries included » approach.
  8. lacinia-pedestal. Expose Lacinia GraphQL as Pedestal endpoints


  1. Requester. Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library
  2. gotql. GraphQL query utility for serverside apps
  3. snug. Write reusable web API interactions


  1. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  2. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes


  1. react-starter-kit. React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
  2. nodejs-api-starter. Boilerplate and tooling for authoring data API backends with Node.js and GraphQL
  3. accent. ▴ Open-source, self-hosted, developer-oriented translation tool


  1. react-native-fullstack-graphql. 🚀 Starter projects for mobile applications based on React Native & GraphQL.
  2. vue-fullstack-graphql. Starter projects for fullstack applications based on Vue.js & GraphQL.


  1. graphql-config. The easiest way to configure your development environment with your GraphQL schema (supported by most tools, editors & IDEs)
  2. js-graphql-intellij-plugin. GraphQL language support for IntelliJ IDEA and WebStorm, including Relay.QL tagged templates in JavaScript and TypeScript.


  1. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  2. reactjs101. 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 ReactJS 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。
  3. apollo-ios. 📱 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift
  4. crate. 👕👖📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).


  1. react-app. Create React App with server-side code support
  2. scalable-react-boilerplate. ⭐ Scalable feature-first React micro-framework made for Udacity Alumni collaborative projects
  3. scalable-react-typescript-boilerplate. ⭐ Scalable micro-framework featuring React and TypeScript
  4. preact-redux-isomorphic. preact-redux-isomorphic PWA SPA SSR best practices and libraries in under 80kB page size (for live demo click the link below)


  1. react-quickly. Source code for React Quickly [Manning, 2017]: Painless Web Apps with React, JSX, Redux, and GraphQL 📕
  2. express-graphql-typescript-boilerplate. A starter kit for building amazing GraphQL API's with TypeScript and express by @w3tecch


  1. graphql-java. GraphQL Java implementation
  2. quicktype. Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
  3. graphql-code-generator. GraphQL code generator with flexible support for custom templates
  4. elide. Elide is a Java library that lets you stand up a GraphQL/JSON-API web service with minimal effort
  5. graphql-java-tools. A schema-first tool for graphql-java inspired by graphql-tools for JS (
  6. hasor. Hasor是一套基于 Java 语言的分布式应用程序开发框架,它的核心设计目标是提供一个简单、且必要的环境给开发者。区别于其它框架的是 Hasor 有着自己一套完整的体系,无论您是一般的Web项目,还是几百人团队中复杂的分布式系统。Hasor都会给予你最有力的支持。
  7. graphql-spqr. Java 8+ API for rapid development of GraphQL services


  1. prettier. Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
  2. react-starter-kit. React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
  3. mean. The MEAN stack uses Mongo, Express, Angular(4) and Node for simple and scalable fullstack js applications
  4. reaction. Reaction is a customizable, real-time reactive, JavaScript commerce platform.
  5. strapi. 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  6. react-firebase-starter. Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
  7. hackernews-react-graphql. Hacker News clone rewritten with universal JavaScript, using React and GraphQL.
  8. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  9. reactjs101. 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 ReactJS 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。
  10. tipe. 🎉 Next Generation API-first CMS for developers. Create your content with powerful editing tools and access it from anywhere with a GraphQL or REST API. Stop letting your CMS decide how you build your Apps.
  11. nodejs-api-starter. Boilerplate and tooling for authoring data API backends with Node.js and GraphQL
  12. react-transmit. Relay-inspired library based on Promises instead of GraphQL.
  13. relay-fullstack. ☝️🏃 Modern Relay Starter Kit - Integrated with Relay, GraphQL, Express, ES6/ES7, JSX, Webpack, Babel, Material Design Lite, and PostCSS
  14. talk. A better commenting experience from Mozilla, The Washington Post, and The New York Times.
  15. platform-samples. A public place for all platform sample projects.
  16. fullstack-graphql. 🌈 Simple Fullstack GraphQL Application. API built with Express + GraphQL + Sequelize (supports MySQL, Postgres, Sqlite and MSSQL). WebApp built with React + Redux to access the API. Written in ES6 using Babel + Webpack.
  17. react-app. Create React App with server-side code support
  18. bootstrap-iconpicker. A simple icon picker
  19. graphql-auto-generating-cms. Use your existing graphQL schema to generate CMS in a couple steps. DEMO:
  20. chatty. A WhatsApp clone with React Native and Apollo (Tutorial)
  21. apollo-resolvers. Expressive and composable resolvers for Apollostack's GraphQL server
  22. aws-mobile-appsync-sdk-js. JavaScript library files for Offline, Sync, Sigv4. includes support for React Native
  23. react-conf-17-videos. Find that one presentation you missed!
  24. giraffQL. Interactive GraphQL exploration tool built with React - still working on the website
  25. Kreta. Modern project management solution
  26. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  27. aws-amplify-graphql. Sample using AWS Amplify and AWS AppSync together for user login and authorization when making GraphQL queries and mutations. Also includes complex objects for uploading and downloading data to and from S3 with a React app.
  28. meteor-apollo-accounts. Meteor accounts in GraphQL
  29. gh-latest-repos. Microservice to get the latest public GitHub repos from a user
  30. aws-mobile-appsync-events-starter-react. GraphQL starter application with Realtime and Offline functionality using AWS AppSync
  31. frontend. 🌏 The front-end application code for
  32. fetchql. GraphQL query client with Fetch
  33. rawmodeljs. Strongly-typed JavaScript object with support for validation and error handling.
  34. gatsby-blog-starter-kit. A simple starter kit for a static blog created with Gatsby
  35. graphitejs. Framework NodeJS for GraphQl
  36. graphql-schema-generator-rest. Generate your GraphQL schema from type definitions
  37. graphql. A GraphQL (Apollo) module for Nest framework (node.js) 🍷


  1. graphql-dataloader-boilerplate. Very simple boilerplate using GraphQL and DataLoader
  2. reactconfbr. Public infos and issues about React Conf Brasil organization


  1. join-monster. A GraphQL to SQL query execution layer for query planning and batch data fetching.
  2. join-monster-graphql-tools-adapter. Use Join Monster to fetch your data with Apollo Server.


  1. elide. Elide is a Java library that lets you stand up a GraphQL/JSON-API web service with minimal effort
  2. graphql-jpa. JPA Implementation of GraphQL (builds on graphql-java)


  1. graphql.js. A Simple and Isomorphic GraphQL Client for JavaScript
  2. bootstrap-iconpicker. A simple icon picker


  1. hackernews-react-graphql. Hacker News clone rewritten with universal JavaScript, using React and GraphQL.
  2. aws-mobile-appsync-sdk-js. JavaScript library files for Offline, Sync, Sigv4. includes support for React Native


  1. quicktype. Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
  2. jseg. A super simple, in-memory, JS graph database.
  3. nextql. Yet Another Data Query Language. Equivalent GraphQL but much more simple.


  1. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  2. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes


  1. quicktype. Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
  2. rest-layer. REST Layer, Go (golang) REST API framework


  1. crate. 👕👖📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).
  2. springBoot-restful-angular. springBoot,restful,jwt,angular4 搭建的前后端分离后台管理系统
  3. twitter-clone-with-graphql-reactnative.


  1. nodejs-api-starter. Boilerplate and tooling for authoring data API backends with Node.js and GraphQL
  2. express-graphql-typescript-boilerplate. A starter kit for building amazing GraphQL API's with TypeScript and express by @w3tecch


  1. strapi. 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  2. apollo-server. 🌍 GraphQL server for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa and more
  3. koa-graphql. Create a GraphQL HTTP server with Koa.
  4. create-graphql. Command-line utility to build production-ready servers with GraphQL.
  5. apollo-upload-server. Enhances Apollo GraphQL Server for intuitive file uploads via GraphQL mutations.
  6. koa-passport-mongoose-graphql. Koa 2 server with Passport + Mongoose + GraphQL
  7. node-github-profile-summary. :octocat:The node version of github-profile-summary
  8. graphql-pokemon. Get information of a Pokémon with GraphQL!


  1. strapi. 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  2. kit. ReactQL starter kit (use the CLI)


  1. CatchUp. An app for catching up on things.
  2. graphql-java-tools. A schema-first tool for graphql-java inspired by graphql-tools for JS (
  3. kraph. GraphQL request string builder written in Kotlin
  4. KGraphQL. Pure Kotlin GraphQL implementation


  1. up. Deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, apis, and sites in seconds to AWS.
  2. serverless-appsync-plugin. serverless plugin for appsync
  3. preact-redux-isomorphic. preact-redux-isomorphic PWA SPA SSR best practices and libraries in under 80kB page size (for live demo click the link below)


  1. laravel-graphql. Facebook GraphQL for Laravel 5. It supports Relay, eloquent models, validation and GraphiQL.
  2. requent. A GraphQL like interface to map a request to eloquent query with data transformation for Laravel.


  1. graphql-for-vscode. GraphQL syntax highlighting, linting, auto-complete, and more!
  2. graphql-schema-linter. Validate GraphQL schema definitions against a set of rules


  1. awesome-graphql. Awesome list of GraphQL & Relay
  2. automatic-api. A list of software that turns your database into a REST/GraphQL API


  1. prettier. Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
  2. gatsby-starter-lumen. A minimal, lightweight and mobile-first starter for creating blazing-fast static blogs


  1. CatchUp. An app for catching up on things.
  2. micro-medium-api. Microservice for fetching the latest posts of Medium with GraphQL.


  1. Vulcan. 🌋 A toolkit to quickly build apps with React, GraphQL & Meteor
  2. meteor-apollo-accounts. Meteor accounts in GraphQL
  3. meteor-integration. 🚀 meteor add apollo


  1. siler. ⚡ Flat-files and plain-old PHP functions rockin'on
  2. micro-graphql. GraphQL Microservice


  1. up. Deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, apis, and sites in seconds to AWS.
  2. micro-medium-api. Microservice for fetching the latest posts of Medium with GraphQL.
  3. gh-latest-repos. Microservice to get the latest public GitHub repos from a user


  1. up. Deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, apis, and sites in seconds to AWS.
  2. karate. Web-Services Testing Made Simple
  3. Kreta. Modern project management solution
  4. gramps. The core data source combination engine of GrAMPS.


  1. mean. The MEAN stack uses Mongo, Express, Angular(4) and Node for simple and scalable fullstack js applications
  2. reaction. Reaction is a customizable, real-time reactive, JavaScript commerce platform.
  3. create-graphql-server. Generate your GraphQL server one type at a time
  4. feathers-apollo. Feathers and Apollo Server Sample Project
  5. erxes. erxes is an AI meets open source messaging platform for sales and marketing
  6. twitter-clone-with-graphql-reactnative.


  1. create-graphql. Command-line utility to build production-ready servers with GraphQL.
  2. graphql-compose-mongoose. Mongoose model converter to GraphQL types with resolvers for graphql-compose
  3. graphitejs. Framework NodeJS for GraphQl


  1. prisma. ⚡️ Prisma turns your database into a realtime GraphQL API
  2. fullstack-graphql. 🌈 Simple Fullstack GraphQL Application. API built with Express + GraphQL + Sequelize (supports MySQL, Postgres, Sqlite and MSSQL). WebApp built with React + Redux to access the API. Written in ES6 using Babel + Webpack.
  3. crate. 👕👖📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).
  4. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  5. walkable. A serious way to fetch data from SQL using Clojure(script): Datomic® pull syntax, data driven configuration, dynamic filtering with relations in mind


  1. este. Is What It Is
  2. hackernews-react-graphql. Hacker News clone rewritten with universal JavaScript, using React and GraphQL.
  3. ran. ⚡ RAN! React . GraphQL . Next.js Toolkit ⚡ - SEO-Ready, Production-Ready, SSR, Hot-Reload, CSS-in-JS, Caching, CLI commands and more...
  4. relate. [ARCHIVED] experimenting React + GraphQL + Next.js web app on the theme of mindfulness
  5. react-conf-17-videos. Find that one presentation you missed!
  6. next-apollo-example. Next & Apollo Example
  7. babel-plugin-inline-import-graphql-ast. Parse .graphql/.gql files into GraphQL AST at compile-time


  1. altair. ✨⚡️ A beautiful feature-rich GraphQL Client for all platforms.
  2. angular-enterprise-example. Scalable / Large Angular application structure example


  1. mean. The MEAN stack uses Mongo, Express, Angular(4) and Node for simple and scalable fullstack js applications
  2. apollo-server. 🌍 GraphQL server for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa and more
  3. hackernews-react-graphql. Hacker News clone rewritten with universal JavaScript, using React and GraphQL.
  4. spikenail. A GraphQL Framework for Node.js
  5. chatty. A WhatsApp clone with React Native and Apollo (Tutorial)
  6. relate. [ARCHIVED] experimenting React + GraphQL + Next.js web app on the theme of mindfulness
  7. react-quickly. Source code for React Quickly [Manning, 2017]: Painless Web Apps with React, JSX, Redux, and GraphQL 📕
  8. metaphysics. Artsy's GraphQL API
  9. erxes. erxes is an AI meets open source messaging platform for sales and marketing
  10. gatsby-blog-starter-kit. A simple starter kit for a static blog created with Gatsby


  1. react-quickly. Source code for React Quickly [Manning, 2017]: Painless Web Apps with React, JSX, Redux, and GraphQL 📕
  2. huncwot. 😺 🌀 Node.js + Vue.js boilerplate built for ESNext era with « batteries included » approach.


  1. react-starter-kit. React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
  2. up. Deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, apis, and sites in seconds to AWS.
  3. dataloader. DataLoader is a generic utility to be used as part of your application's data fetching layer to provide a consistent API over various backends and reduce requests to those backends via batching and caching.
  4. strapi. 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  5. spectrum. Simple, powerful online communities.
  6. nodejs-api-starter. Boilerplate and tooling for authoring data API backends with Node.js and GraphQL
  7. join-monster. A GraphQL to SQL query execution layer for query planning and batch data fetching.
  8. ran. ⚡ RAN! React . GraphQL . Next.js Toolkit ⚡ - SEO-Ready, Production-Ready, SSR, Hot-Reload, CSS-in-JS, Caching, CLI commands and more...
  9. vue-express-mongo-boilerplate. ⭐ MEVN Full stack JS web app boilerplate with NodeJS, Express, Mongo and VueJS
  10. relay-fullstack. ☝️🏃 Modern Relay Starter Kit - Integrated with Relay, GraphQL, Express, ES6/ES7, JSX, Webpack, Babel, Material Design Lite, and PostCSS
  11. talk. A better commenting experience from Mozilla, The Washington Post, and The New York Times.
  12. graphql-request. 📡 Minimal GraphQL client supporting Node and browsers for scripts or simple apps
  13. fullstack-graphql. 🌈 Simple Fullstack GraphQL Application. API built with Express + GraphQL + Sequelize (supports MySQL, Postgres, Sqlite and MSSQL). WebApp built with React + Redux to access the API. Written in ES6 using Babel + Webpack.
  14. action. A multiplayer web application for building smarter, more agile teams.
  15. crate. 👕👖📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).
  16. create-graphql. Command-line utility to build production-ready servers with GraphQL.
  17. spikenail. A GraphQL Framework for Node.js
  18. graphql-auto-generating-cms. Use your existing graphQL schema to generate CMS in a couple steps. DEMO:
  19. chatty. A WhatsApp clone with React Native and Apollo (Tutorial)
  20. tuql. Automatically create a GraphQL server from a sqlite database
  21. node-graphql-server. Boilerplate code for scalable, production-ready GraphQL servers
  22. apollo-resolvers. Expressive and composable resolvers for Apollostack's GraphQL server
  23. grial. A Node.js framework for creating GraphQL API servers easily and without a lot of boilerplate.
  24. feathers-apollo. Feathers and Apollo Server Sample Project
  25. basically-fullstack-graphql. Code that aims to explain the client and the server side of using GraphQL in apps.
  26. giraffQL. Interactive GraphQL exploration tool built with React - still working on the website
  27. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  28. react-quickly. Source code for React Quickly [Manning, 2017]: Painless Web Apps with React, JSX, Redux, and GraphQL 📕
  29. graphql-pokemon. Get information of a Pokémon with GraphQL!
  30. gh-latest-repos. Microservice to get the latest public GitHub repos from a user
  31. huncwot. 😺 🌀 Node.js + Vue.js boilerplate built for ESNext era with « batteries included » approach.
  32. graphql-depth-limit. Limit the complexity of your GraphQL queries based on depth.
  33. rawmodeljs. Strongly-typed JavaScript object with support for validation and error handling.
  34. express-graphql-typescript-boilerplate. A starter kit for building amazing GraphQL API's with TypeScript and express by @w3tecch
  35. graphitejs. Framework NodeJS for GraphQl
  36. react-redux-graphql-apollo-bootstrap-webpack-starter. react js + redux + graphQL + Apollo + react router + hot reload + devTools + bootstrap + webpack starter
  37. graphql. A GraphQL (Apollo) module for Nest framework (node.js) 🍷


  1. spikenail. A GraphQL Framework for Node.js
  2. grial. A Node.js framework for creating GraphQL API servers easily and without a lot of boilerplate.


  1. nodejs-api-starter. Boilerplate and tooling for authoring data API backends with Node.js and GraphQL
  2. accounts. Fullstack authentication and accounts-management for Javascript.


  1. ocaml-graphql-server. GraphQL servers in OCaml
  2. graphql_ppx. GraphQL PPX rewriter for Bucklescript/ReasonML


  1. apollo-cache-persist. 🎏 Simple persistence for all Apollo Cache implementations
  2. apollo-offline. An offline toolkit for the Apollo client
  3. aws-mobile-appsync-events-starter-react. GraphQL starter application with Realtime and Offline functionality using AWS AppSync


  1. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  2. rawmodeljs. Strongly-typed JavaScript object with support for validation and error handling.
  3. egg-graphql.


  1. nodejs-api-starter. Boilerplate and tooling for authoring data API backends with Node.js and GraphQL
  2. koa-passport-mongoose-graphql. Koa 2 server with Passport + Mongoose + GraphQL


  1. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  2. graphql-php. A PHP port of GraphQL reference implementation
  3. laravel-graphql. Facebook GraphQL for Laravel 5. It supports Relay, eloquent models, validation and GraphiQL.
  4. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
  5. siler. ⚡ Flat-files and plain-old PHP functions rockin'on
  6. GraphQLBundle. This bundle provides tools to build a complete GraphQL server in your Symfony App.
  7. Kreta. Modern project management solution
  8. craftql. A drop-in GraphQL server for Craft CMS


  1. cli. Universal React+GraphQL starter kit CLI: React 16, Apollo, Webpack 3, React Router 4, PostCSS, SSR
  2. kit. ReactQL starter kit (use the CLI)
  3. react-redux-graphql-apollo-bootstrap-webpack-starter. react js + redux + graphQL + Apollo + react router + hot reload + devTools + bootstrap + webpack starter


  1. postgraphile. A GraphQL API created by reflection over a PostgreSQL schema.
  2. react-native-feed. News feed built with react-native, apollo-client and graphql & powered by postgraphql
  3. serverless-postgraphql. Serverless GraphQL endpoint for PostgresSQL using AWS, serverless and PostGraphQL


  1. react-firebase-starter. Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
  2. nodejs-api-starter. Boilerplate and tooling for authoring data API backends with Node.js and GraphQL
  3. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  4. walkable. A serious way to fetch data from SQL using Clojure(script): Datomic® pull syntax, data driven configuration, dynamic filtering with relations in mind
  5. serverless-postgraphql. Serverless GraphQL endpoint for PostgresSQL using AWS, serverless and PostGraphQL
  6. graphql-go-example. Example GraphQL API implemented in Go and backed by Postgresql


  1. leo. Highly Extensible, Declarative Static Site Generator
  2. preact-redux-isomorphic. preact-redux-isomorphic PWA SPA SSR best practices and libraries in under 80kB page size (for live demo click the link below)


  1. graphene. GraphQL framework for Python
  2. graphene-django. Graphene Django integration
  3. flask-graphql. Adds GraphQL support to your Flask application.
  4. graphene-sqlalchemy. Graphene SQLAlchemy integration
  5. graphql-compiler. Turn complex GraphQL queries into optimized database queries.
  6. Requester. Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library
  7. graphene-gae. GraphQL Support for Google AppEngine


  1. graphql-ruby. Ruby implementation of GraphQL
  2. relay-rails-blog. A graphql, relay and standard rails application powered demo weblog. We are using Graphql server and relay for our react component data needs.
  3. graphql-query-resolver. Minimize N+1 queries generated by GraphQL and ActiveRecord


  1. react-graphql-github-apollo. 🚀A React + Apollo + GraphQL GitHub Client. Your opportunity to learn about these technologies in a real world application.
  2. chatty. A WhatsApp clone with React Native and Apollo (Tutorial)
  3. react-redux-graphql-apollo-bootstrap-webpack-starter. react js + redux + graphQL + Apollo + react router + hot reload + devTools + bootstrap + webpack starter
  4. react-hipstaplate. A ReactJS full-stack boilerplate based on typescript with ssr, custom apollo-server and huge stack of modern utilities which will help you to start your own project


  1. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  2. reactjs101. 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 ReactJS 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。
  3. apollo-universal-starter-kit. Apollo 2 Universal Starter Kit — GraphQL React JavaScript app boilerplate for Mobile, Server and Web where code for all platforms built with Webpack to enable max code reuse, stack: Apollo, GraphQL, React 16, React Native, Expo, Express, Knex, SQLite, Twitter Bootstrap, Babel, Webpack
  4. crate. 👕👖📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).
  5. chatty. A WhatsApp clone with React Native and Apollo (Tutorial)
  6. apollo-cache-persist. 🎏 Simple persistence for all Apollo Cache implementations
  7. awesome-react-graphql. A curated collection of resources, clients and tools that make working with GraphQL and React/React Native awesome
  8. react-native-fullstack-graphql. 🚀 Starter projects for mobile applications based on React Native & GraphQL.
  9. react-conf-17-videos. Find that one presentation you missed!
  10. jobs. Come and join the Entria team
  11. babel-plugin-inline-import-graphql-ast. Parse .graphql/.gql files into GraphQL AST at compile-time
  12. react-native-feed. News feed built with react-native, apollo-client and graphql & powered by postgraphql
  13. react-metodologia. Uma metodologia para desenvolvimento de projetos com React, Redux, GraphQL, ImmutableJS, reselect, recompose, etc...


  1. react-dashboard. React Dashboard - isomorphic web dashboard template (React.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, GraphQL, React Router, Babel, Webpack, Browsersync)
  2. react-conf-17-videos. Find that one presentation you missed!
  3. react-auth-app-example. An app example with authentication using Create React App, React, React Router, Apollo, GraphQL, Redux and Redux Form.
  4. preact-redux-isomorphic. preact-redux-isomorphic PWA SPA SSR best practices and libraries in under 80kB page size (for live demo click the link below)
  5. react-redux-graphql-apollo-bootstrap-webpack-starter. react js + redux + graphQL + Apollo + react router + hot reload + devTools + bootstrap + webpack starter


  1. react-graphql-github-apollo. 🚀A React + Apollo + GraphQL GitHub Client. Your opportunity to learn about these technologies in a real world application.
  2. react-dashboard. React Dashboard - isomorphic web dashboard template (React.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, GraphQL, React Router, Babel, Webpack, Browsersync)
  3. react-redux-graphql-apollo-bootstrap-webpack-starter. react js + redux + graphQL + Apollo + react router + hot reload + devTools + bootstrap + webpack starter


  1. react-starter-kit. React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
  2. react-firebase-starter. Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
  3. spectrum. Simple, powerful online communities.
  4. reactjs101. 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 ReactJS 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。
  5. urql. Universal React Query Library
  6. cli. Universal React+GraphQL starter kit CLI: React 16, Apollo, Webpack 3, React Router 4, PostCSS, SSR
  7. react-app. Create React App with server-side code support
  8. chatty. A WhatsApp clone with React Native and Apollo (Tutorial)
  9. awesome-relay. Awesome resources for Relay
  10. react-conf-17-videos. Find that one presentation you missed!
  11. giraffQL. Interactive GraphQL exploration tool built with React - still working on the website
  12. react-quickly. Source code for React Quickly [Manning, 2017]: Painless Web Apps with React, JSX, Redux, and GraphQL 📕
  13. relay-authentication. An example app demonstrating role based authentication and file upload with Relay and GraphQL.
  14. react-metodologia. Uma metodologia para desenvolvimento de projetos com React, Redux, GraphQL, ImmutableJS, reselect, recompose, etc...
  15. react-redux-graphql-apollo-bootstrap-webpack-starter. react js + redux + graphQL + Apollo + react router + hot reload + devTools + bootstrap + webpack starter


  1. graphql-subscriptions. 📰 A small module that implements GraphQL subscriptions for Node.js
  2. spikenail. A GraphQL Framework for Node.js
  3. aws-mobile-appsync-events-starter-react. GraphQL starter application with Realtime and Offline functionality using AWS AppSync


  1. action. A multiplayer web application for building smarter, more agile teams.
  2. spikenail. A GraphQL Framework for Node.js
  3. thunder. ⚡️ A Go framework for rapidly building powerful graphql services
  4. magellan. Real-time streaming GraphQL server for Go.
  5. aws-mobile-appsync-events-starter-react. GraphQL starter application with Realtime and Offline functionality using AWS AppSync


  1. react-starter-kit. React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
  2. react-apollo. ♻️ React integration for Apollo Client
  3. reactjs101. 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 ReactJS 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。
  4. ran. ⚡ RAN! React . GraphQL . Next.js Toolkit ⚡ - SEO-Ready, Production-Ready, SSR, Hot-Reload, CSS-in-JS, Caching, CLI commands and more...
  5. fullstack-graphql. 🌈 Simple Fullstack GraphQL Application. API built with Express + GraphQL + Sequelize (supports MySQL, Postgres, Sqlite and MSSQL). WebApp built with React + Redux to access the API. Written in ES6 using Babel + Webpack.
  6. action. A multiplayer web application for building smarter, more agile teams.
  7. crate. 👕👖📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).
  8. react-dashboard. React Dashboard - isomorphic web dashboard template (React.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, GraphQL, React Router, Babel, Webpack, Browsersync)
  9. scalable-react-boilerplate. ⭐ Scalable feature-first React micro-framework made for Udacity Alumni collaborative projects
  10. react-auth-app-example. An app example with authentication using Create React App, React, React Router, Apollo, GraphQL, Redux and Redux Form.
  11. Kreta. Modern project management solution
  12. react-quickly. Source code for React Quickly [Manning, 2017]: Painless Web Apps with React, JSX, Redux, and GraphQL 📕
  13. scalable-react-typescript-boilerplate. ⭐ Scalable micro-framework featuring React and TypeScript
  14. gatsby-starter-personal-blog. A ready to use, easy to customize Gatsby starter. Some functions: markdown posts, pages and fragments, contact form, searching, filtering by category, pwa (100%), favicons generator, rss, sitemap, FB comments, social sharing ...
  15. react-reach. A small library for React to communicate with GraphQL
  16. apollo-cache-redux. Redux cache for Apollo Client 2.0
  17. apollo-offline. An offline toolkit for the Apollo client
  18. reactconfbr. Public infos and issues about React Conf Brasil organization
  19. preact-redux-isomorphic. preact-redux-isomorphic PWA SPA SSR best practices and libraries in under 80kB page size (for live demo click the link below)
  20. react-metodologia. Uma metodologia para desenvolvimento de projetos com React, Redux, GraphQL, ImmutableJS, reselect, recompose, etc...
  21. react-redux-graphql-apollo-bootstrap-webpack-starter. react js + redux + graphQL + Apollo + react router + hot reload + devTools + bootstrap + webpack starter
  22. react-hipstaplate. A ReactJS full-stack boilerplate based on typescript with ssr, custom apollo-server and huge stack of modern utilities which will help you to start your own project


  1. graphitejs. Framework NodeJS for GraphQl
  2. react-hipstaplate. A ReactJS full-stack boilerplate based on typescript with ssr, custom apollo-server and huge stack of modern utilities which will help you to start your own project


  1. awesome-graphql. Awesome list of GraphQL & Relay
  2. react-firebase-starter. Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
  3. graphene. GraphQL framework for Python
  4. graphql-ruby. Ruby implementation of GraphQL
  5. reactjs101. 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 ReactJS 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。
  6. absinthe. The GraphQL toolkit for Elixir
  7. react-transmit. Relay-inspired library based on Promises instead of GraphQL.
  8. laravel-graphql. Facebook GraphQL for Laravel 5. It supports Relay, eloquent models, validation and GraphiQL.
  9. graphql-relay-js. A library to help construct a graphql-js server supporting react-relay.
  10. relay-fullstack. ☝️🏃 Modern Relay Starter Kit - Integrated with Relay, GraphQL, Express, ES6/ES7, JSX, Webpack, Babel, Material Design Lite, and PostCSS
  11. learnrelay. Learn Relay - A comprehensive introduction to Relay (created by Graphcool)
  12. adrenaline. Simple Relay alternative
  13. react-app. Create React App with server-side code support
  14. graphql.js. A Simple and Isomorphic GraphQL Client for JavaScript
  15. create-graphql. Command-line utility to build production-ready servers with GraphQL.
  16. graphql-up. Get a ready-to-use GraphQL API for your schema
  17. jseg. A super simple, in-memory, JS graph database.
  18. GraphQLBundle. This bundle provides tools to build a complete GraphQL server in your Symfony App.
  19. graphql-config. The easiest way to configure your development environment with your GraphQL schema (supported by most tools, editors & IDEs)
  20. graphql-dataloader-boilerplate. Very simple boilerplate using GraphQL and DataLoader
  21. js-graphql-intellij-plugin. GraphQL language support for IntelliJ IDEA and WebStorm, including Relay.QL tagged templates in JavaScript and TypeScript.
  22. awesome-relay. Awesome resources for Relay
  23. jobs. Come and join the Entria team
  24. FSharp.Data.GraphQL. FSharp implementation of Facebook GraphQL query language.
  25. graphql-pokemon. Get information of a Pokémon with GraphQL!
  26. relay-rails-blog. A graphql, relay and standard rails application powered demo weblog. We are using Graphql server and relay for our react component data needs.
  27. relay-authentication. An example app demonstrating role based authentication and file upload with Relay and GraphQL.
  28. get-graphql-schema. Fetch and print the GraphQL schema from a GraphQL HTTP endpoint. (Can be used for Relay Modern.)
  29. reactconfbr. Public infos and issues about React Conf Brasil organization
  30. graphql-sequelize-crud. Automatically generate queries and mutations from Sequelize models
  31. frontend. 🌏 The front-end application code for
  32. absinthe_relay. Absinthe support for the Relay framework


  1. este. Is What It Is
  2. react-firebase-starter. Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
  3. react-app. Create React App with server-side code support


  1. learnrelay. Learn Relay - A comprehensive introduction to Relay (created by Graphcool)
  2. react-fullstack-graphql. Starter projects for fullstack applications based on React & GraphQL.
  3. angular-fullstack-graphql. 🚀 Starter projects for fullstack applications based on Angular & GraphQL.


  1. Requester. Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library
  2. snug. Write reusable web API interactions


  1. apollo-resolvers. Expressive and composable resolvers for Apollostack's GraphQL server
  2. graphql-resolvers. 🔌 Resolver composition library for GraphQL.


  1. strapi. 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  2. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  3. automatic-api. A list of software that turns your database into a REST/GraphQL API
  4. karate. Web-Services Testing Made Simple
  5. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
  6. crudl. CRUDL is a backend agnostic REST and GraphQL based admin interface
  7. accounts. Fullstack authentication and accounts-management for Javascript.
  8. Requester. Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library
  9. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  10. crudl-example-express. CRUDL with Node/Express and MongoDB
  11. snug. Write reusable web API interactions


  1. tipe. 🎉 Next Generation API-first CMS for developers. Create your content with powerful editing tools and access it from anywhere with a GraphQL or REST API. Stop letting your CMS decide how you build your Apps.
  2. automatic-api. A list of software that turns your database into a REST/GraphQL API
  3. rest-layer. REST Layer, Go (golang) REST API framework


  1. tipe. 🎉 Next Generation API-first CMS for developers. Create your content with powerful editing tools and access it from anywhere with a GraphQL or REST API. Stop letting your CMS decide how you build your Apps.
  2. hasor. Hasor是一套基于 Java 语言的分布式应用程序开发框架,它的核心设计目标是提供一个简单、且必要的环境给开发者。区别于其它框架的是 Hasor 有着自己一套完整的体系,无论您是一般的Web项目,还是几百人团队中复杂的分布式系统。Hasor都会给予你最有力的支持。
  3. nextql. Yet Another Data Query Language. Equivalent GraphQL but much more simple.


  1. spectrum. Simple, powerful online communities.
  2. action. A multiplayer web application for building smarter, more agile teams.


  1. hasor. Hasor是一套基于 Java 语言的分布式应用程序开发框架,它的核心设计目标是提供一个简单、且必要的环境给开发者。区别于其它框架的是 Hasor 有着自己一套完整的体系,无论您是一般的Web项目,还是几百人团队中复杂的分布式系统。Hasor都会给予你最有力的支持。
  2. snug. Write reusable web API interactions


  1. graphql-ruby. Ruby implementation of GraphQL
  2. platform-samples. A public place for all platform sample projects.
  3. graphql-client. A Ruby library for declaring, composing and executing GraphQL queries
  4. batch-loader. ⚡ Powerful tool to avoid N+1 DB or HTTP queries
  5. graphql-guard. Simple authorization gem for GraphQL 🔒


  1. quicktype. Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
  2. juniper. GraphQL server library for Rust


  1. react-dashboard. React Dashboard - isomorphic web dashboard template (React.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, GraphQL, React Router, Babel, Webpack, Browsersync)
  2. kit. ReactQL starter kit (use the CLI)


  1. sangria. Scala GraphQL implementation
  2. boilerplay. Using the latest technology in the Scala ecosystem, Boilerplay is a reactive web application built on Play 2.6, ScalaJS, Silhouette 5, Sangria/GraphQL, and PostgreSQL. It provides a good starting point for whatever you want to build.


  1. postgraphile. A GraphQL API created by reflection over a PostgreSQL schema.
  2. graphql-cli. 📟 Command line tool for common GraphQL development workflows
  3. graphql-code-generator. GraphQL code generator with flexible support for custom templates
  4. graphql-compose. graphql-compose – toolkit for construction complex GraphQL schemas. Provides bunch of plugins for type generation. Allows to build your own plugins/helper-functions for type construction and modification.
  5. merge-graphql-schemas. A utility library to facilitate merging of modularized GraphQL schemas and resolver objects.
  6. tuql. Automatically create a GraphQL server from a sqlite database
  7. walkable. A serious way to fetch data from SQL using Clojure(script): Datomic® pull syntax, data driven configuration, dynamic filtering with relations in mind
  8. graphql-for-vscode. GraphQL syntax highlighting, linting, auto-complete, and more!
  9. graphql-rover. 🚀 GraphQL + Vue.js + D3.js schema viewer, powered by introspection.
  10. babel-plugin-inline-import-graphql-ast. Parse .graphql/.gql files into GraphQL AST at compile-time
  11. join-monster-graphql-tools-adapter. Use Join Monster to fetch your data with Apollo Server.
  12. rawmodeljs. Strongly-typed JavaScript object with support for validation and error handling.
  13. conventions. GraphQL Conventions Library for .NET
  14. type-graphql. Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!


  1. graphql-compose. graphql-compose – toolkit for construction complex GraphQL schemas. Provides bunch of plugins for type generation. Allows to build your own plugins/helper-functions for type construction and modification.
  2. graphql-compose-mongoose. Mongoose model converter to GraphQL types with resolvers for graphql-compose


  1. react-firebase-starter. Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
  2. preact-redux-isomorphic. preact-redux-isomorphic PWA SPA SSR best practices and libraries in under 80kB page size (for live demo click the link below)


  1. crate. 👕👖📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).
  2. chatty. A WhatsApp clone with React Native and Apollo (Tutorial)
  3. tuql. Automatically create a GraphQL server from a sqlite database


  1. graphql-shield. 🛡 A GraphQL tool to ease the creation of permission layer.
  2. basically-fullstack-graphql. Code that aims to explain the client and the server side of using GraphQL in apps.
  3. walkable. A serious way to fetch data from SQL using Clojure(script): Datomic® pull syntax, data driven configuration, dynamic filtering with relations in mind


  1. scalable-react-boilerplate. ⭐ Scalable feature-first React micro-framework made for Udacity Alumni collaborative projects
  2. scalable-react-typescript-boilerplate. ⭐ Scalable micro-framework featuring React and TypeScript


  1. react-firebase-starter. Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
  2. react-app. Create React App with server-side code support
  3. crate. 👕👖📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).


  1. prisma. ⚡️ Prisma turns your database into a realtime GraphQL API
  2. up. Deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, apis, and sites in seconds to AWS.
  3. react-firebase-starter. Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
  4. serverless-postgraphql. Serverless GraphQL endpoint for PostgresSQL using AWS, serverless and PostGraphQL


  1. react-firebase-starter. Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
  2. preact-redux-isomorphic. preact-redux-isomorphic PWA SPA SSR best practices and libraries in under 80kB page size (for live demo click the link below)


  1. graphql-java-tools. A schema-first tool for graphql-java inspired by graphql-tools for JS (
  2. graphql-spring-boot-starter. Spring boot starter for GraphQL
  3. springBoot-restful-angular. springBoot,restful,jwt,angular4 搭建的前后端分离后台管理系统


  1. nodejs-api-starter. Boilerplate and tooling for authoring data API backends with Node.js and GraphQL
  2. join-monster. A GraphQL to SQL query execution layer for query planning and batch data fetching.
  3. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  4. walkable. A serious way to fetch data from SQL using Clojure(script): Datomic® pull syntax, data driven configuration, dynamic filtering with relations in mind
  5. join-monster-graphql-tools-adapter. Use Join Monster to fetch your data with Apollo Server.


  1. tuql. Automatically create a GraphQL server from a sqlite database
  2. walkable. A serious way to fetch data from SQL using Clojure(script): Datomic® pull syntax, data driven configuration, dynamic filtering with relations in mind


  1. tuql. Automatically create a GraphQL server from a sqlite database
  2. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  3. walkable. A serious way to fetch data from SQL using Clojure(script): Datomic® pull syntax, data driven configuration, dynamic filtering with relations in mind


  1. react-starter-kit. React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
  2. react-firebase-starter. Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
  3. react-apollo. ♻️ React integration for Apollo Client
  4. cli. Universal React+GraphQL starter kit CLI: React 16, Apollo, Webpack 3, React Router 4, PostCSS, SSR
  5. react-app. Create React App with server-side code support
  6. crate. 👕👖📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).
  7. preact-redux-isomorphic. preact-redux-isomorphic PWA SPA SSR best practices and libraries in under 80kB page size (for live demo click the link below)


  1. cli. Universal React+GraphQL starter kit CLI: React 16, Apollo, Webpack 3, React Router 4, PostCSS, SSR
  2. express-graphql-typescript-boilerplate. A starter kit for building amazing GraphQL API's with TypeScript and express by @w3tecch
  3. gatsby-blog-starter-kit. A simple starter kit for a static blog created with Gatsby


  1. react-firebase-starter. Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
  2. spectrum. Simple, powerful online communities.
  3. ran. ⚡ RAN! React . GraphQL . Next.js Toolkit ⚡ - SEO-Ready, Production-Ready, SSR, Hot-Reload, CSS-in-JS, Caching, CLI commands and more...
  4. language-babel. ES2017, flow, React JSX and GraphQL grammar and transpilation for ATOM
  5. next-apollo-example. Next & Apollo Example
  6. react-hipstaplate. A ReactJS full-stack boilerplate based on typescript with ssr, custom apollo-server and huge stack of modern utilities which will help you to start your own project


  1. graphql. An implementation of GraphQL for Go / Golang
  2. gqlgen. go generate based graphql server library


  1. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  2. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes


  1. apollo-ios. 📱 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift
  2. quicktype. Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
  3. apollo-codegen. ✏️ Generate API code or type annotations based on a GraphQL schema and query documents
  4. GraphQL. The Swift GraphQL implementation for macOS and Linux
  5. graphql-code-generator. GraphQL code generator with flexible support for custom templates
  6. Graphiti. Swift GraphQL Schema/Type framework for macOS and Linux


  1. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  2. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
  3. GraphQLBundle. This bundle provides tools to build a complete GraphQL server in your Symfony App.
  4. Kreta. Modern project management solution


  1. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  2. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
  3. GraphQLBundle. This bundle provides tools to build a complete GraphQL server in your Symfony App.


  1. karate. Web-Services Testing Made Simple
  2. Requester. Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library


  1. tipe. 🎉 Next Generation API-first CMS for developers. Create your content with powerful editing tools and access it from anywhere with a GraphQL or REST API. Stop letting your CMS decide how you build your Apps.
  2. graphql-playground. An in-browser IDE built in Vue.js for exploring GraphQL by @TipeIO


  1. Vulcan. 🌋 A toolkit to quickly build apps with React, GraphQL & Meteor
  2. ran. ⚡ RAN! React . GraphQL . Next.js Toolkit ⚡ - SEO-Ready, Production-Ready, SSR, Hot-Reload, CSS-in-JS, Caching, CLI commands and more...
  3. graphql-compose. graphql-compose – toolkit for construction complex GraphQL schemas. Provides bunch of plugins for type generation. Allows to build your own plugins/helper-functions for type construction and modification.


  1. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  2. howtographql. The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
  3. learnrelay. Learn Relay - A comprehensive introduction to Relay (created by Graphcool)
  4. chatty. A WhatsApp clone with React Native and Apollo (Tutorial)
  5. twitter-clone-with-graphql-reactnative.


  1. prettier. Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
  2. apollo-client. 🚀 A fully-featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for every UI framework and GraphQL server
  3. postgraphile. A GraphQL API created by reflection over a PostgreSQL schema.
  4. quicktype. Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
  5. apollo-codegen. ✏️ Generate API code or type annotations based on a GraphQL schema and query documents
  6. navalia. A bullet-proof, fast, and reliable headless browser API
  7. apollo-universal-starter-kit. Apollo 2 Universal Starter Kit — GraphQL React JavaScript app boilerplate for Mobile, Server and Web where code for all platforms built with Webpack to enable max code reuse, stack: Apollo, GraphQL, React 16, React Native, Expo, Express, Knex, SQLite, Twitter Bootstrap, Babel, Webpack
  8. graphql-request. 📡 Minimal GraphQL client supporting Node and browsers for scripts or simple apps
  9. apollo-angular. Angular integration for the Apollo Client
  10. graphql-code-generator. GraphQL code generator with flexible support for custom templates
  11. ts-graphql-plugin. TypeScript Language Service Plugin for GraphQL developers
  12. scalable-react-typescript-boilerplate. ⭐ Scalable micro-framework featuring React and TypeScript
  13. apollo-offline. An offline toolkit for the Apollo client
  14. graphql-weaver. A tool to combine, link and transform GraphQL schemas
  15. angular1-apollo. AngularJS integration for the Apollo Client
  16. rawmodeljs. Strongly-typed JavaScript object with support for validation and error handling.
  17. express-graphql-typescript-boilerplate. A starter kit for building amazing GraphQL API's with TypeScript and express by @w3tecch
  18. angular-fullstack-graphql. 🚀 Starter projects for fullstack applications based on Angular & GraphQL.
  19. type-graphql. Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!
  20. react-hipstaplate. A ReactJS full-stack boilerplate based on typescript with ssr, custom apollo-server and huge stack of modern utilities which will help you to start your own project
  21. graphql. A GraphQL (Apollo) module for Nest framework (node.js) 🍷


  1. este. Is What It Is
  2. apollo-universal-starter-kit. Apollo 2 Universal Starter Kit — GraphQL React JavaScript app boilerplate for Mobile, Server and Web where code for all platforms built with Webpack to enable max code reuse, stack: Apollo, GraphQL, React 16, React Native, Expo, Express, Knex, SQLite, Twitter Bootstrap, Babel, Webpack
  3. relate. [ARCHIVED] experimenting React + GraphQL + Next.js web app on the theme of mindfulness
  4. next-apollo-example. Next & Apollo Example
  5. universal-react-apollo-example. Universal React Apollo App (GraphQL) consuming:!


  1. graphql-voyager. 🛰️ Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph
  2. giraffQL. Interactive GraphQL exploration tool built with React - still working on the website


  1. learnapollo. 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  2. vue-apollo. 🚀 Apollo/GraphQL integration for VueJS
  3. vue-express-mongo-boilerplate. ⭐ MEVN Full stack JS web app boilerplate with NodeJS, Express, Mongo and VueJS
  4. graphql-playground. An in-browser IDE built in Vue.js for exploring GraphQL by @TipeIO
  5. basically-fullstack-graphql. Code that aims to explain the client and the server side of using GraphQL in apps.
  6. node-github-profile-summary. :octocat:The node version of github-profile-summary
  7. apollo-storybook-decorator. Wrap your React Storybook stories with Apollo Client, provide mocks for isolated UI testing with GraphQL


  1. vue-apollo. 🚀 Apollo/GraphQL integration for VueJS
  2. vue-express-mongo-boilerplate. ⭐ MEVN Full stack JS web app boilerplate with NodeJS, Express, Mongo and VueJS
  3. graphql-rover. 🚀 GraphQL + Vue.js + D3.js schema viewer, powered by introspection.
  4. huncwot. 😺 🌀 Node.js + Vue.js boilerplate built for ESNext era with « batteries included » approach.


  1. juniper. GraphQL server library for Rust
  2. flask-graphql. Adds GraphQL support to your Flask application.
  3. hasor. Hasor是一套基于 Java 语言的分布式应用程序开发框架,它的核心设计目标是提供一个简单、且必要的环境给开发者。区别于其它框架的是 Hasor 有着自己一套完整的体系,无论您是一般的Web项目,还是几百人团队中复杂的分布式系统。Hasor都会给予你最有力的支持。


  1. react-starter-kit. React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
  2. vue-express-mongo-boilerplate. ⭐ MEVN Full stack JS web app boilerplate with NodeJS, Express, Mongo and VueJS
  3. cli. Universal React+GraphQL starter kit CLI: React 16, Apollo, Webpack 3, React Router 4, PostCSS, SSR
  4. apollo-universal-starter-kit. Apollo 2 Universal Starter Kit — GraphQL React JavaScript app boilerplate for Mobile, Server and Web where code for all platforms built with Webpack to enable max code reuse, stack: Apollo, GraphQL, React 16, React Native, Expo, Express, Knex, SQLite, Twitter Bootstrap, Babel, Webpack
  5. react-app. Create React App with server-side code support
  6. crate. 👕👖📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).
  7. react-dashboard. React Dashboard - isomorphic web dashboard template (React.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, GraphQL, React Router, Babel, Webpack, Browsersync)
  8. kit. ReactQL starter kit (use the CLI)
  9. scalable-react-typescript-boilerplate. ⭐ Scalable micro-framework featuring React and TypeScript
  10. huncwot. 😺 🌀 Node.js + Vue.js boilerplate built for ESNext era with « batteries included » approach.
  11. reactconfbr. Public infos and issues about React Conf Brasil organization
  12. react-redux-graphql-apollo-bootstrap-webpack-starter. react js + redux + graphQL + Apollo + react router + hot reload + devTools + bootstrap + webpack starter


  1. cli. Universal React+GraphQL starter kit CLI: React 16, Apollo, Webpack 3, React Router 4, PostCSS, SSR
  2. universal-react-apollo-example. Universal React Apollo App (GraphQL) consuming:!
  3. preact-redux-isomorphic. preact-redux-isomorphic PWA SPA SSR best practices and libraries in under 80kB page size (for live demo click the link below)


  1. wp-graphql. A GraphQL API for WordPress
  2. graphql-wp. GraphQL endpoint for WordPress


  1. relay-fullstack. ☝️🏃 Modern Relay Starter Kit - Integrated with Relay, GraphQL, Express, ES6/ES7, JSX, Webpack, Babel, Material Design Lite, and PostCSS
  2. create-graphql. Command-line utility to build production-ready servers with GraphQL.


  1. ran. ⚡ RAN! React . GraphQL . Next.js Toolkit ⚡ - SEO-Ready, Production-Ready, SSR, Hot-Reload, CSS-in-JS, Caching, CLI commands and more...
  2. micro-medium-api. Microservice for fetching the latest posts of Medium with GraphQL.