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Releases: oroinc/crm-application

Release Notes

29 May 12:30
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Two-side customer data synchronization with Magento

In 1.2 release it is now possible to edit customer data on the OroCRM side and synchronize the changes back to Magento. To do so, you need to enable such synchronization in channel settings (this is possible for existing channels as well as the new ones). After two-way data sync is enabled, all changes in Contacts and Contact Addresses that are related to Magento Customers will be synced back to Magento, so Contacts and Customers will always be in sync. Similarly, all changes to Magento Customer will now affect related Contacts if two-way data sync is on.
System behavior for conflicting changes (e.g. contact data was edited both on Magento side and OroCRM side) can be configured in Channel settings; By default the preference is given to Magento data. We have plans to introduce conflict resolution UI in the future release

Improvements to Customer view

The view now features a location map widget, and full history of Orders and Shopping Carts that are related to a Customer. These changes should greatly improve the experience of working with Customer data, especially when you are considering a direct sales approach such as placing an order from the Customer page.

Improvements to Magento data view

The most noticeable improvement will be removal of per-channel division of Web Customers, Orders, and Shopping Carts in the navigation menu – all records of these entities are now accessed via single pages with "unified" grids. Also, the column sets of each grid has been changed as well:

  • Web Customers grid now features Channel, as well as the lifetime value of the Customer, and country and state of customer's default billing address.
  • Shopping Carts grid features the same Channel, and billing country and state. Note that the latter two are taken from the particular cart, and can differ from customer's default.
  • Orders grid was enriched not just by Channel, but by Website as well. In addition to existing Total paid, Grand total and Sub total amounts were added. Finally, billing country and state were added, too.
    All these additional attributes can be used as filters.

Release Notes

26 May 14:12
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Magento Import improvements and fixes

  • Fixed validation of Magento Channel over https
  • Improved entity validation in Magento import
  • Added option to force run Magento Synchronization

Release Notes

12 May 20:13
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Improvements to Customer view

In 1.2 release, Magento Customer view is noticeably improved. The idea behind the changes was that we wanted to make it more in line with 360° approach that we are using for Account and Contact views. The view now features a location map widget, and full history of Orders and Shopping Carts that are related to this Customer. These changes should greatly improve the experience of working with Customer data, especially when you are considering a direct sales approach such as placing an order from the Customer page.

Improvements to display of Magento data

The most noticeable improvement will be removal of per-channel division of Web Customers, Orders, and Shopping Carts in the navigation menu – all records of these entities are now accessed via single pages with "unified" grids. Also, the column sets of each grid has been changed as well:
Web Customers grid now features Channel, as well as the lifetime value of the Customer, and country and state of customer's default billing address.
Shopping Carts grid features the same Channel, and billing country and state. Note that the latter two are taken from the particular cart, and can differ from customer's default.
Orders grid was enriched not just by Channel, but by Website as well. In addition to existing Total paid, Grand total and Sub total amounts were added. Finally, billing country and state were added, too.
All these additional attributes can be used as filters.

Release Notes

28 Apr 12:52
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Magento order completion

This feature improves on our Abandoned Shopping Cart workflow. We designed this flow to help you find additional revenue by converting abandoned Magento shopping carts – but you still had to fulfill the conversion on Magento side. Now you will be able to complete an order on Magento website directly from OroCRM, without leaving the application!
All shopping carts in Open status will feature the Complete Order button that will open the iframe window. On the first use, you will be prompted to enter Magento administrator credentials that correspond to the channel you're working with. The credentials must be entered only for the first time in each user session, and on successful login you will be redirected to the Create Magento Order form.
In the form you can edit the contents of the order, apply a coupon or discount, specify billing and shipping addresses, payment and shipment methods, and place an order. This order will be created on Magento side, and immediately synced back to OroCRM, so after the form is closed, the shopping cart will be marked as Purchased and the newly created order will be imported into the system.
This feature requires OroCRM Bridge version 1.1.0 or higher.
Known issue: This feature requires third-party cookies to be accepted by browser for proper handling of Magento login. Normally this is enabled by default, but we detected that in Safari for Mac the default setting is to block all cookies from third-party websites. Please make sure that your browser accepts third-party cookies before you start using this feature.

Magento order creation

This is a related feature to Magento order completion that will allow you not only complete the orders from existing shopping carts, but create them from scratch – again, without leaving OroCRM. The button for order creation is available on every Magento Customer page in OroCRM.
As is the case with order completion, this feature requires OroCRM Bridge version 1.1.0 or higher.

Dashboard management

The 1.1 version introduces configurable and interactive Dashboards to the platform.
You will now be able to:
Re-organize widgets on the dashboard using drag & drop – simply click on the widget header and start moving it around;
Collapse and expand widgets using the small "−" button on the left side of the header;
Remove widgets from the Dashboard using the trash can button on the right side of the header
Add widgets to the Dashboard using an Add Widget button.
The ability to configure dashboards means that users with sufficient ACL privileges can add new dashboards to the system, edit, and remove the existing ones. Dashboard management is available either from the new Dashboard > Manage Dashboards menu item, or directly from the Dashboard view using the new Tools button.

Release Notes

18 Apr 10:53
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Fixed Issues

  • Issue #1049 – Problems with import of several Magento orders per cart
  • Issue #944 – Problems with import of Magento orders from Admin website
  • Issue #971 – Orders and Shopping Cart grids on the Account view are not clickable
  • Issue #970 – Artifacts on the Account view page
  • Issue #934 – Contact widget is not working correctly
  • Issue #931 – ACL is not implemented correctly for Calls and Emails on Magento-related entity pages

Release Notes

01 Apr 12:40
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This feature allows you to create tasks and assign them to users. Tasks assigned to you can be easily accessed via built-in Task List sidebar widget that provides a list of your open tasks in chronological order, and highlighting the ones that are overdue.

Improved UI for launch of the Sales Process workflow

Workflows are an integral part of the OroCRM experience and of every Business Application. Prior to this release, workflow creation and configuration could only be done by developers using the configuration files. With this release we introduce the first generation GUI tool that allows you to create new Workflows and manage some of the features of custom workflows and reduces the dependency on developers. This version includes the following features:

  • Access the list of all workflows that currently exist in the system. Note that "System" or built-in workflows cannot be edited, but can be cloned.
  • Activate and deactivate workflows.
  • Create a completely new workflow or clone and adjust an existing one.
  • Specify steps of the workflow and their relative positions in the workflow
  • Add transitions to the workflow

For workflow transitions, the following customization is possible:

  • Specify transition form (popup or the whole page) and entity attributes that will appear on this form.
  • Customize transition button: change its label, icon and style.
  • Provide a warning message to the user.
    With future releases we will continue enhancing this feature and adding more functionality to allow a user to fully manage Workflows

Release Notes

25 Feb 11:24
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Refactored Flexible Workflows

The idea is to simplify creation and management of the complex workflows that have more than one related entity (e.g. in B2B workflow these are Leads and Opportunities) by adding a restriction that a workflow can have only one main entity (e.g. new B2B workflow called Sales Activity). Note that the Sales Activity entity does not have any value by itself (it even cannot be created directly from the grid) and is meaningful only in the context of the workflow, when there's a connection to a Lead and/or an Opportunity.
Note that the functionality for this release is not complete: The workflow can only be started from the existing Lead or Opportunity which have to be created in advance. The complete vision for this workflow anticipates more elaborate form for starting transition that will allow users to start flow either with an existing Lead/Opportuinity record, or to create such entity on the fly.

Embedded forms

This feature allows developers to create embedded forms that can used in third-party websites in order to collect data directly into OroCRM and have workflows around the data collected. These forms can be set up to maintain the look & feel of a target website.
The package for embedded forms contains two examples of such forms: generic Contact Request form and a Magento Contact Request form that uses Magento CE CSS in its appearance. The latter form also has an OroCRM workflow attached to data records generated from it, serving as an example of the use case for embedded form data collection.

Account merging

Users will now be able to merge up to 5 account records at a time into one account, with a simple and easy-to-use GUI tool. This tool allows user to specify master record (i.e., the record where all other accounts will be merged to), and to choose the source for every attribute of the resulting record. For the relation attributes (like Contacts or Tags) a strategy – replace or append – can be specified.


We have added the ability to upgrade existing installations of OroCRM. To upgrade follow the instructions in file. This process will be automated in future releases.

Release Notes

30 Jan 20:40
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Improved Workflow

Interaction with the workflow has been redesigned, providing more immediate access to workflow step transitions and view.
The entity that is part of the wokrflow (determined by workflowItem and workflowStep attributes) will no longer feature the "Workflow items" grid in the respective section of its view form, but will instead incorporate workflow step information directly to the entity view. This information includes display of the workflow progress – the current step, the preceding steps and the subsequent steps – and buttons for available transitions. This workflow information is displayed on top of the entity view, and the entity information is displayed below.
The workflow step can no longer be viewed on its own.

Improved Dashboard

This feature adds two funnel charts to our Dashboard: B2B flow chart and B2C flow chart, that relate, respectively, to Opportunity flow and Abandoned shopping cart flow.
The chart visualizes the overall progress of the respective workflow: the funnel shows what is the total value of entities that are in various steps of the workflow, and the outcome of the funnel shows the total value of entities that have reached the "final" step of the flow since the first day of the current quarter. E.g., for the B2B flow the chart will show as the funnel total budget amount of opportunities in "Qualify" step, then total budget amount of opportunities in "Develop" step, and as the outcome of the funnel there will be total budget amount of lost opportunities and total close amount of won opportunities.

Performance improvements

Magento integration performance has been improved in terms of both capacity and speed. Now it is possible to download up to 0.5M records in 13–15 hours

Other improvements

Synchronization of the channel can now be launched directly from the channel view.
The responsive cell design has been applied to Contact View screen. Now if the page is re-sized, the columns count will be reduced from 4 to 2, and then to 1, in order to keep columns not too narrow.

Release Notes

30 Dec 22:42
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Magento data import: Customers, Shopping carts and Orders

Added possibility to import customers, shopping carts and orders from Magento stores. To import data user should create channel under System -> Channels and schedule data synchronization which will be performed in background. Imported data can be found in Customers -> Channels, Sales -> Orders -> Channels and Sales -> Shopping cart -> Channels.

Details of implementation can be found in \Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle.

B2C Sales Flow

Added B2C flow for imported Customers, Orders and Shopping carts:

Abandoned Shopping Cart Flow
This workflow is used to process shopping cart from external sources (e.g. from Magento) and to try to convert it to opportunity.

Order Follow Up Flow
This workflow is used to process external orders (e.g. from Magento) and contact customers for feedback.

Call view window

Window with all information about a call can be opened directly from call widget grids on new dashboard, contact, account and user view pages

Basic dashboards

Developers can create dashboards using configuration file dashboard.yml where in section “dashboards” a new instance can be declared with list of widgets declared in section “widgets”. Each bundle can provide its own dashboard.yml where a new dashboard can be added or change existing ones.

Example can be found in \OroCRM\Bundle\SalesBundle\Resources\config\dashboard.yml.

Added basic dashboards for OroCRM. OroCRM loads Quick Launchpad by default, and user has the ability to change it to a new Dashboard (widgets: calendar, recent emails, recent calls, last actions with accounts, last actions with contacts, opportunities by lead source chart, opportunities by state chart).

Release Notes

05 Dec 17:18
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Reports creation wizard (Table reports)

"Table reports" are reports that allow a user to choose fields to show from target entity or related entities and set filters and conditions.
On “Manage Reports” page, a user can find the UI management for reports, where users can create, modify or delete reports. For now it is possible to choose an entity, select fields from chosen or related entity, set filter or sorting rules and describe filters logic.
On the next iteration of these feature we will add the ability for a user to apply grouping and aggregation functions on fields.

B2B Sales Flow adjustments


  • "Save and qualify" button saves form and redirect to lead page with open qualification step form.
  • Owner field is prefilled with current user or business unit.
  • Close date is prefilled with current date
  • Added account to Lead is not required
  • Marked as required account on opportunity
  • “Reopen”, “Close as Won” and “Close as Lost” starts transitions
  • Removed opportunity entity flow
  • Added allowed transition buttons to workflow items table
  • On "qualify" transition from lead added a form with three attributes: opportunity name (prefilled from lead name), lead account, lead company name. Prefilled account or company with existing account or with newly created based on Company name.
  • Added button to clear selection on entity selector, fix CSS issues for focused filed
  • Marked as required account attribute on "Develop" transition form

Call entity

Added ability to log phone calls with contacts. User should go to view contact page and press log a call button.
Added list of calls on Contact and User view.

Add weather layer in the map on contact view page