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Yiwei Chen Y77CH
CS @ UW-Madison
轻茹莉莉酱 e-kiss-me
Do more of what makes you happy.

o’flye Koryo

University of Calgary master of software meng grad
Dodge (Lang HE) DodgeHo
I am not just a C++ developer, but also capable of writting algorithm in digital signal processing, and able to use a bit of machine learning in data analysis.

Hong Kong, SAR

fenlin @ air fl-air
Dartian, Javanian, Smalltalker | 🌈 | ♥️🎧🚴‍♂️⚙️🗜️🔨💰

Cytoidio Detroit

ueda miki uedamiki
A Self-motivated software engineer with high experience working on multiple projects, I love learning more every minute & building new and smart tools.

MARKS GROUP Culiacan, Mexico

安琪 AnneLau
I'm fond of art and coding.


LiuFugui LFG12
My name is LiuFugui, an undergraduate majoring in geograph information science at Yangtze University. I am very interested in ai and spa;

Yangtze University Yangtze University

Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad
Aliaksei piniazik

ITSDev Poland