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jasmine rose federer jasminefederer
creative technologist... (whatever that means)


Poom Yimyuean lebrancconvas
Area of Interest: Web Dev, Game Dev, Data Science, Computer Graphics, Web Automation, Functional Programming, Multimedia and Language Learning.

Work from Any Workplace :P {"Thailand": ["Bangkok", "Surat Thani"]}

Burning up with curiosity. MSc in Computer Engineering; pythonista, dad and doodler

@dvisionlab Bergamo, Italy

Cynthia McDonald mcdonald-cyber
Tech Support

Los Angeles

Ashley Cai ashley-cai
design, code, journalism
beq sorenxysm
i <3 starring things only to forget or never use/understand most of it. it brings me joy
Katherine Yang kayserifserif
softly • previously whykatherine

@fathominfo Boston, USA

tomo nondescryptid
maker of casual inferences, never causal ones / fighting a losing battle with getting wifi on my samsung galaxy s2 with postmarketos


irawo/star irawoajasin
holding hands with the machine

Brooklyn, NY

Deblina Mukherjee deblnia
throwing code into the wind


hunty ghgoodreau
sr eng @ consensys


Andrew Chou achou11
none too happy

@digidem NYC