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Henra IceCreamPink
Love is like a war : easy to start, but very hard to win
Paulo Henrique Marioto Junior henriquemarioto
Hi, I'm Paulo, Fullstack developer!


Bioo dev bioodev
Enrique Fernandez / Motri


Alex Jonas Soares dos Reis AlexJonasReis
Sou um desenvolvedor iniciante e sempre fui fascinado pelo mundo da tecnologia. Estou aqui para aprender e contribuir para projetos inovadores .

Pará, Brail

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Senior Software Engineer

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Wenbo Zhang zhangwb1996
Eazy moto & Happy coding


Hannah Huang hh2o4
Web developer


Satoshi Nakamoto SatoshiNakamoto2007
Bitcoin devveloper Canada

Amir vTarikhi eTarikhi
Web Designer and Developer. Automation Panel Developer. E-Commerce CMS Developer. SEO Manager and Consultant.

Istanbul, Turkey

Adrian Cabrera AdrianC47
Computer Engineering Student 💻 📚 Universidad Politécnica Salesiana 🌎

Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador

Vishal Juyal VishalJuyal
Detailed-oriented, Full Stack developer, Efficiently developing websites, applications using modern NextJs,NodeJs,MongoDB,RESTAPI ,Express.js, NestJs SQL, AWS.


Cesar Inzunsa CesarInzunsa
👨‍💻 Computer Engineering Student at the Instituto Tecnológico de Tepic ⭐️ Exploring new technologies 📚 Sharing my learning journey on GitHub.

Building software with ♥ from Tepic (México) to the world.

Kauê Matos iKaueMatos
Java Software Developer, Studying Computer Science 7th Semester

São Paulo,Caieiras

Deepak Kumar deep-45deepak
Programmer and Developer 🍃

Undergraduate Student 🍃 Faridabad Haryana

Christopher Arranz CA-Arranz
interests: programming, AI, full stack Web Development,Web accessibility, engineering, mechanics, Biochemistry, science. Qualified Boilermaker by Trade.

Arranz Welding Australia,Victoria

Yuri Mutti yurimutti
Software Engineer, Co-founder at @detrash, Speaker, and OpenSource (OSS) enthusiast.

Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Will Raymond WillTheFarmer
Farmer, Engineer, Animal Whisperer, Database Designer, Guitarist and Software Developer

Farm Fresh Software Adirondack Region, New York

Joshua Greenfield jlgjobhunt
Open for 1099 work for hire. Grinding 24/7 on projects.

None Ever Worth Mentioning Except With Disdain, Hatred, and Regret USA (the embarrassment that's full of users)

Selo Selonian83
Je suis en apprentissage en attendant un retour a l'ecole ... j'explore
Muzi Zwane MuziZwane

We Think Code Johannesburg, South Africa